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101. They had to _______ at the back of the garden for two hours to find the
missing car keys.
A. bed out B. ransack C. root around D. turn upside down
102. Because of the old man’s poor health, it took him a long time to ________ his
bad cold.
A. throw off B. throw away C. throw down D. throw over
103. We intend to ________ with the old computer system as soon as we have
developed a better one.
A. do up B. do away C. do in D. do down
104. He was so mean that he couldn’t bear to _________the smallest sum of
money for the charity appeal.
A. pay off B. part with C. give in D. let out
105. When the funds finally ___________, they had to abandon the scheme and
inevitably went bankrupt.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
106. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to ________ heavy
pressure from his colleagues.
A. fend off B. laugh off C. send off D. push off
107. He is a conman who makes a habit of_________ people’s savings- The local
police should crack down on this problem, really.
A. getting down to B. getting off to C. running off with D. going through
108. The short-tempered man does not _________ his fellow-workers and there are
often disagreements between them.
A. get on with B. put up with C. go on with D. keep up with
109. I have been trying to ring him up all day and I could not _________ through.
It must be because of the severe storm last night that disrupt the line.
A. get B. take C. look D. hang
110. You look tired after completing loads of work. Why don’t we _________ and
have a good rest?
A. call its name B. call on C. call it a day D. call of
111. Because the conference will start soon, I may only have time to dip
_________ the report.
A. into B. down C. through D. in
112. I don’t think anyone understood what I was saying at the meeting, did they? I
totally failed to get my point _________ .
A. around B. along C. across D. about
113. My mother told me to _________ for an electrician when her fan was out of
A. send B. write C. rent D. turn 114. As they came under heavy fire,
the captain ordered his men to _______.
A. fall away B. fall over C. fall back D. fall out
115. As my secretary will be away for a couple of days, would you be kind enough
to _________ my correspondence?
A. play back B. bring off C. take care of D. return to
116. As the weather is getting more severe, governments should _______
international laws against overexploitation of natural resources to combat climate
A. bring up B.bring about C. bring in D. bring back
117. Only a few students who have excellent life skils can manage to eke
_________ their student loan till theend of the year. B. out C. in D. through
118. Working to _________through with my university years did, in retrospect,
prepare me for life aftergraduation.
A. get B. pull C. see D. make
119. I’ve never been lazing _____ and have already crammed as much into each
day as I could- the entrance exam takes place in just 2 months.
A. away B. around C. round D. off
120. As she did not have much time left, she only ______ a quick letter to her
beloved family and friends.
A. put off B. dashed off C. come off D. paid off
121. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels _______ up a friendship the very first time
they met.
A. struck B. launched C. cropped D. settled
122. Despite all the interruptions from the background, he was still able to ______
with his work.
A. stick at B. hold on C. hang out D. press on
123. With Internet connection, students and professionals will be able to ______
and explore the world as they have never done before.
A. log on B. take on C. log off D. switch on
124. I have been meaning to _____ going to the local hospital to donate blood for
A. get round to B. get out of C. get up to D. get on to
125. Before you run _____ other people, it is as well to consider your own fault. A.
over B. up C. down D. after
126. Donald Trump is a tough character and won’t let anyone push him ________
no matter what happens.
A. up B. off C. around D. through
127. At the theater last night, everyone creased ______ when the actor walked in
wearing a dress!
A. up B. off C. on D. out
128. He wasn’t sure if he’d be any good at gardening, but actually he took ____ it
A. to B. after C. on D. in
129. The hotel we stayed at in Da Nang was so awesome ! – I could just _____ on
this scenic view the whole weekend.
A. bliss out B. bliss into C. bliss upon D. bliss across
130. After the accident, everyone started to _______ around the old woman on the
floor, but no one offered her any help.
A. crowd B. spread C.put D. hang
131. I’ve been revising all day for the exam but I don’t think much of it has _____
A. come B. gotten C. dived D. sunk
132. Your grumpy boss will surely tick you _____ if you’re late for work again. A.
up B. at C. on D. off
133. The engine keeps ______ out. I think it’s time we bought a new car. A. cutting
B. putting C. crying D. making
134. He ________ a great job straight after university because his father is a big
fish in city politics.
A. came into B. got through C. walked into D. ran up
135. My student forgot to do the homework again! He still ________the same old
excuses last time this happened.
A. made out B. wheeled out C. blotted out D. cut out
136. When she accused him of stealing her Gucci handkerchief, he _______ that he
hadn’t done it.
