Molecular Basis of Inheritance PYQS Ans Key - 19189643 - 2023 - 06 - 05 - 12 - 38

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Molecular basis of inheritance PYQS

Answer key


A parent with A blood group can have two possible genotypes, “I A IA” and “IA IO”; similarly parent
with B blood group can have two possible genotypes, “IB IB” and “IB IO”. Thus, they have three
alleles, “IA”, “IB” and “IO” which can make total six genotypes : IAIA, IAIO, IBIB, IBIO, IAIB and IOIO.
Since, IA and IB alleles are dominant over IO allele; the genotypes IAIO and IBIO gives A and B
blood group respectively. Genotypes IAIA, IBIB, IOIO show A, B and O blood groups respectively.
Due to codominance of "IA " and "IB ” alleles, the genotype "IAIB " produce “AB” blood group
respectively. Thus, the six genotypes give total four phenotypes. Hence, parents with A and B
blood group can have child with A, B, AB and O blood groups.

When an Rh- negative mother is impregnated by an Rh- positive father and is carrying an Rh-
positive baby, the foetus Rh antigens will be perceived as foreign invaders in mother's body. It
can initiate the protective mechanism that can end up harming the child. During first pregnancy,
the antibodies are produced in lower concentration and do not harm the foetus. But antibodies
against the Rh factor will be produced in the mother’s body during delivery of first child. During
second pregnancy with Rh+ baby, concentration of antibodies against Rh factor will build up,
which will attack the blood cells of foetus and will cause its death (Erythroblastosis foetalis).

3. D
Meiotic recombination is the result of crossover and independent assortment. Crossover is the
exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair that generate
new genetic combinations; option D is correct. Telomeres are the structures present at the ends
of linear eukaryotic chromosomes and have many tandem copies of a short oligonucleotide
sequence with guanine residues in one strand and cytosine in the complementary strand. The
G-rich strand has a few hundred nucleotides long overhang at the 3' end which serves as the
primer for its elongation by telomerase enzyme and thereby maintaining chromosome length;
option A is incorrect. The independent assortment of non-homologous chromosomes during
meiosis results in independent segregation of nonhomologous chromosomes; option B is
incorrect. Centromere directs the formation of the kinetochore on its surface, a special protein
structure that attaches to the microtubules in the mitotic spindle; option C is incorrect.

4. A.
Homosapians have - 25000-30000 genes
Drosophila have - nearly 15000 genes
It is nearly 2 foldes.

5. C
Mendel’s independent assortment is segregation of factors for a trait independent of other
factors during gamete formation followed by their random rearrangement in progeny thereby,
producing both parental and new combinations. The chromosomal theory of inheritance states
that genes, the Mendelian factors, are present on chromosomes and homologous
chromosomes separate during anaphase I of meiosis resulting in segregation of alleles of a
gene controlling the contrasting traits. Further, the independent assortment of non-homologous
chromosomes during meiosis results in an independent assortment of two separate genes each
of which carries an allelic pair. Thus, the factor for two traits should be present on two different
non-homologous chromosomes to assort independently and to produce parental and non-
parental combinations.

6. B
Hemoglobin has four protein subunits, two α-globin and two β-globin. The Hbb
gene codes the β chain. A missense mutation, replacement of A by T at the 17th nucleotide of
the Hbb gene changes the codon GAG (glutamic acid) to GTG (which encodes valine). Thus, the
disease is caused by a point mutation (change in single nucleotide base) in the gene; option B
is correct.

7. C
Human blood group is governed by single gene "I" which has three alleles “IA", “IB” and “IO”.
Genotype of a parent with “A” blood group can be IAIO or IAIA
and that of parent with “B” blood group is IBIB and IBIO. The alleles IA,IO and IB can make total six
genotypic combinations, namely IAIA,IAIO,IBIB,IBIO, IAIB and IOIO. Thus, the possible blood group of
their children are A, B, O and AB. Therefore, probability of having a girl child with blood group O
is ¼ or 25%, as depending on the genotype of parents, there is equal probability of their child to
have any of four blood groups.

8. A
According to Mendel, a pair of the contrasting trait is governed by two determinants or unit
factors; for example, plant contained two determinants unit factors for the characteristic of
height. A heterozygous individual carries two contrasting factors of a trait; the factor that can
express itself is called as the dominant factor. The other factor whose effect is masked by the
presence of dominant factor is called recessive factor. A gene is the unit of heredity that
determines a particular trait; each gene has at least two contrasting forms that determine the
contrasting phenotype for that trait. These alternate forms of a gene are called allele. Thus,
Mendelian factors and determinants are synonymous with genes, not with alleles, in modern
terminology; option B is incorrect and A is correct. Loci are the specific position of genes on a
chromosome; that are the position of unit factors of the chromosome which makes option C

9. D
Haemophilia is X-linked recessive disorder; Y-chromosome does not affect the disease. Father
transmits his X chromosome to the daughters so the diseased father passes his affected X
chromosome to daughters, not to sons. Son gets his X-chromosome from the mother; being
hemizygous, one copy of the affected gene in males in each cell is sufficient to cause the
disorder (XhY). Thus to have a diseased son, irrespective of the genotype of the father, the
mother should carry at least one “X h” allele.

10. D
TB germs are passed through the air when someone who is sick with TB disease of the lungs or
throat coughs, speaks, laughs, sings, or sneezes.

11. C
Thalassemia-autosomal-linked resessive
Affected= 1/4
An autosomal recessive disorder like thalassemia is caused by abnormalities in both members
of a pair of genes. Both parents may carry a single dose of the gene on one chromosome but
have a normal gene on the other chromosome, which prevents the appearance of the disease in
the carrier parent. A child must get one abnormal gene from each parent in order to be affected
by the disease. Parents who are both carriers of an autosomal recessive disorder have a 25%
risk of producing an offspring affected by the disease and a 50% risk of producing normal-
appearing carriers.

