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with alternative 5′ splice sites. Moreover,

Alternative splicing as a source transcripts from many genes undergo
multiple AS events that, if not tightly

of phenotypic diversity coordinated, can generate combinatorial

diversity. The relative importance of each
AS event type and overall extent of AS varies
Charlotte J. Wright   , Christopher W. J. Smith   and Chris D. Jiggins    substantially between eukaryotic lineages20–22
(Fig. 1b). For example, exon skipping is the
Abstract | A major goal of evolutionary genetics is to understand the genetic most common form of AS in metazoans,
processes that give rise to phenotypic diversity in multicellular organisms. whereas intron retention is more frequent
Alternative splicing generates multiple transcripts from a single gene, enriching in plants and fungi23,24.
Questions about how AS evolves have
the diversity of proteins and phenotypic traits. It is well established that alternative
been raised since the phenomenon was first
splicing contributes to key innovations over long evolutionary timescales, such as discovered25,26. Landmark papers presenting
brain development in bilaterians. However, recent developments in long-​read the first multi-​species, multi-​tissue overviews
sequencing and the generation of high-​quality genome assemblies for diverse of the evolutionary transcriptomic landscape
organisms has facilitated comparisons of splicing profiles between closely related indicated that compared to the high
species, providing insights into how alternative splicing evolves over shorter proportion of conserved tissue-​specific
transcriptional control, a smaller proportion
timescales. Although most splicing variants are probably non-​functional, of co-​regulated tissue-​specific AS events
alternative splicing is nonetheless emerging as a dynamic, evolutionarily labile were conserved, with the highest level of
process that can facilitate adaptation and contribute to species divergence. conserved AS events occurring in the brain,
heart, muscle and testes27,28. Although this
Animal and plant taxa are characterized by protein isoforms, and for quantitative could be interpreted to mean that AS is less
an astonishing diversity of morphological regulation of protein expression levels, for functionally important than transcriptional
characteristics. Morphological differences example by altering the balance between control, an interesting alternative perspective
between species reflect a combination of functional and non-​functional transcripts is that AS potentially provides an opportunity
differences in their underlying DNA and or by regulating transcript stability. for rapid evolutionary innovation. AS is
input from the environment. Since the 1970s, However, the role of AS in generating known to affect many important phenotypes
it has been observed that phenotypically phenotypic diversity has received relatively including neural development29, muscle
diverse species can possess very similar little attention. function30 and pigmentation31. Nonetheless,
coding sequences, which suggests that The discovery of splicing in mammalian a gap remains in our understanding as the
regulatory sequences play a dominant part cells in 1977 (refs.9,10) immediately sparked majority of AS events remain functionally
in causing phenotypic differences1. Indeed, interest in the implications for eukaryotic uncharacterized. Moreover, until recently,
genome-​wide association studies in humans gene and protein evolution by ‘exon inferences from transcriptomic analyses
have estimated that 88% of genetic variants shuffling’, a mechanism enabled by the split about the effects of AS on the proteome were
associated with heritable features are located gene structure11,12. Splicing is an essential limited by widespread use of short-​read
within non-​coding genomic regions2. step in the expression of intron-​containing RNA-​sequencing, which provides robust
The importance of gene regulatory genes, but the subsequent discovery of quantification of AS events, but not
variation in morphological evolution AS revealed how it also facilitates an full-​length transcripts. Recent advances
has been studied extensively3–5. Defined unanticipated form of gene regulation in in long-​read RNA-​sequencing now allow
broadly, regulatory variation includes which individual genes could generate complete transcripts to be sequenced.
any heritable variation in control at functionally distinct protein isoforms13,14. Long-​read data can reveal the full
transcriptional or post-​transcriptional levels Transcriptomic studies have established complexity of alternative transcripts and
that leads to proteomic diversity. Although that AS is widespread across eukaryotes. the predicted protein isoforms they encode
transcriptional regulation has received more For example, an estimated 90–95% of and provide insight into their influence on
attention, many genetic variants regulate human genes undergo AS15,16. phenotypic change. For example, long-​read
co-​transcriptional and post-​transcriptional Variant transcripts can arise from RNA-​sequencing identified 7,874 complete
mechanisms, such as alternative splicing (AS), seven major types of AS event (Fig. 1a; transcript isoforms of Dscam132, thousands of
polyadenylation and RNA editing6–8, which see also ref.17) as well as from alternative which are essential for normal neural circuit
enable a single gene to encode multiple transcription start sites and alternative development33. The growing availability of
transcripts, proteins and hence divergent polyadenylation sites on the first and last transcriptomic data for diverse organisms
phenotypes. In particular, AS is a potent exons, respectively18,19. Combinations has fuelled a resurgence of interest in the
mechanism for expanding the coding of these binary events can lead to more role of AS in generating phenotypic diversity,
capacity of genes, by generating different complex AS events, such as cassette exons which was first discussed in ref.34.

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 697


a b Average percentage of AS
Exon skipping genes per clade
0 20 40 60 80 100

Mutually exclusive exons






fi s
Alternative 5′ splice site



a lo

Alternative 3′ splice site





Intron retention


n gi

Alternative first exon

Alternative last exon

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

Divergence time in millions of years

Constitutive exon Alternative exon/segment

c Intron

Exon Exon

5′ splice site Branch point Polypyrimidine tract and 3′ splice site

Fig. 1 | Patterns of alternative splicing. a | The major types of alternative 5′ splice site and a 3′ splice site with its adjacent polypyrimidine tract and
splicing (AS) are exon skipping (removal of a single ‘cassette’ exon), mutually a branch point sequence (BPS) usually a short distance upstream of the
exclusive exons (when two or more adjacent exons are spliced such that only 3′ splice site. The 5′ splice site, 3′ splice site and the BPS are described by
one exon from the group is included at a time), alternative 5′ or 3′ splice site consensus sequences, within which GU, AG and A, respectively, are nearly
(which affects the length of a particular exon), intron retention (an intron can invariant. The degree to which individual splice signals match the consensus
be removed or retained) and alternative first or last exons. b | The prevalence correlates with their functional strength. Consensus human sequences
of AS has increased during eukaryotic evolution. Bars reflect the average were made using WebLogo3177. Part b is reprinted from ref.136, CC BY 4.0
percentage of AS genes per clade. Phylogenetic data are from ref.176. ( Part c, image courtesy
c | The architecture of a pre-​mRNA before splicing. Each intron contains a of Aishwarya Jacob.

