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Fate Gear

, You get to decide what sort of fate is in store for you. Pick You can have protective gear worth 1-armour, if you want.

The Chosen
how you found out about your fate on the reverse side of You have a special weapon you are destined to wield.
this sheet.
Your Special Weapon
Moves Design your weapon by choosing a form and three busi-
Your birth was prophesied. You are the Chosen You get all of the basic moves, plus three Chosen moves. ness-end options (which are added to the base tags),
One, and with your abilities you can save the and a material. For example, if you want a magic sword
You get these two: you could choose the following: handle + blade + long +
world. If you fail, all will be destroyed. It all rests
B Destiny’s Plaything: At the beginning of each magic.
on you. Only you.
mystery, roll +Weird to see what is revealed about
Form (choose 1):
your immediate future. On a 10+, the Keeper will
b staff (1-harm hand/close)
• Manipulate Someone reveal a useful detail about the coming mystery. On
b haft (2-harm hand heavy)
a 7-9 you get a vague hint about it. On a miss, some-
b handle (1-harm hand balanced)
• Act Under Pressure thing bad is going to happen to you.
COoL • Help Out B I’m Here For A Reason: There’s something you are
b chain (1-harm hand area)
Business-end (choose 3 options):
• Investigate a Mystery destined to do. Work out the details with the Keeper,
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation based on your fate. You cannot die until it comes
to pass. If you die in play, then you must spend a
b artifact (add the “magic” tag)
b spikes (+1 harm, add the “messy” tag)
• Kick Some Ass b blade (+1 harm)
TOUGH • Protect Someone
Luck point. You will then, somehow, recover or be
returned to life. Once your task is done (or you use b heavy (+1 harm)
b long (add the “close” tag)
up all your Luck), all bets are off.
WEIRD • Use Magic
Then pick one of these:
b throwable (add the “close” tag)
b chain (add the “area” tag)
b The Big Entrance: When you make a showy
Luck entrance into a dangerous situation, roll +Cool.
Material (choose 1):
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from Finally, pick what material the business-end is made
On 10+ everyone stops to watch and listen until you
an injury. from: add “steel,” “cold iron,” “silver,” “wood,” “stone,”
finish your opening speech. On a 7-9, you pick one
“bone,” “teeth,” “obsidian,” or anything else you want.
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed person or monster to stop, watch and listen until
you finish talking. On a miss, you’re marked as the Material:
Chosen special: When you spend a point of Luck, the biggest threat by all enemies who are present.
Keeper will bring your fate into play. b Devastating: When you inflict harm, you may Getting Started
Harm inflict +1 harm. To make your Chosen, first pick a name. Then follow
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. b Dutiful: When your fate rears its ugly head, and the instructions below to decide your look, ratings, fate,
you act in accordance with any of your fate tags moves, gear, and your special weapon. Finally, introduce
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
(either heroic or doom) then mark experience. If it’s yourself and pick history.
Unstable: b a heroic tag, take +1 forward.
b Invincible: You always count as having 2-armour.
Experience This doesn’t stack with other protection. Look, pick one from each List:
Experience: bbbbb b Resilience: You heal faster than normal people. Any • Kid, teen, young, burnt-out, .
time your harm gets healed, heal an extra point. • Fresh face, haggard face, young face, haunted face,
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a Additionally, your wounds count as 1-harm less for hopeful face, controlled face, __________ face.
move tells you to, mark an experience box. the purpose of the Keeper’s harm moves. • Preppy clothes, casual wear, urban wear, normal
clothes, neat clothes, street wear, __________ clothes.
Ratings, pick one line: Introductions
b Charm+2, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird-1 When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
b Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird-1 can do your introductions together.
b Charm+1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird-1 Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+2 Chosen by name and look, and tell the group what they
b Charm+1, Cool+2, Sharp-1, Tough-1, Weird+2 know about you.

