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Head Office Sub-office

1707 Block A Plot 1615/0061-62

Mabopane 0190 Bushveldt Road
Tel: 068 138 5549 Winterveldt 0198
Cell:0766483561/0603605472 Cell: 0762293934/0635663849

NPO: 057-337 Email: Website:

Annexture 1: Response to question A19 of FORM 2010/1: Employment Equity
Status and Plan.

1. Introduction.

Care Net Development and Support Organization has developed in accordance with the general
provision of the Employment Equity Plan Act 55 of 1998 with a view to enhancing workplace diversity
and aligning to the transformation objectives of the organization. The Employment Equity Plan will run
for a two (2) year period commencing from 1 April 2023- 31 st March 2025.

2. Objectives and recognition of the Equity Plan.

The main objectives of the Equity Plan are the following:

1) To ensure alignment of Human Resources policies, practices, and procedures to the Department of
labour’s Code of Good Practice on integrating Employment Equity into Human Resources policies,
practices, and procedures
2) To implement Affirmative Action measures formulated to eliminate barriers to Employment Equity
resulting from people practices and the working environment.
3) To eliminate and prohibit unfair discrimination in the workplace.
4) Implementing positive measures to address the disadvantages in employment experienced by
designated groups to ensure their equitable representation in workplace.

The organization also recognize the following:

1) Promote the constitutional right of equality.
2) Eliminate unfair discrimination in employment.
3) Redress the effects of historical, legal, social, and economic discrimination against designed groups.
4) Pursue a diverse workforce which is representative of the South African people.
5) Promote economic development and efficiency in the workplace.
6) Contribute to building a non‐racial, non‐sexist South Africa. 

3.Duration of the employment equity plan. 

The organization’s employment equity plan has been in operation since inception of the organisation.

For purposes of this application, its two (2) year plan which commenced from the 1 st of April 2023 to 31st

Head Office Sub-office
1707 Block A Plot 1615/0061-62
Mabopane 0190 Bushveldt Road
Tel: 068 138 5549 Winterveldt 0198
Cell:0766483561/0603605472 Cell: 0762293934/0635663849

NPO: 057-337 Email: Website:

March 2025 incorporates and reflected in the objectives specified below. The Executive Director is
entrusted with this responsibility.

4. Objectives employment equity plan.

Care Net plans to roll out its plan in the following manner:

1. Codes of good practice: The Board of Directors of the Orgaanisation recognizes its obligations in
terms of the Employment Equity Act and understands that the primary purpose of the
Employment Equity legislation. Through the involvement of the Executive Director, io advance
transformation through the setting of time specific targets to ensure codes of good practice and
equity in all the levels of management.

2. Participation and Consultation: The organization uses a transparent and consultative decision-
making process to ensure acceptance of its Employment Equity policy as required by the Act.
Different meetings are held with the Board of Directors as well as with programme specific staff and
during general staff meetings to ensure participation of all the relevant stakeholders.

3. Equality and Equal Opportunities: The organization recognizes that actions are required to create a
platform from which equal opportunities are effectively practiced, and from imbalances in the
management structures can be addressed. Internal staff roles reviewed on an ongoing basis are to
enable staff to be part of the NPO Management. This was done through the Executive Director and
founder of the organisation sharing her roles and tasks with the internal staff. Currently the
organogram is changed due to re-focussed programmes. This re-focus has resulted in key staff
members assuming additional, management and leadership roles and positions.

o The two ECD canters, now have two principals managing them.
o The current four (4) Social Workers from the statutory programme, are redeployed to
assume additional responsibilities.
o One (1) Social worker is delegated to take up the management and leadership of the
programme and that of thee NPO.
o One (1) Social worker is delegated to lead the Training and Development programme where
Makhurabags (Wonderbag) are manufactured and sold to ensure the organisation
o Two (2) of the social workers are delegated to lead the Bridge the Gap Programme.

4. Diversity in the workplace: The organization recognizes the fact that diversity brings substantial
potential benefits such as better decision making and improved problem solving, greater creativity
and innovation. It allows those employees with talents to feel needed and have a sense of
belonging, which in turn increases their commitment to contribute in a unique way.

Head Office Sub-office
1707 Block A Plot 1615/0061-62
Mabopane 0190 Bushveldt Road
Tel: 068 138 5549 Winterveldt 0198
Cell:0766483561/0603605472 Cell: 0762293934/0635663849

NPO: 057-337 Email: Website:

5. Recruitment Policy: Using the Company's recruitment policy and procedures as a frame of
reference, every reasonable effort is made to identify the potential internal staff members from the
current staff and upgrade the vacant positions. with a view also to provide appropriate skills
development opportunities.

6. Organizational Culture: The organization operates in a Black township and employees, young Black
Africans mainly female professional workforce. These are motivated by the type of service which
mostly employs females. However, males are employed to perform support services. Male
professionals (Educators) are currently recruited to fill the vacant position in the Bridge the Gap

7. HIV and AIDS Policy: The organization has developed HIV/ AIDS policy which allows staff not to
disclose their health status and to continue working under normal conditions in their current
employment for as long as they are medically fit to do so.

8. Social Development and Upliftment Programme: The organization continues to play a significant
role in the social development and upliftment of communities and people in its operating areas
through its various socio-economic programmes. Undergraduates have been and are currently
allowed to practice in their field of studies in our Organisation and staff is exposed to internal
growth through taking additional roles and responsibilities.

9. Monitoring of Progress: Monthly and six-monthly progress evaluations are conducted during group
supervisions as well as individual sessions. The monitoring tool is also in place to measure progress.
its operations.

10. Recruitment: Recruitment: and selection processes are conducted according to the organization’s
staff handbook, which is based on fairness, objectivity, having regard for competency and seeking to
redress historical imbalances to achieve representation.

11. Training and development: The organization is committed to the development of employees or
prospective employees on an accelerated basis, through effective training and skills development.
The identified staff are put on, on the job training and training is planned to help them require
competencies for job categories in preparation for the succession plan.

Head Office Sub-office
1707 Block A Plot 1615/0061-62
Mabopane 0190 Bushveldt Road
Tel: 068 138 5549 Winterveldt 0198
Cell:0766483561/0603605472 Cell: 0762293934/0635663849

NPO: 057-337 Email: Website:

12. Unfair discrimination: The Organization or any of its employees may not unfairly discriminate,
directly or indirectly, against an employee, in any employment policy or practice, on one or more
grounds, including race, gender, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin,
sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture,
language and place of birth. Discrimination will be seen as a serious offence and disciplinary action will
be taken as per the company’s disciplinary code and could result in dismissal.

13. Non-conformance: In the interest of achieving the objectives of this policy and plan, non‐
conformance with this policy or plan constitutes misconduct. Non‐conforming employees will be
disciplined in terms of the Organization’s disciplinary code and procedure.

14. Communication: The principle of this plan is and will continue to be communicated by means of
verbal and written communications to all employees.

15. Medical testing: The Organization does not force any medical testing unless it is permitted by
legislation. The recent COVID 19 vaccination requirement could not be forced on staff due to their
constitutional rights.

16. Dispute and complaints resolution: The Director of the NPO acts as the Human Resources Manager
and has developed disciplinary and grievance procedures policy with a code of conduct to enable any
employee who is dissatisfied with any matter relating to the employment, to communicate their
17. Conclusion: This plan represents Care Net Development and Support Organization’s commitment to
ensure equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment to all groups, but also to ensure that Care
Net Development and Support Organization addresses any remaining inequalities and unfair

Compiled by:

Mokgohloa Mmatsatsi.

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