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Plan A Trip: Germany

Instructor Name : Professor Sussy Stewart

Student Name: Ridvan Alper Yalman

Student Number: 200435177

Course Name & Number: 22W German Language and Culture- 30

Complention Date: 5 April 20222

Plan A Trip: Germany

The globalization process has brought the concept of competition with it, so most sectors

and businesses have been faced with seeking ways to gain advantages such as providing

competitive benefit and determining the factors that play a role in competition. The

competition caused by globalization is of primary significance for the tourism segment, which

shows a important change and improving day by day. Businesses in the tourism sector,

intense competition it has to keep competitive power at a high level in order to protect its

permanence in the environment and achieve accomplishment.

Countries are trying to increase their share in the tourism sector, which is among the most

important service sectors in the world. The importance of competitiveness among tourism

enterprises has emerged. Various countries competing in the world tourism market, where the

number of participants and the amount of income are increasing day by day, are trying to

increase their share in the increasing tourist demand and tourism revenues and to gain an

advantage over rival countries.produces policies.

When viewed on a destination basis, more than one element should be taken into account

in order to measure the competitiveness of a destination in tourism. For example; It can be

said that factors such as food standart, service quality, performance, economic aspects of

regions, natural wonders, museums and festivals are among the exceptionally major factors in

circumstances of the competitiveness of a destination in cultural trips.

Tourism through the eyes of the tourist; It is a relaxation and amusement experience.

During this experience, tourists seek different spiritual and physical satisfactions and identify

their target and activity choices within the framework of this satisfaction. Eating and drinking,

meeting their physiological needs, tasting new tastes, spending time with their friends,

enjoying the food they consume and the place they are in, forming new friendships, making
Plan A Trip: Germany

use of their spare time, etc. experience that stands out for its purposes.

Finally, in this report, Germany's cultural values, natural wonders worth seeing, the

October festival, favorite dishes, science and the automotive sector will be discussed.

First of all, “when we investigate the history of Germany, it goes back to very ancient

tribes.” (Andrea, H. 2013) There are natural wonders worth vision, extending to the Baltic Sea

in the north and the foothills of the Alps in the south. On the other hand, “while Bremen is

well-known for its windy weather and beaches, Hamburg is also the richest city.”(Gebert, D.,

2005) On the West German side, along the Rhine, the cities of Bonn, Dortmund, Cologne and

Dusseldorf are famous for their castles, exclusive architecture and wine. On the other hand

,Frankfurt located in the middle Germany region has been named as the financial center.

(Çekinmez, V., 2008) In addition, the Thuringian forests in this region are a natural wonder.

East Germany, where cultural variety and differences are felt most clearly, fascinates those

who come to the country with the historical city of Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig, one of the

most significant student metropolises in the world, while southern Germany is the exposed of

the paintings of painters, the Black Forest, the Alps, the Danube and the Rhine. It is home to

the country's most famous sights. Cities such as Heidelberg, Munich, Nuremberg and

Stuttgart are the most important historical, cultural and life centers of the area. (Dartey-Baah,

K., 2013) I am very curious about Berlin cathedral, Brandenburg Gate, East Side Gallery,

Pergamon Museum, Sony Center and Cologne cathedral.

Secondly, Germany owes its title of being the country of poets and thinkers to many

philosophers, scientists, writers and artists who grew up in the country. According to my

research, “the country has achieved many successes with scientific research, remarkable

discoveries and innovations, and has been awarded 106 Nobel Prizes.” (Gortemaker,

Manfred,1994) Another important invention is, “Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the X-
Plan A Trip: Germany

ray, while Albert Einstein and Max Planck laid the foundations for modern physics.” (Lauk,

Kurt J. 1994) While the aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun advanced the first space

rocket, Wilhelm Wundt went down in history as the father of experimental psychology.

Thirdly, when I examine conventional German kitchen, it varies from region to region . As

a result of individual differences of people, their daily eating habits also change over time.

