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Molecular basis of inheritance

NEST previous year questions

1.A short peptide has a sequence of amino acids valine serine-methionine-proline, and the t-
RNAs used in its synthesis have the following corresponding anticodons: 3-CAG-5, 3-UCG-5,
3-UAC-5, 3-UUU-5. What is the sequence of DNA codes the peptide? NEST 2013

2. Two different DNA samples were isolated from biological specimens. Further experi ments
demonstrated that one of these (X) was composed of 30% A. 30% G, 20% T and 20% C but
could not be cut by an exonuclease (an enzyme that cuts mucleotides from the ends of DNA).
The second DNA sample (Y) could be cut by the exonuclease and was found to be composed
of 30% A, 30% T, 20% G and 20% C. Which of the following statements can be correctly
deduced from the above? NEST
A. DNA X has double-stranded, linear structure.
B. DNA X has a single-stranded, circular structure.
C. DNA Y has a double-stranded, circular structure.
D. DNA Y has a single-stranded, linear structure.

3. Huntington's disease is a genetic disorder that leads to defects in brain function and
is always fatal. The affected gene consists of a sequence of DNA having multiple re- peats of
the nucleotide sequence CAG. A fac tor that determines whether an allele of this gene causes
Huntington's disease or not is the number of CAG repeats. The graph on the right shows the
age (in years) at which patients (each represented by a dot) first de- veloped symptoms of
Huntington's desease and the number of CAG repeats in the allele causing Huntington's disease
in each patient. From the above graph, which of the following would be correct?

NEST 2014
A. There could be factors other than number of CAG repeats that determine the age of
B. There is a negative correlation between age of onset and number of CAG repeats.
C. Huntington's disease is fatal and is therefore not heritable.
D. Huntington's disease is heritable and can be passed onto offspring.

4. An aquatic plant, Cabomba caroliniana, shows substantial developmental plasticity. The

submerged leaves of the plant are feathery (which are not damaged due to flowing underwater
currents) while leaves on the surface are padded (and help in floatation). The correct statement
related to the above phenotypes is:
NEST 2015
A. The genome content of the submerged leaves is different from that of leaves on the
B. The observed phenotypic variation in leaves is not influenced by diverse growth
C. These phenotypic variations are due to somatic mutations.
D. The submerged and floating leaves may have variations in the expression patterns of
structural and/or regulatory genes.

5. A living cell is characterized by the presence of several cellular structures and molecular
processes. The correct statement regarding living cells is:
NEST 2015
A. The nucleus is a characteristic feature of all living cells.
B. An mRNA sequence is never completely represented in its translated product.
C. Anticodons are located on the rRNA.
D. Splicing of introns in prokaryotes occurs in the cytoplasm.

6. Which of the following pairs is an incorrect match

NEST 2016
A. Transcriptional repression - gene regulation

B. Post-translational modifications - phosphorylation
C. Cytoplasm - exon splicing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA
D. Enhancers - increased transcription

KVPY previous year questions

1.which one of the following combinations is found in DNA KVPY

A. Guanidine and cytosine
B. Adenine and guanidine
C. Guanine and cytosine
D. Guanine and guanidine

2. Considering the average molecular mass of a base to be 500 Da, what is the molecular mass
of a double stranded DNA of 10 base pairs? KVPY 2015
A. 500 Da
B. 5 kDa.
C. 10 kDa
D. 1 kDa

3. Which of the following biological phenome- non involves a bacteriophage?

KVPY 2012
A. Conjugation
B. Transformation
C. Translocation
D. Transduction

4.If the genotypes determining the blood groups of a couples are I A I0and IA IB, then the
probability of their first child having type O blood is
KVPY 2018
A. 0.75
B. 0.50
C. 0
D. 0.25

5. In sea urchin DNA, which is double stranded, 17% of the bases were shown to be cytosine.
The percentages of the other three bases expected to be present in this DNA are-
KVPY 2018

A. G 34%, A 24.5%, T 24.5%
B. G 17%, A 16.5%, T 32.5%
C. G 8.5%, A 50%, T 24.5%
D. G 17%, A 33%, T 33%

6. A man with blood group 'A' marries a woman with blood group 'B'. What are all the possible
blood groups of their off spring' s?
KVPY 2017
A. A, B, AB and O
B. O only
C. A, B and AB only
D. A and B only

7. The genome of SARS-CoV 2 posed of is composed

KVPY 2020
A. Single stranded RNA
B. Double stranded RNA
C. Single stranded DNA
D. Double stranded DNA

IAT previous year questions

1.Which of the followinɡ is palindromic sequence ʔ

A. 5' GAATTC 3'
3' CTTAAG 5'
B. 5' GACTTC 3'
3' CTGAAG 5'
C. 5' GAAGTC 3'
3' CTTCAG 5'
D. 5' GACCAG 3'
3' CTGGTC 5'

2. Provided low ace recognition serenon for restriction (REI), 2 (REL2) and 3(RE3)Arrows
indicate the position where it on the two strands Which of the following on the RE1 DNA
ligate to? AT

A. All the RE1, RE2 and RE3 digested DNA
B. Only to RE1 digested DNA
C. Only RE1 anal RE3 digested DNA
D. Only to RE1 and RE2 digested DNA

3.DNA fragments of 100 base pairs (bp), 300 hp and 500 bp were separated by agar gel correct
arrangement of the fragments separated on the gel in the increasing order.

A. 500 bp < 300 bp < 100 bp

B. 100 bp < 300 bp < 500 bp
C. 100 bp > 300 bp > 500bp
D. 500 bp > 300 bp > 100bp

Molecular basis of inheritance

NEST previous year questions


KVPY previous year questions


IAT previous year questions


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