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A Visualization for Aligning the Body

Q: Hi. I wanted you to go over again electromagnetically aligning the body without a
machine, if it can be done.

B: Oh yes, always. Again, your imagination is the key. Imagine… well, that you are
breathing very easily, deeply, smoothly, effortlessly. Picture yourself, if you wish -- lying
down, standing up; it does not really matter -- but feel yourself at ease. Feel yourself
floating in your place of perfect peace. It does not matter where or when that is.

Allow yourself to envision now, in whatever way your imagination so desires, that your
physical body is surrounded and immersed inside a sphere, a crystalline sphere of blue-
white light. Allow it to extend approximately one to three feet above your head, one to
three feet below your feet, surrounding you 360 degrees. It is not simply a shell, but it is
filled with blue electromagnetic fluid. And as you breathe in and out, in and out, you are
breathing this fluid in and out.

And as you breathe this fluid, every cell of your body starts to become transparent until
you can no longer perceive any specific form within the sphere; it is all one homogenous
blue-white light. And the whole sphere is breathing, breathing, breathing.

Then allow yourself to see that sphere, no part standing out from any other part, as one
homogenous 360-degree energy. Then re-crystallize the idea of a new body -- and a new
body it is. Out of that fluid re-crystallize a new body, and now know that this new body is
perfectly harmoniously, synchronistically aligned with the homogenous energy of the
electromagnetic sphere. And in this way allow yourself to now know that all of your
cells, all of your molecules, all of your atoms, all of the neuronic pathways of your brain,
are aligned in one direction, one orientation, and that it is always positive.

Know that you will allow yourself the balance. There is nothing you have to do to make
or force a balance. All imbalance is the product of holding yourself out of balance.
Balance is your natural state. And now you are allowing, in a natural way, a new body to
crystallize out of the balanced homogenous energy of the electromagnetic field in which
all of your mentality is immersed, and from which all of your collective mentality
emerges. You are all immersed in an energy sea. Your thoughts are ripples that proceed
from you and are felt by all other beings immersed in the same sea.

Q: So it’s not a matter of controlling one’s mind (-- --?) allowing it?

B: Allowance is the key.

Q: Thank you.

B: Thank you very much. Sharing!

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