In this Perspective, we summarize Mechanisms of alternative splicing regulated by a complex web of influences
the ways in which AS occurs and the Eukaryotic pre-​mRNA splicing is (Box 1, and covered in detail in excellent
diverse functional roles it serves, namely orchestrated by the spliceosome, which recent reviews36–38). The spliceosome often
in the context of proteomic diversity, assembles stepwise across introns and then assembles directly across introns, particularly
development and phenotypic plasticity. catalyses removal of the intron and splicing when introns are short, in a process termed
We review the evolution of AS and the together of the protein-​coding exons via its intron definition. However, when exons
extent to which splicing variation can RNA-​based catalytic centre35. Spliceosome are flanked by long introns, early splicing
catalyse evolutionary change, including assembly is precisely coordinated by complexes may instead first assemble
adaptation and speciation. Finally, we splicing factors, which recognize short between the splice sites flanking the exon, in
explore the evidence that AS diverges consensus sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends a process termed exon definition39. The early
as a result of natural selection. of each intron (Fig. 1c). This process is exon definition complexes must subsequently

698 | November 2022 | volume 23


be juxtaposed and rearranged so that transcription factors (which differ in their how protein–protein interactions can be
mature spliceosomes form across introns. DNA-​binding properties) that regulate fine-​tuned by isoform switching61. For
Key evidence for exon definition is that neural wiring56. Overall, AS increases both example, a highly conserved AS event
mutations in a single splice site — introduced the total protein number and the degree of regulates DNA-​binding preference and
experimentally, or identified by clinical interconnectivity within protein networks hence the function of transcription factor
genetics — often lead to exon skipping rather (reviewed in ref.34). Indeed, AS may be used FOXP162. In human embryonic stem
than retention of just the affected intron40. in different ways by different organisms. cells, FOXP1 transcripts include exon 18b,
From a regulatory standpoint, the path of For example, systematic analysis of resulting in isoforms that upregulate key
splicing complex assembly determines the AS in multiple tissues and stress conditions pluripotency genes including OCT4 and
mode of splicing regulation; intron retention in Arabidopsis thaliana and comparison NANOG. By contrast, cell differentiation
tends to be associated with intron definition, with three animal species suggested that is promoted when exon 18 is included
while exon definition is associated with plants use AS mainly for quantitative in FOXP1 transcripts62. Cross-​species
exon skipping or inclusion and has become gene regulation in response to stresses, comparisons revealed that exons 18 and
more prevalent during animal evolution41. whereas animals use it mainly to generate 18b of human FOXP1 are highly conserved
From an evolutionary standpoint, the tissue-​specific proteomes57. across 46 vertebrate species, indicating
important corollary of exon definition is that Tissue-​specific cassette exons often conservation of AS-​mediated pluripotency
sequence variants affecting a cis-​splice signal encode intrinsically disordered protein maintenance62.
frequently lead to inclusion or skipping of a regions, which typically have greater In addition to switching protein
complete exon and are therefore more likely functional flexibility and are enriched in isoforms, AS also has quantitative effects
to lead to viable alternative protein-​coding post-​translational modification sites and on protein expression levels. AS can affect
isoforms. By contrast, intron retention — conserved protein binding motifs58–60. mRNA translation efficiency by altering
the most common form of AS in plants — Mutually exclusive exons frequently affect untranslated region sequences63,64 and
more frequently leads to RNA degradation, globular domains, including enzymatic transcript stability by coupling to mRNA
although there is a small class of retained domains, and structural modelling indicates degradation mechanisms65. Intron retention
introns that are frame-​preserving and lead to
protein isoforms42. Despite the explanatory Box 1 | Components of the splicing code
power of the concept of exon definition,
The core splicing signals are described by
sequencing of nascent RNAs indicates that consensus sequences, within which a limited +
many long introns are spliced while the number of positions are invariant (Fig. 1c). The
downstream exon is still being transcribed, degree to which individual splice signals match
excluding a contribution for exon definition the consensus correlates with their functional Intronic splicing Intronic splicing
in those cases43. strength. Core splicing signals alone are silencer enhancer
insufficient to distinguish authentic splice sites
Functions of alternative splicing unambiguously from the many similar sequences
AS is functionally important in many contexts. within introns (except in unicellular eukaryotes, –
It diversifies the proteome and is a key which have shorter introns, tighter consensus
splice sites and display limited alternative
regulatory mechanism during development.
splicing (AS))185. A large array of auxiliary
In addition, AS can facilitate responses to cis-​regulatory elements — termed exonic
environmental change at all life stages. or intronic splicing enhancers and silencers,
depending on their location and mode of action — Constitutive exon Alternative exon
Contribution of AS to the proteome provide the additional specificity that distinguishes Trans-regulatory Cis-regulatory
The extent to which AS events translate element: RNA elements
authentic from cryptic splice sites. These elements, binding protein
into functional protein variation is which are associated with both constitutive and AS
the subject of intense debate (Box 2). exons, act as binding sites for splicing regulatory
A number of lines of evidence suggest RNA-​binding proteins (RBPs) — trans-regulatory factors that can either activate or repress splicing
that the majority of observed AS events to nearby splice sites, and provide the opportunity for regulation of AS via the availability of the
cognate RBPs. Auxiliary elements are extremely diverse, reflecting the large number of RBPs,
reflect splicing errors, and are neither
each with a specific binding sequence preference. Most RBPs are functionally versatile, acting as
conserved nor functional44–48. However, repressors or activators depending upon the location of their binding sites relative to regulated
there is clear evidence that a subset splice sites38,186 (see figure). For example, the vertebrate neuronal proteins Nova1/Nova2 bind
of AS events contribute to functional specifically to YCAY motifs within transcripts and, depending on the motif location, can promote
protein diversity and to regulation of or prevent exon inclusion187–191.
protein expression levels49–52. Moreover, AS exons typically have weaker splice sites than constitutive exons99, relying upon additional
the preponderance of non-​functional, activating elements. Indeed, specific combinations of enhancer and silencer motifs constitute a
noisy AS events provides the potential large part of tissue-​specific splicing codes, with the code being interpreted and executed by the
for subsequent evolution of new function. cognate RBPs. In addition to cellular complements of RBPs, many other factors can determine
Alternative transcripts can contain AS patterns, including: variations in the levels of core splicing factors, such as snRNP proteins;
RNA secondary structure, which can ‘hide’ splice site or regulatory elements, optimally display
different open reading frames, leading
these elements in loops, or can bring distantly separated elements into close juxtaposition192,193;
to protein isoforms varying in domain epitranscriptomic RNA modifications, such as adenosine N6 methylation, adenosine deamination to
architecture, binding sites, stability, activity inosine or pseudouridylation194,195; changes in RNA Pol II processivity, sometimes brought about by
or localization53–55. For example, AS of the chromatin modifications, can alter the ‘window of opportunity’ within which an exon with weak
Drosophila melanogaster transcription splice sites can be recognized36; and finally both RNA Pol II and chromatin marks can help to recruit
factor lola generates a family of 19 core and regulatory splicing factors36,169.

