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“How To” Series

Converged Networking in
the Call Center: Creating
Your Migration Plan

Operating a contact center on a single, converged IP-based platform makes

economic sense, and offers all new possibilities for integrating web, voice, data and
in-person communications channels into the contact center strategy.
The hard question is, exactly when and how environment, the infrastructure comprises an
should the center be transitioned from a array of disparate proprietary systems,
voice-based legacy network to a converged circuit-based voice equipment, a portfolio of
IP infrastructure? How should multiple separate applications with their own
communications channels and siloed resources interfaces, as well as a separate network
be integrated onto a converged environment? facilities for both independent voice and data
How can a smooth transition be assured? communications. Indeed, the center that tries
This article outlines a step-wise strategy for to keep up with the demands of the customers
mapping out a convergence game plan, including: and the marketplace for first-class service will
be hampered by the conventional ‘siloed’
• Assessing current operations architecture of the call center.
• Defining business needs
The Power of the IP-Enabled
• Prioritizing functions and capabilities
Contact Center
• Gauging your network requirements
A contact center operating in a converged,
• Planning a phased migration voice-data environment enabled by IP
technology can achieve levels of simplicity,
Introduction scalability and centralization that are simply
For more and more enterprises, a networking not possible in the legacy model. An IP-
architecture based on IP (Internet Protocol) enabled contact center offers its parent
technology has proved highly appealing. This business reduced access costs, more
is due to its ability to enable more cost- intelligent routing of calls and automation
effective telephony, and its ability to facilitate a possibilities that can deliver efficiencies far
broad range of voice and data capabilities that
promise to enhance enterprise communications
and operations, and to mitigate expenses
The Power of IT Technology
throughout the organization.
Perhaps nowhere are the benefits of IP Simplicity
technology more promising than in the contact
center, arguably the most communications- and Scalability
data-intensive operation in the enterprise.
In the conventional legacy call center
How To Converged Networking in the Call Center

Contact Centers and the Internet

Web Page
Click to talk
Client Database
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tees by adding a carefree treatment t
hat shrugs off stains and practically
eliminates shrinking. Our soft 6 oz.
100% cotton fabric is jersey-knit
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e-Business Website Contact Center

Home Agent

Customer Contact Center Server


Customer Contact Center

LAN Switch

beyond what any voice-centered, agent-centered For example, in designing and implementing IP
operation could ever achieve. IP-enabled call conversions for call center clients, teams at the
centers are also less constrained by geographical AT&T Network Integration and Consulting team
limitations; they can more easily route calls among devise detailed and highly individualized migration
several locations, and even take advantage of plans based on the unique parameters and needs
remote and home-based agents to meet individual of the individual center. The goal is to craft a
demand in regard to place, time and skill. migration blueprint that takes into account:
And, by taking advantage of open standards such • The overall business strategy of the enterprise
as MPLS (Multi-protocol Label Switching), SIP • The specific functional goals of the contact
(Session Initiation Protocol), and VoiceXML (Voice center, including requirements for access to
Extensible Markup Language, the center can resources in other areas of the enterprises
enable rapid growth, interoperability between
applications and simplified management. • The design of the required underlying IP
infrastructure, addressing
Making the Move - Connectivity and Access
For more and more contact centers, the question - Premises Architecture
is no longer if a converged IP environment is the - Applications and Services
right strategy, but when and how to make the - Back-up and Recovery Requirements
transition. As competitors launch IP-based
applications, and as markets demand conveniences
and services that can only be supported by
converged networks, the need for a workable The Challenges of Transition
migration plan and strategy becomes paramount.
Ensuring adequate infrastructure
Unfortunately, transitioning from a siloed, voice-
based, multi-component infrastructure to a Developing an effective migration
seamless IP environment cannot be achieved strategy
overnight. Complicating the matter further, the
costs, scheduling and migration path will vary a Being alert to the need for process
great deal depending on the current call center changes
infrastructure, the enterprise resources and
systems it relies upon, and the capabilities desired Providing dependable backup /
in the converged center. recovery mechanisms

How To Converged Networking in the Call Center

IP Implementation Design Process

Business Strategy

Legacy Call Center Environment

Connectivity & Access

Contact Center Infrastructure Premise Architecture
Goals Design Applications/Services
Vendor Analysis
Prototype O
Implementation V
Testing & Migration
Validation Strategy

