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Comprehension Questions

Note: For each question give a complete answer.

1. What is the challenge about?

The challenge is about that the people who play the game are going to be presented
with various foods that have appeared in the stranger thing series and they will try to
resist and not eat it.

2. What kind of food is presented?

The type of food featured in the challenge includes surfer pizza, corndogs, Eggo
waffles, and the peanut butter sandwich, food featured in episodes of the series.

3. How many people ate the surf’s pizza?

Two people.
4. What’s a fact about the Easter’s egg in the show?
the easter egg is that if you call the number of the van, the delivery man of the series
will answer you.

5. What is Jayka’s favorite scene about the surfer pizza boy?

when the character was in the van singing the song

6. What did they accompany the EGGO’s with?

the eggo waffles were accompanied with syrup and butter.

7. According to Jeremiah in the corndog part, what is the best way to eat food?
According to Jeremias, the best way to eat is to savor and enjoy each bite.

8. What did Sharon want to do with the corndog?

She wanted to keept up

9. What is the name of the woman that is passing them the food?
Her name is Nicole

10. Did anybody try the Hopper’s Jif Peanut butter?

No, anyone tried the Hopper’s Jif Peanut butter
11. How many people lost more than once?
Three people

12. How many people won the challenge? Name them.

Just three people won the challenge, they are Sharon, Carlos and Izzy Rocha

13. What was the winner prize?

The winner prize was “starcourt mall feast”, this meal has a feast of Julius Burger King
and a giant Sunday from Scoops Ahoy.

14. What were the commentaries of the contesters about the Star Court Mall
Feast? Mention at least 3 expressions.
"The 80s looks fun"
"it's so colourful"
"i'm just getting nice"

15. How many people lost?

three people lost.

16. What happened if the people lose?

They had to drank the "Demogorgon spit

17. What were the punishments?

They had to drink demogorgon fluids.

18. What were the commentaries of the contesters about the Punishment?
Mention at least 3.
the comments were "messed up" "that was disgusting" and "almost hate you

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