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The Salutation to the Four Directions


Stage One: Facing North, begin by stepping out to the right

and placing the right foot, heel first, onto the floor. Bending at the
knees, gently lower into a
squatting position.

Gathering energy from the earth
with both hands, raise up by
straightening the legs and draw
the energy up. Turn the hands 7
5 at the heart and take them
above the head.

108 © From the book, Dance between Joy and Pain,

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The Salutation tocrisis/transformation
the Four Directions

Open the arms in a wide rainbow gesture and

then draw them back and down to heart
level. Repeat on the other side, stepping out
8 with the left foot.

Stage Two: Reach the
arms out to the right hand side,
to draw in the quality of
Acceptance. The arms travel
up and over the head and
circle down and back once 12
again to the outstretched 13
position. Imagine: The colour blue.
Affirm: I accept all that life offers me.
© From the book, Dance between Joy and Pain, 109

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The Salutation to the Four Directions

Draw the hands back to the heart and hold for a moment, thinking about the
quality of Acceptance. Repeat on the left side.




You have now saluted one direction.

Now pivoting on the ball of your right foot, turn to the right, facing East.
Repeat the sequence, drawing in the quality of Gratitude.

Imagine: The colour Red.

Affirm: I am grateful for everything.

110 © From the book, Dance between Joy and Pain,

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The Salutation tocrisis/transformation
the Four Directions

Pivot once again to the right, now facing South and draw in the quality of
Letting go.

Imagine: The colour White.

Affirm: I let go and flow with my life.

Once more turn to the right. This time you will be facing West, and draw in
the quality of Trust.

Imagine: The colour Green.

Affirm: I trust that everything is for my ultimate good.

A tape is available should you like to have further guidance for this

© From the book, Dance between Joy and Pain, 111

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