Your Fate History

How You Found Out (pick one): Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
b Nightmares and visions these for each other hunter:
b Some weirdo told you • You are close blood relations. Ask them exactly how
b An ancient cult found you close.
b Sought out by your nemesis • They are destined to be your mentor. Tell them how
b Attacked by monsters this was revealed.
b Trained from birth • Your best friend in the world, who you trust totally.
b You found the prophecy • A rival at first, but you came to a working arrange-
Then pick two heroic and two doom tags for your fate • Romantic entanglement, or fated to be romantically
from the lists below. This is how your fate will unfold. It’s entangled.
okay to pick contradictory tags: that means your fate is • Just friends, from school or work or something. Ask
pulling you both ways. them what.
Whenever you mark off a point of Luck, the Keeper • They could have been the Chosen One instead of you,
will throw something from your fate at you. but they failed some trial. Tell them how they failed.
• You saved their life, back when they didn’t know mon-
Heroic (pick two): sters were real. Tell them what you saved them from.
b Sacrifice b A normal life
b You are the b True love Leveling Up
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level Advanced Improvements
Champion b You can save
up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
b Visions the world
following list: b Get back one used Luck point.
b Secret training b Hidden allies
b Change this hunter to a new type.
b Magical powers b The end of monsters Improvements b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b Mystical inheritance b Divine help b Get +1 Charm, b Get +1 Weird, b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
max +3 max +3 b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Doom (pick two): b Get +1 Cool, max +3 b Take another
b Death b Sympathy with b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Get +1 Sharp, Chosen move b Delete one of your Doom tags, and (optionally) one
b You can’t save the enemy max +3 b Take another
everyone b Damnation of your Heroic tags. You have changed that aspect of
b Get +1 Tough, Chosen move your destiny.
b Impossible love b Hosts of monsters max +3 b Gain an ally
b Failure b The end of days b Take a move from another playbook
b A nemesis b The source of Evil b Take a move from another playbook
b No normal life
b Loss of loved ones After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Treachery advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Doubt below.
Background Moves
, You worked a less-than-legal job before you became a You get all the basic moves, and two Crooked moves:
b Artifact: You ‘found’ a magical artifact with handy