12. B
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a gram-positive bacterium that produces crystals during sporulation.
These crystals comprise of 130 kDa protoxins called as crystal proteins which are potent and
highly specific insecticides. Once ingested by the specific host, these crystals dissolve in the
alkaline conditions of the gut thereby activating the protoxins. The active toxins then bind to
receptors on midgut epithelial cells, become inserted into the plasma membrane where they
form pores leading to cell death through osmotic lysis.

13. C
According to the question, out of three alleles of a gene, one is recessive. Let’s suppose that c
is recessive to both A and B alleles. The total possible genotypes with these three allele will be
AA, BB, Ac, Bc, cc and AB. “AA” and “BB” genotypes will express their respective phenotypes,
let’s suppose x and y phenotypes respectively. As c is recessive to A and B; genotypes Ac and
Bc will also produce x and y phenotypes respectively. The “cc” genotype will produce recessive
phenotype “z”. As “A” and “B” are codominant, the genotype “AB” will express both alleles and
the phenotype will be “xy”. Thus, three alleles of a gene with given recessive-dominance
relationship will produce total four phenotypes.

14. C
Hardy-Weinberg equation is
p2+ 2pq + q2 = 1.
Here, p is the frequency of the "A" allele and q is the frequency of the "a" allele in the
population. Thus, p2 represents the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype AA, q 2 is
the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype aa, and 2pq represents the frequency of
the heterozygous genotype Aa. Further, it also states that the sum of the allele frequencies for
all the alleles at the locus should be 1, so p + q = 1. According to the question, the frequency of
AA is (p2
= 0.25). Thus, the frequency of dominant allele = p = √.25 = 0.5.

15. A
A zygote is diploid. Hence it will have 44 autosomes. A sperm can have either of the two sex
chromosomes X or Y while the egg has only one sex chromosome X. If the sperm containing
the X chromosome fuses with the egg, the child born will be a female. If the sperm containing
the Y chromosome fuses with the egg the child born will be a male.

16. C
Yes, only if the parent plant was a completely inbred line

17. D
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes and and half material will transfer. So

18. A.
The distance between two consecutive base pairs is 0.34 nm and one complete turn of the
double helix has 10 base pairs which means that it is 3.4 nm/ 34A° long.

19. D
A mutation causing no change in the amino acid and hence, no effect on the function of the
protein is called as the silent mutation

20. C
Using the Hardy-Weinberg equation this problem can be solved.
q2 represents the frequency of homozygous recessive organisms
As q= 0.4, q2 = 0.16.
1 - 0.4 = p, hence p = 0.6.
So the frequency of homozygous dominant organisms p 2= 0.36.
The frequency of heterozygous plants is given by (2pq). Hence 2(0.6)(0.4) = 0.48.

21. B
The mutation has taken place on X chromosome. Hence all the progenies in the F 2 generation
are females. Since none of them are males the mutation is recessive and lethal. Females are
the carriers of the mutated gene hence they survive. But the males being hemizygous die. In the
third generation when the carrier females marry a man with no mutated genes some progenies
will be males.
22. B
The ABO blood group are the most important blood types discovered by Landsteiner. They
result from inheritance of one of the three allele that is A, B, O which are located on long arm of
chromosome number 9. The two alleles that determine blood group AB are located on the same
autosome i.e., present on the homologous chromosome at the same locus

23. D
Mutation in a single gene can lead to changes in multiple traits.

24. C
Haemophilia is an X-linked recessive trait. It is an inherited bleeding disorder characterized by
the presence of low levels of clotting factors resulting in the inability or impaired ability of blood
clotting. In the given pedigree chart the trait for is haemophilia transmitted from father to the son
when the father is affected and from mother to the son when the mother is a carrier.

25. B
The number of chromosomes in an individual with Turner's syndrome is 45. The disorder is due
to monosomy. It appears due to the fusion of abnormal egg (22+0) and a normal sperm (22+X)
or a normal egg (22+X) and abnormal sperm (22+0). Such females are sterile as ovaries are
rudimentary besides other features including lack of other secondary sexual characters.

26. D
In a dihybrid cross, the ratio of F2 generation is 9:3:3:1.
Here, 9 = white flowered and tall plants
3 = white flowered and dwarf plants
3 = blue flowered and tall plants
1 = blue flowered and dwarf plants
If the total number of F2 progeny is 2016, then the number of short plants with blue flowers
(double) recessive will be 1*2160/16, which is 135 plants.

27. B
frequency = no. of individuals with allele distribution/total no. of individuals
t2 = 40/200 = 1/5
t = 0.4472 = 0.45
as we know , T + t = 1
T = 1-0.45
T = 0.55
So, correct answer to the question is 'T=0.55, t=0.45.

28. A
Phenylketonuria - an autosomal recessive disorder causing absence of hydroxylase enzyme
thus there is an inability of conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine causing phenyl pyruvic idiocy
and arthritis.
Albinism - an autosomal recessive condition causing tyrosinase deficiency. So, the melanin
synthesis cannot take place.
Homocystinuria - a disorder of methionine metabolism causing abnormal deposition of
homocysteine and its metabolites.
Argininemia - Autosomal recessive disorder. Due to deficiency of arginase enzyme, the arginine
and ammonia get accumulated into the blood.


3 genes for skin colour and each gene having 2 alleles, the number of skin colours possible =
3*2= 6

31. C
Mendel's law of independent assortment states that allele pairs separate independently during
gamete formation. The traits are transmitted to offspring independent of each other. However,
this is only true for the alleles which are far away from each other. When two different traits are
linked, they do not follow the low of independent assortment. The traits are always transmitted
together to offsprings as they are linked.