Among the most consumed foods in the country are fried potatoes, sausages and cheese

varieties. However, German stew, potato patties and Schnitzel meat cutlets are among the

favorite foods of Germans. At the same time, if I refer to the beverage ethos, there is no other

country that is so synonymous with beer. Each territory and even each small town has its own

unique and different flavors of beer. If I give an example, “the grain beer called Wessbier is

preferred in Bavaria, Altbier on the Rhine coast, Kölsch in Cologne, and Berliner Weibe

mixed with raspberry syrup in Berlin city.” (Baun, Michael 2005)

Fourthly, Oktoberfest, also known as the world's largest open-air public festival, is

celebrated with enthusiasm in Munich, Germany, in September every year. During the

festival, “where almost 7 million liters of beer is consumed, the German state of Bavaria and

the city of Munich knowledge a carnival atmosphere.” (Sanz, A. 2011) Oktoberfest, which is

held every year in Munich, Germany, has a history of almost 200 years. More than 6 million

people are look forward to attend the festival, which will start on September 22 every year.

Beers manufactured especially for this festival have a higher alcohol content and are darker in

color than regular beer. Beers are drunk in liter glasses specially produced for the festival, and

an empty glass is immediately refilled. Bavarians participate the festival with their

conventional clothes and thousands of people create very colorful images during the festival.

The festival is not just about tasty beers. At the same time, various events and concerts await

their participants in the festival area to have amusement. (Tomljenovic, R. 2001)

Plan A Trip: Germany

Fifthly, Germany is known global in the automotive business and engineering. The

German automotive industry is highly valued in terms of credibility. Germany is the world's

first-class (premium) automobile manufacturing center. 71% of all premium branded vehicles

manufactured worldwide are produced by German OEM companies. Globally, “the premium

car market division is expected to grow quicker than the passenger car segment in the coming

years.” (Hanson, G.H. 2003) Almost all German and German-based manufacturers are

introducing or planning to introduce new products to the market that meet the request of the

premium segment. The country's know-how based on the automotive manufacturing tradition

will further make strong the country as a leading international automotive manufacturing


As a result, I would like to see and taste all these values integrated with Germany that I

described in this report. On the other hand, I have indicated in my report the places that are

important to me that I want to go to a lot. Berlin is a very special city for me. Because the

combination of both historical buildings and technological atmosphere has once again

increased my desire to go there. Another festival I am interested about is the October festival.

Also, another reason why I am curious about this festival is that the beers are made specially.

As I explained in my report, I am very curious about German cuisine and the appearance of

the dishes was the reason that impressed me the most. In conclusion, the report I wrote about

Germany increased my curiosity about Germany even more.

Plan A Trip: Germany


Andrea, H., (2013), “Comparative Analysis of German and Anglo-Saxon Business Culture”,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Baun, Michael (2005). “Germany and Central Europe"Vol.14, No.3, September 2005,

Çekinmez, V., (2008), Almanya İş Kültürü, TC. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı İhracatı
Geliştirme Etüd Merkezi, Ankara.

Gebert, D., (2005), “Organizational Culture and Creative Processes- Comparing German
Theater Companies and Scientific Institutes”, Nonprofit Management and Leadership

Gortemaker, Manfred (1994). Unifying Germany 1989-1990. New York: St.Martin’s Press.

Hanson, G.H. (2003) : “Global Production Sharing and Rising Inequality: A Survey of Trade
and Wages,” in Handbook of International Trade

Lauk, Kurt J. (1994). “Germany at the Crossroads: On the Efficiency of the German

Sanz, A. (2011) Measuring the economic value and social viability of a cultural festival
as a tourism prototype. Tourism Economics, Tourism Economics, 17 (3), 639-653.

Tomljenovic, R. (2001) Predictors of satisfaction with festival attendance: A case of

Störsjoyran Rock Music Festival. Tourism 49
Plan A Trip: Germany


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