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Business Recorder, Karachi

Monday, October 3, 2022 11

M E S S A G E S Electronic Certification Accreditation Council (ECAC)

Digital Economy is transform- 1. Engr. Miraj Gul – Chairman vices, and businesses must be
Authority (PKI) of Pakistan cyberspace through usage ing the way businesses, govern- 2. Mr. Shahzad Sami – Member built. Moreover, the E-
with state of the art latest of Digital Certificates and ments and societies interact and 3. Mr. Ghulam Mustafa – Commerce Policy of Pakistan has
technology. to accredit Certification operate. A tremendous revolution Member stressed on the importance of
Today, in the developed Authorities (CA’s) from in the world of communication 4. Mr. Abdul Wahid Khan – establishing effective data protec-
world, PKI governs the Public and Private Sectors has led to change the means of Member tion as well. As electronic digital
issuance of digital certificates under the Pakistan business transactions what we call DIGITAL SIGNATURE signatures and certificates are
to protect sensitive data, pro- Electronic Transaction E-commerce or Electronic Data. CERTIFICATES essential components of every E-
vide unique digital identities Ordinance (ETO) 2002. With the development of E-com- A digital signature is a specific Commerce and digital system,
for users, devices, applica- Under the chairmanship of merce over the globe, legislations type of electronic signature (e-sig- hence, to ensure security and
tions and secure end-to-end Engr. Miraj Gul and have been made throughout the nature) which relies on public-key establish trust in the system, I
communications. PKI is Council Members, ECAC world to regulate the E-com- cryptography to support identity believe the ECAC will play a piv-
based on electronic ecosys- has successfully complet- merce. The convenience and flex- authentication and provide data otal role in the success and real-
tem and in Pakistan, ed an internationally rec- ibility of the services and products and transaction integrity and ization of the Digital Pakistan
Electronic Transaction ognized system to issue available on the Internet have Digital Signature Certificates vision and the E-Commerce
Ordinance (ETO) provides and recognize Electronic Engr. Miraj Gul Policy of Pakistan.
Amin-ul-Haq Mohsin Mushtaq meant that all aspects of our lives Chairman ECAC authenticate your identity elec-
for legal recognition of the Certificates. These are now increasingly being digi- tronically. It also provide a high ECAC CONTRIBUTION
Federal Minister, IT digital signature based on Federal Secretary, IT Electronic Certificates, tized. However, there is also an ECAC has been established by level of security to online transac- TO DIGITAL PAKISTAN
I am delighted to felicitate cryptographic systems. I extend my heartiest based on Public Key VISION
increasing concern about the pri- the Federal Government of tions by ensuring absolute privacy
Electronic Certification Digital Signatures are now congratulations to Cryptography, are the only Establishing TRUST in any
vacy and security of the individu- Pakistan under Section-18 of the of the information exchanged
Accreditation Council being accepted at par with the Electronic Certification means to identify and trust on-line transaction is a fundamen-
als and organizations, alike. To Electronic Transactions using a digital certificate. One can
(ECAC) management and handwritten signatures and Accreditation Council on interacting parties tal requirement for Digital
this end, electronic certificates, are Ordinance (ETO), 2002 as an use digital certificates to encrypt
employees on Establishment electronic document which (ECAC) on Establishment (such as individuals, web- Pakistan. ECAC through creation
commonly used to ensure higher autonomous body and operates information such that only the
of Public Key Infrastructure are digitally signed have of Public Key sites, organizations, etc.) of trust is committed to achieve a
(PKI) for National Root Infrastructure (PKI) for levels and assurances of electronic under the Ministry of Information intended recipient can read it. You
become at par with the paper for any national or inter- secure ‘Digital Pakistan’ — a
Certification Authority. National Root identities and content integrity of Technology & Telecom can digitally sign information
documents so now the time national transactions in the vision of Govt. of Pakistan in fol-
ECAC, being the regulator of Certification Authority. electronic transactions. In fact, the (MoITT), Government of with assurance to the recipient
has come for leveraging more digital world. Now, ECAC lowing sectors:
security in the cyber space is Now, ECAC is in the posi- use of electronic certificates to Pakistan. It provides a legal that it has not been changed in
and more from this and will be recognized as an a) E-Governance
to provide state of the art cer- tion to regulate and enhance security and privacy has framework to recognize and facil- transit, and also verify your identi-
develop and deliver more arm of the Government for b) E-Tax