32. D
Alleles are two alternative forms of the same gene. They are present at the same locus on a
chromosome. These are heritable. In an offspring, one allele is inherited from father and the
other one is inherited from mother. They code for different isoforms of a protein. They are either
dominant or recessive. Dominant allele produces dominant phenotype and requires only one
copy to express itself. Recessive allele requires two copies to express itself.

33. B
The genetic distance between genes A and B is 10 cM. It means, the recombination frequency
is 10%. If the cross is made between two parents with genotype Ab and aB, out of their
progeny, 10% will be recombinant type (that is AB and ab) and 90% will be parental type (that is
aB and Ab). AB allele represents half of the recombination type, that is 5%.

34. A
Number of plants with particular genotype can be calculated by the formula 2n, where n is the
number of heterozygous gene in the desired genotype. Therefore, plants with genotype
AabbCcDd = 23 = 8.

35. C
No matter for how many generations the crosses are done, the results will always be
synonymous because the pink flowers on fertilization will produce red:pink:white flowers in the
ratio of 1:2:1. So the total percentage of the red and white flowers in the F6 generation, i.e, in
the final population will be (2/4)*100=50%.

36. B
Incomplete dominance is a type of dominance in which the phenotype of a heterozygote is
intermediate between the two homozygous parents having contracting phenotypes. When two
homozygous parents having two different alleles of gene for flower colour are crossed, the F 1
generation will be of a different flower colour compared to both the parents. The F 2 generation
will have plants with all the three different flower colours. The genotypic ratio obtained in the F 2
generation will be the same irrespective of whether it is complete dominance or incomplete
dominance. The phenotypic ratio however will be same as genotypic ratio, that is 1:2:1 where 1
part will be homozygous dominant, 2 part will be heterozygous showing new flower colour and 1
part will be homozygous recessive.

37. B
If a cross is made between a male of AABBCC genotype and a female of aabbcc genotype, F 1
generation will show genotype AaBbCc. In the given example it is given that when F1 generation
was crossed, 640 offsprings were produced in the F 2 generation. From the given image, we can
say that out of 64 offsprings, only 2 offsprings are having genotype AABBCC and aabbcc.
Hence, out of 640 offsprings, there will be 10 offsprings with genotype AABBCC and 10
offsprings with genotype aabbcc. Hence, there will be total 20 offsprings that are likely to be of
the parental genotype.

38. D
The concept of boys and girls could be modelled by probability. There would be 8 possible
combinations - GGG, GGB, GBG, GBB, BBB, BBG, BGG, BGB, here, the combination with both
girls and boys is 6, the percentage of which would be 75.

39. B
In the pedigree of family 1, the P disorder is an autosomal dominant trait. The female is having
the defective gene whereas the male is having the normal gene in generation I. The defective
gene is transferred from mother to the I-1, I-4, I-6 children and these children are affected.
Whereas normal gene is transferred from mother to rest of the children. Since II-2 and II-3 both
are unaffected, their all children are normal.
In the pedigree of family 2, the Q disorder is an autosomal recessive trait. In generation I, the
female is having two copies of defective genes whereas as male is having only one copy of the
defective gene. Hence, the male is a carrier of the disorder. The defective gene is transferred
from mother to all her children in II generation. Whereas only II-6 daughter received defective
gene from the father. All the other children are the carrier of the disorder. Normal gene is
transferred from II-2 and II-3. Hence, all their children are normal.

40. A
Codon degeneracy means that the genetic code is degenerate. It means that there is more than
one codon that specifies the single amino acid.
The phenomenon in which several of the amino acids, each coded by more than one codon is
called codon degeneracy.

41. A
Gene flow is the transfer of genetic material between separate populations. Genetic drift is the
evolution in which there is change in the frequency of an alleles in a population due to random
sampling of organisms. Speciation is the process of evolution in which populations evolve to
become distinct species.

42. B
Chromosomes are classified into four types based on the position of the centromere. These are
metacentric, sub-metacentric, telocentric and acrocentric. A chromosome having centromere at
the center is called as metacentric chromosome. In this, centromere divides chromosome into
two equal arms. A chromosome having centromere slightly away from the center is called as
sub-metacentric chromosome. A chromosome having centromere close to one of the end is
called as acrocentric chromosome. A chromosome having a terminal centromere is called as
telocentric chromosome.

43. D
ABO blood grouping system in humans is based on the presence or absence of antigens A and
B on the surface of the red cells. There are four types of blood group, namely A, B, AB and O.
Person with A blood group has A antigen on its RBC surface. He has antibodies against B in the
blood plasma. Similarly, person with B blood group has B antigen on its RBC surface. He has
antibodies against A in the blood plasma. Person with AB blood group has both A and B
antigens and no antibodies in the blood plasma. Whereas person with O blood group has no
antigen on its RBC surface and has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the blood plasma.
Person with blood group O is called as universal donor as it can donate blood to any person.
Person with blood group AB is called as universal acceptor as it can receive blood from any

44. A



The probability getting blood group O is zero.

45. C
Genotype = 3n
n = no. of heterozygous pair
32 = 9
Phenotype = 2n
2² = 4

Human have 46 chromosome in diploid cells while haploid cells have 23 chromosomes in
gamete, every human receive 1/2 of 46 from each parent.

47. C.
In ABCO blood group, all the alleles are codominant except the IO
so the possible blood groups can be A, B, C, O, AB, AC, and BC.
The genotype will be as follows in the respective order:
1. IA i
2. IB i
3.IC i
4. ii

48. A
Human ABO blood groups represent another deviation from Mendelian simplicity since there are
more than two alleles (A, B, and O) for this particular trait. Codominance occurs when both
alleles show dominance, as in the case of the AB blood type (I AIB) in humans.

49. D
Epistasis is the interaction between genes that influences a phenotype. Genes can either mask
each other so that one is considered “dominant” or they can combine to produce a new trait. It is
the conditional relationship between two genes that can determine a single phenotype of some
traits. As in a diploid organism, when the locus X is inactivated, transcription of the locus Y is
triggered. Thus, Y is epistatic to X.

