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Psyc 1102 Communicating in Relationships : Individual Assignment #1

Individual Culture in Intercultural Communication

This module focused on defining all the ways in which cultures can vary and examined the impact of cultural differences on communication. There was a
focus on the importance of cultural awareness, and in reducing our own ethnocentricity in order to increase the effectiveness of our interpersonal and
intercultural communication skills.

In order to study differences in cultures and how to improve our own intercultural communication, it is important to first have an understanding of
one’s own culture.

Complete the following dimensions in which you are asked to indicate and place your own home country on a continuum of cultural dimensions.

Name of home country _____INDIA___________________________

1. For each dimension, highlight the number on the scale that you believe applies to where your country would fall on the continuum
2. For each dimension, include one paragraph explaining your response. (Consult your PowerPoint Lesson and Textbook)

High context: For instance, communication in Western nations is excellent in low context cultures.
In high context cultures, indirect meanings are highly valued, and communication is based on a
common context culture.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

High Context Low Context

Individualism: People in individualistic societies tend to focus more on the nuclear family or “I”
notion. Taking care of oneself and one’s own family is expected of everyone. The emphasis in
collectivist culture, on the other hand, is on the extended family, and any decision’s significance is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 determined by how it will affect the community. Eastern countries like India have a higher level of
collectivism than the US, which has a higher level of individualism.
Individualism Collectivism
High power: the unequal distribution of power within families and organisations according to
this dimension. High power societies adhere to extremely formal etiquette, and those in their
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 senior or elder years are treated with great respect. Low power suggests a society in which
everyone is treated equally, regardless of their place in an organisation or their family situation.
High Power Dimension Low Power Dimension

Masculinity: Societies that prioritise quality of life, caring, and warm connections are feminine in
nature, while societies that favour male traits like assertiveness, performance, achievement, etc.
are masculine. Western nations tend to be more manly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Masculinity Femininity

Indulgence: Based on how they were raised, this dimension is described as the degree to which
people attempt to regulate their impulses and inclinations. Indulgence and restraint are terms
for comparatively strong and weak control, respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Indulgence Restraint

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