tification & cryptography accredit local and foreign now gained global acceptance in itate documents, records, informa- ty as the sender of the message.
secure and reliable systems creation of trust and secu- c) E-Health
services. With the develop- using PKI to address the Certification Service rity in the digital environ- both the public and private sec- tion, communications, and trans- Unlike a handwritten signature, a
tors. actions in the electronic form certificate-based signature is diffi- d) E-Education
ment of PKI Infrastructure, major trust and security chal- Providers for provision of ment. e) E-Banking
ECAC being the Root lenges to Pakistan. Digital Certificates and I commend ECAC man- ELECTRONIC TRANSAC- enabling digital signatures to be cult to forge because it contains
accepted at par with handwritten f) E-Procurement Etc.
Certification Authority is It is very encouraging to Electronic Signature agement and employees TIONS ORDINANCE (ETO) encrypted information that is
(wet) signatures. ECAC is man- ETO provides required legal
now capable of providing the see that ECAC has adopted Services to the end users. for development of PKI 2002 unique to the signer.
dated to grant accreditation to any sanctity to the digital signatures
Certification Services which the latest technology avail- Ministry of Information for National Root Like other countries of the ECAC TO SECURE E-
and these can now be accepted at
result in creation of trust and able in global market and Technology and Certification Authority world, in Pakistan legislation has Certificate Service Provider COMMERCE
par with handwritten signatures.
authentication of the end ensuring the provisioning of Telecommunication under facilities for the Public & been formulated under the (CSP) who intends to work as an The E-Commerce policy
All Companies, Individuals,
users. best solutions for digital sig- the Government’s vision Private Sector for achiev- Electronic Transactions Accredited Certificate Service framework of Pakistan, is a mon-
Firms engaged in Electronic
Under Digital Pakistan natures. I have confidence of “Digital Pakistan” is set ing digital transformation Ordinance (ETO) 2002. The legal Provider. All companies, individ- umental achievement and a major
transactions and Encryption ser-
Programme, Ministry of IT & that ECAC will keep on to contribute in digitaliza- goal. This state of art framework of ETO regulates the uals or firms engaged in the busi- step towards the realization of the
vices are mandated under ETO to
Telecom is taking concrete building its capacity in same tion by enhancing securi- infrastructure enable electronic transactions and pro- ness of electronic services are “Digital Pakistan”. We believe
be accredited from ECAC to
steps to promote the e-educa- way to cope with emerging ty, efficiency and trans- ECAC to commence its vide means to recognize all elec- required to get themselves accred- this is an extremely positive make electronic transactions more
tion, e-health, e-agriculture, challenges during the journey parency being pre-requi- digital certification ser- tronic data and electronic signa- ited with ECAC in their own development and would indeed Secure, Reliable and worldwide
e-commerce, innovation, to “Digital Pakistan”. I site for good governance. vices for national needs tures in term of their validity or business interests. The Certificate result in economic prosperity for acceptable.
entrepreneurship, incubators appreciate ECAC perfor- ECAC can now be a part and at international level invalidity. The objective was the of Accreditation aims to make the nation through the promotion ETO is mainly focused on the
and Startups. For all these, mance and congratulate of this vision and put in its as well. establishment of legal obligations electronic transactions more of E-Businesses, the creation of security of electronic transactions
availability of secure and ECAC Management for the efforts to achieve this goal Best wishes and support on one side and the recognition of secure, more reliable and world- jobs for the youth and numerous that follows standards mentioned
reliable hosting platform is phenomenal development of and bring Pakistan among to Council and its team for electronic records on the other wide acceptable. opportunities for the IT industry in the ECAC Certificate Service
the pre-requisite, ECAC is National Root PKI infrastruc- the technology enabled success in development of side. COUNCIL COMPOSI- of Pakistan. Within a digital econ- Providers Regulations. i.e.
providing reliability of these ture for the Public and countries. first ever National Root ELECTRONIC CERTIFI- TION omy/country, the elements of trust ISO21188, ISO 27006, ISO
platforms in shape of Private Sector and wish them ECAC was created to Certification Authority for CATION ACCREDITATION Present Council Members & security form the foundation on
National Root Certification all support and success. regulate security for the country. COUNCIL (ECAC): comprises of: top of which digital systems, ser- ...... on page II