50. D
For the endosperm, the two polar nuclei in the female gametophyte have XX genotype, and the
pollen from the male plant has XY genotype. Therefore, the possible genotypes of the
endosperm after fertilization are XXX (if the two polar nuclei fuse with a single X-bearing sperm)
or XXY (if the two polar nuclei fuse with two different sperm, one X-bearing and one Y-bearing).
So, the correct answer is (D) 50% ovules would have XXX endosperm and XX embryo, while
the other 50% would have XXY endosperm and XY embryo.

51. C
Highest number of possible alleles
in population=n(n+1)/2
Where (n) is number of locus

52. A
Allele A frequency=(2NAA+Aa )/2N
Total number of individuals in population =N
A= (2×90+40)/2×200

= (180+40)/400
= 220/400
Allel 'a' frequency = (2Naa +Aa)/2N

a= (2×70+40)/2×200
= (140+40)/400
= 180/400

53. D
Plant is heterozygous for the following traits:

T = Tall plant

t = Short plant

R = Red colour flower

r = white colour flower

Gametes: TR tR Tr tr

TR tR Tr tr
tR TtRR ttRR TtRr ttRr
Tr TTRr TtRr TTrr Ttrr
tr TtRr ttRr Ttrr ttrr

Ratio is 9: 3: 3: 1

Out of 1600 seeds ratio is


100 off springs are completely homozygous for trait short and white flower.

54. A
Haemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder where the blood doesn't clot properly. It is caused
when blood does not have enough clotting factor.
Hemophilia A and hemophilia B are inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. The genes
associated with these conditions are located on the X chromosome, which is one of the two sex
In females (who have two X chromosomes), a mutation would have to occur in both copies of
the gene to cause the disorder.
However, in males due to the single copy of X present, there is a greater chance for the disease
to manifest.
So, the correct answer is 'Haemophilia'.

55. A
On crossing a plant with genotype AABBCC, with another plant of aabbcc genotype, the
resultant progeny of F1 generation will be AaBbCc.

Number of different genotypes or gametes=2 n

n=number of heterozygous genes
Here n=3
Number of different genotypes=2 3=8

56. D
Dominant phenotype: Short-hair (S)

Recessive phenotype: Long-hair (s)

By doing a cross between parents, the offsprings showed both the characters, i.e., dominant
and recessive phenotype.

This can be possible only if a parent with dominant phenotype is heterozygous for the character.

Condition (i): Both parents are short-haired.

Suppose, both parents are heterozygous for the character. So, the genotype of both parents will
be Ss and Ss.

When a cross is carried out (Ss x Ss), the resultant progeny will be Short-haired: Long-haired ::
3:1. Hence, the probable phenotypes and genotypes of both parents should be short-haired and
Ss respectively.
Condition (ii): Both parents are long-haired. Since long-hair is a recessive trait, all the progeny
will be long-haired.

Condition (iii): One parent is short-haired, and one is long- haired.

Suppose, the parent with short-haired trait is heterozygous, i.e., Ss.

When a cross is carried out (Ss x ss), it represents monohybrid test cross and the resultant
progeny will be Short-haired: Long-haired :: 1:1. Hence, the probable phenotypes of the parents
can be One parent is short-haired, and one is long-haired.

57. D
In absence of crossing over and mutations, the genetic variation in the offspring can be
developed due to cytoplasmic inheritance or maternal inheritance.

Cytoplasmic or maternal or extranuclear inheritance is the inheritance of genes that occur

outside the nucleus or in the cytoplasm of the cell. It is mainly found in eukaryotic cells due to
the presence of cytoplasmic organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria or from cellular
parasites like bacteria or viruses. In maize, the variation in the genome of the chloroplast is
more prominent, then in the rice. Hence, the variation due to this genome results in higher
variation in the offspring of maize as compared to rice.

58. D
Accordingly to hardy-weinberg principle

= p2 + q2 + 2pq = 1

P = 0.5 ; q = 0.5; 2pq = 0.50

In all option, only option (d) have heterozygosity in population is maximum.

59. B
Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a trait, disorder, or disease can be passed
down through families. An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene
must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop and it not seen in every generation.
Given family tree showing autosomal recessive disorder.

60. C



A:B:AB= 0.25:0.5:0.25


61.If an allele is dominant it should affect both males and females equally (not X-linked)
If one of the parents shows the trait (while other does not) then at least one offspring should
show the trait (basic Mendelian segregation)
If both parents show the trait and one of the offspring does not then it means that the parents
are heterozygous and the allele is dominant.

62. A
(A) is correct. The fact that the genetic code is universal means that it is shared by all living
organisms, and that the same codons specify the same amino acids across different species.
(B) is also correct. Since the genetic code is universal, protein coding RNA from any organism
can be translated in any other organism, as long as the appropriate tRNAs and ribosomes are
(C) is correct. In higher organisms, protein synthesis typically begins with methionine, which is
specified by the start codon AUG.
(D) is incorrect. The use of multiple stop codons does not make protein synthesis termination
more effective. Instead, the presence of multiple stop codons provides redundancy in the
genetic code, so that mutations or errors in DNA replication or transcription that create a
premature stop codon are less likely to completely disrupt the protein sequence. However, a
single stop codon is sufficient to terminate translation, and the presence of multiple stop codons
does not enhance this process.