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 699


Box 2 | To what extent does AS contribute to functional protein diversity? in quantitative gene regulation. It should
be noted that not all predicted AS–NMD
Deep-​sequencing of transcriptomes identifies vast numbers of alternative transcripts196. However, isoforms are observed to undergo NMD74,
it is unclear how many lead to functionally relevant protein isoforms. Mass-​spectrometry-​based and the rules governing NMD and the
proteomic analyses have frequently failed to detect evidence of the protein isoforms corresponding transcript features involved are still to be
to mRNA variants, leading to the suggestion that a substantial fraction of alternative splicing (AS)
fully elucidated75,76. Nonetheless, there are
may be non-​functional197. The discrepancy between proteome and transcriptome data may be
due, at least in part, to technical reasons48,198. Approximately 75% of human exon-​skipping events many clearly documented examples of
detected by RNA-​sequencing were also identified by ribosome profiling, suggesting that these functional AS–NMD in the regulation
events result in protein isoforms64,199. Similarly, 40% of the splicing changes at RNA level were of gene families, particularly of splicing
concordant with changes in translation detected by ribosome profiling in human glia and glioma200. factors77.
Nevertheless, ribosome occupancy alone is not sufficient to demonstrate functionality, because
not all translation events result in stable, functional proteins45,201. Accumulating evidence suggests AS regulates development
that AS may be noisy, with a large fraction of AS events reflecting erroneous splice site usage. The consequences of AS at the molecular
For example, the number of isoforms increases with gene expression level and number of introns, level can manifest as major effects
consistent with a stochastic noise model202. Rarely used splice sites also show little evidence of at the physiological system level. One of
conservation, which has been interpreted as a lack of function46. Recent genome-​wide studies
the most fundamental developmental
also indicate that much of the diversity of transcripts generated by alternative polyadenylation,
RNA editing and transcription initiation is also driven by deleterious, molecular errors203–205. processes that can be controlled by AS is
Although a large proportion of AS events are unlikely to contribute to functional protein sex determination. The cascade of AS
production, a subset of AS events do have important functions. For example, of the one-​third events that regulate sex determination is
of human-​tissue-​specific AS isoforms that were detected in proteomic datasets, 95% were highly best understood in Drosophila melanogaster
conserved across vertebrates206. The fact that networks of AS that are co-​regulated during (Fig. 2a). Remarkably, sex-​specific splicing
phenotypic transitions or in response to splicing factor knockdowns affect gene sets showing of dsx — a key sex-​determining gene in
clear enrichments for biological function also strongly argues for the functional importance of Drosophila spp. — is conserved across
much regulated AS161. Transcriptomic studies suggest AS enhances the complexity of regulatory diverse insects, including the silkmoth
networks; genes with higher levels of AS tend to exhibit a higher number of protein–protein Bombyx mori, olive fruitflies Bactrocera oleae
interactions207, and genes with tissue-​specific AS events typically occupy a more central position in
and red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum,
protein–protein interaction networks59. For example, genes that are differentially spliced between
ecotypes of salmonid fish that differ in swimming ability tended to be highly central in regulatory suggesting an ancient origin and role in
networks160. Isoforms produced by AS have different interaction profiles and these differences can sex determination78–80 (reviewed in ref.81).
be as great as between proteins encoded by different genes208. Recent work has also revealed the role of
Further work is required to distinguish which transcripts produce biologically important isoforms AS in sex determination in poikilothermic
and to characterize their functions. Machine learning methods, trained with proteomics data as a reptiles in response to small variations
proxy for functionality, have proved capable of predicting biologically important isoforms with in temperature82 (Fig. 2b). In turtles, at
high accuracy209. Functional characterization of AS events remains challenging because many temperatures below 26 °C, the regulatory
splice variants are likely to have important biological effects but be restricted to specific cell types kinase CLK1/4 phosphorylates SR proteins
or conditions, and until recently the technologies were not available for directed manipulation that regulate splicing82. This leads to
of splicing events in organisms210. CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing and variants that target RNA
nuclear localization of the SR proteins,
now allow experimental tests for functional effects of isoforms. For instance, blocking the AS
of a key exon of titin in mice causes a dystrophic phenotype in tissues that express the isoform211. which in turn switches a set of regulated
Systematic approaches that integrate multiple sources of data are the most promising approach AS events, ultimately resulting in male
to cataloguing AS diversity and functionality, as demonstrated by detailed analysis of human development. Above 31 °C, CLK1/4 is
G protein-​coupled receptor isoform function212. inactive, leading to AS events associated
with female development. At intermediate
temperatures, a mixture of both sexes
in particular frequently leads to nuclear to keep PTBP2 expression switched off65. develop83. Remarkably, the activation
retention or the introduction of premature Strikingly, the entire family of human temperature of CLK1/4 is finely tuned to
termination codons (PTCs) and cytoplasmic splicing regulatory SR proteins contain respond to relevant temperature ranges
nonsense mediated decay (NMD). Although poison exons within ultraconserved regions across a variety of poikilotherms, and to
primarily considered as a mechanism that (originally defined as >200-​base pair (bp) physiological cold- and heat-​shocks and
deals with aberrant transcripts, NMD regions with complete sequence identity circadian-​regulated AS in homeotherms82,84.
also acts upon numerous mRNAs that between human, mouse and rat67,68) that
contain PTCs as a result of regulated AS66. mediate extensive cross-​regulation between AS mediates phenotypic plasticity
Retention of introns containing PTCs, SR family members. These regulatory motifs Temperature-​dependent sex determination
inclusion of poison exons with PTCs67,68, and are ancient; the ‘unproductive splicing’ of is just one example of phenotypic plasticity,
frameshift-​inducing exon-​skipping leading SRSF5 is conserved among all animals and whereby organisms alter their phenotype
to PTC incorporation69–71 can all lead to even in fungi72. The functional importance in response to environmental cues. AS can
NMD. Coupled AS–NMD is frequently of regulated poison exons has been facilitate phenotypic plasticity by changing
used in autoregulation and cross-​regulation demonstrated directly by high-​throughput the expression of alternative transcripts
between splicing factors. For example, CRISPR–Cas9-​based targeted deletion of genes influencing developmental
PTBP1 induces partial skipping of a studies73. Remarkably, many poison exons trajectories, or modulating their overall
frame-​preserving exon in PTBP1 mRNA in are essential for cell fitness, but deletion expression levels. For example, AS has a
an autoregulatory loop that limits PTBP1 of a subset of poison exons also led to key role in modulating flowering time in
levels, and near complete skipping of the enhanced tumorigenesis in mouse xenograft A. thaliana in response to temperature, by
equivalent exon in the paralogue PTBP2 models, underscoring the importance of AS regulating expression of the transcription

700 | November 2022 | volume 23


factor FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM). Exon duplication (MXEs) (Fig. 3a). One copy of the exon
The underlying mechanism was originally Exon duplication, coupled to mechanisms retains ancestral function while the
suggested to involve a mutually exclusive to prevent inclusion of both exons, is other can undergo change, leading to
switch from the functional FLM-​ß isoform, the source of mutually exclusive exons a new function. For example, in both
which is produced at low temperatures
(16 °C) and interacts with the floral
a X:A = 1 X:A = 0.5
repressor SVP, to a non-​functional
FLM-​δ isoform at high temperatures
(27 °C)85. More recent data suggest that an Sxl Sxl
AS switch reduces FLM-​ß levels through the
generation of a variety of non-​productive
mRNA isoforms rather than the FLM-​δ tra-2 tra msl-2 tra-2 tra msl-2
Remarkable phenotypic plasticity is
also seen in the caste system of eusocial
insects, in which various adult morphologies
are generated from the same genome. dsxF fru dsxM fru
Comparative analyses suggest that AS is
a contributing factor to caste differences
in termites89, honeybees90 and potentially Female Male Male courtship Dosage
ants91. In the buff-​tailed bumble bee, morphology morphology behaviour compensation
Bombus terrestris, 40% of genes express
multiple isoforms, many of which are
caste-​specific92. AS has also been suggested b
to have a complementary role in gene Cold temperature Hot temperature
expression changes in seasonal plasticity
in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana93.
Active Inactive
However, functional studies into the causal CLK1/4 CLK1/4
role of AS are still to be carried out in all
these systems.