Where you need trust, you need PKI

PKI IS TRUSTED TO cultural exchange to advances in ed name in the region, providing
SECURE EVERYTHING medical care—this massive net- PKI services to the various
FROM THE BOTTOM OF work of communication has industry segments of Pakistan.
THE OCEAN TO THE EDGE offered up new possibilities for With its datacenter certified to
OF SPACE opportunists and criminals to international standards, X9.79
When British cryptologists take advantage of our users and and ISO-27001 and ISO-21188
James Ellis and Clifford Cocks an easy willingness to trust in NIFTeTRUST have paved way
first developed the idea of “non- the technology for the organizations to operate
secret encryption” in the 1970s, The solution to this threat is online businesses safely and
they could not have conceived simple. Build the highest assur- securely under a Trust hierar-
of its use across tens of millions ance into everything that’s con- chy. It provides services which
of websites around the world. nected. Public Key ensure the security and safety of
At that time, the Internet was Infrastructure (PKI) is that foun- commerce and communica-
still a DARPA project, used Imran Ashraf dational assurance. A security tions, addressing issues such as
infrequently to connect universi- Head of PKI Business, and identity solution that’s reli- authentication, confidentiality or
ty researchers looking to share NIFT (Pvt) LTD. able enough to protect the most privacy, non-repudiation, and
data or findings. sensitive data, but flexible data integrity over the Internet.
Imran Ashraf is helping
Within a few decades, the enough to work on the latest and NIFTeTRUST, now working
companies to leverage the
world had changed, and Ellis greatest inventions. With PKI, with DigiCert and Sectigo for
power of PKI and blockchain.
and Cocks’ public key infra- the only thing we need to focus internationally trusted PKI cer-
His area of intrest is CBDC,
structure stood at the centre of on is enjoying the benefits of a tificates. Besides that, we have
NFTs and super wallets. He is
the Information Age as the world that can communicate our own indigenous build pri-
a founding member of the first
shield against hacking and almost instantaneously across vate CA hierarchy setup that
PKI Certificate Authority in
fraud. To this day, if a website is the globe—and even into space. offers the same features.
Pakistan. He is also a Certified
trusted, that trust is the result of PKI infrastructure serves as a On this historical occasion,
Computer Hacking Forensic
PKI. certificate authority (CA) for NIFT congratulate Electronic
Investigator, and Digital
But the invention of the world your internal and external users, Certification Accreditation
Identity solutions expert.
wide web—which, by itself, issuing and administering digital Council (ECAC) to establish
would have been enough to The speed of growth was and certificates by your own organi- Public Key Infrastructure for
define an era of human develop- continues to be, so rapid it can zation's policies. Your users can globally recognized National
ment—was immediately fol- only be measured by orders of use a PKI Services application Root Certification Authority.
lowed by a second revolution in magnitude, and as hundreds of to request and obtain certificates This will enable Pakistan to
connected devices. Practically thousands of people develop through their web browsers over enter into the league of technol-
overnight, everything from new ideas for connecting mil- mobile phones devices and per- ogy-enable nations of the world.
refrigerators to space shuttles lions of people to billions of sonal computers. This National Root CA will aid
and online shopping to banking things, the need for strong secu- NIFTeTRUST is the First interpretability of trust to local
apps became a part of a global rity has climbed at an exponen- Certificate Authority (CA) in indigenously build CAs in a
ecosystem of networks, devices, tial rate. Pakistan established under hierarchical manner where
applications and users, all com- For all the good created by NIFT (Pvt) Ltd. and VeriSign National Root CA will act as the
municating across distances. the Information Age— from Inc in 2004. It is the most trust- final point of trust.

PKI is Easy with Khazana e-Trust

In the past, PKI was are long past. Today, PKI which can deploy and
complicated. Without can be simple to set up manage multiple security
access to experts and sim- and use, if it’s done prop- solutions in one place—
plified management plat- erly. Sophisticated tools and you don’t need any
forms and tools, individ- for deploying and moni- expertise to stand up and
ual IT professionals had toring PKI solutions now run your PKI environment.
to take on the risky run in a single sign-on Khazana enterprise con-
prospect of developing platform. And because gratulate Electronic
PKI solutions in-house, PKI is so versatile, it’s C e r t i f i c a t i o n
without the specialized easy to run solutions for Accreditation Council
knowledge required for many different security (ECAC) for establishing
proper deployment. Its challenges in one place. National Root
reliability made PKI the Instead of dealing with Certification Authority.
ideal solution—once it
Ahsan Rasheed Khan the complexity of building This National Root CA
Chief Commercial Officer - will establish countrywide
was running—but getting a PKI solution for one use,
Khazana Enterprise trust for the brighter
there used to be challeng- Khazana e-Trust has
ing and often resulted in solved. developed Managed future as per the vision of
more problems than it Thankfully, those days Services for its customers digital Pakistan.