The phenomenon of linked genes contradicts the principle of independent assortment.
The principle of independent assortment states that during gamete formation, different pairs of
alleles for different genes segregate independently of each other. This means that the
inheritance of one gene should not influence the inheritance of another gene.
However, linked genes are genes that are located close together on the same chromosome and
tend to be inherited together rather than independently. Therefore, the inheritance of one gene
can influence the inheritance of another gene, and this contradicts the principle of independent
The law of segregation, principle of dominance and recessivity, and incomplete dominance are
not contradicted by the phenomenon of linked genes. The law of segregation states that during
gamete formation, the two alleles of a gene segregate from each other, so each gamete carries
only one allele. The principle of dominance and recessivity and incomplete dominance deal with
the expression of alleles and do not depend on the physical location of genes on chromosomes.
We know the ABO blood groups of the four babies are A, B, AB, and O. Let's denote the babies
as I, II, III, and IV, respectively.
The blood group of baby III is not known, and the blood groups of all parents except the father
of baby III have been tested.
Statement (A) suggests that the blood group of Father III could be A, and baby III is A.
If Father III has blood group A, then baby III cannot have blood group AB because AB blood
type requires one allele for A and one allele for B. Thus, statement (A) is incorrect.
Statement (B) states that the blood group of Father III could be B, and baby III is AB.
If Father III has blood group B, it is possible for baby III to be AB. The father would contribute
the B allele, and the mother would contribute the A allele, resulting in a child with AB blood type.
Thus, statement (B) is correct.
Statement (C) claims that the blood group of Father III could be either AB or B.
We have already established that if Father III has blood group AB, baby III cannot have blood
group A, which contradicts statement (C). Therefore, statement (C) is incorrect.
Statement (D) suggests that the blood group of Father II could be O, and baby III is A.
If Father II has blood group O, it is possible for baby III to be A. The father would contribute the
O allele, and the mother would contribute the A allele, resulting in a child with blood type A.
Thus, statement (D) is correct.

Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder, which means it is carried on the X chromosome.
Females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).
If a female is a carrier of the hemophilia gene, it means she has one normal X chromosome and
one X chromosome with the hemophilia gene. However, since it is a recessive disorder, having
one normal X chromosome is usually sufficient to prevent the development of hemophilia in
females. They would need to have the hemophilia gene on both of their X chromosomes to
express the disorder.
Now, let's consider the possible scenarios when a carrier female has a child with a male who
does not have hemophilia:
Son: The son will receive one X chromosome from his mother (carrier) and one Y chromosome
from his father.
Since the father does not have hemophilia, the son will not inherit the hemophilia gene from the
There is a 50% chance that the son will receive the X chromosome with the hemophilia gene
from the mother and, therefore, be affected by hemophilia.
There is also a 50% chance that the son will receive the normal X chromosome from the mother
and, therefore, not have hemophilia.
Daughter: The daughter will receive one X chromosome from her mother (carrier) and one X
chromosome from her father.
Since the father does not have hemophilia, the daughter will not inherit the hemophilia gene
from the father.
There is a 50% chance that the daughter will receive the X chromosome with the hemophilia
gene from the mother and, therefore, be a carrier of hemophilia (like her mother).
There is also a 50% chance that the daughter will receive the normal X chromosome from the
mother and, therefore, not have hemophilia.
Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that the correct prediction is:
(C) 50% of the sons and 50% of the daughters will have hemophilia.

66. B
(B) Red blood corpuscle production
blood corpuscles, also known as red blood cells or erythrocytes, are responsible for carrying
oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide. The production of red blood cells occurs
primarily in the bone marrow through a process called erythropoiesis.
While erythropoiesis involves cell division, it mainly occurs in the early stages of red blood cell
development. Once mature red blood cells are formed, they lose their nucleus and other
organelles, becoming non-dividing cells.

Since the disease only affects males, it suggests that the gene involved is located on the sex
chromosomes (X or Y).
Two out of four sons developed the disorder, which indicates that the affected sons inherited the
recessive allele from their carrier mother.
Based on these deductions, we can eliminate options (A) and (B) because they suggest that the
mother or father has the dominant allele, which contradicts the fact that the disease only
manifests in males with the recessive allele.

To determine which crosses are expected to produce only 50% homozygotes among the F1
progeny, we need to consider the genotype combinations resulting from each cross.
(i) BB x Bb: This cross will produce 100% heterozygotes (Bb) among the F1 progeny.
(ii) AAbb x aaBB: This cross will produce 100% heterozygotes (AaBb) among the F1 progeny.
(iii) BB x bb: This cross will produce 100% heterozygotes (Bb) among the F1 progeny.
(iv) Bb x Bb: This cross will produce 25% BB, 50% Bb, and 25% bb among the F1 progeny,
resulting in 50% homozygotes (BB and bb) and 50% heterozygotes (Bb).
(v) AA x AA: This cross will produce 100% homozygotes (AA) among the F1 progeny.
(vi) bb x Bb: This cross will produce 50% Bb and 50% bb among the F1 progeny, resulting in
50% homozygotes (bb) and 50% heterozygotes (Bb).
From the above analysis, we can see that crosses (iv) and (v) will produce 50% homozygotes
among the F1 progeny.

Correct option is A)
From the given pedigree, it is seen that generation II - 3 is having the disease. It indicates that
both the parents are heterozygous (Zz) for the given disease. In the second generation, 'I' does
not have a disease. It indicates that she is either having homozygous dominant alleles (ZZ) or
having heterozygous alleles (Zz). For genotype ZZ, she would have received Z allele from each
parents. For genotype Zz, she would have received Z allele from either of the parent and z allele
from the other parent. Hence, there are three possibilities of receiving alleles from the parents.
Hence, there is 0.67 probability that 'I' is a carrier of disease Z and there is 0.33 probability that
'I' is having normal alleles.

The genotype of a male is XXyyZZ. Hence, the gamete will be XyZ. The genotype of female is
xxYYzz. Hence, the gamete will be xYz. The F1 generation will have genotype XxYyZz. Hence,
it will produce all the three active enzymes X, Y and Z. Since, enzyme Z will block the activity of
enzyme X, both male and female will be white in colour.

