English For Specific Purposes Podcasts For Listening Skills

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28 Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, t. 17, nr. 2.

ISSN 1822-430X print/1822-4318 online



Galina Kavaliauskienė1, Lilija Anusienė2

Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania

E-mails: 1gkaval@mruni.lt; 2lilijaa@gmail.com

The most needed ability in everyday communication is skills of listening. Ability to follow a speaker in a
foreign language and respond appropriately needs to be taught like all other language skills.
A novel approach to perfecting listening skills has emerged due to audio publishing online. It is known as
“podcasting” and has become very popular because it offers language learners extra listening practice both
inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, podcasting as online communication technology is a new way to
inspire learning: it provides an exciting way for students and educators to explore and discover educational
content. However, the applicability of podcasting to teaching English needs researching.
This paper addresses research into learners’ perceptions of online listening to podcasts, self-evaluation of
one’s performance in individual listening practice and reflections on practical ways of improving skills of
listening and developing listening competence. Some implications of research are suggested including a
blended learning, i.e. combination of multiple approaches to learning by harmonizing online listening with
classroom audition activities in teaching / learning English for Specific Purposes.

Keywords: English for Specific Purposes, podcasts, self-evaluation, reflections.

DOI: 10.3846/1822-430X.2009.17.2.28-37
The most basic and powerful way to connect
to another person is to listen. Just listen.
Rachel Naomi Remen


An innovative approach to teaching listening and other means of online listening have been
skills has emerged due to the hi-tech develop- around for some time. Podcasts differ from
ments. One of them is a so-called “podcasting” other ways of delivering audio materials online
(a portmanteau of the words iPod and broad- by the opportunity of downloading content
casting), which has recently become very popu- automatically. Podcasting offers learners a wide
lar. The term “podcast” was first coined in 2004, range of possibilities for extra listening practice
and it means the publishing of audio materials both inside and outside the classroom. Podcasts
via the Internet. Audio recordings are designed enable students to practice listening in a self-
to be downloaded and listened to on a portable directed manner and at their own pace. In 2005
MP3 player of any type, or on a personal com- The New Oxford American Dictionary named a
puter. Audio files available for downloading “podcast” its official “Word of the Year.”
Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, 17(2): 28–37 29

The object of our research has been the processing time. Moreover, much of compre-
learners’ perceptions of expedience to in- hension involves drawing inferences. A char-
dividual listening to podcasts. The aims of acteristic feature of listening is a creation of
research have been to examine the challenges mental messages which are stored by learners.
that students face in listening to various authen- This phenomenon is known as a false recogni-
tic English podcasts, and to analyze learners’ tion memory (Rivers 1992).
self-evaluation data on various techniques of Restrictions on learner’s ability to under-
improving listening skills. The methods of the stand the L2 speech are caused just as much by
research include administering an appropriate difficulties of the language as by memory limits
survey to project participants, the analysis of (Cook 1996). All comprehension depends on
self-evaluation data on students’ performance the storing and processing of information by
in podcasting, and learners’ reflections on their the mind. Unfortunately, the human mind is
experience of online listening and listening less efficient in L2 whatever it is doing. In other
activities in the class. The participants in this words, language learners have ‘cognitive deficits’
study are students of different specializations with listening that are not caused by lack of lan-
who study English for Specific Purposes at guage ability but by difficulties with processing
the Faculty of Social Policy, Mykolas Romeris information in the second language.
University, Lithuania. The hypothesis for the The role of vocabulary knowledge and its
present study has been to examine how realistic recognition in listening affects comprehension
students are in assessing their listening abilities of information. The number of long words
and skills. The intended outcome of research and the number of words in a sentence define
has been to formulate the recommendations for comprehensibility of a text. Lexical density is
good practice in helping respondents to perfect a variable showing the percentage of content
skills of listening. words. A vocabulary measure may provide an
indication of how easy it will be for learners
to understand a spoken text. In listening, it is
Overview of literature not just the relative frequency of the content
words that affects comprehension but also how
Language practitioners are well aware that lis- concentrated they are in the text.
tening activity in English for Specific Purposes Another important issue in listening com-
is an active and demanding process of selecting prehension is authenticity of listening materials.
and interpreting information from auditory Authenticity implies real language, which is the
and visual clues. However what is known about hardest to understand, because no concessions
the listening process basically emerges from are made to non-native speakers - language is
research on developments in native language. unlikely to be simplified or spoken slowly. For
In listening, there are several major steps which learners, authenticity often means negative ex-
include determining a reason for listening, pre- pectations, i.e. difficult language. When learners
dicting information, attempting to organize in- listen to unfamiliar speech they hear an almost
formation, assigning a meaning to the message, continuous chain of sounds. Inexperienced
and transferring information from short-term learners do not actually hear the boundaries of
memory to long-term memory. words. For this reason, they describe the speech
An important feature of listening process is as too fast. Experienced learners are able to
that much of processing of incoming informa- break down this chain into separate words in
tion takes place during the pauses in speech. their heads because they are familiar with the
Pauses in natural speech allow students to gain sounds and can create meaningful words with
30 Galina Kavaliauskienė, Lilija Anusienė English for specific purposes: podcasts ...

