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Theoretical Foundations of Information Technologies Creation and Use

УДК 629.12

Oleksandr O. Kanifolskyi (Ph.D., Docent, Docent of chair Theory and Designing of Ship of Odessa National Maritime
Mykola M. Konotopets (Ph.D., Docent, Professor of a Department)2
Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine
National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovsky, Кyiv, Ukraine


New alternative method for processing data, which were obtained as a result of an inclining experiment
offered in the article. The reliability of the various ways of experience data was evaluated using the experimental
model. The traditional method, which is used at the present time, may not always give an accurate result for the
vessels with specific hull form. Such form of the hull assumes presence significant flare, knuckles, bulbous bows
or raked keel line aft. Knowledge about position of the center of gravity, as a result of inclining test, is very
important for the process to ensure the safe operation of the vessel, warships and boats in particular to ensure
its stability. Also in the article the comparative analysis between the two new methods was made. The first of
them was proposed in the article R.J. Dunworth «Back Against the Wall», the second - a graphic method. Each
of the methods has a number of positive and negative aspects described in this article. Graphic method is based
on data on the righting arm about the origin, which is calculated using a special ship computer program.
Subsequently, AUTOCAD program is used for graphic constructions and determining the position of the center
of gravity of the vessel. In the absence of special computer programs ship, the way to build metacentres curve,
using the method of A.N. Krylov, is possible.
Key words: inclining test; center of gravity; vessels with specific hull form.

Nomenclature New idea by R.J. Dunworth “Back Against the

- displacement of the model, kg Wall”. An interesting idea proposed in [1]. The author
- angle of heel, degrees proposes to determine the height of vertical centre of
M h - heeling moment, kg m gravity above baseline KG , through KG sin , by the
use of KN - righting arm about the origin, using him
GM 0 sin - righting moment, kg m
formula, after some deducting.
GM 0 - transverse metacentric height, m The obvious advantage of this idea - it is an
GZ - righting arm, m opportunity to take into account the change in the
HZ - heeling arm, m position metacentre when the ship heels, without its
BM 0 - transverse metacentre above the centre of determination. Since the direction for buoyancy force
and location of point N indirectly indicates this fact.
buoyancy, m A number of issues are described in [1] requires
KG - vertical centre of gravity above baseline, m further clarification. The author answers to Andrew
KN - righting arm about the origin, m Prior about scatter for values KG , in example for the
Introduction Patrol Boat [2], and says that, when sin approaches
One reason for this study is a letter from the Royal KG sin
Institution of Naval Architects, February 12, 2016. zero, equation becomes indeterminate.
Below is a quote from the letter: “…The traditional
In addition inclining test can be carried out at
methods of analysis assume that the Metacentre does
angles of heel greater, than 2º, which will give a more
not change position within the range of heel and trim
accurate result. Typically, the maximum angle is
angles used in the inclining test. As this assumption
limited to 6º.
can be far from valid for many modern hull forms, the
Method [1] suggests that the ship at the beginning
deduced KG is in error, usually resulting in an under
of an inclining test has a heel, with inclining masses in
estimate and hence an over-estimate of the vessel‟s
their initial position, which is associated with a
stability. Problematic hull forms include those where
number of other difficulties during the experiment.
the „as inclined‟ waterline is intersected by significant
All these questions are resolved when using the
flare, knuckles, bulbous bows or raked keel line aft.
graphic method, which will be described below.
This is an issue which is known to affect some
The purpose of this article - is a description of a
substantial merchant ships as well as smaller craft...”
new method for the analysis of an inclining
To solve this problem, a new analysis method for
experiment data
the inclining test was developed and a study to
determine the center of gravity of the model by The traditional method for analysis of
traditional and alternative method was performed in the inclining test
the laboratory of the Odessa National Maritime Description of the installation for the study is
University. shown below. The model for the study of an inclining
test was developed by Docent of chair Theory and

© О.О. Kаніфольський, М.М. Конотопець

Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence № 3 (27)/2016 ISSN 2311-7249 (Print) / ISSN 2410-7336 (Online) 37
Теоретичні основи створення і використання інформаційних технологій
Designing of Ship of Odessa National Maritime Transverse metacentric height values GM 0 were
University N. Mittsih and this model equipped with obtained from the equation, which describes the
scales to measure draft, inclinometer and loads equality of heeling and righting moments
(weight of 0.25 kg), which can be moved to the sides,
Mh HZ GM 0 sin , figure 4.
figure 1.
Inclining test for described model was held in a
small laboratory tank of the chair Theory and
Designing of Ship. Freeboard of vessel had the same
value 5.5 cm around the perimeter. The draft was 14.5
cm, at starboard and portside. The displacement of the
model = 33,3 kg, depth 0.2 m, length 0.7 m,
breadth 0.4 m.

