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German Final Test

Student name: Ridvan Alper Yalman

Student number: 200435177

From the: ‘English and German are similar’ folder:

Please complete the unfinished wordsbelow:

Fre.nd = Freund
.rm = warm
Vate. = Vater = Buch
Bli.d = Blind = Blau
Lei..t = Leicht = Kalt

Write down the German verbs needed to describe….

When somebody is in need = helfen

Something to put in the oven = Backen
You are looking for something = Ball
Something is loose, what do you need to do = finden
It’s not the end but the beginning = beginnen

From the: ‘On a cultural note’ folder:

What are the seas called surrounding Germany? = Ostsee, Nordsee, Bodensee
What is the lake called south of Germany? = Bodensee
What are the mountains called that border on Germany? = Alps Mountains
From the: ‘Conversations and vocabulary’ folder:

You are meeting a 35 year old person at a café and are asking for his/her name? =
Wie heissen Sie? ( formal )
After the person tells you the name and wants to know yours, what will he/she
ask? = Und Sie, wie heissen Sie?
After you have asked that person how he/she is doing, how do they ask for your
wellbeing? = Wie geht es Ihnen?

What does ‘auch gut’ mean in English? = as well

Please translate:
Too much = Zu viel
stress = Stress
Später = Later
Bis = See you

Now scroll down, which word is named after a chocolate bar in North America? =

From the: ‘To Be and To Have’ folder:

The verb Sein is used to tell age (true/false) false

Which verb here is used to describe possession? = Haben = to have / ich habe

Which verb would you use to tell time? =Wieviel

Tell me the time of this test (must all be written out in full sentence) = Es ist
zehn Uhr

You are watching a scary movie, which verb would you use to describe your
feelings? = Angst
From the ‘Weekdays, months and date’ folder:

Please fill in the missing letters in the date below:

He.te is. Sams.t.g der zwe.t. = Heute ist Samstag der zweitausend April

‘Sonntag’ and ‘Sonnabend’ are the same? (true/false) true

When telling the date in German, do we use the numbers one, two, three etc. or
do we use …..? = First, second / dritte, vierte, fünfte etc.

From the: ‘Story at the airport’ folder:

Mark ist am Flughafen in Berlin (if yes, say yes in German, if no, then replace
sentence with the correct information) = Mart ist am Flughafen in Munich.

Mark sucht seine Frau (if yes, say yes in German, if no, then replace sentence with
the correct information) = Mark sucht seine Koffer.

Wie geht es Mark? (answer in full sentence in German) = Mir geht’s gut.

Wie heissen seine Kinder = children? (answer in full sentence in German) = LaB
mich dir meine Familie vorstellen. Meine Tochter Anne und mein Sohn John.

Now fill in the missing letters:>>

Die m.. d.r nä..s..n …chi..

Die Koffer kommen mit der nachsten Maschine.

What is the number 303 of? (write out the word in German) =Dreihundertdrei

From the: ‘Verbs pattern and conjugation’ folder:

When looking at the ‘pattern’ what is the difference between the 2 ‘Sie’? = sie= t
What makes having a ‘pattern’ helpful, which part never changes? (pls explain) =

From the: ‘Exercises with Kommen, Singen und Sagen’ folder:

Kommst du aus Deutschland? (answer with yes or no in German) = Nein, ich

komme nicht aus Deutschland.

Tell me in German where you come from = Ich komme aus der Türkei

Now with the typical cultural names tell me where those people come from:

Pedro komme aus Spanien = (fill in the missing 2 words, verb and country)

Harpreet kommt aus / Indien (….preposition and country)

Giovanni komme aus Italien (verb and country)

Say: Vladimir comes from Russia = Wladimir kommt aus Russland

With the verb ‘singen’ translate: I never sing in the car = Ich singen nie im Auto

From the: ‘Other exercises with regular verbs’ folder:

Tell me the order to make a sentence in the affirmative (not in the negative) for
ex: Ich komme aus Deutschland

(verb, logical ending, pronoun) which goes first, then which follows etc. =
Pronoun, verb and logical ending

From the: ‘Articles and nouns folder’:

What made the noun ‘Jungen’ plural (what changed from the singular?) >highlight
or underline the changes
Der Junge : singular

Die Jungen : plural

Now continue with….

‘Mütter’= die

‘Arbeitshefte’ = die

‘Häuser’ = die

Why are some nouns either neuter, feminine or masculine? Is there always a
logical meaning to it? = German nouns are divided into three genders. The gender
of a word can be indicated by the definite article. The german singular noun is
preceded by the definitie article der if it is masculine, by die if it is feminine, or by
das if it is functions. In German, nouns are always capitalized.

When does the gender matching the noun make sense? = The gender of a word
can be indicated by the definite article.