The Crooked
monster hunter. What did you do?
b Hoodlum. You can use Tough instead of Charm to powers, and kept it. Pick one: Protective amulet
(1-armour magic recharge), Lucky charm (may be
manipulate someone with threats of violence.
used as a Luck point, once only), Grimoire (studying
b Burglar. When you break into a secure location,
“Yeah, I’ve been around the block. A bit of this, a the book gives +1 forward to use magic), Skeleton
roll +Sharp. On a 10+ pick three, on a 7-9 pick two: key (opens any magically sealed lock), Imp stone (A
bit of that. When I came across the secret under- you get in undetected, you get out undetected, you weak demon is bound to serve the holder. The imp
world of monsters and magic… well… it wasn’t don’t leave a mess, you find what you were after. must be summoned with the use magic move).
so different from the underworld I already knew. b Grifter. When you are about to manipulate b Crew: You have a regular crew, a team of three or
It was easy to find an angle, just like before.” someone, you can ask the Keeper “What will con- four people who will help you out with pretty much
vince this person to do what I want?” The Keeper anything. They count as a team (see page 119).
b Deal with the Devil: You sold your soul to the Devil.
CHARM • Manipulate Someone must answer honestly, but not necessarily com-
pletely. Pick one or two things you got out of the deal: wealth,
fame, youth, sensual gratification, skill (add +1 to
• Act Under Pressure b Fixer. If you need to buy something, sell some-
COoL • Help Out thing, or hire someone, roll +Charm. On a 10+ you
know just the person who will be interested. On a
two ratings). Payment is due either when you die, in
six months (if you picked two things) or otherwise
in a year.
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
7-9 you know the only person who can do it, but
there’s a complication. Pick one: you owe them; they
b Friends on the Force: You know a few cops who
can be persuaded to look the other way, or do you
• Kick Some Ass screwed you over; you screwed them over. On a miss, a favour, for certain considerations. You can act
TOUGH • Protect Someone the only person who can help is someone who abso-
lutely hates you.
under pressure to get in touch with them when you
need to divert any law enforcement attention. There
will be a cost, although maybe not right now.
WEIRD • Use Magic b Assassin. When you take your first shot at an unsus-
pecting target, do +2 Harm.
b Made: You’re “made” in a gang. Name the gang and
describe how their operations tie into your back-
b Charlatan. When you want people to think you are
ground. You can call on gang members to help you
Luck using magic, roll +Cool. On a 10 or more, your audi- out, but they’ll expect to be paid. Your bosses will
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from ence is amazed and fooled by your illusion. On a 7-9 have requests for you now and again, but you’ll be
an injury. you tripped up a couple of times, maybe someone paid. Minor trouble will be overlooked, but you
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed will notice. You may also manipulate people with better not screw over any other made gangsters.
fortune telling. When you do that, ask “What are b Driver: You have +1 ongoing while driving, plus you
Crooked special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, they hoping for right now?” as a free question (even can hotwire anything (the older it is, the fewer tools
someone from your past will re-appear in your life. Soon. on a miss). you need to do it). You also own two handy, wide-
b Pickpocket. When you steal something small, roll ly-available vehicles (perhaps a sportscar and a van).
Harm b Home Ground: Your crew made a point of keeping
+Charm. On a 10 or more, you get it and they didn’t
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. the locals happy - keeping them safe, ensuring things
notice you taking it. On a 7-9 either you don’t grab always went down okay. When you’re back in your
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying it, you grab the wrong thing, or they remember you old neighbourhood, you can always find people who
Unstable: b later: your choice. will hide you or help you with a minor favour, no
questions asked.
Experience b Notorious: You have a reputation from your crim-
inal past. When you reveal who you are, your
Experience: bbbbb
terrifying reputation counts as a reason for people
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a to do what you ask, for the manipulate someone
move. Revealing your identity to someone can create
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
other problems later, of course.
Gear Getting Started Leveling Up
Effective weapons, pick three: To make your Crooked, pick a name. Then follow the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
b .22 revolver (1-harm close reload small) instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud) background, heat, underworld, moves, and gear. Finally, list below.
b 9mm (2-harm close loud) introduce yourself and pick history.
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy)
Pronouns: b Get +1 Sharp, max +3
b Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
b Get +1 Tough, max +2
b Big knife (1-harm hand) Look, pick one from each List:
b Get +1 Cool, max +2
b Baseball bat (1-harm hand) • Hard eyes, friendly eyes, watchful eyes, smiling eyes,
b Get +1 Charm, max +2
b Submachinegun (2-harm close reload area) calculating eyes, __________ eyes.
b Take another Crooked move
b Assault rifle (3-harm close/far area) • Street wear, tailored suit, cheap suit, tracksuit, non-
b Take another Crooked move
descript clothes, __________ clothes.
Heat b Gain an ally: one of your old crew.
You didn’t get here without making enemies. Pick at least Ratings, pick one line: b Recover a stash of money from the old days, enough
two of these and name the people involved: b Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +2, Tough 0, Weird -1 to live without care... for a year or two.
b A police detective,                            , has made it b Charm -1, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough +2, Weird 0 b Take a move from another playbook
a personal goal to put you away. b Charm -1, Cool +2, Sharp +2, Tough 0, Weird -1 b Take a move from another playbook
b You have a rival from your background, b Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird -1
                           , who never misses a chance to b Charm +2, Cool 0, Sharp +1, Tough -1, Weird +1 After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
screw you over. advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
Introductions list below.
b You pissed off a well-connected criminal, When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
                           , and they’ll do whatever they can do your introductions together. Advanced Improvements
can to destroy you. Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
b                             is someone with special powers, Crooked by name and look, and tell the group what they b Change this hunter to a new type.
a person or monster, who you took advantage of. know about you. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b                             is an old partner you betrayed b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
in the middle of a job. History b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one
Underworld b Retire this hunter to safety.
for each of the other hunters:
Pick how you discovered about the real underworld. b Erase one used luck mark from your playbook.
• This hunter knows about your criminal past. Tell
Keep this in mind when you select your moves in the next them what crimes they saw you commit.
section, so that everything fits together. • This hunter was there when you decided to give
b The target of a job was a dangerous creature. Pick up the life and hunt monsters instead. Work out
one: vampire, werewolf, troll, reptiloid. together what happened.
b You worked with someone who was more than they • This hunter is your younger sibling or child (possibly
seemed. Pick one: sorcerer, demon, faerie, psychic. adopted). You look out for them.
b You were hired by something weird. Pick one: • This hunter is a cousin or more distant relative.
• This hunter saved your life when a monster had the
immortal, god, outsider, witch.
drop on you. Now you owe them one.
b Things went south on a job—including, but not
• This hunter worked with you on a semi-legal or
limited to, running into (choose one): a horde of illegal job. Work out what it was.
goblins, a hunger of ghouls, a dream-eater, a sala- • This hunter is your moral compass. When you talk
mander. over things with them, their advice keeps you on the
straight and narrow.
• You’re powerfully attracted to this hunter. Maybe
someday you’ll deserve them.
, You get all the basic moves, and pick three Divine moves:

The DiVIne
b Boss from Beyond: At the beginning of each b Soothe: When you talk to someone for a few
mystery, roll +Weird. On a 10+, your Superiors ask seconds in a quiet voice, you can calm them down,
you to do something simple. On a 7-9, they ask you blocking any panic, anger, or other negative emo-
I am the Light, the Sword. to do something complicated or difficult. In either tions they have. This works even if the thing that
I am sent to defend the meek from Darkness. case, you get to ask them one of the questions from freaked them out is still present, as long as your
All Evil fears me, for I am its end. the investigate a mystery move right now. On a voice can be heard.
miss, you are required to do something terrible. If b Lay On Hands: Your touch can heal injury and
you do not accomplish what they’ve ordered, you disease. When you lay your hands on someone

