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WhatsApp Business categories and rates

What is a conversation?
On WhatsApp, a conversation is a 24-hour message thread between the business and the customer. There
are 4 different types of conversations that are currently present on WhatsApp business, and they include,

• Marketing — Marketing conversations include promotions or offers, informational updates, or

invitations for customers to respond or act.

• Utility — Utility conversations facilitate a specific, agreed-upon request or transaction, or update a

customer about an ongoing transaction. These may include transaction confirmations, transaction
updates, and/or post-purchase notifications.

• Authentication — Authentication conversations enable you to authenticate users with one-time

passcodes, potentially at multiple steps in the login process (e.g., account verification, account
recovery, integrity challenges).

• Service — Service conversations help you resolve customer inquiries.

For marketing, utility, and authentication conversations they can only be opened with a template provided and
when it comes to services, they are free-form end-to-end messages between a customer and business.

Conversation kickoff

A conversation is considered open when a customer approaches or we send our marketing, utility, or
authentication material to them. The charges are applied once we or the customer opens the message, or we
open a message sent by the customer. A thread is applied once the message is opened from either side.

For service conversation a new conversation is not opened as the messages are free flow.

Conversation duration

A conversation duration for marketing, utility and authentication lasts for 24 hours and when it comes to
services it lasts for 72 hours.
Each WhatsApp Business Account gets 1,000 free service conversations each month across all of its business
phone numbers. This number is refreshed at the beginning of each month, based on WhatsApp Business
Account time zone.

Marketing, utility, and authentication conversations are not part of the free tier.

Pricing structure

For pricing,

• Marketing, utility and authentication, the charges start once the template is sent to the customer. Rate
varies by market and can be found in the excel sheet sent.

• For services, there are 1000 free conversations each month and after that the charges are applied per
conversation held.

The prices are per conversation held and each conversation for marketing, utility and authentication is valid for
24 hours.
KEYTIME Instruction

For Keytime, we must decide the templates and categories in our WhatsApp Business number, instructions are
listed below on how to add both once they are decided.

How to select a template category

Here are the next steps to add the template and select the category:

1. Choose Setting <<Quick Reply\

2. Click on the Add button on the right side at the top of the list.
3. Choose the second type and click on Add WhatsApp template.

• Fill in the template information.

• Template name: Exclusively name in English.
• Template language: template content language.
• Template category: includes three categories and items (daily services, marketing,


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