How novel splice patterns arise

The growing evidence for functional roles SR SR
of AS in shaping phenotypic traits makes protein protein
understanding its molecular evolution
and response to selective pressures a
key goal. Novel splice patterns arise when Nucleus Nucleus
mutations occur that affect splice site
selection and spliceosome assembly. These
mutations can be divided into cis-​effects, Intron retained Jarid2 Intron removed Jarid2
where the mutation is within the gene
undergoing splicing, and trans-​effects, Male development Female development
where a core splicing or regulatory gene
is mutated94–96 (Fig. 3). The main cis-​effects Fig. 2 | Role of alternative splicing in sex determination. a | In Drosophila melanogaster, the presence
are: duplication of existing exons; ‘transition’, of two X chromosomes, resulting in a 1:1 ratio of X chromosomes to autosomes (X:A = 1), leads to expres-
whereby a constitutive exon is converted sion of the negative splicing regulator sex-​lethal (sxl)178 and to female development (left); in the pres-
ence of one X-​chromosome, and an X:A ratio of 0.5, sxl is not expressed and male development occurs
to an alternative exon, or vice versa;
(right). Sxl promotes the use of a distal 3′ splice site during splicing of transformer (tra) transcripts179.
exonization, whereby mutations convert The resulting tra transcripts lack a premature termination codon, leading to female-​specific expression
an intronic sequence into an exon; or of Tra (refs.180,181). Tra in conjunction with Tra-2 positively regulates splicing of doublesex (dsx), leading
conversely intronization, whereby mutations to inclusion of a female-​specific exon and the isoform that orchestrates female development182. Tra also
lead to complete loss of splicing and the interacts with Tra-2 to inhibit expression of Fru, a protein that establishes male courtship behaviour. Sxl
previously exonic sequence becomes part of ensures that dosage compensation is restricted to males by promoting degradation via intron retention
an intron97–100. Mechanistically, intronization in male-​specific lethal 2 (msl2), which upregulates transcription of the X chromosome183). Sxl maintains
can be seen as an extreme form of transition its expression through a splicing-​mediated positive feedback loop that is self-​sustaining even after the
whereby the exon becomes so weak that initiating X:A signal has been erased by dosage compensation, thus ensuring that sex fate choice is
it is always skipped. The direct impacts maintained. Light grey lines and text reflect proteins and processes that are not expressed. b | Sex
determination in turtles is governed by temperature-​dependent changes in alternative splicing. At
of trans-​effects can be either qualitative
cooler temperatures (<26 °C), active CLK1/4 phosphorylates SR proteins, causing nuclear localization.
(altering the coding sequence of the SR proteins then regulate splicing events, resulting in protein isoforms that orchestrate male develop-
trans-​factor) or quantitative (changing its ment (left). For example, SR proteins promote intron retention in the chromatin modifier Jarid2.
expression levels), resulting in a wave of At warmer temperatures (>31 °C), CLK1/4 is inactive and so SR proteins are not phosphorylated and
quantitative changes in expression level remain cytoplasmic. This prevents SR proteins from regulating splicing of targets — the resulting
of AS transcripts. protein isoforms mediate chromatin modifications associated with female development (right).

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 701


a Duplication
Constitutive exon
Alternative exon/segment
Alu element

b Transition: constitutive-to-alternative
Constitutively spliced exon Mutations e.g. in ES events Alternatively spliced exon


3′ splice 5′ splice ESE ESE

site site

c Exonization


New 3′ splice site New 5′ splice site


d Mutations affecting splicing trans-acting factors

Regulatory Mutated
protein Gene 1 regulatory Altered
protein set of
Gene 2
Mutated region

Fig. 3 | Genetic basis of novel splice forms and patterns. a–c | Novel subsequently acquires splice sites through mutations (part c). Taken to the
splice variants result from cis-​effects (which occur in or near the gene extreme, this can result in intronization of a previously exonic sequence.
undergoing splicing). Cis-​effects include: duplication of an existing exon, d | Trans-​effects occur when loci involved in regulating splicing are
often resulting in mutually exclusive exon pairs (part a); transition, caused mutated, and often lead to changes in the expression levels of an array of
by mutations that weaken the splice sites of a constitutive exon, such as in existing splice variants. Mutations to trans-​acting regulatory proteins can
exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs), leading to exon skipping (part b); and lead to an altered set of splicing events. Parts a–c adapted with permission
exonization, which occurs through insertion of a transposable element that from ref.184, Wiley.

α-​actinins and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, sufficient levels of exon inclusion will be large changes in inclusion level in response
MXE exons affect calcium binding and needed to maintain ancestral function. to exonic variants. Instead, most gradually
responsiveness101,102. Calcium binding by An interesting example of transition during change their inclusion level with subsequent
the ancestral isoform is lost in the more primate evolution is provided by exon 6 exonic mutations106. Taken together, these
recent isoform, allowing muscle actinin to of FAS. The ancestral FAS isoform is a studies indicate that transition may occur
form stable structures suitable for muscle membrane-​bound receptor that promotes by a series of stepwise changes in response
contraction in response to activating apoptosis. A primate-​specific isoform to sequence variants affecting splicing
calcium. Many MXEs are ancient and highly lacking exon 6 is a soluble circulating enhancers or silencers. Compared to the
conserved across lineages103. However, in the isoform that acts as an antagonistic decoy, more catastrophic effects of mutations in
extensive arrays of MXEs in insect Dscam competing with the ancestral isoform for consensus splice site sequences, which
genes, variants within individual arrays are binding to the Fas ligand. Analysis of account for 10% of human inherited
more closely related to each other than to the contribution to exon skipping of the disease107,108, this progression via incremental
the equivalent arrays in other insect species, 12 exonic sequence variants that separate changes might be more amenable to
indicating that these arrays have arisen by the human alternative exon from the maintaining ancestral isoform function
multiple independent duplication events104. constitutively spliced primate ancestor while sampling the potential function of new
mathematically defined a complex nonlinear isoforms.
Transition relationship between the effects of individual
Transition events can lead to modular loss of mutations on exon inclusion that was Exonization
protein sequence and thus function (Fig. 3b). context-​dependent, with the nonlinearity Many exonization events arise
In principle, transition could occur via arising from competition between splice through creation of splice sites in short
any mutation in the consensus sequences sites105. Similarly, recent machine learning retrotransposons or by gradual loss of silencer
or regulatory splicing elements (Box 1) approaches found that only a small minority sequences in long retrotransposons109–112
that impairs splicing of the exon, although of exons in the human exome undergo (Fig. 3c). For example, a large number of