CHARM • Manipulate Someone cannot use this move again until you have made up
for your failure.
hurt, roll +Cool. On a 10+, heal 2 harm or an illness,
plus they’re stabilized. On a 7-9, you can heal the
• Act Under Pressure b Angel Wings: You can go instantly to anywhere harm or illness as on a 10+, but you take it into your-
COoL • Help Out you’ve visited before, or to a person you know well.
When you carry one or two people with you, roll
self. On a miss, your aura causes them extra harm.
b Cast Out Evil: You may banish an unnatural crea-
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
+Weird. On a 10+ you all go where you wanted. On
a 7-9, you don’t quite manage it. Either you are all
ture from your presence. Roll +Tough. On a 10+ it
is banished. On a 7-9 it takes a little while for the
• Kick Some Ass separated, or you all appear in the wrong place. banishing to take effect—the creature has time to
TOUGH • Protect Someone b What I Need, When I Need It: You may store any
small object you own, putting it into a magical space
make one or two actions. Either way, the banished
creature is unharmed, and you have no control over

nobody can get to. You may retrieve anything you where it goes. This move may be used on unnatural
• Use Magic
stored at any time; it appears in your hand. hunters (e.g. the Monstrous). On a miss, something
b Smite: Your body and divine weapon always count is keeping it here. That’s bad.
Luck as a weakness against the monsters you fight. Your
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from unarmed attacks are 2-harm intimate hand messy.
an injury. Gear Mission
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed Pick one divine weapon: You have been put on Earth for a purpose. Pick one:
b Flaming sword (3-harm hand fire holy) b You are here to fight the schemes of an Adversary.
Divine special: When you spend a point of Luck, you get b Thunder hammer (3-harm hand stun holy) b The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide
word your Mission requires something difficult that must b Razor whip (3-harm hand area messy holy) these hunters and prevent it from coming to pass.
be done. By you. Urgently. b Five demon bag (3-harm close magic holy) b The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide
Harm b Silver trident (3-harm hand silver holy) these hunters and ensure it comes to pass.
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. You also get divine armour (1-armour holy). It has a look b You have been exiled. You must work for the cause of
suited to your divine origin. Good without drawing attention from your brothers
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
and sisters, as they are bound to execute you for your
Unstable: b crimes.
b One of the other hunters has a crucial role to play
Experience in events to come. You must prepare them for their
Experience: bbbbb role, and protect them at any cost.

Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a

move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Pronouns: Leveling Up
To make your Divine, first pick a name. Then follow the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
Look, pick one from each List:
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
• Human, marked by divinity, inhuman,
mission, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and list below.
• Blazing eyes, terrifying eyes, placid eyes, sparkling
pick history.
eyes, perceptive eyes, starry eyes, glowing eyes, Improvements
__________ eyes. b Get +1 Tough, max +3
• Dirty clothes, perfect suit, rumpled suit, casual b Get +1 Cool, max +2
clothes, practical clothes, __________ clothes. b Get +1 Charm, max +2
b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
Ratings, pick one line:
b Get +1 Weird, max +2
b Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird=0
b Take another Divine move
b Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird=0
b Take another Divine move
b Charm-1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird+1
b Gain a lesser divine being as an ally, sent from above
b Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird-1
to help with your mission
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird+1
b Take a move from another playbook
Introductions b Take a move from another playbook
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
can do your introductions together. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
Divine by name and look, and tell the group what they list below.
know about you. Advanced Improvements
History b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Change this hunter to a new type.
for each of the other hunters: b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
• If you are protecting another hunter as your mission, b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
tell them this: You have a crucial role in what is to b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
come. I am here to guide and defend you. b Retire this hunter to safety.
• They should not be involved in this situation: the b Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.
prophecies didn’t mention them at all. This gets your b Change your mission. Select a different mission
attention but you don’t know what it means yet. from the normal options, or (with the Keeper’s
• They are, at heart, a good and righteous person. You agreement) a new mission of your creation.
must help them stay that way.
• They are an abomination, and should be destroyed.
Except you can’t–work out with them why not.
• Their prayer (perhaps an informal or even uncon-
scious prayer) summoned you.
• They fill you with feelings of sexual infatuation. You
are confused by the associated mortal emotions.
• They saved your life, and you understand (intellectu-
ally at least) that you owe them for it.
• They’re the person you go to for advice on mortal
stuff (e.g sex, food, drugs, television, etc).
, Moves Haven

