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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Efruze Yazıcı
Gamze Durhan
Hatice İrem Avcı
Hatice Kübra Akıncı
Unit Title
Colors – Primary Colors
Grade Level
Preschoolers (60-72 months)
1 lesson hour – 40 minutes
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
After attending the lesson, the preschoolers will recognize and name primary colors correctly when given
objects of color with at least 90% accuracy.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Introducing primary colors with Prezi presentation (
An infographic for recognizing primary-colored objects among varied objects
(a projector and a computer for both of them)
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
The direct method and presentation will be used as teacher-centered strategies in the learning process. The
teacher will introduce the primary colors to the children. "Discussion," one of the student-centered strategies,
will be used in the whole group as a result of creating the graph for and in the part where children find the
primary-colored objects and share them.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
A Prezi presentation that teaches primary colors and is prepared to support identifying objects in primary
colors is created.
An infographic is designed and will be used as an assessment, in which students are expected to recognize the
primary-colored objects.
Individual Learning Activities There are no individual learning activities.

Group Learning Activities Identification of colors in pictures

Creating an object graph as a whole group and
discussing the graph results
The aim of the lesson is to introduce children to primary colors and to support their learning by creating
situations where they can recognize them. First, the teacher creates a discussion environment about colors
through various pictures. Then, they introduce the primary colors using the presentation and examine the
objects' visuals in these colors. After that, children are supported to create an object graph by selecting an
object in the primary color in their classroom. The teacher measures the individual performance of the children
through worksheets.

Measurement & Evaluation

Measurement & Assessment Activities for The teacher will measure individual performance by
Individual Performance handing out a worksheet to each child, asking them to
mark the primary-colored objects among mixed objects.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for The teacher will observe the children's previous knowledge
Group Performance of the subject using the pictures they bring to the class.

The teacher will assess the students' group performance in

the part where they will bring a primary-colored object,
create a graph as a whole group, and evaluate the results.
Homework (optional) No homework will be given.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The teacher enters the classroom with some pictures in their hands, and the children examine the photographs
and indicate the colors used. The teacher then opens the presentation, explains to the children the primary
colors, and asks them where they see these colors. Children share their thoughts by discussing, and then the
teacher shows the objects in the presentation to the children. After the presentation, the teacher asks the
children to review the materials in their classrooms and asks each child to select and bring an object in the
primary colors they want. Children create a graph using these objects in the whole group and evaluate the
graph with the teacher's guiding questions. After the learning process, the teacher measures the children's
knowledge by giving each child a worksheet created in infographic format.

In cases where there is no internet or electricity connection, and there is a problem with technological devices,
the teacher chooses the objects they add to the presentation according to the primary colors from the
materials they can easily reach and creates three object boxes for the colors red, green, and blue in the
classroom. For assessment, the teacher uses the printed worksheets in the infographic format. In addition, a
teacher-directed assessment method can be used, each child recognizes the primary colors the teacher wants
in mixed object groups, and the teacher records the children's learning using anecdotal observations or
checklist designed for gains and indicators.

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