702 | November 2022 | volume 23


lineage-​specific exons have arisen from change that directly modulates the activity The evolution of complexity
Alu elements in primate genomes. Exons of a splicing regulator can lead to a wider The genetic basis of complexity — defined
arising by exonization generally have low set of splicing changes in trans. However, as the number of distinct cell types in
inclusion levels, consistent with maintenance mutations affecting the coding sequence an organism — has been debated since
of ancestral function, and are thought of trans-​acting regulators are likely to be comparative studies found that the total
to be generally restricted to regulatory deleterious, owing to their pleiotropic number of protein-​coding genes cannot
functions such as downregulation via nature. For example, mutations in the account for the increased cellular diversity
AS–NMD113–117. Systematic analysis of human splicing factors SF3B1, U2AF1 and observed in more complex eukaryotes.
proteomic data has identified up to 33 human SRSF2 are associated with myelodysplasias For example, both the human genome and
Alu-​derived exons that contribute to protein featuring widespread splicing changes125. the genome of the roundworm C. elegans
isoforms118,119, some of which are included at Likewise, experimental depletion of splicing have about 20,000 protein-​coding genes131,132.
high levels and/or are dynamically regulated, repressors such as hnRNPC leads to Numerous genomic features have been
but unambiguous evidence for function widespread and disruptive exonization of proposed to account for the poor correlation
is lacking. Alu elements126. Nevertheless, it is also clear between organism complexity and total
Although repetitive elements are well that major evolutionary innovations in AS gene content (‘the G-​value paradox’133),
appreciated as a source of new exons, less can be driven in trans. A notable example including AS, microRNAs, long non-​coding
than 20% of exonization events in mice is acquisition in early bilaterians of a novel RNAs and non-​coding DNA34,134,135. Of
and humans arise from short interspersed ‘enhancer of micro-​exon’ (eMIC) domain in these features, AS is a particularly attractive
elements (SINEs), and it has been suggested the SRRM2/3/4 splicing factor that facilitated candidate as, by definition, it allows multiple
that the majority of new exons occur from the subsequent evolution of AS programmes transcripts and thus proteins to stem from a
unique, rather than repetitive, sequences120. of neuron-​specific micro-​exons, which are single gene.
A common class of lineage-​specific new among the most conserved and switch-​like Comparative transcriptomic studies
exons occurs as the second exon in their AS events in mammals and are needed for revealed extensive differences in the
transcripts and affect 5′ untranslated regions. proper brain development and function127. extent of AS between eukaryotes. Direct
Inclusion of these exons is associated with Overall, although functional changes comparison of levels of AS across 47 diverse
higher transcription levels, highlighting a to splicing regulators do occur between eukaryotic species (spanning protists,
mechanism by which promoter-​proximal species, cis-​acting effects seem to be more fungi, plants and animals136) revealed
splicing can increase transcription levels common27,128,129. For example, 77% of that the prevalence of AS (defined as the
and even activate new promoters, further strain-​specific AS quantitative trait loci (QTL) proportion of AS in multiexonic genes)
enhancing isoform diversity120,121. in Caenorhabdititis elegans were locally was strongly correlated with organism
regulated, suggesting a cis-​regulatory basis130. complexity, with the highest levels in
Balance of cis- and trans-​effects Similarly, most vertebrate species-​specific vertebrates (Fig. 1c). Importantly, this analysis
The evolutionary consequences of changes splicing patterns were found to be under accounted for differences in transcript
to AS directed by cis- and trans-​effects are cis control27. However, further work is coverage and found AS to be a strong
fundamentally different. Alterations to the required to fully understand the basis of predictor of organism complexity regardless
cis inputs generally lead to localized changes variation in AS patterns, because some of effective population size136 (see ref.34).
in an individual splicing event, whereas studies find a larger effect of trans-​regulatory However, it should be noted that this finding
perturbations in the trans components variation (for example, during sunflower is based on just 12 species and so requires
are likely to lead to widespread changes in domestication123). further study. In another study, analyses
splicing122 (Fig. 3d). Despite this distinction, Finally, evolution does not always have to across 65 eukaryotic species found that exon
the relative importance of cis versus trans wait for de novo mutations. Instead, novel skipping frequencies have increased during
regulatory mutations to AS evolution is isoforms can arise from either introgression evolution of bilaterians and this increase is
unclear. or from standing genetic variation. associated with a gene architecture expected
Mutations at trans-​acting regulatory This is equally true for novel splice forms. of exon definition during spliceosome
loci could be an efficient way of altering a For example, domestication of sunflowers assembly41. However, further work is needed
suite of transcripts (and hence proteins) has resulted in part from introgression of to understand the importance of AS scaling
in a coordinated manner123. In support of domesticate-​associated splicing patterns with complexity, especially given that a large
this idea, various functional differences in and from changes in frequency of splicing proportion of AS events is expected to be
trans-​acting regulatory factors have been patterns that existed among standing genetic non-​functional.
identified. For example, exon 9 of splicing variation in close wild relatives123. Overall,
regulator PTBP1 is sometimes skipped in changes to AS can originate in a plethora of AS in rapid evolutionary change
mammals, whereas it is always included ways, suggesting that AS is a relatively easy Understanding the genetic basis of
in chickens27. Exon skipping removes target for mutation and has substantial scope morphological change remains a central
26 amino acids of a linker between the for evolutionary change. challenge in evolutionary developmental
second and third RNA binding domains biology. As just a few mutations can alter
and reduces PTBP1 repressor activity, AS as a substrate of evolution AS events and thus phenotype, divergence
which in early neuronal differentiation Eukaryotes show enormous variation in AS has the potential to facilitate rapid
leads to a wave of AS changes124. Consistent in phenotypic diversity and complexity. phenotypic changes during evolution.
with this mechanism, deletion of the The functional roles of AS, together with the Important questions include whether loci
orthologous exon in chicken cells resulted many ways in which AS can evolve, make underpinning splicing show evidence of
in mammalian-​like AS changes. This it probable that it has played a part in the accelerated evolution relative to other loci,
example highlights how a cis-​driven AS evolution of both complexity and diversity. and to what extent changes in AS profiles

