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Lab # 2: Produce the replications.


LAB # 2
OBJECTIVE: To produce the replications of Arena model & Plot different characteristics of
entities, queues, and resources.

Task1: Plot at least one characteristic of queue, entities, and resources

Task2: Make 5 replications of simulation run fill the PMT for each replication.

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 1

Lab # 2: Produce the replications. SSUET/QR/114

Task3: Change Arrivals from 5 to 2.5 run the model for 5 replications and fill PMT.

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 2

Lab # 2: Produce the replications. SSUET/QR/114

Task4: Change the length of model to 720min.inter arrival time back to 5 and fill the

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 3

Lab # 2: Produce the replications. SSUET/QR/114

Task5: Suppose that machine needs to be setup for 2 min before processing each part. Change the
delay type and run length to 1440 min and fill PMT.

CE-409: Simulation and Modeling 4

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