One of the most difficult tasks for any Podcasts are part of novel online learning
teacher is to teach the skills of listening, because and can serve a number of purposes: to enhance
successful listening skills are acquired over time the range and register of English language
and with lots of practice (Rivers 1992). Learning listening practice material available for the
listening skills is frustrating for students be- students to use in a variety of ways; to provide
cause there are no rules as in grammar teaching. increased connectivity between different ele-
Moreover, listening skills are difficult to quan- ments of the course; to increase the scope for
tify. One of the largest inhibitors for students is discussion activity. The podcasts online have
often a mental block. While listening students given the language teacher a wealth of materi-
suddenly decide they do not understand. At als for teaching listening skills. P. Constantine
this point, many students just tune out – some (2007) examines the subject of podcasts on
students convince themselves they are not able several levels and deals with the questions of
to understand spoken English well and create the podcast advantages, selection of the most
problems for themselves. beneficial podcasts, and discusses how to maxi-
Bottom-up, top-down, and interactive mize learning from podcasts. The advantages of
models have been extensively used over the past podcasts are: firstly, learners can benefit from
decades to teach listening. Some researchers global listening, even if they only listen from
(Flowerdew & Miller 2005) believe that these three to five minutes a day, secondly, students
models do not cater to the complexities of the will be exposed to the new language, thirdly, the
listening process and attempt to introduce a intermediate learner has a need for authentic
pedagogical model for second language lis- texts and to be exposed to a variety of voices.
tening that encompasses individual, cultural, Moreover, podcasts are not just intended for
social, contextualized, affective, strategic, and listening. Often there is a transcript provided
critical dimensions. along with worksheets. A number of websites
Therefore, having examined the above men- interact with the students and ask them to write
tioned sources on developing students’ listening in with questions or comments. An innovative
skills in language classes, it is easier to under- usage of podcasts is to have a learner listen to
stand why Internet audio has suddenly become a podcast and read its transcript (Constantine
popular now. Recent technical innovations 2007). Then the student can make a recording
allow subscribers with portable MP3 players of the material on a cassette tape and submit it
to use technology for downloading podcasts to the teacher along with a written journal. The
and to listen to files at one’s own convenience. teacher listens to the student’s recording and
This opens up new educational potential of us- gives appropriate feedback to the student. This
ing unproductive time for learning. Research type of activity helps the students to develop
into the student reaction to podcasting is still fluency in listening, reading, speaking, pronun-
in progress but early indications from student ciation, and to acquire new vocabulary.
feedback collected so far and analysis of course The survey of the users of podcasts was
tracking suggest that the podcasts were highly published on the BBC world service website.
appreciated and extensively used by students. The data demonstrate that out of 285 responses
According to the online source of the University there were 31% of females of various ages:
of Southampton (http://www.elanguages.ac.uk/ 2% – under 20, about 15% aged 20 to 30,6%
podcast/index.html), the podcasts were fre- aged 30 to 40,8% – 40 to 50. There were 69%
quently downloaded, and “students reported of male users: 6% – under 20, 21% – aged 20
listening to each several times over both for the to 30,17% – aged 30 to 40,15% – aged 40 to 50,
listening practice they provided as well as for 10% – aged 50 plus. It shows that men are more
their entertainment or informational value”. active in downloading podcasts – 69% versus
Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, 17(2): 28–37 31