Figure 4. Metacentric height values

GM i
Average value GM 0 = 0.034 m. was
calculated using the results of the experiment.
Further, the values of height of the transverse
metacentre above the centre of buoyancy BM0 =
0.077 m. and vertical center of buoyancy 0.0725 m
Figure 1. The model for the study were determined. Metacentric radius was calculated
using the traditional methods of ship theory. The
On figure 2, the procedure for movement of position of the center of buoyancy was defined as the
weights and the corresponding value of the heels are middle of draft.
shown. Such a sequence of operations is proposed in The result of the traditional analysis of an inclining
[3]. test - a vertical position of the center of gravity KG =
To control the accuracy of the test, the graph, 0.116m.
figure 3, shows the dependence of the tangent of the
heel on heeling moment was drafted. A small
The graphic method for analysis of the
deviation of the points from a straight line confirms inclining test
the correctness of the test. In the first stage of the analysis of an inclining test
by graphic method, it is necessary to construct the
Tchebysheff‟s sections. In addition to the cross section
amidships, another four-section are located in the stern
and bow of the ship. The positions of these planes
were calculated using the appropriate factors, figure 5
Figure 6 shows the corresponding nine spans for
which the calculation of the parameters of the
waterline was made, figure 7.
Figure 2. The order of movement of weights and For the model, at small heels, during the inclining
the values of the heels test, the positions of intermediate and real waterlines
are almost identical. For the calculation of parameters
of these waterlines Krylov‟s method was used.

Figure 3. Graph for the control

Figure 5. Tchebysheff‟s sections
© О.О. Kаніфольський, М.М. Конотопець
Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence № 3 (27)/2016 ISSN 2311-7249 (Print) / ISSN 2410-7336 (Online)
Theoretical Foundations of Information Technologies Creation and Use
location of the calculated righting lever can be
selected. Further, the position of the vessel's center of
gravity can be determined also, figure 9.
Calculations can be performed in AUTOCAD,
which will ensure good accuracy.
Vertical center of gravity determined in this
manner for model KG = 0.116 m.
For comparison, the value of this quantity from
inclining test KG = 0.116 m.

Figure 6. Tchebysheff‟s spans

Figure 9. Determination of the vertical center of

gravity by graphical method
Figure 7. The data for calculating the parameters of
the waterline The above method can be used when the approved
computer program for calculating hydrostatic curves is
Figure 8 shows the calculation of values: y f - absent and calculations necessary to clarify, for
center of flotation of intermediate waterline, distance example, for CLASS vessel.
from amidships, I x - moment of inertia of real Otherwise, the calculation using any of the
waterline about the longitudinal auxiliary axis, I x - computer programs for KN can be made. After, the
moment of inertia of real waterline about the position of heeling arm HZ and the corresponding
longitudinal axis through the center of flotation, r - KG can be found on the drawing using AUTOCAD.
metacentric radius, at heel.

