Support Creativity Accelerate Decision Making Think Out Side The Box Tolerate Failure Rewards and Incentives

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staff development plans, ensure operations, monitor outcomes, and control the workforce with the
purpose to achieve strategic goals. Leaders influence overall organizational performance by their
decisions, strategic vision, skills, and leadership (Bhatti, et al., 2018). Moreover, leaders have a
key role in developing organizational culture. Therefore, if essence drinks want to ensure the target
of innovation then they need to start from the organizational leadership.

Essence Drinks can organize a session with managerial staff working at the bottom level to
top level (hierarchical) positions to educate them about the need for innovation in the organization.
Research and development (R&D) department can assist by providing detailed information about
the competitive position, future forecasting, and possibilities of innovations. Essence Drinks can
provide financial advantages and incentives to encourage leaders to work on innovation in the
current processes and products. In fact, leaders will have to bring changes in their leadership styles
to become an innovative leader (Keeley, et al., 2013). Five simple steps presented below can help
Essence Drinks to embed innovation in their leaders and managerial staff.

Support creativity

Accelerate Decision making

Think out side the box

Tolerate Failure

Rewards and Incentives

Beliefs and thoughts of leaders about how and what things should be done in the
organization are the basis for the organizational culture. It depends upon the perceived value of
the organizational mission and vision. In a nutshell, leaders can influence and create organizational
culture. In the Essence Drinks, innovative leaders can introduce new policies and strategies that
will make the whole organizational culture embedded with innovation (Snyder & Duarte, 2003).
Leaders will ensure integration and dynamic organizational structure to encourage each and every
employee help themselves to bring improvement. The organization will provide confidence to their
workforce to take actions without any fear for the purpose to make processes more efficient.
Moreover, Essence Drinks also need to embrace a multi-faceted approach to innovation at each
level (particularly at front line).

3) Forms and Directions

Common forms of innovation are radical innovation, disruptive innovation, incremental

innovation, and architectural innovation. Incremental innovation is a commonly adopted
innovation in organizations (Wittke & Hanekop, 2011). While disruptive innovation form is about
innovation in the technological systems implemented in the organizations that make the company
enough strong to process products in relatively less cost as compared to the other competitor
products. Innovation is not limited to product development or improvement only (Keeley, et al.,

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