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- QUESTIONS: Indirect questions (I’m wondering whether you have experienced such an
embarrassing moment as I did when…)
Question tags (Making fun of somebody falling down is horrible, isn´t it?)

- BE/ GET USED TO + ING (This situation is something you can´t really get used to)

- FUTURE: Be about to+ inf. // Be on the point, verge of +- ing ( When I was about to carry my
food, it fell down) // What I am on the point of sharing with you is something...
Be to+ inf (This is to happen) (I was to grab…., but I fell down)

- PASSIVE: + Have/get something done (While walking in the street, I had my bag stolen)

- DISTANCING: Reported passives It subject: It is believed that my project was sabotaged)

Personal subject: My project is believed to have
been sabotaged)
Seem/ appear/ others: It subject: It seems/ appears that …
Personal subject: My project seems/ appears to have
been sabotaged.

- SPECULATION: with modal verbs (+ perfect infinitive (past)) : He might have fallen down

- POSSIBILITY: Be likely to+ infinitive He is likely to have fallen down

Be bound to+ infinitive He is bound to have fallen down

- CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: Second with a twist ( If I were to do it, I would ask you first)
Second with inversion (Were I to do it…)
Third (If I had known his circumstances, I ‘d (I would) have
been more polite then)
Mixed (If I had known his circumstances, I would be more polite
Alternatives, including inversion (Had I known…)
(But for your help, I wouldn´t
have done it)

- UNREAL USES OF PAST TENSES: I wish + Past/ past perfect (I wish I hadn’t dropped it)
I’d rather + Past/ past perfect (I’d rather you hadn´t done
You’d better+ inf (You’d better ask for help)
It’s time+ to inf/ past (It’s time to ask for help / It’s time
you asked for help)

- EMPHASIS: Inversion (No sooner had I arrived than he left)

Cleft sentences (What bothered me more about that situation was that…)
Emphatic do ( I did tell you what had happened)
So and such (It was such an embarrassing situation that …)
- NOMINALIZATION (The rapid increase in crime)

- DANGLING or STRANDED PREPOSITIONS/ PREP + Relative clauses (What I’m talking about
is…) / The topic about which I ‘m talking (very formal) (not for speaking)

- USE OF “THEY” : Everybody should give their opinion.

- THE MORE, THE MORE…. (The more people looked at me, the more embarrassed I felt)

- PARTICIPLE CLAUSES WITH CONJUNCTIONS (While falling down, I could hear people

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