31%. The age range of English learners is from usefulness of various types of listening experi-
20 to 50 plus. ences. The application of self-evaluation and
It is assumed that podcasting is especially reflections techniques aimed at raising learners’
interesting for English learners as it provides a awareness of their abilities to follow authentic
means for students to get access to “authentic” speech and feasible ways of improving listen-
listening sources about almost any subject that ing skills.
may interest them. Teachers can take advantage Listening to podcasts had to serve a number
of podcasts as a basis for listening comprehen- of learning goals: first, to enhance the range and
sion exercises, as a means of generating conver- register of English language listening practice
sation based on students’ reaction to podcasts, material available for the students to use in a
and as a way of providing each and every stu- variety of ways; second, to provide increased
dent diverse listening materials. connectivity between different elements of the
A brief overview of how podcasting can be course; third, to increase the scope for discus-
used in English language teaching is provided sion activity in the classroom in pairs after stu-
by T. N. Robb, who suggests that there are three dents have shared their listening experiences.
basic modes of activities for podcasting, i.e. The participants in this study were the 1st
students as consumers, when teachers create year full-time students of two different spe-
materials for students or assign them to listen cializations, i.e. the students who study either
to one of the many available ESL podcast sites, psychology, or law and penitentiary activities
or students as producers or publishers, and at the Faculty of Social Policy, Mykolas Romeris
teachers have students create material for others University, Lithuania. Podcasts were chosen by
to listen to, or students practice listening and learners themselves from the website http://
accomplish various exercises. a4esl.org/p/ which included the following sec-
• VOA Special English
Objectives of research • Links to Podcasts for ESL
• Links to Podcasts for Native English
In this study we aimed at examining the chal- Speakers
lenges that students face in listening to various • Links to Downloadable MP3 Files
authentic English podcasts individually and Students were asked to carry out the as-
analyzing learners’ self-evaluation of perfor- signments for homework. The deadline of two
mance. The intended outcome of research is weeks was agreed with each group, by the end
to formulate the recommendations for good of which learners contributed entries to their
practice in perfecting listening skills at tertiary weblogs and answered relevant to podcasting
level. questions of a specially designed questionnaire.
The collected data are analyzed in the following
Research Techniques and Respondents

The research methods included, firstly, the Results and discussion

survey of students’ self-evaluation of their
performance in individual listening to various Students’ self-evaluation data of online listening
podcasts at upper-intermediate, advanced, or experience to podcasts are displayed in Table.
intermediate (for learners of lower proficiency), The results are presented in percentage, which
and, secondly, students’ self-evaluation of per- enables the researchers to compare performance
formance and, thirdly, their reflections on the of both groups quantitatively.
32 Galina Kavaliauskienė, Lilija Anusienė English for specific purposes: podcasts ...

As it has already been mentioned, the par- The self-evaluation data of listening experience to
ticipants of this study were free to choose two podcasts. (Submitted by the 1st year students in
podcasts online and listen to them outside the 2008)
English classroom. The learners were expected Survey questions Specialization Specialization
to choose the podcasts of appropriate level of of Psychology of Law and
English: upper-intermediate, advanced or for Penitentiary
native speakers. However, some of the students 1. Students’ percep- Percentage of Percentage of
chose podcasts at intermediate level. Their ex- tion of the speaking students (16 students (11
rate in a podcast students) students)
cuse was the inability to spot the podcasts of the
right level. The learners of two specializations Fast (Advanced
20% 23%
reported their perceptions of listening experi-
Average (Upper-In-
ences by filling in a feedback questionnaire termediate Level)
56% 59%
which is shown in Appendix 1.
Slow (Intermediate
The first entry in Table gives the percentage Level)
24% 18%
of students’ estimations of speaking rates. The
2. Number of au- Percentage of Percentage of
responses of evaluating recordings at advanced dition to a single audition audition
and upper-intermediate English are similar podcast
for both groups. The responses of assessing re- Once 47% 32%
cordings at intermediate level of English differ
Twice 47% 45%
probably due to generally higher proficiency of
Three times 6% 23%
students of psychology. Interestingly, learners
reported that it had been easier for them to Four times – –
follow American speakers than British speak- 3. Students’ self- Percentage of Percentage of
evaluation of their
ers (these findings are not included in Table). students students
ability to unders-
This can be explained by the research into tand a record
listening abilities (Sharma and Barrett 2007) Very good 6% –
which compared speaking rates by BBC, ABC,
Good 59% 45%
and CNN broadcasting companies. On aver-
Satisfactory 35% 55%
age, BBC broadcasters speak faster than CNN
broadcasters (172 words per minute versus 4. Students’supported Percentage of Percentage of
153 words per minute), but BBC speakers use ways of improving students students
listening skills
longer pauses, which help listeners to process
– listen to podcasts
information. However, linguistic complexity on 76% 64%
as often as possible
BBC sites can complicate comprehension: on
– listen to authentic
average, the sentence length in BBC broadcasts cassette recordings 41% 55%
is 39 words versus 22 words in CNN broadcasts. in class
Nevertheless, speaking rates and linguistic – listen to your
complexity are not the only factors that affect friends in English 18% 9%
the ease of comprehension. It is thought that
listener’s background knowledge, speaking flu- – watch English vi-
deo films or movies 88% 73%
ency and acoustic factors also affect comprehen- on TV
sion significantly. – speak to the nati-
70% 91%
ve English speakers
Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, 17(2): 28–37 33

