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In translation studies, there are various approaches that scholars and translators adopt
when approaching the translation process. These approaches provide different perspectives
and methodologies for translating texts. Here are some commonly recognized translation

1-Source-Language Oriented Approach: This approach places a strong emphasis on fidelity

to the source text. Translators following this approach strive for a close adherence to the
original text, attempting to maintain the linguistic structures, stylistic elements, and cultural
references of the source language in the target language. The goal is to produce a translation
that mirrors the source text as closely as possible.

2-Target-Language Oriented Approach: In contrast to the source-language oriented

approach, this approach prioritizes the target language and audience. Translators focus on
producing a text that reads naturally and idiomatically in the target language, considering its
cultural and linguistic conventions. The target-language oriented approach aims to create a
translation that is easily understandable and appropriate for the target audience, even if it
means deviating from the source text to some extent.

3-Functional/Communicative Approach: This approach emphasizes the function and

communicative purpose of the translation. Translators analyze the communicative goals of
the source text and strive to achieve the same goals in the target language. They prioritize
conveying the intended meaning and impact of the text, even if it requires adjustments or
rephrasing to suit the target audience. This approach takes into account the context, culture,
and intended effects of the translation.

4-Cultural Translation Approach: The cultural translation approach recognizes the cultural
differences between the source and target languages and seeks to bridge these gaps.
Translators focus on conveying the cultural nuances, references, and connotations of the
source text in a way that is meaningful and relevant to the target culture. This approach
involves making cultural adaptations, explanations, or substitutions to ensure that the
translated text is culturally appropriate and resonates with the target audience.

5-Descriptive/Psycholinguistic Approach: This approach draws on cognitive and

psycholinguistic theories to understand the mental processes involved in translation. It
explores the cognitive mechanisms, strategies, and decision-making processes that
translators employ during the translation task. Translators following this approach aim to
identify and describe the cognitive processes involved in translation, which can contribute to
improving translation training and practice.

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