A. swore off B. swore out C. swore by D. swore down
137. They kept saying they were interested in my presentation, but they were just
A. stringing me along B. laying me around
C. catching me out D. taking me on
138. The truth finally _______ about the death of that famous actress when it was
broadcast on TV.
A. found out B. hovered out C. sank in D. showed out
139. The live concert has been so successful that they have ________ for another
fortnight. A. held it over B. ticked it off C. blown it over D. carried it off
140. When he’s depressed, he needs someone like a good friend to ________. A.
hammer on B. pour out C. dump on D. drum out
141. Old and conservative people are always _______ cliches like ‘money doesn’t
grow on trees’ and so on.
A. giving out B. putting out C. butting out D. trotting out
142. Kim Jisoo has an unbelievable voice. Her singing is absolutely _______.
A. out of this life B. beyond this world C. out of this world D. beyond this life
143. Please don’t ______ yourself out. A sandwich will do.
A. let B. take C. put D. leave
144. It was our mistake not to ______ there being so much traffic, and we missed
the train to Ha Noi.
A. bargain on B. favor on C. carry it away D. carry it on
145. Their predictions were not _______ by subsequent events. In fact, the very
opposite occurred.
A. carried out B. borne off C. borne out D. carried off
146. Many people on board died in the film Titanic as there were not enough life
jackets to go _______.
A. about B. round C. through D. on with
147. I remember the first time I met John when we were in grade 5. We ______
immediately, and we’ve been friends ever since.
A. struck it off B. struck it up C. hit it off D. hit upon it
148. It must be very difficult to _____ our boss _____ to fixing a date for the
meeting – You might have to turn up on that day whatever happens.
A. put down B. strike down C. pin down D. heel down
149. Ho Chi Minh ______ a full account of his time at Quang Tay prison in his
book Nhat Ky Trong Tu.
A. brought about B. took on C. caught out D. wrote up
150. The noise from Vietnamese fans celebrating their football team’s victory at
SEA Games didn’t ______ until early in the morning.
A. shut off B. give away C. let up D. fall over
151. The contemptibly overproud employee got it into his head he was being
______ for promotion.
A. passed over B. got over with C. smoothed over D. taken over
152. Last month, beaches in Scotland were ______ as police searched for canisters
of toxic waste from the damaged ship.
A. sealed off B. cut off C. washed off D. tapered off
153. According to historians, dozens of rebellions ______ across Viet Nam in the
early years of the eighteenth century, which led to a civil war.
A. rose up B. turned out C. came up D. broke out
154. The famous singer’s performance was so exciting that many of his fans were
_______ enthusiasm.
A. carried away with B. flooded out with
C. taken back with D. stirred up with
155. Her back is playing her _______ during her period! She can do virtually
nothing while it’s so painful.
A. on B. in C. up D. against
156. The pessimistic girl threatened to do herself ______ when her boyfriend ran
away with her best friend!
A. on B. in C. up D. down
157. The policeman was really quick and experienced! He even managed to
______ the registration of the car as it sped away.
A. spot up B. jot down C. dot off D. slot up
158. As the class monitor, I will have to ______ students _______ on what’s been
happening in their absence when they come back from sick leave.
A. bring…up B. carry…on C. catch…up D. fill…in
159. Everything is sold out quickly! – Many people believe that they need to
______ food before the lockdown.A. stock up on B. knock up on C. club up on D.
fork up for
160. I wish my strict English teacher wouldn’t _____ me about neglecting the
homework - I was really busy with other matters yesterday, to be honest.
A. talk down to B. have it out with C. play down to D. keep on at
161. As a _________, politicians and other public figures should avoid making
direct statements that could be used against them.
A. show of hands B. word of mouth C. rule of thumb D. change of heart
162. To make a profit, we’ll have to add a few thousand new customers to our list,
which is __________. A. a piece of cake B. out of order C. out of our depth
D. a tall order 163. The thieves took ___________ when they heard a police
car approaching.
A. retreat B. flight C. escape D. getaway
164. By the ___________ of it, the economy will improve over the next few
A. face B. impression C. evidence D. look
165. No matter how serious the sporting event, once an animal becomes involved ,
it will almost certainly steal the ___________.
A. highlight B. limelight C. footlight D. spotlight
166. Mark decided to follow in his father’s ___________ and became a dentist. A.
advice B. way C. road D. footsteps
167. Like more and more women, she believes marriage would ___________ her
A.restricts B. impedes C. obstructs D. cramps
168. If you are going to town, keep your eyes ________ for that book I was telling
you about.
