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*DISCLAIMER:  The  names  and  businesses  in  these  scripts  are  fictitious  and  made  up  for  these  examples  -­  replace  
all  names  and  company  information  with  your  own

H i, is John there?

Hey John! Carl Carlson, calling from Capital Investment Partners, in

London How you doing today?

Okay, great! Now, if you recall, you spoke to one of my assistants about ten days
back, and he sent you some information on our company, Capital Investment
Partners, along with a copy of the book, Risk-Free Stock Market Investing. Does
that ring a bell?

Okay, great! Well, the reason for the call today is that, right now, we’re in the
process of closing out our flagship hedge fund, the Acme, Tax-Exempt Spread
Betting Fund. It’s basically our premier fund, where we’ve been making our
clients (double-digit returns, or whatever is currently accurate), trading blue chip
stocks like Big Bank, Big Oil and Big Tech, using a very powerful hedging
strategy that gives you very little downside risk. If you have sixty seconds, John,
I’d like to share the opportunity with you. You got a minute?

Okay, great! Now, when you spoke to my assistant, Matt, the other day, you
told him you were currently investing your money in Pension Funds.

© 1989-2015 Jordan Belfort and/or Global Motivation, Inc. All rights reserved.
(This is the part of the sale where you need to get into very tight rapport with
him and establish yourself as an expert by reviewing the information he offered
on the last call and asking him to elaborate a bit more on his answers. Your
tonality and demeanor is that of a doctor who is reviewing the intake chart that
was prepared by a nurse. As you recite his previous answers to him, say things
like: “So, when you spoke to Matt last week, you said ____________. Is that
correct? Tell me a bit more about that. How long have you been struggling
with finding a broker or a fund who can give you the return you’re looking for?
What do you think will happen if you don’t do anything about this? Do you see
it getting worse, staying the same?”)

Okay, great! Well, based on everything you’ve just said to me, this program is
definitely a perfect fit for you. Now, let me just give you a brief background on
the fund and then our strategy.

Now, as I said before, the actual name of the fund is the Acme, Tax-Exempt
Spread Betting Fund, and this is basically the hottest model right now on Wall
Street for managing a retail client’s money. All the major brokerage firms like
Big Broker, Big Bank and Big Financial, operate hedge funds, so they can give
average clients they same type of staggering returns they get for their
institutional. Now, how familiar are you with the hedge fund model we use?

No matter what he says, educate him make on all the benefits of the hedge fund
model using the following language pattern:

Exactly! It’s basically similar to how a mutual fund works, in that your money is
managed by a team of professional traders who have a very strict set of risk
protocols, so you can get the percentage return you’re looking for without
getting your principle wiped out, like when you’re working with a stockbroker.

You see, when a stock broker trades for you, he makes commission on whether
you win or lose on the trade. But with a hedge fund, you only pay a commission
on the profits we make; you don’t pay any commission if there are losses. Now
the standard split in the hedge fund business is 20% of the profits, plus a 1%
management fee, to pay the basic expenses of the fund.
© 1989-2015 Jordan Belfort and/or Global Motivation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let me give you an example (you can ask him to grab a pen and paper at this
point and have him write the following numbers down as you explain the
formula): let’s say you invested $100,000 and we get you a 50% return this year,
which means you would make $50,000 profit, which is pretty damn good, right?

Exactly! Then our commission would be 20% of that, which is $10,000, and
you would still net $40,000, which is a 40% return, which is still pretty
amazing, right?

Exactly! And if for some reason the fund didn’t make you money, then we don’t
charge you a dime. In fact, we even waive the 1% management fee we charge if
the fund doesn’t return you at least 10% per year; so this way, your interests and
ours are perfectly aligned at all times. If you don’t make money we don’t make
money. Make sense?

Okay, great. Now, you said earlier that right now you’re only getting a 3%
return from that Pension Fund, so if we can get you 10% to 20% return, year in
and year out—and that’s 100% tax free, by the way—that’s obviously
something that you’d be very interested in, correct?

Exactly! Of course it would.

Now, let me explain to you exactly how the fund’s spread betting model works
and how it allows us to actually leverage your money, while dramatically
reducing your downside risk.

Now, for starters, we’re dealing exclusively with spreads based on the Big Stock
Index, which is where the bulk of pension funds and insurance company
portfolios invest their money. To make our decisions, we rely on both
fundamental and technical analysis—fundamentals, meaning, what’s actually
going on with a particular company, in terms of earnings, assets and their
balance sheet; and then we use technical analysis, which are things like moving
averages, relative strength and momentum indicators, to identify trends and
opportunities, so we can time our trades as perfectly as possible. And then we
work with stop losses to offset the volatility and risk.
© 1989-2015 Jordan Belfort and/or Global Motivation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Now, in the past, these strategies were used strictly by institutional hedge funds
and large money-center banks. Average investors, like yourself, were simply
boxed out of market, because the wholesale hedge funds catered only to the ultra
wealthy, with minimum investments of at least $1 million. Only now are they
finally starting to open up the hedge fund market to the average investor, so they
can give them the same types of returns.

Now, in terms of the Acme, Tax-Exempt Spread Betting Fund, the key to
making money in a situation like this is to invest in the fund now, before we
close it out, because we’re limited to a certain number of investors for each fund
we launch. And this particular fund is our flagship, where we’ve been getting our
clients returns that have been nothing short of staggering (make sure this is still
the case when you say it, or tone it down if your returns aren’t as good at the

Now, opening an account with my company is very simple. It’s just a question
of your name, some basic information, to get your account set up, and then we
have our customer support department work with you to get everything set up,
so you can keep track of your profits 24-7, either on your home computer or
your smartphone, through our proprietary phone APP. Now you’re not actually
sending me a dime. All your funds are going directly into your own brokerage
account at XXYZ Capital, which is one of London’s largest financial
institutions, with over £3 billion in capital, and in business for almost 50 years.
And like I just said, John, you’ll be able to keep track of your profits 24-hours a
day, seven days a week, right on your smartphone, with our proprietary iPhone
and Android apps, so you can watch your profits grow.

And believe me, John, if you do even half as well as the rest of our clients in this
fund, you’re going to be very, very impressed. Sound fair enough?

If He Agrees, Then Say:

© 1989-2015 Jordan Belfort and/or Global Motivation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Okay, great. Now, let me just make sure I have all your correct details. Your full
name is John Johnson, correct? (Capture all necessary account info: name,
address, home number, cell number, email—then say …)

Now, as far as the actual wire transfer goes (go through setup …)

© 1989-2015 Jordan Belfort and/or Global Motivation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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