Welcome to the Digital Pakistan

The world has gone digital and - E-Government: for citizens and Health, Justice, Procurement,
like many other countries, Pakistan businesses accessing e-govern- Invoicing, billing, statements etc.
is also on a journey of Digital ment services Any analog process which requires
Transformation, as can be witnessed - E-Business: whether its an in-person meeting or ink-signa-
through several government policy Business-to-Business (B2B) or ture on paper can be replaced with a
initiatives. Digital transformation Business-to-Consumer (B2C) more secure and efficient digital
offers business efficiencies, or Business-to-Employee (B2E) process.
improved user experiences, cost - E-Commerce: online retailing, To be successful, digital process-
reductions, better security, and virtual marketplaces, placing es must be Trustworthy. This
importantly it’s better for the envi- orders and making payments means:
ronment. The digital transformation online 1) You know who you are dealing
benefits for Pakistan are widespread Faisal Bashir Other industry or sector specific
and across every sector, including: GM IT - NTC digitization initiatives include ...... on page II
Business Recorder, Karachi
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 4
Electronic Certification Accreditation Council (ECAC)
...... from page II (United Nations Commission on the digital communication. It will creation and management of PKI
International Trade Law) Session be globally recognized through (Public Key Infrastructure) today.
27001 and ISO 27002 for CSPs. held in Vienna, Austria for the Web-Trust audit as per interna- Establishment of National
INFORMATION SECURI- first time. Pakistan’s representa- tional standards. Today, I am Root CA
TY AUDITORS tion depicted a strong commit- proud to announce the launch of PRIVILEGE TO APPRO-
ECAC under its regulations reg- ment to develop a strong platform first ever PKI for National Root PRIATE AUTHORITIES
isters Information Security Audit to secure and protect the Certification Authority of the For National Authorities and
Companies that can be engaged by Electronic Transactions rapidly Government of Pakistan. This Regulators, accreditation underpin
the Electronic Certification Service growing under Digital Pakistan first Root CA at the National level conformity for Ease of Doing
Providers to conduct an informa- policy of the Ministry of IT & will be world wide recognized Business which means businesses
tion security audit of Digital Telecom (Govt. of Pakistan). and facilitate in securing the E- shall spend less time tied up with
Certificate Service Providers facili- ECAC officers’ Participation Transactions & ensuring data bureaucracy formalities. The paper-
ties under the Electronic in 62nd UNCITRAL Session integrity, data confidentiality, based concept of identification, decla-
Certification Accreditation Council ESTABLISHMENT OF strong authentication & non-repu- ration and proof are carried through
Regulations. PUBLIC KEY INFRASTUC- diation. Moreover, will ensure the use of digital signatures in an elec-
ECAC AS A MEMBER OF TURE (PKI) trust, confidence & ease of doing tronic environment. Digital signatures
WORKING GROUP IV of the ECAC, to fulfill the mandatory business for online services to the and cryptography services involved
United Nations Commission on obligation under ETO 2002, initi- citizens of Pakistan. in e-transactions need accreditation
International Trade Law (UNCI- ated the process for establishment Establishment of National Root for ensuring their integrity.
TRAL) of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certification Authority (CA) TRUST AND SECURITY
Multilateral arrangements for National Root Certification Accreditation of Certifications Within a digital economy the ele-
Authority (CA). ECAC’s PKI is Service Providers (CSPs), is one ments of Trust & Security forms the
between national accreditation
inevitable to enable high level of of the main functions of the foundation on top of which digital
bodies and members of United
assurance in E-Transactions of the Council, to provide legal sanctity systems, services and businesses
Nations Commission on
Country. This PKI infrastructure to digital signatures based upon must be built. As Pakistan embarks
International Trade Law have
on its journey toward becoming a
also helped to make accreditation
truly digital economy, establishment
an internationally recognized of Regulatory frameworks for ensur-
‘stamp of approval’ to demon- ing data protection, establishing trust,
strate compliance against agreed and maintaining security of all digital
standards and requirements. transactions, documents and infor-
These arrangements provide gov- mation systems are thus essential.
ernments and regulators with a I, on behalf of the Council,
credible and robust framework on
expect that the role and the
which to further develop and
exclusive mandate granted to
enhance government-to-govern-
ECAC will be respected by all
ment bilateral and multilateral ECAC officers’ Participation in 62nd UNCITRAL Session
international trade agreements. stakeholders. By addressing the
is the set of technology and the principle of equivalence to increasing concern about the pri-
ECAC understands the impor- processes that make up a frame- handwritten (wet) signatures.
tance of international collabora- vacy and security of the individ-
work of encryption to protect and ECAC through National
tions for development of interna- uals as well as organizations,
authenticate digital communica- Telecom Corporation (NTC) at
tionally acceptable regulations tions. PKI uses cryptographic it’s cloud-based Data Centre ECAC endeavors for keeping the
and mechanisms for secure elec- public keys that are connected to a premises has successfully nation abreast with the ever-
tronic transactions. In the context, digital certificate, which authenti- achieved launching of effective changing trends of E-commerce
ECAC’s delegation participated cates the device or user sending implementation, enforcement, while protecting the interest of all
in-person in 62nd UNCITRAL related stakeholders.