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 703


a Exonic SNPs subspecies that diverged around 0.5 million

CYP724A1 years ago137 and between the domesticated
sunflower and its wild ancestor since their
divergence around 5,000 years ago123.
Inefficient splicing Efficient splicing
(introns retained) Divergent splicing is also associated with
the recent divergence between human head
and body lice, Pediculus humanus, which
inhabit distinct ecological niches and vary in
their ability to transmit disease138. Although
genome sequencing and expressed sequence
Brassinosteroid production
tag data found few differences between
the two types139,140, deep transcriptomics
revealed over 3,500 AS events specific to
Petal cell proliferation Petal cell proliferation either head or body lice138. Differences in
AS were associated with salivary gland
processes that could influence vector
competence between the two lice species,
although functional studies remain to be
carried out138. Patterns of AS can therefore
diverge rapidly in association with incipient
speciation, but in all these cases, it remains
Outbreeding ancestor Selfing morph to be seen how much of this divergence
is functionally relevant to the process of
b Marine sticklebacks Freshwater sticklebacks One direct way in which divergent
ISE splicing can contribute to rapid species
divergence is by causing phenotypic changes
that reduce gene flow. For example, the
E1 E2 E1 E2
flowering plant Capsella rubella evolved
MSX2A into a selfing species from its outbreeding
ancestor, Capsella grandiflora141 (Fig. 4a).
The defining phenotypic change was
PTC a reduction in petal size in the selfing
morph. QTL analysis identified the
E1 E2 E1 E2
brassinosteroid-​biosynthesis enzyme
CYP724A1 as the causal gene. Two SNPs
in CYP724A1 of the selfing-​morph
caused more efficient removal of introns,
leading to higher CYP724A1 levels and
therefore brassinosteroid levels. Higher
• Full-length, functional MSX2A • Shorter, non-functional MSX2A
• Long spines • Shorter spines brassinosteroid levels restrict petal-​cell
proliferation, leading to reduced petal
Fig. 4 | Alternative splicing can underpin morphological evolution. a | Evolution of the selfing size. These SNPs were shown to be
morph of Capsella. A key phenotypic change in the evolutionary transition from outbreeding to selfing sufficient for petal reduction, given that
is a reduction in petal size. In the ancestral outbreeding morph, an optimal level of brassinosteroids when the C. rubella allele was expressed in
facilitate the development of large petal sizes. Levels of brassinosteroids are low because the gene A. thaliana, petal size was reduced whereas
encoding the brassinosteroid-​biosynthesis enzyme, CYP724A1, is inefficiently spliced. However, two
the C. grandiflora allele had no effect.
SNPs in the selfing morph have led to efficient splicing of introns in CYP724A1, resulting in higher
brassinosteroid levels that inhibit petal-​cell proliferation and lead to reduced petal size. b | Evolution Consequently, a single change in splicing
of spine length in threespine sticklebacks. A change in splicing in MSX2A underpins the adaptive shift efficiency, which results in smaller petals
from long spines in marine environments to shorter spines in freshwater environments147. Marine stick- in C. rubella, mediated the transition from
lebacks have long spines and express full-​length MSX2A, a homeodomain transcription factor that outbreeding to selfing.
regulates spine length. By contrast, freshwater sticklebacks produce a high proportion of truncated,
non-​functional MSX2A, resulting in shorter spine lengths. This change in splicing is caused by a single Divergence in splicing can drive adaptation.
mutation within exon 1 of the freshwater MSX2A allele, which creates an intronic splicing enhancer In some cases, the differential splicing
(ISE) that activates an alternative 5′ splice site in exon 1. Use of this splice site results in a frameshift in of individual large-​effect genes has been
exon 2 and the introduction of a premature termination codon (PTC). Part a is adapted with permission linked to the evolution of adaptive traits
from ref.141, Elsevier.
and life history strategies. For example, the
genetic basis of the parasitic Cape honeybee
account for inter-​specific phenotypic Divergent splicing and speciation. Divergent workers, Apis mellifera capensis, has been
divergence. We shall use the term ‘divergent splicing has been identified between morphs linked to a change in AS of the transcription
splicing’ to refer to divergence in profiles of the same species and between closely factor-​encoding gene, gemini142,143. Typically,
of splicing between lineages123. related species, for example between mice only mated queens can produce daughters

