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othello essay questions

1. outline - othello blinded by the lies Iago was feeding him, is unable to see the truth within
Desdemona when she pleas that she was always faithful to him just before her death, also that
brief moment when desdemona falls concious again after Othello smothered her, for these
reasons prove that Othello is truly responsible for Desdemonas death. thesis - With the
countless opportunities for Othello to confront Desdemona or even question Iagos judgement,
Othellos actions towards these situations prove that he was responsible for the death of

2. outline - Emilia warns desdemona of Othello’s changing behaviour, but desdemona is so in

love with Othello she cant tell whether his love is lost.

3. othello felt that he loved Desdemona too much and that he was blinded. Othello also was
very worried what others would think of him since he commited this crime, he was worried that
he wouldnt be remembered as the noble man who did good for the state. Othello also thinks
that by him killing desdemina that he has done wring agaunst the venetian state and he should
be punished.

4. othello - flawed individual, who was seen as a great warrior. he has self delusion when it
comes to truth and believing others.
iago - reckless individual, irrational, and someone who thrives on danger for excitement
desdemona - blinded by love, strives on self awareness

5. othello - his duty to his spouse was more important to othello, he was so infatuated with
desdemona that he was blinded by everything else. within a marriage one must have trust to
make the relationship work, and when othello found out that ‘desdemona was cheating with
cassio’ , othello felt so betrayed that he at that point had no moral judgement. His duty to his
country was one where he

6. what others say about him - othello is too trusting, he is known as an honest man who
believes the best of people. Iago notices this at the beginning in act one and believes that
othello can be easily manipulated, Iago says moor is “of free and open nature, that thinks men
are honest that only seem to be so.” so iago plants a seed of doubt within his relationship with
desdemona by saying she is cheating with Cassio. Iago even says that desdemona is capable
of lying because she lied to her father by marrying othello.
What a character does - even after desdemona confronts Othello and says she stayed faithful
and true to him he still decides to murder her because he even at that point believed Iago.
what a character says -

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