A01 - Lecture Note Chap 14

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University of Foreign Languages and International Studies


Student’s name: …………………………………………………… Interviewing and
Date of birth: ………………………………………………………. Following up
Fill the gap with a suitable word or phrase. Use textbook as a reference.

1. Name the main purposes of interviews- for job candidates as well as for

Everyone agrees that job interviews are extremely stressful. However, the more you learn
about the process and the more prepared you are, the less stress you will feel. It is also
important to realize that a job interview is a (1) ____________ street. It is not just about
being judged by the employer. You, the applicant, will be using the job interview to
evaluate the employer.

An interview has several purposes for you as a job candidate. It is an opportunity to

convince the employer of your (2) ____________; find out more about the job and the
company; and expand on the information in your (3) ____________. This is the time to
gather information about whether you would fit into the company culture. You should
also be thinking about whether this job suits your career goals.

From the employer’s perspective, the interview is an opportunity to (4) ____________

your abilities in relation to the requirements for the position; discuss your training,
experience, knowledge, and (5) ____________ in more detail; see what drives and
motivates you; and decide whether you would fit into the organization.

2. Briefly describe the types of interviews you may encounter

(6) ____________ interviews are intended to eliminate those who fail to meet minimum
requirements. Companies use such interviews to save time and money by weeding out
lesser-qualified candidates before scheduling face-to-face interviews.

The most promising candidates selected from (7) ____________interviews will be

invited to hiring/placement interviews. Hiring managers want to learn whether candidates
are motivated, qualified, and a good fit for the position.

Conducted in depth, hiring/placement interviews may take many forms:

§ In (8) ____________ interviews, which are the most common type, you can expect
to sit down with a company representative and talk about the job and your
§ (9) ____________ interviews are typically conducted by people who will be your
supervisors and colleagues. Usually seated around a table, interviewers may take
turns asking questions.
§ (10) ____________ interviews occur when a company interviews several
candidates for the same position at the same time. Some employers use this
technique to measure leadership skills and communication styles.
§ (11) ____________ interviews allow a candidate to meet individually with two or
more interviewers over the course of several hours or days.
§ (12) ____________ interviews are meant to test your reactions during nerve-
wracking situations. You may be forced to wait a long time before being greeted
by the interviewer, you may be given a test with an impossible time limit, or you
may be treated rudely by one or more of the interviewers.

3. What should you prepare before an interview?

Once you have sent out at least one résumé or filled out at least one job application, you
must consider yourself an (13) ____________ job seeker, which means that you must be
prepared to be contacted by potential employers.

If you do well in the screening interview, you will be invited to an in-person meeting.
Here are tips for sounding professional and acting appropriately from the beginning and
for preparing for a job interview once it has been scheduled.

Using professional phone techniques. Even with the popularity of e-mail, most
employers contact job applicants by phone to set up interviews. Employers can get a
better (14) ____________ of how applicants communicate by hearing their voices over
the phone. Therefore, once you are actively looking for a job, anytime the phone rings, it
could be a potential employer. Don’t make the mistake of letting an unprofessional voice
mail message or a lazy roommate ruin your chances.

Make the first conversation impressive. Whether you answer the phone directly or return
an employer’s call, make sure you are prepared for the conversation. Job (15)
____________ who sound flustered, unprepared, or unprofessional when an employer
calls may ruin their chances with that company.

Researching the target company. One of the most important steps in effective
interviewing is gathering detailed information about a prospective employer. Before your
interview, take time to research the target company and learn about its goals, customers,
competitors, reputation, and so forth. Never enter an interview (16) ____________.

Preparing and practicing. After you have learned about the target organization, study the
job description or job (17) ____________. It not only helps you write a focused résumé
but also enables you to match your education, experience, and interests with the position.
Learning about the duties and responsibilities of the position will help you practice your
best (18) ____________strategies.

The most successful job candidates are always well-prepared. They prepare (19)
____________stories and practice answers to typical questions. They also plan their
responses to any (20) ____________ areas on their résumés. As part of their preparation
before the interview, they decide what to wear, and they gather the items they plan to take
with them.

4. How can you overcome your fear before and during the interview?

Expect to be nervous before and during the interview. It is natural! Other than public
speaking, employment interviews are the most dreaded events in people’s lives. One of
the best ways to overcome fear is to know what happens in a typical interview. You can
further reduce your fears by five suggestions below:

(21) __________________________________

(22) __________________________________

(23) __________________________________

(24) __________________________________

(25) __________________________________

5. Name interviewing behaviors you can exhibit that send positive nonverbal

(26) __________________________________

(27) __________________________________

(28) __________________________________

(29) __________________________________

(30) __________________________________
(31) __________________________________

(32) __________________________________

(33) __________________________________

6. Name common types of questions you may have in an interview:

(34) __________________________________

(35) __________________________________

(36) __________________________________

(37) __________________________________

(38) __________________________________

(39) __________________________________

(40) __________________________________

(41) __________________________________

7. What should you do after an interview?

After leaving the interview, immediately make (42) ____________of what was said in
case you are called back for a second interview. Write down key points that were
discussed, the names of people you spoke with, and other details of the interview. Ask
yourself what went really well and what could have been (43) ____________. Note your
strengths and weaknesses during the interview so that you can work to improve in future
interviews. Next, write down your (44) ____________ plans. To whom should you send
thank-you letters? Will you contact the employer by phone? If so, when? Besides, you
also need to begin with writing a (45) ____________ letter and contacting your

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