704 | November 2022 | volume 23


because ovary activation in workers is Per2 normally acts to repress Pparγ different genes or biological processes158–160.
inhibited by pheromones144. However, activity. However, skipping of exon 21 and Indeed, it has been observed that AS
workers occasionally evade this control, introduction of a PTC in per2 mRNA leads and transcriptional control programmes
leading to offspring production that to the loss of 160 amino acids adjacent to tend to affect different, complementary
threatens the queen’s position in the hive145. the C-​terminal Pparγ-​binding domain of sets of genes within a given tissue74,161.
A 9-​bp deletion of a potential intronic Per2 in the Pachón cavefish population, Studies of closely related populations
splicing regulatory element in gemini suggesting that a simple change in splicing show that even over short evolutionary
in parasitic workers correlates with the mediates adaptation to nutrient-​limited timescales, divergence in AS and mRNA
increased usage of an alternative 5′ splice environments. Interestingly, different abundance already affects different sets
site in exon 7. The resulting in-​frame loss AS events leading to similar C-​terminally of genes. For example, genes that were
of 8 amino acids in the CP2 DNA-​binding truncated Per2 isoforms have also been differentially spliced and differentially
domain is predicted to lead to altered found in a second independent cavefish expressed between ecotypes of Arctic
gemini activity and hence higher expression population of Astyanax maxicanus as charr (Salvelinus alpinus) were involved
of genes involved in ovary activation. well as in Phreatichthys andruzzi, another in different processes and were largely
In support of exon 7 splicing influencing cave-​dwelling fish, raising the possibility independent, with less than 6% overlap160.
reproductive status, queens possess a of convergent evolution of Per2 in cave It has been suggested that AS may be more
similar ratio of exon 7 splice site selection adaptation149. evolutionarily flexible than gene expression
to parasitic workers. The inclusion level of Interestingly, recent work raises the as it can alter the balance of isoforms of
gemini exon 5 is also thought to alter ovary possibility that AS also contributes to constrained genes, such as pleiotropic
activation in the closely related subspecies the evolution of sex-​specific adaptations genes, while maintaining expression of
A. mellifera carnica. — particularly in cases where changes essential isoforms160,162.
Often, changes in splicing regulate traits to gene expression patterns are limited Studies indicate that splicing diverges
by producing non-​functional proteins, by functional constraints150–153. Through faster than gene expression, reinforcing
rather than by altering or acquiring a new AS, transcripts that confer a sex-​specific the view that the two processes provide
function. For example, predator‐driven benefit can be exclusively expressed in alternative, complementary routes to
divergent selection has resulted in the the sex it benefits. Comparison of AS rapid adaptation. Comparisons of organ
threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus patterns across sexes in multiple bird transcriptomes from multiple vertebrate
aculeatus) repeatedly evolving shorter spines species revealed hundreds of genes with species found that AS patterns have rapidly
than their marine counterparts, owing sex-​specific splicing patterns associated diverged during vertebrate evolution,
to changes in splicing of MSX2A, which with phenotypic sexual dimophism154. For with splicing variation between species
encodes a homeodomain transcription example, in wild turkeys, dominant males exceeding within-​species variation
factor146,147 (Fig. 4b). In marine sticklebacks, have sexually selected traits such as distinct across tissues27,28. By contrast, tissue-​level
full-​length MSX2A protein is produced, plumage, whereas subordinate males have gene expression profiles are strongly
whereas in freshwater sticklebacks, a high an intermediate phenotype between that conserved163. However, these patterns are
proportion of MSX2A transcripts encode of dominant males and females, and also based on evolution across many millions
non-​functional truncated protein owing to had an intermediate splicing profile154. of years. Equivalent studies spanning
the absence of the DNA-​binding domain Moreover, a population genomics approach shorter evolutionary distances have proved
encoded by exon 2. The freshwater allele showed that sex-​specific splicing patterns more variable. For example, whereas three
contains a non-​synonymous (Glu to Gly) were driven by sexual selection and have times more differences in AS than in gene
A to G transition, generating a poly-​G tract sex-​specific effects. This study indicates expression were detected between recently
splicing enhancer element that activates an that sex-​specific AS events could facilitate radiated cichlid species that diverged
alternative 5′ splice site within exon 1. sex-​specific adaptations. around 0.7–2.8 million years ago158, similar
The role of splicing differences in regulating Overall, divergent splicing has been numbers of AS and gene expression
MSX2A and hence driving rapid adaptive implicated in evolutionary, adaptive differences were found between ecotypes
divergence in spine production was changes. However, in many cases, the of Arctic charr that diverged 10,000 to
confirmed by transgenic expression of precise mechanism by which changes in 15,000 years ago160. Moreover, it should
stable full-​length MSX2A in freshwater splicing affect a given trait is incompletely be acknowledged that relative rates of
sticklebacks, which led to increased understood. Going forwards, dissecting the divergence of splicing and gene expression
spine size147. Similarly, the genetic basis underlying mechanisms will be necessary alone cannot be used to ascertain the
of adaptation to food scarcity in cavefish to illuminate the most common avenues relative contribution of each process to
has been linked to a change in AS of per2, of phenotypic change, for example through evolution. Splicing and transcript levels are
resulting in reduced activity of the Per2 loss of protein function or through altered also inherently interconnected, as splicing
protein148. Cave-​dwelling populations of protein function via switching of functional is largely co-​transcriptional and so is related
Astyanax maxicanus tolerate periods domains. to transcription levels, and in turn AS
of low food availability by upregulating can influence transcript stability. Overall,
the expression of lipogenesis genes when Interplay between splicing and evidence suggests AS that complements
food is abundant, leading to increased transcriptional control. Genome-​ other regulatory changes and can play
body fat accumulation compared to wide studies suggest that splicing and an important part during early stages
river-​dwelling populations. Upregulation transcriptional control are largely regulated of divergence and ecological speciation,
of lipogenesis genes is achieved through by different genetic loci37,155–157. This although more studies, particularly over
increased expression of the lipid implies that the processes can evolve shorter evolutionary timescales, are needed
metabolism regulator Pparγ in the liver. independently, for example by affecting to dissect their relationships.

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 705


a Alternative splicing of TRPV1 AS with traits subject to artificial selection

PTC Short TRPV1 supports a role for selection in driving rapid
AS divergence.
E14 E14a E15 Comparisons between species generally
Trpv1 Long TRPV1
indicate that rapid divergence in AS is
primarily driven by genetic drift. For
example, conservation of alternative
exons seems to be limited in primates and
b AS is tissue-specific c AS regulates activation temperature many differences in exons are predicted
100 1 to have minor effects165. Such limited
30°C conservation tends to suggest a faster
80 0.8 evolution rate associated with weak
% TRPV1 transcripts

Heat response
selective pressure and lack of function.
60 0.6 40°C Consistent with weak purifying selection,
human genome-​wide genetic variation data
40 0.4
suggest that most alternative exons have a
20 0.2
higher non-​synonymous to synonymous
substitution ratio than do constitutive
0 0 exons99. One potential explanation may be
TG DRG TG DRG 21 27 33 39 45 that alternative exons tend to have lower
Temperature (°C) expression levels and so experience lower
Vampire bat Fruit bat
effective selection than constitutive exons117.
It has also been observed that AS rates are
higher in genes with lower expression levels
d Activation of short TRPV1 at 30 °C in vampire bats allows detection of prey and in genes with fewer introns44. This
suggests that most variation in AS reflects
splicing errors due to weak selective pressure
as the cost of such errors increases with the
amount of resources used in translation.
Thus, overall, while it could be that some
alternative transcripts may still perform
important functional roles under certain
environmental conditions, it seems likely
that the majority of divergence in AS profiles
is driven by drift.
It has been suggested that, by largely
evolving under neutral conditions, AS
Short TRPV1 expressed in ‘leaf pits’ around Detection of infrared radiation from heat spots
the nose of prey can rapidly evolve and provide a route for
existing genes to acquire new functions and
Fig. 5 | Divergent alternative splicing can mediate lineage-specific adaptations. Alternative splic- thus adaptive benefits99,117. In brief, when
ing (AS) permits infrared sensation in vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus. a | Skipping of exon 14a (blue alternative exons first arise they are likely
lines) gives rise to transcripts that encode the full-​length TRPV1 isoform, whereas inclusion of exon to be included only in a small proportion of
14a (red lines), which contains a premature termination codon (PTC), generates transcripts that
transcripts owing to weak splice sites, and
encode the short isoform of TRPV1. b | Transcripts encoding full-​length TRPV1 are expressed in the
dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of vampire bats and fruit bats. Transcripts encoding the short TRVP1 isoform
so are unlikely to disrupt normal protein
constitute around 40% of total transcripts in the trigeminal ganglia (TG) of vampire bats, whereas this function. Over time, the alternative exon
form is expressed at physiologically non-​relevant levels in the TG of fruit bats. c | Relative heat response may acquire additional mutations and thus
profiles of full-​length and truncated TRPV1 isoforms show that truncated TRPV1 has a lower activation evolve quickly under relaxed selection
threshold. d | The lower activation threshold of truncated TRPV1 enables activation in response to pressures. In support of this scenario,
temperatures of around 30 °C, which corresponds to infrared radiation from the thermal hotspots of exons with low inclusion levels undergo
warm-​blooded prey. Parts a and c adapted from ref.166, Springer Nature Limited. Credit for photograph increased evolutionary change117. This
of Desmodus rotundus: Mendesbio/Alamy Stock Photo, and credit for photgraph of cow: Maximilian leads to standing variation in alternative
Buzun/Alamy Stock Photo. transcripts at low expression levels, which
are largely non-​functional. However, if
What drives divergence in AS? AS (splicing QTLs), which can provide a particular alternative transcript gains a
Divergence in AS profiles could reflect insights into their evolutionary history164. useful function, for example with a change
relaxed selection against AS regulation and For example, in sunflowers, several in environment, selection might then act
thus non-​functional transcriptome noise, or trans-​splicing QTLs, a large proportion of to increase its expression by strengthening
lineage-​specific innovations. Determining which affect spliceosomal proteins, were splice sites. One case where this process
the AS events that are adaptive versus neutral identified that differ between domesticated may have occurred is the heat-​sensitive
or even mildly deleterious is a key challenge and wild populations and controlled genes ion channel, TRPV1, in common vampire
for the field. One approach is through involved in domestication traits, notably bats (Desmodus rotundus) (Fig. 5). In both
mapping the genetic variants that control seed development123. The association of vampire bats and the closely related fruit

