Almira Afiah - Uts Qualitative - 2001055066

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Almira afiah azaria


Coding Instruction
A-1 : Interviewer
B-1 : Participant

Aspect :
I – A : Learning English before using a movie.
I – B : Learning English through watching a movie.

Information Coding
A-1 What is your struggle before you learn speaking English I–A
through teaching a movie?
B-1 My difficulty learning English before watching movies, I-A
is that I don't know how to pronounce it. What is an
obstacle for me is, is the way of pronouncing it because
it is very confusing. As we know that English has a lot
of pronunciation. So, for me, the mention of the word is
a problem for me.
A-1 When you first start learning, speaking English, is there I–B
any different when you first before you improve yourself
by watching a movie?
B-1 Okay, so I watching a film, really help me in learning to I-B
speak English and I continued to practice it so that I
experience Improvement in speaking even though I
wasn't fluent yet. And to be honest, learning to speak
using the method of watching movies was very effective
because we could hear and practice it directly. Instead of
having to read it.
A-1 What do you achieve after you learn speaking English to I-B
watching a movie?
B-1 They watching movies, I have improved quite rapidly in I-B
speaking because I can know how to pronounce it also
Know, the meaning of the vocabulary that the actor
translate of course, that really adds to my inside and
make it easier for me to speak in English. Okay, let's
Griffin how much watching movies contribute and your
speaking skills. I often watch your film and many films
that I see where I study. Of course, many of the films
that I wish really contribute to my life and really take
part in my English learning process so far.
A-1 Okay, thankyou for the information. I-B
Findings :
1) (A1 and B1) The results of the interview above are the researcher's interview with
participants, based on the results above it shows that when the student used film as a
learning medium to learn English, he felt difficulty in terms of sentences, as well as
direct pronunciation. The results of the study showed that these students felt more
effective when learning English using films than just reading.
Conclusion :
The conclusion is learning English through the film is more effective and easier for
students to understand.

Research results from various interviews with informants is related to M. Irwansyah

Putra’s research, his research about Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Through
English Movies, the research told that movie can improve :
 Pronunciation skill.
 Fluency skill.
 And grammar skill.
Then related to Parmawati and Inayah’s research, their research showed that increase
in student grades. Based on the results of previous studies, that the results of
interview with four participants is relavant and it is proven that films can improve
knowledge and skills in English.

Apriani, Salmi., & Sari,. Dian. (2020). Improving English University Student’s
Speaking Skill Through Effortless English Movie Technique. Journal
Polingua. 9 (20), 44-47.

Parmawati,. & Inayah. (2019). IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL

COMMUNICATION. Eltin Journal : Journal of English Language Teaching
in Indonesia. 7 (2), 43-53.
Putra, Irwansyah. (n.d). Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through English

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