The second entry in Table gives numbers of to authentic recordings either on CDs or on
audition to a single podcast. The learners’ re- cassettes. However, not every learner is keen on
sponses also reflect the difference in proficiency: such practice basically because of the disparity
fewer learners of psychology specialization had in language proficiency. What seems beneficial
to listen three times – 6% versus 23%, while to some students might be problematic to oth-
almost the same percentage of learners in both ers, and some learners are reluctant to admit
groups had to listen twice. their difficulties in front of the class.
The third entry in Table shows learners’ self- An innovative way of practicing listening
evaluation of their listening abilities. Only 6% skills is podcasting which enables learners to
evaluate their ability as “very good”, 59% versus conduct the activity at their own pace and at the
45% – as “good”, and 35% versus 55% – as “sat- convenient time. Real life listening, e.g. social-
isfactory”. As a matter of fact, listening ability of izing with the native speakers of English, is not
an individual learner is comparable to his/her feasible on the daily basis in this country, but
performance in listening tests in English classes. it is highly appreciated by learners at tertiary
This proves that students’ self-evaluation is quite level. Passive listening by watching TV films is
realistic. also ranked high and can be easily exercised due
Finally, participants’ positive attitudes to to the availability of cable TV that broadcasts
the techniques of improving skills of listening various English channels.
include listening to podcasts (76% and 64%, In this study, the participants self-evaluated
respectively), watching English video films and their listening skills by writing self-assessment
movies on TV (88% and 73%, respectively), entries in their weblogs. Some excerpts from
improving listening by talking to native speak- students’ entries are being reproduced in
ers of English (70% and 91%, respectively) and Appendix 2. The language has not been cor-
listening to authentic recordings in the class- rected for the authenticity reasons.
room (41% and 55%, respectively). However, The learners’ weblogs can be found in one of
listening to peers in English classes is the least the researcher’s weblog http://gkavaliauskiene.
favourite activity – 18% versus 9% depending blogspot.com.
on students’ specialization.
On the issue of comprehensibility (the data
are not included in Table), students mentioned Conclusions and implications
the following techniques they had used for clari- of research
fying the questionable parts of podcasts. Here
are the most common answers: a) looked up The extent to which learners consciously focus
the meaning of unknown words in a dictionary; on aspects of language and the degree of notic-
b) recognized the words by sight from having ing its particular features have been currently
read the available transcript; c) used a diction- debated by linguists and practitioners. This
ary while reading a recorded text; d) guessed the study documents the ways of raising language
meaning from the context. awareness through the listening to authentic
podcasts which is important for language pro-
cessing and learner development.
Reflections on listening activities In this paper, the authors infer that there is
an opportunity for raising language awareness
There are diverse ways of developing listening by employing podcasting. It allows learners to
skills in a foreign language. The most com- carry out homework assignments at their own
mon listening activities in English for Specific pace and under non-threatening conditions.
Purposes classes are the activities of listening The online methodology involves downloading
34 Galina Kavaliauskienė, Lilija Anusienė English for specific purposes: podcasts ...

