Data Presentation

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- Data is information collected in form of numbers

- Data collected by scientists and researchers can be presented in different ways so that
it is easier to understand, interpret and analyse the information.


- Is a circular graph divided proportionally into segments to illustrate one set of data as
a percentage of the total.
- Each sector is represented as a portion of 360o because there is 360o in a full circle
- The angle of each sector is proportional to the amount of data in that data set. The
more data there is, the larger the angle.

Constructing a pie chart

- 36 learners were asked the type of transport they use to get to school every day. The
number of learners that use each transport type were recorded in the table below
Transport type Number of learners
Bicycle 3
Bus 9
Car 2
Kombi 8
Foot 14
- Calculate the size of the angle for each sector and percentage of the data relative to the
total number of learners.
Transport type Number of Size of angle (o) % number of learners
Bicycle 3

Bus 9

Car 2

Kombi 8

Foot 14
• Draw a circle using a mathematical compass and use a radius of about 3cm. Draw
a radius line from the centre to the edge to intersect the circle.
• Using a protractor, measure the central angle of each sector in a clockwise

• Start with the largest angle and end with the sector with the smallest central angle.
• Draw a line between each sector. The end of sector is the beginning of each new

Example 1 There are 142 animals in an enclosure. Table 1.3 shows the number of animals
for each animal type
Animal type Number
Buffalo 70
Elephant 46
Rhino 26

a. Calculate the central angles of each data set

b. Draw the pie chart to represent the information
Example 2 A learner collected data on the numbers of learners coming from other
countries other than Zimbabwe.
Country % number of learner
Mozambique 7%
Congo 19%
South Africa 5%
China 26%
Malawi 14%
Canada 2%
Germany 10%
Namibia 17%
a. If there are 42 learners from other countries in your school, calculate
the number learners from each school
b. Calculate the central angles for each country
c. Draw a pie chart to represent the set of data
Line graphs
- When plotting a line graph;
• Draw and label axes – axes should be labelled with the quantity and the unit in a
similar manner to column headings in a table. The independent variable (the one
you control) is put on the horizontal axis (x-axis). The dependent variable (the one
that changes due to changes in the independent variable) goes on the vertical axis
• Choose sensible scales – scales should be chosen so that the points occupy at least
half the sheet of graph paper used. You do not necessarily have to include the
origin on the graph.
• Plot points accurately – points should be plotted by drawing a small cross (+) with
a sharp pencil. Do not use dots or blobs
• Draw the best-fit straight line or best smooth curve – when you draw a straight
line use a 30cm ruler and a sharp pencil. There should be an equal number of
points above and below the line. Take care that those points above and those
below the line are evenly distributed along the line.
- Curves should be drawn with a single sweep, with no feathering or sudden jerks
- Always give the graph a heading
- The line that you draw after plotting the points, should always show up the general
pattern that the results take.
- A graph can show a steady increase or decrease in the measurements. This kind of
pattern is called a trend.
- A graph can show the high points and low points in your measurements (peaks and
- A graph can be used to find values that you have not actually measured

Example 1 An investigation was carried out to find out the effect of temperature on
germination time. Table below shows the results of the investigation
Temperature/oC 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 50
time/ days 20 15 6 4 8 13 22 No germination
a) Plot the graph of germination time against temperature
b) From your curve, how long would these seeds take to germinate when
temperature was 15oC?
c) Explain why there was no germination at 50oC.

- Physical quantity is a property of an object or substance that can be measured using an

appropriate measuring instrument.

SI units
- All quantities in science consist of a number and a unit
- There is a system of units used throughout the scientific world known as SI units. The
SI units are based on the units of six base quantities:
• Length metre (m)
• Mass kilogram (kg)
• Time second (s)
• Temperature Kelvin (K)
• Electric current ampere (A)
• Amount of substance mole (mol)

Derived Units
- The units of all other quantities are derived from these base units. For example, speed
is found by dividing the distance travelled by the time taken. Therefore the unit of
speed is metres per second which can be written as m/s or ms-1
- Each derived quantity has units which show how it is related to the base quantities.

Example The unit of force is the Newton. What is this in derived SI units?

