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Immanuel Kant


Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher born on April 22, 1724, in Königsberg,
Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia). He is known for his groundbreaking work in
philosophy. Kant studied at the University of Königsberg and later became a
professor there. His most influential work is "Critique of Pure Reason" (1781), which
sought to reconcile rationalism and empiricism. Kant's moral philosophy emphasized
the importance of reason and the categorical imperative. His ideas continue to be
widely studied and have had a lasting impact on philosophy. Kant passed away on
February 12, 1804.

Studies/ Methods/ Known for( MARIANA)

Kant received such a harsh upbringing—strict, punitive, disciplinary,
polarizing, and exclusionary—that he favored the teaching of Latin
and religion over mathematics and science.25
it consists in making the objectively practical laws of pure reason,
through the mere speculation of duty, subjectively practical laws.
Theory and reason(MARIA)

Immanuel Kant's philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of reason and its role in
our understanding of the world. Here are some key aspects of Kant's theory of

1. Role of Reason in Knowledge: Kant argued that reason plays a crucial role in
shaping our knowledge and understanding of the world. He distinguished
between "a priori" and "a posteriori" knowledge. A priori knowledge is
independent of experience and is derived from the inherent structures of
reason itself, such as mathematical and logical truths. A posteriori knowledge,
on the other hand, is based on empirical observations and experiences.
2. Transcendental Idealism: Kant developed the philosophical framework of
transcendental idealism, which posits that our knowledge of the world is
shaped by the interaction between our sensory experiences and the inherent
structures of our mind. According to Kant, the mind actively organizes and
structures our sensory perceptions to make sense of the world, and this
process is governed by certain universal concepts and categories of
3. Synthetic a priori Judgments:He introduced the concept of synthetic a priori
judgments, which are statements that go beyond mere analytic truths (true by
definition) but do not rely on empirical observations. These judgments involve
the synthesis of concepts and are necessary for our understanding of the
world. For example, mathematical propositions like "2+2=4" are synthetic a
priori judgments because they go beyond mere definitions and yet do not
require empirical evidence.
4. Moral Reasoning: Kant's moral philosophy centers around the idea of practical
reason. He argued that moral principles are derived from pure practical
reason, independent of particular desires or inclinations. He proposed the
concept of the categorical imperative as the fundamental principle of morality,
which states that one should act according to principles that could be
universally applied without contradiction.

Overall, Kant's philosophy places reason at the center of our understanding of the
world, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and moral decision-making. He
emphasized the active role of reason in shaping our perceptions, organizing our
experiences, and guiding our ethical actions. His ideas continue to have a profound
influence on epistemology, ethics, and the philosophy of mind.

Impact on society or way to think. Politics, economy, etc (MARIANA)

Kant wrote his social and political philosophy in order to champion the
Enlightenment in general and the idea of freedom in particular. His work came
within both the natural law and the social contract traditions. Kant held that every
rational being had both an innate right to freedom and a duty to enter into a civil
condition governed by a social contract in order to realize and preserve that
His writings on political philosophy consist of one book and several shorter works.
The “Doctrine of Right”, Part One of his two-part Metaphysics of Morals and first
published as a stand-alone book in February 1797, contains virtually every directly
political topic he treats. Other shorter works include a useful short summary of his
discussion of the basis and role of the state in the second section of the essay “Theory
and Practice”, an extended discussion of international relations in the essay “Toward
Perpetual Peace”, and the essay “An Answer to the Question: What is
Enlightenment?.” Other published material relevant to the topics include material
on history, on practical philosophy in general, and, for his social philosophy, his
work on religion, education, and anthropology. Kant also offered a biennial lecture
course on “Natural Right”, a student’s (Feyerabend) transcript of which is available
in English translation.

Selected works(MARIA)

Immanuel Kant wrote extensively on various subjects, including philosophy, ethics,

epistemology, metaphysics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Here are some of
his most notable works:

1. "Critique of Pure Reason" (1781): Kant's magnum opus, in which he explores

the limits and possibilities of human knowledge and seeks to reconcile
rationalism and empiricism.
2. "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals" (1785): This work lays out Kant's
moral philosophy.
3. "Critique of Practical Reason" (1788): In this book, Kant examines the nature
of practical reason and argues for the existence of moral principles based on
freedom and autonomy.
4. "Critique of Judgment" (1790): Kant explores aesthetics and teleology in this
work, discussing the nature of beauty and the relationship between nature and
5. "Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch" (1795): Kant presents his ideas on
international relations and argues for the possibility of establishing perpetual
peace through the principles of republican government.
6. "Religion Within the Bounds of Reason Alone" (1793): Kant addresses the
relationship between faith and reason.
7. "Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View" (1798): This work explores
human nature, discussing topics such as the mind, emotions, and social
behavior from a pragmatic perspective.

These are just a few examples of Kant's significant works. His ideas have had a
profound impact on philosophy, ethics, political thought, and other fields, shaping the
way we understand and approach these areas of study.

Key contributions (MARIANA)

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