<http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Constantine- Pod-
a variety of podcasts and listening to them at
the convenient time. A follow-up classroom
discussion on benefits or failures of listening Cook, V. 1996. Second Language Learning and Lan-
to podcasts enables each learner to evaluate guage Teaching. London: Arnold.
their ability to understand authentic records. Flowerdew, J.; Miller, L. 2005. Second Language
Summarizing various types of listening experi- Listening: Theory and Practice. Series Editor Jack C.
ences in individual weblogs allows learners to Richards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
store written records of their achievements.
Podcasts in Our Toolkits (not dated). [Retrieved
The implications of this research are numer- November 2008]. Available from Internet: <http://
ous. First, individual online listening to pod- www.elanguages.ac.uk/podcast/index.html>.
casts at one’s own pace and at the convenient to
a learner time prompts and motivates learners Rivers, V. M. 1992. Communicating Naturally in a
Second Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
to improve skills of listening without being sity Press.
intimidated by possible failure. Second, raising
learners’ awareness of suitable individual ways Robb, T. N. (not dated). Podcasting for ELT–What,
of perfecting skill of listening promotes lan- Why and How? [Retrieved June 2007]. Avai-
guage learning. Third, the novelty and diversity lable from Internet: <http://www.cc.kyoto-su.
of outside class listening motivates learners to
perfect their skills without being observed by Survey of Podcast Users. (not dated). [Retrieved
peers or teachers. Fourth, harmonizing online June 2007]. Available from Internet: <http://www.
listening with classroom audition activities bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/
in teaching/learning English should benefit
all learners. Fifth, learners become aware that Sharma, P.; Barrett, B. 2007. Blended Learning.
listening skills can be improved through a lot Using Technology in and Beyond the Classroom.
of practice of their own choice. Finally, self- London: Macmillan.
assessing one’s achievements and publishing
a self-evaluation report in individual weblogs
encourage learners to keep improving. Appendix 1.
Due to diverse personalities of learners, Podcasting Assignment and
teachers must acknowledge the fact that not Questionnaire of Students’
all learners enjoy using digital technology in Self-Evaluation of Listening Online.
learning. Therefore, blended learning, which is
a combination of multiple approaches to learn- Assignment: Online listening to podcasts
ing, is preferable (Sharma and Barrett 2007). A Website: http://a4esl.org/p
typical example of blended learning is a combi- Number of podcasts: 2
nation of e-learning and face-to-face sessions in Level: Upper-intermediate or advanced
the classroom. Students’ reflections, which are Write the title of the 1st podcast title and
presented in Appendix 2, prove the importance its website address:
of such an approach. Write the title of the 2nd podcast title and
its website address:
Self -Assessment of Listening to Podcasts.
References • The rate of speaking (tick the answer
you agree with): a) very fast, b) fast,
Constantine, P. 2007. “Podcasts: Another Source for c) average, d) slow, e) very slow, f) other
Listening Input”, The Internet TESL Journal 13(1). (specify).
[Retrieved January 2007]. Available from Internet:
Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, 17(2): 28–37 35