A. peeled B. clean C. wide D. fresh
169. As his whole family were doctors, it was in his ___________ to take up that
A. blood B. spirit C. soul D. heart
170. The Higg Boson became hot ___________ talk following the release of a
series of Hollywood movies based loosely around the discovery of a so-called
“God Particle”.
A. common B. topic C. table D. subject
171. The project has progressed in ___________and starts due to a constant change
in funding.
A. wits B. bits C. fits D. sits
172. When I got stuck in the elevator, I was scared out of my ________.
A. brains B. head C. wits D. nerves
173. After a month, I will ___________ the ropes and won’t keep bothering you
for help.
A. show B. learn C. get D. finish
174. - Nadine: “I’ve been offered $550 for my stereo. Should I take it or wait for a
better one?” Kitty: “Take the $550. ______.”
A. Actions speak louder than words. B. Kill two birds with one stone.
C. The early bird catches the worm. D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the
175. I do wish you would stop cracking your fingers; it ______ my teeth on edge.
A. gets B. makes C. puts D. sets
176. Owing to the heavy traffic on the road to the airport, it was ________ whether
we would be in time to catch our plane.
A. win or lose B. touch and go C. come and go D. on and off
177. Volunteers will risk life and ______ in an emergency when they are called on
to rescue foolhardy or unlucky climbers.
A. limb B. blood C. bone D. flesh
178. It stands to reason that a touch of humour and optimism can work _________.
A. on all cylinders B. spectacles C. wonders D. your finger to the bones 179.
I can’t imagine Mary dancing on a table - she’s much too prim and ____________.
A. perfect B. correct C. right D. proper
180. Revenge at last! I always said I would ____________ my own back on Steve,
and now I have.
A. turn B. get C. do D. make
181. Mary always hands in her homework on time and is given a lot of praise from
her teacher. The other students think she’s such a ____.
A. teacher’s toy B. teacher’s jewel C. teacher’s pet D. teacher’s sweet
182. What’s wrong with our boss today? Did he get out of bed on the wrong ____?
A. end B. side C. foot D. edge
183. This mozzarella cheese pizza is so delicious. It’s ______.
A. a done thing B. done to a turn C. a done deal D. done and dusted
184. In spite of working their fingers to the _________, all the staff have been
made redundant during the pandemic.
A. nail B. edge C. flesh D. bone
185. The cold winter weather is really playing ______ with the spread of many
pneumonia-like viruses.
A. along B. cat and mouse C. havoc D. trick
186. “Why don’t we go to the nursing home to visit the elderly this weekend?”
“That’s what I was just about to suggest. Great minds ________.”
A. think alike B. think the same C. meet each other D. meet likewise
187. Don’t throw that old sweater away – it might ______ one day.
A. come into use B. come into handy C. come in use D. come in handy
188. I’ve been racking my _______ to remember the answer to that History
question but it still won’t come.
A. mind B. thoughts C. brain D. ideas
189. The Ministry of Health is working ___________ with local hospitals in an
effort to stamp out the pandemic.
A. hand in glove B. hand over fist C. hand in hand D. head over heals
190. Many workaholic individuals are extremely successful in their career, but it is
often ___________ of their marriage.
A. no end B. at the expense C. in the hope D. a means to an end
191. Although many Vietnamese doctors had never used a RT-PCR system before,
they soon got the ___________ of it.
A. touch B. swing C. hang D. feel
192. News of the new coronavirus cases spreads like ___________ on social
A. the plague B. butter C. wildfire D. a flood
193. Billie Eilish’s punk hairstyle and oversized clothes showed she was not one
for following the ___________.
A. flock B. herd C. swarm D. group
194. I’m determined to finish revising for the test by the end of the week, come
rain or ____________.
A. shine B. sun C. sunny D. dry
195. Despite all the evidence, the strong headed boy wouldn’t admit that he was in
the ___________.
A. fault B. error C. wrong D. slip
196. Buying shares in this company is as safe as ___________. There’s no way you
can lose your money.
A. houses B. a bank C. gold bars D. a vaul
197. I couldn’t get a wink of sleep last night, so I’m not really on the ___________
A. mark B. fringe C. ball D. weakness
198. I know it’s difficult to accept such a harsh truth but you’ll just have
to_________and bear it.
A. grind B. smile C. grin D. chuckle
199. Children born out of ___________ shouldn’t be made fun of, especially in the
academic environment.
A. marriage B. marriage license C. wedlock D. home
200. As the maestro lifted his baton the theater was so still you could hear
A. his heartbeat B. a pin drop C. bird wings D. the drum beating

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