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Choose the correct answer below!

1. Which country is more attractive? Japan _________ France?

A. And
B. Or
C. But
D. Yet
2. Camels can live in the desert _________ penguins cannot live there.
A. So
B. And
C. But
D. Or
3. Bali has many beautiful beaches _________ many tourist come to visit
A. Or
B. Yet
C. But
D. So
4. Bella thought she had a good chance to get a good score in Math, _________ his father
was her math teacher
A. So
B. And
C. Yet
D. For
5. Mark and his team arrived this afternoon, _________ they just left 15 minutes ago
a. For
b. Or
c. And
d. So
6. I do not like singing _________ dancing
A. Or
B. Nor
C. And
D. Yet
7. Rina is very talkactive, _________ she doesn’t like to sharing about her problem with us
A. So
B. And
C. For
D. But
8. You can write a narrative text _________ a report text
A. And
B. Or
C. Whether
D. For
9. This book is cheap, _________ the content is complete
A. And
B. For
C. Yet
D. So
10. Budi has lived in London for more than 10 years, _________ he can speak English well
A. So
B. And
C. Or
D. Either

Choose the correct answer below!

1. I didn’t want to be late, _________ I hurried

A. Nor
B. And
C. But
D. So
2. Mike went to the beach, _________ he learn to surf
A. Or
B. But
C. And
D. For
3. Some children were afraid to dive into the pool, _________ I dove in right way
A. Yet
B. But
C. So
D. And
4. Johnny want to go skateboarding with his friend, _________ it was raining outside
A. Yet
B. So
C. And
D. But
5. What is coordinating conjunction in the sentence?
Tina doesn’t like salads, nor does she like vegetables
A. Like
B. Nor
C. Does
D. Does not
6. What is coordinating conjunction in the sentence?
The man is fast, but the woman is faster
A. Fast
B. Or
C. The
D. Faster
7. Which coordinating conjunction best completes the sentence?
Charlie worked for 1 hours on his homework, _________ he didn’t finish everything
A. And
B. But
C. Nor
D. So
8. Which coordinating conjunction best completes the sentence?
She didn’t study, _________ she failed the test
A. For
B. So
C. Nor
D. And
9. Which coordinating conjunction best completes the sentence?
Should we go by train, _________ should we take the bus?
A. So
B. Or
C. For
D. Yet
10. Which coordinating conjunction should you use to make this two sentences into one
compound sentence?
Sarah wants to go get ice cream. I would rather buy churros
A. For
B. Nor
C. And
D. But

Choose the correct answer below!

1. Which coordinating conjunction should you use to make this two sentences into one
compound sentence?
Kevin didn’t bring any chocolate chips. I will need to go to the store after school
A. So
B. Yet
C. Or
D. Nor
2. Which coordinating conjunction best completes the sentence?
I want chocolate ice cream, _________ I want chocolate cake
A. So
B. Nor
C. And
D. But
3. I want to sleep at 8.00 o’clock, _________ I steel feel sleepy
A. Yet
B. For
C. So
D. And
4. My mom doesn’t like chocolate ice cream, _________ does she like vanilla
A. Nor
B. But
C. Or
D. So
5. What does acronym FANBOYS stand for?
A. For, And, Nor, But, Yet, Since
B. For, And, Nor, Because, Or, Yet, So
C. Finally, After, Neither, Once, Yet, Since
D. For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
6. What is the function of the underlined coordinating conjunction?
Jimmy throw the ball and the bat into the air
A. Connecting subjects
B. Connecting verbs
C. Connecting objects
D. Connecting complete thoughts
7. What is the function of the underlined coordinating conjunction?
I’ll go on a run, or I’ll read my magazine
A. Connecting subjects
B. Connecting verbs
C. Connecting objects
D. Connecting complete thoughts
8. Identify the correct coordinating conjunction
People love the artist’s painting, _________ he paints beautifully
A. Nor
B. Yet
C. For
D. Or
9. Identify the correct coordinating conjunction
You can have spaghetti _________ lasagna. You can’t have both
A. But
B. Or
C. And
D. Nor
10. Which coordinating conjunction best complete the sentences?
She must have been tired, _________ she fell asleep quickly
A. Or
B. Yet
C. For
D. And
11. Which coordinating conjunction best complete the sentences?
My mom didn’t want to go to the store, _________ did she want to get out of bed
A. Nor
B. But
C. Or
D. Yet
12. Which coordinating conjunction best complete the sentences?
I’m allergic to cats, _________ I have two of them
A. For
B. Yet
C. Or
D. And

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