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Space Knowledge Questions Sheet 1

State the names of the planets in the solar

1 system, in order of increasing distance Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
from the Sun.

Describe what is meant by a natural

2 An object which orbits around a planet, such as a moon.

State the name of the galaxy containing

3 The Milky Way.
our solar system.

Explain how the Sun and solar system The Sun was formed from a cloud of dust and gas (a nebula) pulled
were formed. together by gravitational attraction.

A cloud of gas and dust (a nebula) forms a protostar, which evolves

into a main sequence star. Towards the end of its life cycle, the star
Describe the life cycle of a star that is
5 expands into a red giant, before the outer layers drift off into space
about the same size as the Sun.
leaving behind a white dwarf, which eventually cools to a black

A cloud of gas and dust (a nebula) forms a protostar, which evolves

into a main sequence star. Towards the end of its life cycle, the star
Describe the life cycle of a star that is
6 expands into a red supergiant, before it collapses causing a
much bigger than the Sun.
supernova. The core of the star is compressed and remains as a
neutron star or black hole.

Explain how all of the naturally occurring Fusion processes in stars produce all of the naturally occurring
elements are formed. elements. Elements heavier than iron are produced in a supernova.

Explain how naturally occurring elements

8 The explosion of a massive star (supernova).
are distributed throught the universe.

Explain how satellites are able to maintain

9 Due to the force of gravity.
their circular orbits.

When viewing the light from distace galaxies, there is an observed

10 Explain what is meant by 'red-shift'. increase in wavelength. The further away the galaxies, the faster they
are moving and the bigger the observed increase in wavelength.

Explain the conclusion that can be drawn

The observed red-shift provides evidence that space itself (the
11 from red-shift observations of different
universe) is expanding and supports the Big Bang theory.
Describe what recent evidence suggests
Since 1998 onwards, observations of supernovae suggest that distant
12 about the rate at which distant galaxies
galaxies are receding at an increasing rate.
are receding.

The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began from a very
Explain what is meant by the Big Bang
13 small region that was extremely hot and dense, which gradually
expanded and cooled.

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