The Expert
You get all of the basic moves, plus pick two Expert moves: You have set up a haven, a safe place to work. Pick three
b I’ve Read About This Sort Of Thing: Roll +Sharp of the options below for your haven:
instead of +Cool when you act under pressure. b Lore Library. When you hit the books, take +1
b Often Right: When a hunter comes to you for forward to investigate the mystery (as long as his-
I have dedicated my life to the study of the unnat-
advice about a problem, give them your honest torical or reference works are appropriate).
ural. I know their habits, their weaknesses. I may
opinion and advice. If they take your advice, they b Mystical Library. If you use your library’s occult
not be youngest or strongest, but my knowledge
get +1 ongoing while following your advice, and you tomes and grimoires, preparing with your tomes
makes me the biggest threat.
mark experience. and grimoires, take +1 forward for use magic.
b Preparedness: When you need something unusual b Protection Spells. Your haven is safe from mon-
CHARM • Manipulate Someone or rare, roll +Sharp. On a 10+, you have it here right
now. On a 7-9 you have it, but not here: it will take
sters—they cannot enter. Monsters might be able
to do something special to evade the wards, but not
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out
some time to get it. On a miss, you know where it is,
but it’s somewhere real bad.
b Armory. You have a stockpile of mystical and rare
• Investigate a Mystery b It Wasn’t As Bad As It Looked: Once per mystery, monster-killing weapons and items. If you need a
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation you may attempt to keep going despite your inju-
ries. Roll +Cool. On a 10+, heal 2 harm and stabilize
special weapon, roll +Weird. On a 10+ you have it
(and plenty if that matters). On a 7-9 you have it, but
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
your wounds. On a 7-9 you may either stabilize or
heal 1 harm. On a miss, it was worse than it looked:
only the minimum. On a miss, you’ve got the wrong
the Keeper may inflict a harm move on you, or make b Infirmary. You can heal people, and have the space
WEIRD • Use Magic your wounds unstable.
b Precise Strike. When you inflict harm on a monster,
for one or two to recuperate. The Keeper will tell you
how long any patient’s recovery is likely to take, and
you can aim for a weak spot. Roll +Tough. On a 10+ if you need extra supplies or help.
Luck you inflict +2 harm. On a 7-9 you inflict +1 harm. b Workshop. You have a space for building and repair-
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm.
On a miss, you leave yourself open to the monster. ing guns, cars and other gadgets. Work out with the
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b The Woman (or Man) With The Plan: At the Keeper how long any repair or construction will take,
beginning of each mystery, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ and if you need extra supplies or help.
Expert special: When you spend a point of Luck, you hold 2, on a 7-9 hold 1. Spend the hold to be where b Oubliette. This room is isolated from every kind of
discover something happening now is related to some- you need to be, prepared and ready. On a miss, the monster, spirit and magic that you know about. Any-
thing you were involved in years ago. Keeper holds 1 they can spend to put you in the thing you stash in there can’t be found, can’t do any
worst place, unprepared and unready. magic, and can’t get out.
b Dark Past: If you trawl through your memories for b Panic Room. This has essential supplies and is pro-
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable.
something relevant to the case at hand, roll +Weird. tected by normal and mystical means. You can hide
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying On a 10+ ask the Keeper two questions from the list out there for a few days, safe from pretty much any-
below. On a 7-9 ask one. On a miss, you can ask a thing.
Unstable: b question anyway but that will mean you were per- b Magical Laboratory. You have a mystical lab with
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) sonally complicit in creating the situation you are all kinds of weird ingredients and tools useful for
now dealing with. The questions are: casting spells (like the use magic move, big magic,
Experience • When I dealt with this creature (or one of its kind), and any other magical moves).
Experience: bbbbb what did I learn?
• What black magic do I know that could help here?
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a • Do I know anyone who might be behind this?
move tells you to, mark an experience box. • Who do I know who can help us right now?
Gear Pronouns: Leveling Up
You get three monster-slaying weapons. When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
look, pick one from each List:
up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
Monster-slaying weapons (pick three): • Thoughtful face, lined face, scarred face, contempla-
following list:
b Mallet & wooden stakes (3-harm intimate slow tive face, stern face, avuncular face, experienced face,
wooden) ancient face, __________ face. Improvements
b Silver sword (2-harm hand messy silver) • Old fashioned clothes, casual clothes, utility clothes, b Get +1 Sharp, max +3
b Cold iron sword (2-harm hand messy iron) tailored clothes, outdoor clothes, __________ clothes. b Get +1 Charm, max +2
b Get +1 Cool, max +2
b Blessed knife (2-harm hand holy) Ratings, pick one line:
b Magical dagger (2-harm hand magic) b Get +1 Weird, max +2
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough+1, Weird=0
b Juju bag (1-harm far magic) b Take another Expert move
b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+1
b Flamethrower (3-harm close fire heavy volatile) b Take another Expert move
b Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough+1, Weird=0
b Magnum (3-harm close reload loud) b Add an option to your haven
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+1
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud) b Add an option to your haven
b Charm-1, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+2
b Take a move from another playbook
Getting Started Introductions b Take a move from another playbook
To make your Expert, first pick a name. Then follow the When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, can do your introductions together. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
haven, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
pick history. Expert by name and look, and tell the group what they below.
know about you. Advanced Improvements
History b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of b Get back one used Luck point.
these for each other hunter: b Change this hunter to a new type.
• They are your student, apprentice, ward, or child. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
Between you, decide which. b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
• They came to you for advice, and your advice got b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
them out of trouble. Ask them what the trouble was. b Retire this hunter to safety.
• They know about some of your dark secrets, but
they’ve agreed to keep quiet about them. Tell them
what they know.
• A distant relation. Tell them exactly what.
• You were previously both members of an eldritch
group, now disbanded. Ask them why they left, then
tell them why you did.
• They once helped you get a singular item that is now
part of your haven. Tell them what it was.
• You were taught by the same master. Ask them how
it ended.
• You saved their life in a tight spot. Tell them what
, Moves Gear
You get all of the basic moves, plus pick three Flake moves: You get one normal weapon and two hidden weapons.

