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Q1) Which of the following statements about photosynthesis and respiration are correct?

(i) Both photosynthesis and respiration produce ATP.

(ii) Respiration is an exothermic process, while photosynthesis is an endothermic one. (iii)
Respiration and photosynthesis are linked in the mitochondria through oxaloacetate malate
(iv) Respiration produces NADPH, while Photosynthesis produces NADH.
NEST 2019
a. (i), (ii) and (iii)
b. (i), (ii) and (iv)
c. (i), (ii) and (iv)
d. (ii), (ii) and (iv)

Q2) Mitochondria are the sites of oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport. Hence,
they are known as the powerhouse of the cell. Select the correct statement about these
NEST 2009
a. They are present in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
b. They are present only in aerobic prokaryotes and all eukaryotes.
c. They are present in all living cells except viruses.
d. They are present only in eukaryotes

Q3) An organism, M, has physiological features as listed in the table below.

Based on this information, the organism M is:

NEST 2022
a. Green bacteria
b. Cyanobacteria.
c. Algae.
d. Dinoflagellates.


Q4) Match the metabolic pathways in Column I with their corresponding intermediate
molecules listed in Column II.

Column I Column II
P. Kreb cycle (i) Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
Q. Glycolysis (ii) Succinate
R. ETC (iii) Cytochrome-c
S. Nitrogen fixation (iv) Glutamate
(v) Glyoxylate
KVPY SX 2020

a. P-(iii), Q (i), R-(ii), S-(iv)

b. P-(ii), Q-(i), R-(iii), S-(iv)
c. P-(iv), Q-(iii), R-(ii), S-(i)
d. P-(iii), Q-(ii), R-(iv), S-(i)

Q4) Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the hexokinase-catalysed reaction
given below?
Glucose + ATP → Glucose-6-phosphate + ADP
KVPY SX 2020
a. This reaction takes place in the cytoplasm
b. This is an endergonic reaction
c. Folding of hexokinase to fit around the glucose molecule excludes water from the active
d. This reaction involves an induced-fit mechanism in hexokinase

Q5) During fermentation of glucose to ethanol, glucose is

KVPY SX 2019
a. first reduced and then oxidised
b. only oxidised
c. neither oxidised nor reduced
d. only reduced
Q6) Which of the following is/are the product(s) of cyclic photophosphorylation?
KVPY SX 2019
a. Both NADPH and H+
b. ATP
d. Both ATP and NADPH

Q7) Which of the following conversions in glycolysis is an example of substrate-level

KVPY SX 2019
a. Glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
b. 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate to 3-phosphoglycerate
c. Fructose 6-phosphate to fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate
d. Glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate

Q8) Which one of the following metabolic conversions requires oxygen?

KVPY SA 2019
a. Glucose to pyruvate
b. Glucose to CO, and ethanol
c. Glucose to lactate
d. Glucose to CO2 and H2O

Q9) Which one of the following molecules serves as a substrate for the direct synthesis of ATP?
KVPY SX 2017
a. 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate
b. Glucose-6-phosphate
c. Pyruvate
d. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

Q10) Which one of the following conversions does not happen under anaerobic
KVPY SA 2017
a. Glucose to ethanol by Saccharomyces
b. Lactose to lactic acid by Lactobacillus
c. Glucose to CO, and HOby Saccharomyces
d. Cellulose to glucose by Cellulomonas
Q11) The number of electrons required to reduce one molecule of oxygen to water during
mitochondrial oxidation is
KVPY SA 2017
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

Q12) The respiratory quotient of the reaction given below is

2(C51H98O6) + 145 O2 -> 102 CO2 + 90 H2O + Energy
KVPY SA 2017
a. 0.703
b. 1.422
c. 0.725
d. 0.960

Q13) The number of net ATP molecules produced from 1 glucose molecule during
glycolysis is
KVPY SX 2017
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3

Q14) Which of the following amino acids is not involved in gluconeogenesis?

KVPY SA 2016
a. Alanine
b. Lysine
c. Arginine
d. Glutamate

Q15) Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid. How many molecules of
pyruvic acid are formed from one molecule of glucose?
KVPY SA 2015
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q16) The process of the transfer of electrons from glucose to molecular oxygen in bacteria
and mitochondria is known as
KVPY SA 2015
a. oxidative phosphorylation
b. TCA cycle
c. Fermentation
d. Glycolysis

Q17) In which of the following cellular compartments do respiratory reactions occur?

KVPY SA 2014
a. Cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum
b. Mitochondria and Golgi complex
c. Mitochondria and cytoplasm
d. Only mitochondria

Q18) Which of the following is true for the TCA cycle in eukaryotes?
KVPY SX 2012
a. Takes place in mitochondrion
b. Produces no ATP
c. Takes place in Golgi complex
d. Independent of electron transport chain

Q19) In which compartment of a cell does the process of glycolysis take place?
KVPY SA 2012
a. Golgi complex
b. Cytoplasm
c. Ribosomes
d. Mitochondria

Q20) Usain Bolt, an Olympic runner, at the end of a 100-metre sprint, will have more of which
of the following in his muscles?
KVPY SA 2012
a. ATP
b. Pyruvic acid
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Lactic acid
Q21) Glycolysis is
KVPY SX 2009
a. biosynthesis of glucose
b. biosynthesis of glycine
c. degradation of glucose
d. reaction of glucose with proteins


Q22) During oxidative phosphorylation the terminal electron acceptor is

IAT 2017
a. NAD
b. FAD
c. Oxygen
d. Cytochrome C

Q23) Shown below are some of the reactions that occur in the metabolic pathway leading to
complete oxidation of glucose during aerobic respiration.

Choose the CORRECT sequence of reactions during the complete oxidation of glucose.
IAT 2022
a. ii; i; iii; iv
b. i; iii; iv; ii
c. i; ii; iii; iv
d. ii; iii; i; iv

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. C
23. B

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