Force(N) = mass(kg) × acceleration(ms−2)

Unit of mass = kg

Unit of acceleration = ms-2

Therefore units of Newtons = kgms-2
- Length is a straight line distance between two points along an object
- SI unit for length is the metre (m)
- Instruments used to measure length include
• Ruler, measuring tape
• Vernier callipers
• Screw gauge micrometre

- Have markings as small as a centimetre. Each centimetre is divided into 10 divisions
which are millimetre.
- When taking measurements your eye must be directly above the reading to avoid
parallax error
- Place the object to be measured in line with the zero mark to avoid zero error.
- Rulers can measure to the nearest millimetre

Vernier callipers

- Is used to accurately measure the thickness or internal diameter of small objects.

- The callipers use a vernier scale and the simplest type enables a length to be measured
to 0.01cm. it is a small sliding scale which is 9mm long but divided into 10 equal
divisions so;

- One end of length to be measured is made to coincide with the zero of the millimetre
scale and the other end with the zero of the vernier scale
- To measure internal diameter of a narrow tube, place the internal jaws inside the tube.
Move the jaws apart until they touch the inner sides of the object. Once the jaws are in
position, tighten the screw clamp to ensure the vernier scale does not move out of
place while measurement is read.
How to read a vernier
- To measure the internal or external diameter
• Take the millimetres from the man scale marking before the zero on the
vernier scale.
• Take the next reading from the first vernier mark to coincide with a main scale
• Add the two readings

Example What is the reading the instrument shown on the diagram above
Main scale reading = 11mm
Vernier reading = 0.4 mm

Final reading = 11.4mm


Read the following vernier scales

Screw gauge micrometer

- Can measure smaller lengths than the vernier callipers.

- It can measure very small objects to 0.001cm. one revolution of the thimble opens the
accurately flat, parallel jaws by one division on the scale on the shaft of the gauge;
this is usually , i.e. 0.05cm
- If the thimble has a scale of 50 divisions round it, then rotation of the drum by one
division opens the jaws by
- A friction clutch ensures that the jaws exert the same force when the object is gripped.
- To read the micrometer

1. Take the reading of millimetres and half millimetres from the sleeve 3.50mm
2. Take the reading from the thimble 0.11mm
3. Add the readings together 3.61mm

EXERCISE Read a micrometer screw gauge


DENSITY Density of liquids

- Density is the mass per unit volume

- The units of density is g/cm3 or kg/m3


- To determine density of a liquid, first determine both its mass and volume
- Volume is found by pouring the liquid into a measuring cylinder
- Mass is found by;
• Weighing the beaker and record its mass in grams
• Pour the liquid into the beaker and measure the mass in grams
• Subtract the two measurements of mass, to find the mass of water
- Then use the mass and volume obtained to find its density

- It is the force acting on mass due to gravity. It is the pull of gravity on the body - It is
measured in Newtons (N) using a spring balance or forcemeter
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 × 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦
W = mg
- The gravitation field strength near the surface of the earth is 10Nkg-1. Therefore a
mass of about 100g (0.1kg) has a weight of just less than 1N on the earth’s surface.
- Its weight on moon is only 0.16N. The gravitational acceleration on the moon is not
the same as on the earth. On the moon gravitational acceleration is 1.6Nkgs-1 while on
earth is 10Nkg-1

Example An astronaut and his spacesuit have a total mass of 120kg. What will be his

(a) Weight on earth (b) Mass on moon (c) Weight on moon

Differences between mass and weight

Mass Weight
- Is a measure of the body’s inertia - force acting on mass due to gravity
- Measured in kilograms using a - Measured in newtons using a force
balance meter or spring balance
- Depends on inertia - Depends on mass
- Is independent of the position of - Varies according to the
a body gravitational field in which the
- Has only magnitude and no body lies
direction - Has both magnitude and direction

- Linear momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity

- It is a measure of an object’s resistance to stop.
- The units are kgms-1
𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 × 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
- For example, that a body of mass 2 kg travelling 3ms-1 has a momentum of 6kgms-1.
A body of the same mass travelling at the same speed but in the opposite direction has
a moment of 6kgms-1

Example 1 A trolley has a mass of 30Kg. The trolley is moving at a constant (uniform)
velocity of 2ms-1 to the right. Calculate the momentum of the trolley.

Example 2 calculate the momentum of a cruise tuner of mass 20 000tonne when

travelling at 6.0ms-1 (1 tonne = 1000kg)
- It is the property of a mass which resists change from its state rest or uniform motion.
- The inertia of an object refers to the reluctance of the object to start moving if it is
stationery or reluctance of the object to stop moving if it is moving in the first

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