IP Call Center Environment

• Analysis and evaluation of needed equipment hand, overdesigning the network to accommodate
and vendors voice and data can entail needless costs.
• Exhaustive testing and validation of the In addition, the network must be thoroughly
implemented IP infrastructure tested and validated in advance, to assure that it
• A practical transition/cutover strategy that will manage the expected loads and service levels.
minimizes impact on the enterprise and call Guesstimates and rules of thumb are not usually
center operations. Options include a pilot sufficient; ‘live’ tests are the preferred method.
implementation, phased migrations, parallel
An Inappropriate Migration or Cutover Strategy
operations, overnight cutovers and blended
strategies. The plan for physically and logistically moving
operations onto the new infrastructure must
Potential Pitfalls satisfy myriad considerations. These considerations
range from customer expectations and education,
The complexity of the transition from a legacy to to customary traffic patterns, requirements of the
an IP environment can expose the enterprise to infrastructure, available personnel resources and
significant risks and needless delays and/or costs to agent training. Pilot programs can be low-risk
in several ways. and cost-effective ways to evaluate potential
implementations – but only if they are properly
Deploying an Inadequate or Inefficient
Infrastructure designed and evaluated.
An IP-based infrastructure must be able to Using Legacy Processes and Standards in An
support both the heavy demands of a contact IP-Based Center
center’s voice requirements, and its data In some cases, the functions performed in a voice-
communications requirements. For example, voice based, legacy center are performed in entirely
communications on an IP network (VoIP) are different ways in an IP-based center. This may call
more sensitive to latency, packet losses and delays for changes to training, to process design and
than the data communications. The IP-based perhaps even compensation and evaluation of agents.
contact center must provide adequate bandwidth
– as well as capabilities such as MPLS (Multi- Inadequate Backup and Recovery Provisions
protocol Label Switching) – to allow the voice
packets to be delivered before the less-sensitive By its very nature, an IP-based architecture can
data packets, to avoid degradations in voice provide multiple paths between given points,
performance due to jitter and delay. On the other which is theoretically more reliable than a point-

How To Converged Networking in the Call Center

to-point, circuit-based environment. But, if the developed processes and procedures that assure the
architecture centralizes a function like voice migration is managed to the client’s requirements, in
messaging, or a database at a single location, the the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
operation is still vulnerable to a single failure. An
optimum architecture not only provides multiple
routes, but multiple sources for critical functions
and resources, such that a single failure cannot shut Conduct a network assessment to ensure
an application down.
the successful deployment of a VoIP-based
Resources and Providers Required contact center. Call quality will affect
Designing, planning and implementing a transition
to an IP environment not only requires specialized customer satisfaction and handle time.
expertise and experience, but also considerable
dedicated resources. A call center team that is Without a comprehensive network
responsible for maintaining day-to-day operations –
even during a transition – may find it difficult to assessment to drive the proper QoS, the
devote the necessary ‘human bandwidth’ to the
deployment will have a negative impact.
task of transforming the center.
For example, in managing the transition of a typical
Yankee Group
200-seat call center to an IP environment, AT&T
March 2005
Network Integration and Consulting may routinely
devote four to six certified engineers to the task Customer Relationship Management Strategies
for the duration. VoIP in the Contact Center is Inevitable
But Not Imminent
What’s more, designing and managing the
installation of the IP infrastructure will require the
input and supervision of networking specialists.
Thereafter, the IP environment must be subjected Conclusion: Enlist Expert Help
to rigorous tests and evaluations to assure that it While a converged IP-based environment can offer
can support the anticipated loads – a task that the contact center a number of performance and
typically requires specialized simulation equipment, cost advantages, the planning and implementing of
probes and analysis software. such a migration must be carefully planned and
Since this may involve a number of separate aligned with the needs of the business and the
providers and contractors, it is usually necessary capabilities of the technology – then implemented
to appoint a Single Point of Contact who is on a schedule that allows for last-minute
responsible for all phases and elements of the adjustments and minimal disruption to existing
transition. In the case of AT&T Network operations. The teams at AT&T Network
Integration and Consulting, for example, AT&T Integration and Consulting have performed a
takes on the role of managing, supervising and number of IP migrations and conversions – under
coordinating all resources on behalf of the client the most demanding circumstances imaginable. To
enterprise – freeing their management staff from see how their expertise and experience can help
the details of the migration. After executing you avoid delays and problems in a transition to an
literally dozens of call center projects, AT&T has IP-bases architecture, visit

For more information, visit

© 2005 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 12/12/05 AB-0457

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