The Flake b Connect the Dots: At the beginning of each mystery,

if you look for the wider patterns that current
events might be part of, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ hold
Normal weapons (pick one):
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
b 9mm (2-harm close loud)
Everything’s connected. But not everyone can 3, and on a 7-9 hold 1. Spend your hold during the
see the patterns, and most people don’t even mystery to ask the Keeper any one of the following b Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
look that hard. But me, I can never stop looking questions: b Magnum (3-harm close reload loud)
deeper. I can never stop seeing the truth. I spot • Is this person connected to current events more b Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud)
the patterns. That’s how I found the monsters, than they are saying? b Big knife (1-harm hand)
and that’s how I help kill them. • When and where will the next critical event
Hidden weapons (pick two):
b Throwing knives (1-harm close many)
CHARM • Manipulate Someone • What does the monster want from this person?
• Is this connected to previous mysteries we have
b Holdout pistol (2-harm close loud reload)
b Garrote (3-harm intimate)
• Act Under Pressure investigated?
COoL • Help Out • How does this mystery connect to the bigger
b Watchman’s flashlight (1-harm hand)
b Weighted gloves/brass knuckles (1-harm hand)
• Investigate a Mystery b Butterfly knife/folding knife (1-harm hand)
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
b Crazy Eyes: You get +1 Weird (max +3).
b See, It All Fits Together: You can use Sharp instead Getting Started
• Kick Some Ass of Charm when you manipulate someone. To make your Flake, first pick a name. Then follow the
TOUGH • Protect Someone b Suspicious Mind: If someone lies to you, you know
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings,
moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick

WEIRD • Use Magic b Often Overlooked: When you act all crazy to avoid
something, roll +Weird. On a 10+ you’re regarded as
Luck unthreatening and unimportant. On a 7-9, pick one:
unthreatening or unimportant. On a miss, you draw Look, pick one from each List:
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm.
lots (but not all) of the attention. • Wild eyes, moving eyes, focused eyes, searching
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b Contrary: When you seek out and receive some- eyes, suspicious eyes, wide eyes, guarded eyes,
one’s honest advice on the best course of action for __________ eyes.
Flake special: When you spend a point of Luck, pick an • Ratty clothes, casual clothes, rumpled suit, neat
you and then do something else instead, mark expe-
aspect of the current situation. The Keeper will tell you clothes, comfortable clothes, army surplus gear,
rience. If you do exactly the opposite of their advice,
what other conspiracies that aspect connects to. __________ clothes.
you also take +1 ongoing on any moves you make
Harm pursuing that course. Ratings, pick one line:
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. b Net Friends: You know a lot of people on the Inter- b Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird=0
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying net. When you contact a net friend to help you with b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+1
a mystery, roll +Charm. On a 10+, they’re available b Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough+1, Weird=0
Unstable: b
and helpful—they can fix something, break a code, b Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+1
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)
hack a computer, or get you some special informa- b Charm-1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+2
tion. On a 7-9, they’re prepared to help, but it’s either
going to take some time or you’re going to have to do
Experience: bbbbb part of it yourself. On a miss, you burn some bridges.
b Sneaky: When you attack from ambush, or from
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
behind, inflict +2 harm.
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Introductions Leveling Up
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
Flake by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
b Get +1 Sharp, max +3
History b Get +1 Charm, max +2
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of b Get +1 Cool, max +2
these for each other hunter: b Get +1 Weird, max +2
• They’re somehow tied into it all. You’ve been keeping b Take another Flake move
an eye on them. b Take another Flake move
• They’re a close relative. Ask them to decide exactly b Get a haven, like the Expert has, with two options
what. b Gain another option for your haven
• Old friends, who originally met through a long chain b Take a move from another playbook
of coincidences. b Take a move from another playbook
• You went through hell together: maybe a monster,
maybe military service, maybe time in an institution. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Whatever it was, it bound you together, and you advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
have total trust in each other. below.
• Members of the same support group. Advanced Improvements
• Fellow freaks. b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
• The signs all pointed to working together. So you b Change this hunter to a new type.
found them and now you work together. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
• You know each other through cryptozoology and b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
conspiracy theory websites. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Get back one used Luck point.
Gumshoe Code Then pick one of these:
, With the agreement of the Keeper, pick a one-sentence b The Postman Always Rings Twice: Twice per

The Gumshoe
Code that your Gumshoe adheres to. mystery—as long as you follow your Code—you may

reroll a roll.
b The Long Goodbye: You can’t die with an open case.
Specifically, you suffer all harm as normal but your
Example Codes: Murders must be punished.
death is postponed until you have either completed
CHARM • Manipulate Someone Monsters must be destroyed. Innocents must
be saved. Laws must be enforced. Evil must be
or abandoned the case, or you break your Code (then
all bets are off ).
• Act Under Pressure exposed. The weak must be protected from the
COoL • Help Out powerful.
b Jessica Jones Entry: When you double-talk your
way into a secure location, roll +Charm. On a 10+
• Investigate a Mystery This Code defines your Gumshoe. Any time you pick three, on a 7-9 pick two, on a fail pick one:
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation violate your code you forfeit all Code related moves (The

You don’t leave any trace of what you searched.

You find what you wanted.

Postman Always Rings Twice, The Long Goodbye) and • You find something else that’s important.

• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
the ability to spend Luck points. These forfeits last either
until the next mystery or you make amends. As long as

You don’t piss anyone off.

You aren’t recognised.

you follow the Code people will sense your sincerity: you b Out of the Past: You have a police buddy who will do
WEIRD • Use Magic
receive +1 ongoing for manipulate someone and you
may not be possessed or charmed by any sort of super-
you big favors. Get in touch with them when you need
to redirect law enforcement attention, get a heads-up
natural, alien, or demonic entity or item. on what operations are planned, or access police files.
Luck You now owe them: expect them to collect on it soon.
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from Moves b Asphalt Jungle: You heal faster than normal people.
an injury. You get three Gumshoe moves. You get these two: Any time your harm gets healed, heal an extra point.
B Occult Confidential: The first time in each mystery You are immune to all the harm move effects under
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed
that you observe a monster, minion, or phenomenon ‘0-harm’ and ‘1-harm’ (when the Keeper would apply
Gumshoe Special: When you use a point of Luck your in action, you may ask one question from the inves- these, you ignore it).
next regular case will actually be a mystery for your tigate a mystery list. b Hacker with a Dragon Tattoo: When you hack into
hunter group, not a regular case at all (and the monster B The Naked City: You have lots of personal con- a computer system, roll +Sharp. On 10+ pick two, on
will focus its attention on you!) tacts wherever you go. Pick four contact types from a 7-9 pick one. You:
the following areas (or from other areas agreed to • ... leave no traces.

Harm between you and the Keeper):
• ... learn something important.

When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. • ... can leave misinformation in place.

Academics, Accountants, Artists, Bartenders, Clergy,
• ... gain access to somewhere you want to get in to.

Conspiracy Theorists, Construction, Courts, Criminals
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying (organised), Criminals (street), Cultists, Engineers, Espi- b “Just one more thing”: When you ask a suspect
onage, Film and TV, Forensic Scientists, Fringe Scientists, leading questions, roll +Charm. On a 10+ hold 2, on
Unstable: b Hackers, Journalists, Lawyers, Mechanics, Media, Medical a 7-9 hold 1, on a miss hold 1 but something bad is
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) Practioners, Military, Morgue, Occult, Police (local),
going to happen too.
Police (national), Politicians, Prisons, Private Security,
Spend your hold to ask questions from this list:
Experience Property Developers, Stage Magicians, Technologists,
Transportation • One question from the investigate a mystery list.
• Was that a lie?