Welcome to the Digital Pakistan

...... from page II task of issuing digital certificate ECAC has established a hierarchical tal signatures backed by Accredited
can’t be undertaken by just anyone, PKI which will connect accredited TSPs and ultimately by the National
with electronically, whether it’s instead only trusted authorities TSPs together under a National Root Root CA are automatically recog-
a user, a business, or a device. known as Certificate Authorities CA. The National Root CA acts as nized as equivalent to hand-written
2) Any information, e.g., an e- (CAs) or Trust Service Providers the final point of trust and is audited signature and presumed trusted by
Contract, sent electronically (TSPs) can provide this service. against the internationally recognized default!
remains authentic i.e., From a legal perspective it is CA-audit scheme called WebTrust. As part of National
unchanged, and if signed the important that electronic transactions This allows popular browsers and Telecommunication Corporation
sender can’t later deny having are admissible in a court as evidence, applications like Adobe Reader to (NTC) mandate to facilitate Federal
signed it. Conversely a fraudster and this is exactly why in Pakistan trust the National Root CA automati- Government, Provincial
must not be able to copy or fake the Electronic Transaction Ordinance cally. The National Root CA is the Governments, and all other State-run
anyone’s e-signature. (ETO 2002) was enacted. It is impor- responsibility of ECAC and used as establishments, NTC hosts and oper-
The world-wide standard for tant that all TSPs issuing digital cer- part of its accreditation scheme. ates the Pakistan National PKI sys-
delivering digital trust is PKI (public tificates in Pakistan are operating at ECAC will use the National Root tems for Electronic Certification
key infrastructure). PKI is a com- the same high-level of security and CA to issue digital certificates to Accreditation Council (ECAC).
plete system consisting of physical, trustworthiness. To serve this pur- those TSPs which have successfully Importantly, NTC is also the first offi-
procedural, personnel and technical pose the ETO created a role for been accredited in both the govern- cial Accredited TSP for the
components which work together to Electronic Certification Accreditation ment and commercial sectors. The Government of Pakistan and will issue
issue trusted digital certificates to Council (ECAC) as an autonomous TSPs are then responsible for issuing certificates to government sector users.
end-users, businesses or devices body to audit TSPs against defined certificates to the actual end-users for Other government entities, banks, tel-
which contain the holder’s identity security guidelines as part of a formal specific purposes e.g., signing of doc- cos, and commercial enterprises will
information. These digital certifi- accreditation process. Multiple TSPs uments, signing of software code, also become accredited TSPs for
cates and linked cryptographic keys can exist within Pakistan to serve dif- server authentication, etc. Anyone enabling high trust in their business
can then be used to authenticate the ferent government and commercial with access to the Pakistan National applications and market sectors where
holder and allows them to create markets and specific use cases e.g., Root CA certificate will be able to needed.
verifiable digital signatures. A digi- banking, healthcare etc. verify the certificate of any end-user Ascertia is a world leader in PKI
tal certificate is only issued after To aid Interoperability of trusted in the system and thereby be able to solutions and is providing a com-
thorough verification of the owner’s electronic transactions throughout trust their digital identity and signa- plete turnkey implementation for the
real-world identity. The important Pakistan and even Internationally, tures. The ETO will ensure that digi- Pakistan National PKI.

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