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1. As a whole, the methodology of the focus group was respectable.

Ad-Lider Embalagens determined that 50% of their profits csme from the Southeast regions of Brazil. Taking that information into account they compiled three separate focus group of women from the social classes A and B. These two classes have the highest purchasing power out of the five categories, thus they were assessing the right market. The focus groups came from two different regional demographics, Sao Paulo and Rio De Janiero, which demonstrated that the monitors were aware that there may be varying perceptions and needs based on location. The study conductors did an excellent job of specifying their needs to evaluate acceptance of bag, learn packaging preferences, and determine how the drawstring was perceived. They structured the questions asked during the focus group to be reflective of those central needs. Each question pertained to the purpose at hand; they did not assess impertinent information. Comparing the data from the intercept interviews it appears that the focus group used the right demographics, women were the number one consumers of the bags. They While the focus groups methodology had many strengths, it did appear to have several weaknesses as well. The case did not clearly address how the participants were recruited. This may or may not have contributed bias.

Evaluate the methodology of focus group and purchase intercept interviews.

Product that is different, modern, offered a good cost/benefit.

We are unsure about what their screens for their recruitment were, so there is the potential that its biased. Their screens for recruitment made sure they got in contact with the right people.

They made sure

The composition of their research group is reflective of their target market. It was made up of all ladies, who have the most purchasing power. They fall into the sophisticated A and B class, which makes up 52% of the national consumption. They were very specific about who they wanted to talk to.

Their goal was for information preferences wanted to find consumer preferences, habits, and competitive advantage that would affect pricing, product size, and distribution decisions.

Overall, the methodology of the intercept interviews

They didnt give us a lot of information about the intercept interviews, so its hard to They had clear goals about what they wanted to accomplish: frequency of purchases, brand market share, customer motivation, concern.

It was conducted at Sendas in Rio, they were conducted 7 saturdsays from April to June in 29 markets. The demographics are different, so its hard to know if that is an accurate refelction of the market as a whole, or just that place in general

The other things that was good, was that they composed people from San Palo and Rio and that was 50% of AD-Lider sales in the SE part of the country. They have 42.6% of the population, and then

Large supermarkets constitute the channel of largest growth in retailing, so this was an excellent place to start.

Their study seemed ethical, and that they werent trying to skew their results in the way presented question or observed people in the supermarket. Their questions werent given in a way that was leading. The environment seemed open, and their interviewees seems comfortable in sharing their opinions made evident by the differences in the two areas.

Overall, I felt like they did a good job. The ladies vocalized well what they thought.


What can be learned from the research findings with respect to marketing the Climp Fecha Facil?

There were a few things that differed across areas.

Rio was more aware of brands, in comparison to Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo black, Rio blue (they didnt have black available). It seemed like both parties liked the 30 and 50 L bags. Sao Paulo was more price contentious. Rio was more about use and utility of the bags. Rio was more brand aware. There were some differences across the board, but one common tie was that they were all concerned about the strength of the bag. How the bag closes wasnt a main factor or a priority, but it would help because they like a bag that closes well.

First off, they found that there were strong perceptions o

Their number one priority seemed to be strength and endurance. If they knew that a brand was going to beBlack, higher quality

AS far as packing went, there wasnt any strong preferences that came out. People liked the boxes, but it seemed like they associated it with being more expensive. When they were told it would be the same price, they preferred the box. They thought it was pretty, but as far as colors go, they were back and forth between blue and green.

They are going ot have to have a different product for the different regions. Rio did not want boxes, they wanted bags. They thought black was fine, but they didnt have it, so they might as well stick with the color they know. Cater their marketing, packaging, and even their product to the various demographics and their preferences that were discovered through their market research.

That probably means more costs, but at the same time, its positive because theyll get more of the market share.


Does the research support the launch of the Climp Fecha Facil bag? Why or why not?

Its a good thing to launch because its opening a market, but its going to be tricky because its new and different people might not realize that its something that people want. They need to promote the consumer and show how its great. They have the educate the consumers on what they want and what the benefits are.

Thats usually how it is, people want to stick with what they know, and so the company needs to make it as similar as it can with the old Introduce the need to them. The only way theyre really going to be successful is tif they show familiarity with the product. The initial showing

Its introducing something new,

In some ways it does, but on the other hand, there are some red flags.

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