• The speaker’s accent (tick the answer Student 2. Listening activity is the most
you agree with): a) British, b) American, difficult for me. I think that my listening skills
c) non-native (specify). are not good and I should improve it. I think
• How many times have you listened to a that my performance in listening activities in
podcast for the complete understanding? the class is quite bad, because I can not hear
(tick the answer you agree with: a) once, the main facts. However, I have really enjoyed
b) twice, c) 3 times, d) other (specify). listening to podcasts.
• How has the reading of a transcript helped Student 3. My performance in listening tasks
you to understand the contents? (tick the in class hasn’t changed a lot this term. It was
answer you agree with): a) looked up the quite good before too. Listening to podcasts
meaning of unknown words in a dictio- was a quite difficult task. I had to listen to pod-
nary, b) recognized the words by sight, cast for several times in order to understand it
c) found difficult to understand a written all. I think that my skills on this task became
text, d) guessed the meaning from the better. In order to improve my listening skills
context, e) read the transcript, f) other I’ve tried to listen to BBC radio programs and
(specify). also to watch English movies without reading
• How do you evaluate your ability to un- subtitles.
derstand authentic speech? (tick the ans- Student 4. Listening in class was not very
wer you agree with): a) excellent, b) very difficult, almost every time we were listen-
good, c) good, d) satisfactory, e) poor, ing twice, so it helped to understand as bet-
f) other (specify). ter as possible. I found it not very difficult.
• How can you improve your listening skills? Listening to podcasts was more difficult than
(tick all the answers that you agree with listening in class. I found much more easier to
or add your own): a) listen to podcasts, listen about interesting topic than about politics
b) listen to authentic cassette recordings or something like this.I had a lot of opportuni-
in class, c) listen to peers in English ties to listen and use English language outside
classes, d) talk to the native speakers of the class, and again I persuade myself that I can
English, e) watch English films on TV, understand quite well, but need to improve my
f) other (specify). vocabulary and practice more.
Student 5. Listening activities in class were
Appendix 2. the most difficult task for me. In my view, I
Learners’ reflections on listening could perform better. I need more practice be-
experience. cause sometimes I miss some words. Listening
to podcasts was a new task. It was difficult for
Here are the entries copied from the weblogs me to do this. I need to listen to podcasts as
of participants. The names of learners are with- much as I can if I want to get more practice and
drawn in order to preserve the anonymity. perform better.
Student 1. To watch films or to listen to Student 6. Listening activities in class some-
the radio outside class gave me a lot of profit, times is better and sometimes worse. This is
so listening activities in class became easier unaccountable thing. Of course sometimes the
and I think, I did it quite well. Of course, then task is harder and sometimes easier but maybe
listening task is more difficult, to listen is more it depends on introversion and the quality of
complicated, so I think I need more difficult record. Listening to podcasts is interesting task
listening tasks. Also, it is quite complicated to but the stories are sometimes very boring and
understand, then people speak with accent or when you are listening to them you feel asleep,
not so clearly. but my performance wasn’t bad and I’m happy.
36 Galina Kavaliauskienė, Lilija Anusienė English for specific purposes: podcasts ...

Sometimes I watch English channels and try evaluate my skills objectively. And I should
to understand what they are talking about. admit I have never practiced listening outside
If the words aren’t specific I can understand. the class. Unless we introduce in this listen-
Although this term I had a lot of practice in ing practice films or other videos watching in
speaking and listening because I went to the English and listening to English music.
USA embassy and I needed to have a conversa- Student 9. I think my level of listening ac-
tion with USA embassy employee. Everything tivities in classes is satisfactory. Performance in
was good and I understood everything what listening tasks vary and sometimes the results
they have said to me. are good, although sometimes the results are
Student 7. I think I am quite good at listen- quite poor. In this aspect I think I need more
ing during listening activities in our classes; practice in listening, especially at advanced
however I am still making comprehension level and doing some comprehension tasks.
mistakes, even though the number of them has As for homework task, which was listening to
decreased clearly in comparison to the previ- podcasts, I personally think I performed well
ous term. I was pleasantly astonished when I and comprehension was not a difficult task
have found that I can easily understand a native for me. Still I have some problems in under-
English podcasts and to listen to news from standing and trying to interpret new words,
BBC or CNN. phrases.
Student 8. The most intensive are listen- Student 10. Listening activities in class are
ing activities in class. It was always one of the very difficult for me because I cannot under-
most difficult tasks to me, but I’m happy now. stand what is said in records. I need simple
It’s a rare success to make an exercise without records. In addition to this, listening to podcasts
mistakes, but I feel like I’m a step forward. I’ve is difficult for me, too, perhaps I need to listen
listened to podcast just once, so it’s difficult to more in order to improve listening skills.



Galina Kavaliauskienė, Lilija Anusienė

Inovatyvus požiūris į klausymosi įgūdžių mokymą glaudžiai susijęs su šiuolaikinių informacinių-komu-

nikacinių technologijų plėtra. Viena iš jų “podcasting” pastaruoju metu tapo labai populiari. Šis žodis
yra kilęs nuo anglų terminų “iPod” ir “broadcasting”. Terminas “podcast” pirmą kartą įvestas 2004 m.
ir reiškia klausymo medžiagos leidybą internete. 2005 m. naujasis Oksfordo žodynas Amerikoje įvardijo
terminą “podcast” oficialiu „metų žodžiu“. Klausymo įrašai yra sudaryti taip, kad juos galima nukopijuoti
ir klausytis bet kokios rūšies nešiojamaisiais MP3 grotuvais ar asmeniniais kompiuteriais. Pastaruoju metu
yra daug galimybių sukurti rinkmenas, tinkamas įrašams ir įvairių priemonių internetiniams įrašams
klausyti. Šie įrašai  skiriasi nuo kitų klausymo medžiagos perdavimo internetu būdų tuo, kad automatiškai
įrašo medžiagos turinį. Tai leidžia studentams papildomai tobulinti klausymo įgūdžius tiek auditorijoje,
tiek už jos ribų.
Šio straipsnio tyrimo objektas – studentų individualaus klausymosi interneto svetainėse pateiktos interak-
tyvios mokymo medžiagos tikslingumo suvokimas. Šio darbo tikslas yra nustatyti sunkumus, su kuriais
Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija, 2009, 17(2): 28–37 37