71. B
When F1 progeny is test crossed (test cross is the cross with homozygous recessive parent),
the resultant phenotypes are PpQq, Ppqq, ppQq, ppqq in the ratio 1:1:1:1.
Hence, percentage of plants with genotype ppqq = 1/4 x 100 = 25%

72. C
Correct option is C)
From the given pedigree charts, following observations can be made:
For pedigree P:
1. Affected offspring are borne to unaffected parents.
2. The trait is skipping generations i.e., not present in every generation.
3. The trait is occurring in male and female individuals with an equal frequency.
This shows that pedigree P represents Autosomal recessive trait.
For pedigree Q:
1. Affected offspring are borne to affected parents.
2. Unaffected parents are not transmitting the trait to offspring.
3. When one of the parents is affected, approximately half of the offspring are affected.
4. The trait is occurring in male and female individuals with an equal frequency.
This shows that pedigree Q represents Autosomal dominant trait.
So, the correct answer is C.

In the ABC model of floral organ determination in Arabidopsis, the expression of different
classes of genes is responsible for the development of specific floral organs. The classes of
genes involved are:
Class A genes: These genes are expressed alone and determine the development of sepals.
Class B genes: These genes, when expressed in combination with class A genes, determine
petal formation.
Class C genes: These genes, when expressed in combination with class B genes, determine
stamen formation. When expressed alone, they determine carpel formation.
Based on this information, if there is a loss of class B gene function, it would disrupt the
formation of petals. Therefore, the flower would have whorls in the following order, from outer to
inner whorl:
Sepal, sepal, carpel, carpel.
In the ABC model of floral organ determination in Arabidopsis, the expression of class A genes
alone determines the development of sepals, the expression of class A genes along with class
B genes determines petal formation, the expression of class B genes along with class C genes
determines the formation of stamens, and the expression of class C genes alone determines
carpel formation.
If there is a loss of class B gene function, it would affect the formation of petals and stamens,
but not sepals or carpels. This means that the flowers would still have sepals and carpels, but
the petals and stamens would be affected.
Based on this information, we can determine the order of whorls in the flowers without class B
gene function. The outermost whorl would be sepals because their development is determined
solely by class A genes. The second and third whorls would consist of carpels since their
formation is determined by the expression of class C genes alone.

The genotypes of the parent plants are PpQq and PpQq, which means they each carry one
dominant allele (P and Q) and one recessive allele (p and q) for each gene.
When these parents are crossed, the possible combinations of alleles in the offspring are as
PPQQ, PPQq, PpQQ, PpQq, PPqq, PpQq, ppQQ, ppQq
Out of these combinations, the offspring that would only express one of the two dominant alleles
are PPQQ, PpQQ, and ppQQ. These combinations have only one dominant allele (P or Q)
Therefore, the proportion of offspring that would only express one of the two dominant alleles is
3 out of 8 possible combinations.

75. D
Plant P:
● Homozygous recessive for grooved (rr)
● Homozygous dominant for long (SS)
● Heterozygous for wrinkled (Ww)
● Heterozygous for yellow (Yy)
Plant Q:
● Homozygous recessive for short (ss)
● Homozygous dominant for smooth (WW)
● Homozygous dominant for yellow (YY)
● Homozygous dominant for ribbed (RR)
● When the two plants are crossed, we can determine the possible combinations of
genetic traits in the offspring:
Genotype possibilities for the offspring:
● Grooved: rr (from plant P)
● Long: S (from plant P)
● Wrinkled: Ww (from plant P)
● Yellow: Yy (from plant P)
● Short: ss (from plant Q)
● Smooth: WW (from plant Q)
● Yellow: YY (from plant Q)
● Ribbed: RR (from plant Q)
Now, let's analyze the phenotype based on the given genetic traits:
The resulting phenotype of the offspring would be:
● Long (S)
● Wrinkled (Ww)
● Yellow (Yy)
● Ribbed (RR)
Therefore, the correct option is (D) The seeds of half the plants would be long, wrinkled, yellow,
and ribbed.

76. C
When this plant self-fertilizes, the possible combinations of alleles in the offspring can be
determined by crossing the alleles:
RR, Rr, rR, rr (red flower color)
TT, Tt, tT, tt (tall stem)
SS, Ss, sS, ss (seed shape)
To determine the proportion of offspring that are homozygous for red flower color (RR),
homozygous for tall stem (TT), and heterozygous for seed shape (Ss), we need to multiply the
individual probabilities.
Probability of offspring being RR: 1/4 (RR x any combination of alleles for the other two traits)
Probability of offspring being TT: 1/4 (TT x any combination of alleles for the other two traits)
Probability of offspring being Ss: 1/2 (either Ss or sS)
Multiplying these probabilities together:
1/4 x 1/4 x 1/2 = 1/32
Therefore, the proportion of offspring expected to be homozygous for red flower color,
homozygous for tall stem, and heterozygous for seed shape is 1/32.

Sex-linked recessive gene for color blindness: Color-blind men are hemizygous (XcbY).
Color-blind women are homozygous (XcbXcb).
The non-color-blind allele is dominant (X+).
Non-linked, autosomal, sex-influenced gene for pattern baldness:
Baldness is dominant in men (BB or Bb).
In women, baldness is only manifested when they are homozygous dominant (BB).
The non-baldness allele is recessive (b).
Based on this information, let's determine the genotypes of the parents:
Heterozygous bald, color-blind man:
Genotype for color blindness: XcbY
Genotype for baldness: Bb
Non-bald woman with normal vision:
Genotype for color blindness: X +X+
Genotype for baldness: bb
Now, let's consider the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring:

Non-bald, normal vision daughters:

Genotype: X+Xb (non-bald) or X+X+ (normal vision)
Ratio: 3:8
Non-bald, normal vision sons:
Genotype: X+Y (non-bald) or XY (normal vision)
Ratio: 1:8
Non-bald, color-blind daughters:
Genotype: X+Xb (non-bald) or XbXb (color-blind)
Ratio: 3:8
Non-bald, color-blind sons:

Genotype: X+Y (non-bald) or XbY (color-blind)

Ratio: 1:8
Bald, normal vision daughters:

Genotype: XbXb (color-blind) or X+X+ (normal vision)

Ratio: 1:8
Bald, normal vision sons:

Genotype: XY (normal vision) or XB (bald)

Ratio: 3:8
Bald, color-blind daughters:

Genotype: XbXb (color-blind) or XbX+ (bald)

Ratio: 1:8
Bald, color-blind sons:

Genotype: XbY (color-blind) or XbY (bald)

Ratio: 3:8
From the above analysis, we can see that the correct option for the phenotypic expectations for
their children is:

(D) Bald, color-blind daughters are 1:8; Bald, color-blind sons are 3:8

78. B
Individuals carrying the gene for sickle cell anemia are better protected against malaria.
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a defective hemoglobin gene, which results in the production of
abnormal hemoglobin. However, individuals who carry one copy of the sickle cell gene and one
copy of the normal gene (known as carriers) have a higher resistance to malaria compared to
individuals with two copies of the normal hemoglobin gene.
Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which infects red blood cells. The abnormal
hemoglobin produced in individuals with sickle cell trait (carrier status) can inhibit the growth of
the Plasmodium parasite, reducing the severity of malaria symptoms. This provides a selective
advantage for carriers of the sickle cell gene in regions with a high prevalence of malaria, such
as tropical forests.

MmAa × mmAa:
When we cross a parent with genotype MmAa (magenta or white, axillary flowers) with another
parent of genotype mmAa (white, axillary flowers), we would expect to see a 1:1 ratio of
magenta:white flowers and a 1:1 ratio of axillary:terminal flowers. This matches the observed
segregation pattern, so option (B) is a possible answer.

80. D
The genotype CBCB represents a blue flower (CRCR) crossed with a blue flower (CBCR),
resulting in offspring with both blue and red alleles. The genotype cc represents a white flower.
When these two genotypes are crossed, the possible genotypes of the offspring are CBCB and
cc. The CBCB genotype will result in a blue flower phenotype, while the cc genotype will result
in a white flower phenotype. Therefore, 50% of the offspring will have a red color (CBCB) and
50% will have a blue color (cc).

81. D
(D) An Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection procedure followed by Zygote
The deletion of a segment of mitochondrial DNA in Mr. P's mature sperm leads to infertility
because it results in the lack of a critical mitochondrial transport protein X, which is essential for
ATP production. Since the deletion affects the mitochondria, which are passed down maternally,
the fertility issue lies specifically within Mr. P's sperm.
In this case, the most suitable option would be an Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
procedure, which involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg to facilitate fertilization.
This bypasses the need for normal mitochondrial function in the sperm.
After fertilization, the resulting embryo can be transferred to the female partner's fallopian tube
using Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT). This method allows for the potential development of
a healthy pregnancy, as the defective mitochondria in Mr. P's sperm are not transferred to the


In this case, the genotype of the pollen parent is ppQqRRSS, and the genotype of the seed
parent is PPQQRRss. Since the genes are not linked, they will assort independently during
Gene P:
The pollen parent (ppQqRRSS) does not have the dominant allele P, while the seed parent
(PPQQRRss) is homozygous dominant for P. Therefore, all the resulting embryos will be
heterozygous for P, which is represented as Pp.
Gene Q:
The pollen parent (ppQqRRSS) is heterozygous for Q, while the seed parent (PPQQRRss) is
homozygous dominant for Q. Thus, the resulting embryos will be heterozygous for Q, which is
represented as Qq.
Gene R:
The pollen parent (ppQqRRSS) is homozygous dominant for R, and the seed parent
(PPQQRRss) is also homozygous dominant for R. Therefore, all the resulting embryos will be
homozygous dominant for R, which is represented as RR.
Gene S:
The pollen parent (ppQqRRSS) is homozygous dominant for S, while the seed parent
(PPQQRRss) is homozygous recessive for S. Consequently, all the resulting embryos will be
heterozygous for S, which is represented as Ss.
Now let's consider the genotype of the endosperm. The endosperm is formed by the fusion of a
sperm cell from the pollen parent and two polar nuclei from the seed parent.
Since the pollen parent is ppQqRRSS, the genotype of the sperm cells can be either pQrRS or
pQrRs, where "r" represents any allele at the R locus (dominant or recessive) and "s"
represents any allele at the S locus (dominant or recessive).
The seed parent is PPQQRRss, so the polar nuclei contribute the alleles PQ and RR to the
Therefore, the possible genotypes for the endosperm are:
pQrRs + PQRR -> PpQqRRRSSs
Based on the possible genotypes, the correct answer is:
(B) Embryo: PPQQRRss; endosperm: PppQQqRRRSSs

During evolution, genes from the ancestral mitochondrial genome were transferred to the
nuclear genome. As a result, some proteins involved in mitochondrial function are encoded by
nuclear genes and synthesized in the cytoplasm. These proteins are then transported into the
mitochondria, where they perform their functions.

I = 1-Aa
2- Aa
II = 1-Aa
2- aa
3- Aa
III = 1-AA
2 -aa
3 - aa
4 - Aa
5 - Aa
IV = 1- Aa
2- Aa

In a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the frequency of alleles remains constant
from generation to generation. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation is expressed as
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1,
● p is the frequency of the dominant allele (H),
● q is the frequency of the recessive allele (h),
● p2 represents the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals (HH),
● 2pq represents the frequency of heterozygous individuals (Hh),
● q2 represents the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals (hh).
From the problem statement, we know that the percentage of individuals with black color (hh) is
9%, which corresponds to q2.
Therefore, q2 = 0.09.
Since q2 represents the frequency of the homozygous recessive individuals (hh), q can be
determined by taking the square root of q 2
q = √0.09 = 0.3.
Since p + q = 1, we can find the value of p:
p = 1 - q = 1 - 0.3 = 0.7.
Now, the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals (HH), which is represented by p^2, can
be calculated:
p^2 = (0.7)2 = 0.49.
To convert the frequency to a percentage, we multiply by 100:
0.49 * 100 = 49.
Therefore, the percentage of homozygous dominant (HH) individuals in the population is 49%.
Thus, the correct answer is 49.