Figure 8. Parameters of the waterline

The purpose was to obtain values of metacentric

radius and further definition of positions for
metacenter at different heels [5]. Figure 10. Determination of the KG by graphic
At the heel, metacenter is moved and its position method using KN and AUTOCAD
M is not the same as its initial position M 0 . As a
consequence, the possibility of error and incorrect Conclusions
result in determining of the center of gravity of the The proposed method for determining the vertical
vessel increases. center of gravity can be used to process data of an
Equality of heeling and the righting moment is inclining test for vessels with specific forms.
described by Mh HZ GM 0 sin . Although, this method can be more labor intensive,
Consequently, the righting arm GZ or heeling arm but it can provide additional control of calculations in
HZ can be calculated using the expression unusual cases.
Mh Compared with the Dunworth‟s method, the
HZ . graphic method determines the KG more exactly at
small angles of heel. The accuracy of this method does
Search center of gravity of the vessel is made by
using the graphic method. On the graph, which depicts
the M-curve and center of buoyancy curve, the
Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence № 3 (27)/2016 ISSN 2311-7249 39
Теоретичні основи створення і використання інформаційних технологій
KG sin The requirement to the initial conditions of the
not depend on the type of calculations and it method [1] (creating a heel with inclining masses in their
sin initial position) is not a necessary fact, when using the
may be approved more easily for Class survey vessel. graphic method.
References for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
Ships - L: Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, 2003.
1.Dunworth R.J. Back Against the Wall. Transactions – 493 p. 4. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskyi V. Statics and
RINA, Vol 156, Part B2, International Journal of Small dynamics of the ship. - L: Sudpromgiz, 1960. - 574 p. 5.
Craft Technology, Jul-Dec 2014. 2. Discussion. Back Theory of the ship. Guidelines for the implementation
Against the Wall. Trans RINA, Vol 157, Part B2, of the project on the statics of the ship for the students of
International Journal of Small Craft Technology, Jul-Dec the Faculty of Shipbuilding, Odessa Institute of Maritime
2015. 3. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Rules Engineers. Zhdanov, 1981. - 70 p.
Олександр Олегович Kаніфольський (канд. техн. наук, доцент, доцент кафедри теорії і проектування
корабля Одеського національного морського університету) 1
Микола Миколайович Конотопець (канд. техн. наук, доцент, професор кафедри)2
Одеський національний морський університет, м. Одеса, Україна
Національний університет оборони України імені Івана Черняховського, Київ, Україна
Новий альтернативний метод для обробки даних, які були отримані в результаті досліду кренування,
запропоновано в статті. Достовірність різних шляхів обробки даних досліду була оцінена за допомогою
експериментальної моделі. Традиційний метод, який використовується в даний час, не завжди дає точні
результати для суден з специфічною формою корпусу. Така форма корпусу передбачає наявність значного
розвалу бортів, гострої скули, носового краю в формі бульба або похилої кільової лінії. Данні про положення
центру ваги судна, як результат досліду кренування, дуже важливі для безпечної експлуатації суден,
військових кораблів та катерів, зокрема, для забезпечення їхньої остійності. Крім того, в цій роботі було
зроблено порівняльний аналіз між двома новими методами. Перший з них був запропонований в статті R.J.
Dunworth «Back Against the Wall», другий - графічний метод. Кожен з методів має ряд позитивних і
негативних сторін, описаних в цій статті. Графічний метод ґрунтується на даних про плече остійності
форми, яке розраховується за допомогою спеціальної корабельної комп'ютерної програми. Надалі, для
графічних побудов і визначення положення центра ваги судна застосовується програма AUTOCAD. При
відсутності спеціальних комп'ютерних корабельних програм, можливий шлях побудови кривої метацентрів із
застосуванням методу О.М. Крилова.
Ключові слова: дослід кренування; положення центру ваги судна; судна з специфічною формою
Александр Олегович Kанифольский (канд. техн. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры теории и проектирования
корабля, Одесского национального морского университета)1
Николай Николаевич Конотопец (канд. техн. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры)2
Одесский национальный морской университет, г. Одесса, Украина
Национальный университет оборони Украины имени Ивана Черняховского, Киев, Украина
Новый альтернативный метод для обработки данных, полученных в результате опыта кренования,
предложен в статье. Достоверность различных путей обработки данных опыта была оценена с помощью
экспериментальной модели. Традиционный метод, который используется в настоящее время, не всегда дает
точные результаты для судов со специфической формой корпуса. Такая форма корпуса предполагает наличие
значительного развала бортов, острой скулы, бульбовой носовой оконечности или наклонной килевой линии.
Данные о положении центра тяжести судна, как результат опыта кренования, очень важны для безопасной
эксплуатации судов, военных кораблей и катеров, в частности, для обеспечения их остойчивости. Кроме
того, в этой работе был сделан сравнительный анализ двух новых методов. Первый из них был предложен в
статье R.J. Dunworth «Back Against the Wall», второй - графический метод. Каждый из методов имеет ряд
положительных и отрицательных сторон, описанных в этой статье. Графический метод основывается на
данных о плече остойчивости формы, которое рассчитывается с помощью специальной корабельной
компьютерной программы. В дальнейшем, для графических построений и определения положения центра
тяжести судна применяется программа AUTOCAD. При отсутствии специальных компьютерных
корабельных программ, возможен путь построения кривой метацентров с применением метода А.Н.
Ключевые слова: опыт кренования; положение центра тяжести судна; суда со специфическими
Литература Ships - L: Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, 2003.
– 493 p. 4. Семенов-Тян-Шанский В.В. Статика и
1.Dunworth R.J. Back Against the Wall. Transactions динамика корабля. – Л: Судпромгиз, 1960. – 574 с. 5.
RINA, Vol 156, Part B2, International Journal of Small Теория корабля. Методические рекомендации по
Craft Technology, Jul-Dec 2014. 2. Discussion. Back выполнению курсового проекта по статике корабля
Against the Wall. Trans RINA, Vol 157, Part B2, для студентов кораблестроительного факультета,
International Journal of Small Craft Technology, Jul-Dec Одесский институт инженеров морского флота,
2015. 3. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Rules Жданов, 1981. - 70 с.
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going

© О.О. Kаніфольський, М.М. Конотопець

Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence № 3 (27)/2016 ISSN 2311-7249 (Print) / ISSN 2410-7336 (Online)

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