studentai susiduria klausydamiesi įvairių autentiškų specialybės anglų kalbos įrašų, ir išanalizuoti studentų
sampratą apie įvairius klausymo įgūdžių tobulinimo metodus. Tam tikslui pasitelkta studentų internetinio
klausymosi rezultatų savianalizė ir studentų požiūris į jų internetinio klausymosi bei darbo auditorijoje
Šiame tyrime dalyvavo Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės politikos fakulteto skirtingų studijų pro-
gramų studentai, studijuojantys specialybės anglų kalbą. Tyrimo hipotezė – ištirti, ar studentai objektyviai
vertina savo klausymo sugebėjimus ir įgūdžius. Numatomas tyrimo rezultatas – pateikti praktines reko-
mendacijas, kurios padėtų respondentams tobulinti klausymo įgūdžius. Šiuo metu lingvistai diskutuoja dėl
studentų gebėjimų įsisąmoninti užsienio kalbos bruožus ir suvokti autentiškus specialybės įrašus.
Šio straipsnio autorės nustatė, kad galimybė gerinti specialybės kalbos supratimą, naudojant interneto por-
taluose pateiktą medžiagą, yra inovatyvinė. Ši metodika leidžia studentams atlikti užduotis jiems priimtinu
tempu, patogiu laiku ir nejaučiant dėstytojų neigiamo vertinimo baimės. Internetinių įrašų klausymosi
sėkmės ar nesėkmės priežastys aptariamos auditorijoje. Tai leidžia studentams įvertinti savo gebėjimus
suprasti autentiškus įrašus. Įvairios klausymosi patirties pateikimas individualiuose tinklalapiuose leidžia
studentams kruopščiai išanalizuoti savo rezultatus.
Tyrinėjimo rezultatai leidžia padaryti keletą išvadų. Pirma, individualus internetinis klausymas kiekvie-
nam studentui jam priimtinu tempu ir patogiu laiku skatina ir motyvuoja studentus tobulinti klausymo
įgūdžius, nejaučiant jokios baimės dėl galimų klaidų. Antra, klausymo įgūdžių tobulinimas, ugdant
studentų sugebėjimą dirbti individualiai, skatina kalbos mokymąsi. Trečia, mokymasis be draugų ar dės-
tytojų kontrolės skatina studentų motyvaciją tobulinti savo gebėjimus laisvu nuo paskaitų laiku. Ketvirta,
internetinio klausymo derinimas su klausymu auditorijoje mokant (-is) anglų kalbos yra naudingas visiems
studentams. Penkta, studentai suvokia, kad klausymosi įgūdžius galima gerinti atliekant įvairias praktines
užduotis, kurias jie gali pasirinkti individualiai. Taigi savo rezultatų savianalizė  ir darbo vertinimo analizė
individualiuose tinklalapiuose skatina studentus tobulėti.
Atsižvelgdami į kiekvieno studento asmenybę, dėstytojai turi pripažinti, kad ne visi noriai naudoja šiuolai-
kines  informacines-komunikacines technologijas mokydamiesi užsienio kalbos. Todėl, hibridinis mokymas
(-is), kuris yra daugelio mokymo būdų derinys, yra tinkamiausias (Sharma and Barrett 2007). Tipiškas
hibridinio (mišriojo) mokymo (-si) pavyzdys yra virtualiosios  mokymosi aplinkos derinimas su darbu
auditorijoje. Studentų požiūris, nurodytas 2 priede, patvirtina tokio metodo svarbą.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: specialybės kalba, savianalizė, klausymo įgūdžiai, individualus internetinių įrašų

Įteikta 2009-01-20; priimta 2009-02-15

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