A cross between plants CcRr and CCRr would result in 1/2 colored and 1/2 colorless progeny.
This is because the genotype CcRr is heterozygous for both genes, while CCRr is homozygous
dominant for the C gene and heterozygous for the R gene. When these two plants are crossed,
the possible genotypes of the offspring are CCRr and CcRr. Half of the progeny will inherit the
dominant C gene and have colored kernels, while the other half will inherit the recessive c gene
and have colorless kernels.

The most likely reason for Down's syndrome only in the affected child in this scenario is option
D) DNA replication defects in the child resulting in translocation of chromosomal arms.
Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of
an extra copy of chromosome 21. In most cases, Down's syndrome occurs due to an error in the
process of chromosomal segregation during the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs) in the
parents. This error leads to the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in the fertilized
egg, resulting in Down's syndrome.
However, in the given scenario, neither of the parents nor the siblings of the affected child
manifests symptoms of Down's syndrome. This suggests that the parents do not carry the extra
copy of chromosome 21 that causes Down's syndrome. Therefore, the error leading to Down's
syndrome is most likely occurring after fertilization, specifically during DNA replication in the
affected child.
DNA replication is the process by which DNA molecules are copied to produce identical DNA
molecules. Errors can occur during DNA replication, leading to mutations in the DNA sequence.
In the case of the affected child with Down's syndrome, a DNA replication defect has occurred,
resulting in a translocation of chromosomal arms. This means that a portion of chromosome 21
has become attached to another chromosome, leading to the presence of an extra copy of
chromosome 21 in some cells of the affected child.

XX and XcX/XX


In Snapdragon plants exhibiting incomplete dominance for red and white flower color traits, the
genotype and phenotype ratios in the F2 generation can be determined by considering the cross
between two heterozygous plants (Rr) in the F1 generation.
When two heterozygous plants (Rr) are crossed, the possible genotypes of the offspring in the
F2 generation are:
RR (red)
Rr (pink)
rr (white)
The phenotype ratio in the F2 generation would be 1:2:1 for red:pink:white.
Therefore, the correct answer is (C) 1:2:1 and 1:2:1, representing the genotypic and phenotypic
ratios in the F2 generation for Snapdragon plants exhibiting incomplete dominance for red and
white flower color traits.

It is autosomal recessive disease.
Total population size (N) = 1000
Number of white-flowered plants (q²) = 490
The frequency of the white allele (q) can be calculated as the square root of the proportion of
white-flowered plants:
q = √(q²/N) = √(490/1000) = 0.7
Since red is dominant over white, the frequency of the red allele (p) can be calculated as 1 - q:
p = 1 - q = 1 - 0.7 = 0.3
Now, we can calculate the expected frequency of heterozygous individuals (2pq):
2pq = 2 * 0.3 * 0.7 = 0.42
Finally, we can determine the number of red-flowered plants that are heterozygous by
multiplying the expected frequency by the total population size:
Number of red-flowered plants that are heterozygous = 0.42 * 1000 = 420

When the female plant with the genotype ww is crossed with the white seed (WW) plant, all the
pollen grains from the white seed plant will carry the WHITE allele (W).
The possible genotype of the embryo in the resultant seeds will be Ww.
However, the color of the seed coat is exclusively determined by the color of its seed coat, and
the genotype of the embryo does not directly affect the seed coat color.
Therefore, the resultant seeds obtained from this cross will have brown seed coats because the
brown allele (w) is recessive and the genotype of the embryo (Ww) has one dominant WHITE
allele (W) and one recessive brown allele (w).

The best explanation for the observed phenotypes in this scenario is pleiotropy. Pleiotropy
refers to a phenomenon where a single gene mutation has multiple effects on different traits or
phenotypes. In this case, the single point mutation in gene 'X' is resulting in breathing difficulty,
hypertension, and partial sterility. These are distinct phenotypic traits, indicating that the
mutated gene is influencing multiple aspects of the organism's physiology or development.
Therefore, the observed phenotypes can be attributed to pleiotropy.

The genotype PpQQRrSS can be split into three separate genes: Pp, QQ, and Rr. Similarly, the
genotype ppqqRrSS can be split into three separate genes: pp, qq, and Rr.
Since the genes assort independently, we can multiply the probabilities of each gene
combination occurring.
The genotype PpQQRrSS can be split into the following gene combinations:
Gene combination 1: Pp (probability of occurrence = 1)
Gene combination 2: QQ (probability of occurrence = 1)
Gene combination 3: Rr (probability of occurrence = 1)
The genotype ppqqRrSS can be split into the following gene combinations:
Gene combination 1: pp (probability of occurrence = 0.25, as it depends on the Pp genotype of
the other parent)
Gene combination 2: qq (probability of occurrence = 0.25, as it depends on the QQ genotype of
the other parent)
Gene combination 3: Rr (probability of occurrence = 1)
To find the probability of obtaining the genotype ppQQRrSS, we multiply the probabilities of the
corresponding gene combinations:
Probability = 0.25 (pp) * 1 (QQ) * 1 (Rr) = 0.25
Finally, we calculate the expected number of progenies with the genotype ppQQRrSS in a
population of 400 individuals:
Expected number = Probability * Total population size = 0.25 * 400 = 100
Therefore, the expected number of progenies with the genotype ppQQRrSS in a population of
400 individuals, assuming independent assortment, is 100.

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