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ny September 11, 2019 JB starts out this episode by telling you that you're capable of greatness. Then, he asks you if you truly believe that. Do you have what it takes to be great? eR CE Gel ee erie MEN UR eae lit Me Cr tee Celle life, how do you know that you can? Your beliefs are directly related to the results you get out in the real world when you take action. Period. Failure can very easily beget failure. It can turn into a vicious, repeating cycle. So, what do you do? Simple: You skill up. There's an inner game and an outer game and just mastering one of them won't cut the mustard. You need 100% of both. You need to believe you can be great, and then you need to learn the skills that will make you great. That's what the Straight Line is for... Skill up, buttercup, then go out and do great things.

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