German has 2 genders (true/false) False

The article for the plural noun identifies the gender of it (true/false) true

From the: ‘Family members’ folder:

Now let’s look at the Family Members and how they all are related to one another,
please translate the following:

Berta is the mother of Hans = yes

Hans is the son of Siegfried = yes

Now translate and add the missing members:

Ludwig is the grandfather of ………… = Hans

Ist Lotte die Tante von Peter (ja/nein) = Is Lotte Peter's aunt (yes/no) No

Write in German who’s aunt she is = Lotte ist die Tante von Gisela
Ist Hans der Bruder von Peter? (answer in a full sentence) = Peter ist der vetter
von Hans/ Peter ist der vetter von Hans

Translate into German: Relatives = Verwandten

From the: ‘Wer und Was’ folder:

With the question: Wer ist das? Das ist ein Hund. (was this a correct question
given the answer?) Yes/No


I will say:
Das ist ein Hund? You reply: Nein, das ist eine Katze.
Now continue in this same manner with the given information

Das ist eine Katze? (a flower) = Nein, das ist eine Blume

Das ist ein Junge? (a girl) = Nein, das ist eine Jungen

Das ist ein Haus? (a flower) = Nein, das ist eine Blume

I say: Das ist Heinz. Now ask, who is this? =ist das heinz

Das ist eine Blume. will ask? == ist diese Blume

Das ist ein Fuss. …you will ask? = ist dieser Fuss

Das ist eine Katze. …You will ask? ist diese Katze

From the: ‘Ein Haus’ folder:

Wo (where) ist der Tisch? You reply: … ….. … im ……………. (4 added words needed
in reply, see dots. Numbers of dots do not represent numbers in word)
Der Tisch steht im Zimmer

Wo ist das Bett? …. ….. … im ……….. (4 added words needed in reply, see dots)

Das Bett ist im Haus

Die Mutter kocht (cooks) in der Küche (fill in the last noun)

Das Waschbecken ist im badezimmer (fill in the last noun)

Die Milch (milk) ist im Kühlschrank (fill in the last noun)

From: ‘In addition’:

Ask in German: >How do you say ‘a house’? = Ein Haus

>How do you say the bathtub? = Die Badewanne
>What does Fenster mean in English?= window

From the: ‘To want, to should to would like, to must’ folder:

Which verb(s)can be used in more than one way? = Wollen

What is the difference? = Just like the verb ‘Wollen’ this can be an auxiliary
verb as well as a simple verb. / This particular verb can be an
auxiliary or help verb, which means it sometimes can be followed
by another verb

Which verb(s) can only be used one way? = essen, trinken, reisen, verstehen,
gehen, ankommen, sein, autofahren, weggehen

Give me an example of the ‘one way’ only. = sie wollen auf der Autobahn
Auto fahren
From the: ‘Numbers and the Time’ folder AND ‘Numbers 1 – 100’

Please write out the following times into numbers:

1-Es ist Sieben Uhr achtundzwanzig =

2-Es ist ein Viertel nach drei Uhr =
3-Es ist halb elf Uhr =
4-Es ist ein Uhr vierundfünfzig =
5-Es ist ein Viertel vor sechs Uhr =
6-Es ist sechs Uhr dreiunddreissig =
7-What das: halb drei Uhr literally mean? =

1-It is seven twenty-eight = It is 7:28

2-It's a quarter past three = It is 3:15
3-It's half past ten = It is 10:30
4-It's one fifty-four = It is 1:54
5-It's a quarter to six =It is 6:45
6-It's six thirty-three= It is 6:33
7- It is 2:30

Now write out the exact time you are writing this test = Es ist sieben Uhr

How do we say ‘o’clock’ in German = Uhr

From the: ‘Booking into a hotel’ folder

Please translate the following words into German:

Problem = Problem

Shower = die dusche

In = in
We can = wir können

Utilize/use = Benutzen

Reservation = Reservierung

Your .. = Ihre

Window = Fenster

Broken = Kaputt

Please translate back into English:

Schwierigkeit = difficulty

Öffnen = open

Nicht öffnen = don’t open

Können = can

…wir da = stay here

Bleiben wir = let’s stay

Please fill in the missing words:

Wollen … bitte …… Formular …… Wollen Sie bitte dieses Formular ausfüllen?

Im …… Stock im dritten Stock

Which word follows: Die Zimmer ….. sind

From the: ‘Question adverbs’ folder:

Now ask:

How is the bread (das Brot) = Wie ist das Brot

Where is John = Wo ist John

What is this = Was ist das

When does Mark come? (kommen) = Wann kommen die Mark?

Now translate:

‘Where’ into German= Wo

‘Wer’ into English =who

From the ‘Prepositions’ folder:

Vor = In front of / behind = hinter / rechts von = right/ left = links won/ zwischen
= between /between =zwischen/ links =left /

Which preposition(s) is/are the same as in English? = In

From the ‘Asking for directions’ folder:

Please translate (make sure you ONLY translate the exact requested words from
the text No more, no less):

Can you =Können sie

Can you tell me = können sie mir sagen

Tell me =Mir sagen

Find =find

How =wie

Straight = geradeaus

Go straight =gehen sie

Then =dann

Into =in die

Where the =wo die

This is not =das ist nicht

This is =das ist

Back =zürück

From the: ‘Colors’ folder:

Please translate:

The cat is blue = Der Katze ist blau

The cat is not green = (nicht) Der Katze ist nicht grün

The table is yellow = Der Taballe ist gelb

I like (give me 3 colors you like) = Ich mag rot, gelb und blau

Total points 161

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