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A Loving Society

Q: In your civilization no one has ever experienced separation, ever -- is that


B: There were, let us say in your vernacular, times past, when some forms of the
idea of separation were experienced in our history. But --and again, in no way is
this meant to be judgmental -- in our civilization simply not to the extreme that
your civilization has chosen to create it.

Q: In the now, no one is experiencing separation?

B: Correct. Except to the extent that we choose to, to be of service to you and
other consciousnesses in creation.

(Blank spot; words missing)

… and there is that type of separation. Since we are in a sense in fourth density
physical reality, we still do recognize some of the ideas of separation to create a
physical universe from a non-physical one. But all the manifestation, all the
realization of our separation, is positive.

Q: There’s never any inkling or notion of the feeling of loneliness experienced on

this planet?

B: Oh, no-no-no! No.

Q: It’s never even… its (--?) concept.

B: No. Understand, to interact with you let us say -- if you will allow me to be
colloquial for a minute -- I have had to create a model of all of the ways you
perceive your reality so that I could understand you. Otherwise many of your
concepts do not translate.

Q: Right. I’m sure that’s true. And also in the now your civilization does not
know fear.

B: It is not a tool we need.

Q: There is no concept of fear in your civilization. There is no such thing as


B: Not as you understand it, no.

Q: So you’re born... and I (--?) born ... you are born solely into the concept of

B: At this time in our civilization, yes. And therefore we are in communication

with the souls before they are born, and are in conscious communication with them
through the entire process -- and on through life and after.

Q: The physical form of entering into your bodies; does that include (--) of (--?)

B: There are two types of individuals upon our planet, those that we have called
in a sense the permanent population and the ones…

(Tape change; entirely different subject and person)

B: There are some natural forms, one being what you call acacia.

Q: I’m not familiar with that.

B: Look it up. Also refer to the ancient Egyptian civilization, for they utilized
some of that substance, and made blendings of it.

Q: Is that similar to hollyhock? Chinese hollyhock?

B: Not really.

Q: Okay. Where can acacia be found in the (--?)?

B: Probably by those individuals who have made it their business to find it. You
follow me?

Q: Hunt.

B: You have in your society herbalists.

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: They may also recommend two or three other suggestions.

Q: That are (--?).

B: Yes.

Q: Good. All right.

B: Thank you.
A Loving Society

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