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A Bird’s Reflection and Liquid Consciousness

A Bird’s Reflection and Liquid Consciousness

Q: I don’t know if you remember my birds when you were at my house -- but I was
jumping on my trampoline, and I looked at my birds, and I thought that if I should let
them free, I wonder if they’d survive? They’re not native to this area. And all of a
sudden one of them was out of the cage. I rushed off to work, shut the door, and when I
came back he was gone, out of the room. There’s no way he could get out.

B: Obviously there was.

Q: Where did he go?

B: Wherever he wanted to. You suggested the idea of freedom.

Q: But how could he get out of that room? It was…

B: It was what?

Q: It was shut.

B: Third density, yes. But animals are not confined to the belief that a room is something
solid. They are only there to reflect your belief. When you leave it up to them, they will
go where they want to. That is an indication and a reflection to you that you can do the
same thing.

AUD: All right!

B: That you are not confined by the illusion of the structures you have created in your
reality. It is only an illusion.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: When the outside becomes the inside, then you can be on either side of the situation.
All right?

Q: That’s exciting, yes.

B: Well, thank you.

Q: One more thing: can you explain a little bit more about liquid consciousness? What
you mean by that, what that is?

B: It is simply one way of referring to the idea of feeling your natural flow, feeling the
blending without the separations between all the different levels. Feeling the interaction,
the interplay for what you have constructed to be different levels -- but that there is an
osmosis that takes place that lets you know that what you have previously considered to

A Bird’s Reflection and Liquid Consciousness

be a specific and highly definitive level of consciousness always contains all the other

Q: Thank you very much.

B: Think holographic.

Q: Okay.

B: Thank you. Sharing!

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