706 | November 2022 | volume 23


bats, Carollia brevicauda, full-​length absent tail. It has been suggested that the in driving both phenotypic variation and
TRPV1 is expressed in dorsal root ganglia selective advantage of tail loss, coincident complexity.
and activated at temperatures higher than with the evolution of bipedalism and The challenge is now to combine
38 °C, allowing detection of noxious heat166. transition to a non-​arboreal lifestyle, was genome-​wide approaches with molecular
Although the TRPV1 gene contains exon strong, because neural tube defects have also studies to dissect the functional
14a in both species, it is only included been linked to changes in TBXT splicing170. consequences of AS at the proteomic
at physiologically relevant levels in the Thus, evolutionary trade-​offs associated and phenotypic level. With the recent
trigeminal nerve fibres that innervate with changes in splicing may continue to development of long-​read RNA-​sequencing,
specialized pit organs on the face of the have consequences for human health today. combined with growing use of CRISPR–
vampire bat. Inclusion of exon 14a results Cas9 genome editing, the tools to do so are
in a PTC and truncation of the C-​terminal Conclusions and future directions now available171,172. Moreover, the increasing
domain of TRPV1, resulting in its activation Since the discovery of introns in 1977, the number of high-​quality chromosomal
at lower temperatures (around 30 °C), potential of AS to accelerate evolutionary assemblies becoming available for a wide
thereby permitting infrared detection — change has been hypothesized. The range of species will enable exploration
a key adaptation that allows the bats to biochemist Walter Gilbert theorized the of AS across the tree of life and lead to
locate blood vessels in prey167. Therefore, existence of alternative transcripts and a better understanding of the extent to
it seems that vampire bats adapted to that hence proteins could evolve through which variation in AS is evolutionarily
their bloodthirsty lifestyle by altering sequential mutations near splice sites, functional171,172.
the splicing pattern of TRPV1 specifically resulting in multiple transcripts without As alternative transcripts are often
in the trigeminal ganglia. Remarkably, disrupting gene function, so that “evolution tissue- or cell-​type-​specific, it is expected
the newly acquired exon is dynamically can seek new solutions without destroying that single-​cell transcriptomics will provide
regulated, so the ancestral splicing pattern the old”11. major insights into the roles and dynamics
and thus heat-​sensor function of TRPV1 Recent studies support the idea that AS of AS, particularly in tissues with complex
is retained in the dorsal root ganglia and is an important contributor to adaptive AS, including the brain173. Currently,
other cells. In this way, the rapid evolution evolutionary change, interacting with quantitative profiling of AS in single cells is
of alternative exons, which were previously other forms of genetic variation, such technically and computationally challenging
encoded but dormant, can facilitate as transcriptional regulation. Much like (as highlighted by ref.174), although
lineage-​specific adaptations. mutations in the genome more broadly, the computational methods that account for
Recently, it has been hypothesized that majority of splicing variation is probably technical limitations, such as low recovery
NMD could serve as a buffer against the neutral or mildly deleterious, representing of mRNAs, are under development175.
effects of AS variation on phenotype168,169. biological noise rather than functional In summary, AS is an effective
By reducing the expression of highly variation. However, this noise might mechanism with which to shape the
expressed or otherwise aberrant transcripts, represent useful standing genetic variation evolutionary landscape of multicellular
NMD may allow organisms to explore the that could later be harnessed by selection to eukaryotes because of its twofold flexibility:
landscape of AS, while being protected from produce functional variants. Understanding both in the form of regulation — many
potential deleterious effects of AS transcripts. how drift and selection interact to shape mechanisms can contribute to splicing
The resulting accumulation of concealed patterns of AS will be fundamental to profiles — and evolution, as a few mutations
genetic variation in AS may potentiate future establishing the role of alternative splicing can have a dramatic effect. We expect that
adaptation, for example when a mutation
frees the transcript from NMD-​mediated Glossary
buffering. However, this theory, which has
been compared to the theory of evolutionary Alternative splicing Intron definition
The process of selecting different combinations of splice A process in which pairs of splice sites are recognized
capacitance, requires experimental evidence sites within the pre-​mRNAs of a gene, resulting in mature and then splicing complexes are assembled directly
and the specific mechanism of buffering mRNA transcripts that differ in composition. These across the intron to be spliced out.
requires characterization168. transcripts may result in different protein isoforms with
Poison exons
Occasionally, changes in splicing can potentially divergent functions.
Exons that introduce in-​frame premature
have both adaptive and deleterious effects, Cassette exons termination codons, frequently in all three reading
leading to trade-​offs. For example, a recent Alternative exons that can be included or skipped from frames.
the spliced mRNA.
preprint paper has attributed the genetic
Purifying selection
basis of tail loss during the evolution of Cis-​regulatory elements
The removal of deleterious alleles from a population by
hominoids to a novel exon-​skipping event in Genetic regions that regulate the expression of a coding
natural selection.
sequence on the same DNA strand.
transcripts encoding the transcription factor,
Quantitative trait loci
TBXT170. Insertion of an Alu element into Effective population size
The number of individuals in an idealized population (QTL). Regions of the genome whose variation is
intron 6 of TBXT in the hominoid ancestor associated with a particular quantitative trait.
that would show the same amount of genetic drift as
results in skipping of exon 6 in about 50% observed in the real population.
of transcripts. The new Alu element is Spliceosome
Exon definition The large macromolecular complex composed of
hypothesized to form an inverted repeat proteins and small nuclear RNAs that functions as the
A process in which pairs of splice sites are first recognized,
pair with a simian-​specific Alu element in and splicing complexes assembled, across exons. basal splicing machinery.
intron 5, forming a stem-​loop structure
Introgression Trans-​regulatory factors
around exon 6, driving exon-​skipping. The transfer of genetic material between two species Cellular factors (RNA or protein) that regulate the
Strikingly, mouse models heterozygous owing to hybridization and subsequent backcrossing expression of a coding sequence on a different DNA
for exon-​skipped TBXT have a reduced or with one of the species. strand to which it is encoded.

NATure RevIewS | GeneTiCS volume 23 | November 2022 | 707


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