Experience: bbbbb You can hit them up for info (+1 to one investigate • What is something you left out that you didn’t want me
a mystery roll) or small favours—but there may be to notice?
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a a small cost involved. Personal contacts can provide • Are you complicit with any ongoing criminal activity?

move tells you to, mark an experience box. more significant help but the Keeper decides their • Did you commit this specific crime?

price on a case-by-case basis.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Gumshoe, first pick a name. Then follow When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
ratings, code, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your list below.
and pick history. Gumshoe by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Charm, max +3
Look, pick one from each list: History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one for b Get +1 Sharp, max +3
• Angelic face, unshaven face, handsomely devil-
each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Tough, max +2
ish face, world-weary face, sly face, streetwise face,
• You are on the same (or rival) bowling teams. Ask b Take another Gumshoe move.
quiet face, knowing face, watchful face, merry face,
them what bowling-related disagreement rubbed b Take another Gumshoe move.
obvious ex-cop face, hunted face, __________ face.
them the wrong way.
 b Add another harm box to your track, before Dying.
• Nondescript clothes, tailored clothes and sunglasses,
• You caught them committing a crime but let them b Get a haven (your office, perhaps), like the Expert
vintage clothes, fashion clothes, fedora and trench
go. Ask them to describe the crime, then you explain has, with two options.
coat, California casual, biker clothes, Pacific island
why your Code required you to look the other way.
 b Add four additional or new contacts for your Naked
casual, __________ clothes.
• They remind you of a former partner who was mys- City move.
Ratings, Pick one line: teriously murdered. Describe the unsolved case that
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird=0 killed your partner and how you hope to solve it. 
 After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird–1 • You first approached them for help on a case. advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough+1, Weird–1 Describe the case. Ask them to describe the key below.
b Charm+1, Cool–1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird=+1 expertise they provided that solved that mystery.
 Advanced Improvements
b Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird–1 • You were friends back in training, before you b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Gear became a private investigator. This could be military, b Change this hunter to a new type.
You get a laptop, a liquor flask, two recording devices, law enforcement, or whatever—decide the details b Make up a second hunter to play as well as this one.
and one P.I. weapon. between you.
 b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
• Ask them if they live by a code and what it is. If you b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Recording devices (pick two): approve of the code, you’ve always respected them. b Turn one of your contacts into an ally.
b Night vision camera b Cassette tape If not (or if they don’t have a code), you’ve never b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Tiny digital recorder trusted them.
 b Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.
video camera b Remote-controlled • They hired you for a job but you were too drunk or
b Film camera camera drone high to take it. Ask them what they wanted, then tell
(8mm or 16mm) b Laser microphone them how you brushed them off.

b Digital sound b SLR camera • You first met on an unsolved crimes website. Decide
recorder together what infamous crime fascinates you both.

P.I. Weapons (pick one):

“You won’t understand this… When I take
b Brass knuckles b Magnum (3-harm
a case, I’m supposed to do something about
(1-harm hand small) close reload loud)
it. You’re supposed to do something about it
b .38 revolver (2-harm b Shotgun (3-harm
whether you like it or not. You’ve got to pay
close reload loud) close messy loud)
for what you’ve done, sweetheart, whatever
b 9mm (2-harm b Switchblade (1-harm
it is I might feel about you. Yes, I’ll have
close loud) hand small)
some bad nights, but I’ll still have myself.”
“I didn’t have magic fall into my lap. I’m not Plus pick two of these:
, blessed, I’m not one of the scary children—I’m b Burn Everything: When you use magic to inflict

The Hex
just a girl who found a way to give herself the harm, you can choose to inflict 3-harm area magic
strength to fight this war. I don’t have the option obvious or 3-harm ignore-armour magic obvious.
of not taking this risk.” b Cast the Bones: Once per mystery, you may perform
some kind of divination (tarot, casting the runes,
Rotes reading entrails, or something like that) to glean
CHARM • Manipulate Someone Whenever you use magic, you can decide afterwards
that a particular spell is a rote that you know. See the
information about the future. When you seek guid-
ance by divination, roll +Sharp. On a 10+, hold 2. On
• Act Under Pressure
separate Rotes sheet for more details. a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, you get some information,
• Help Out but it’s not what you want to hear. Spend those holds
• Investigate a Mystery to ask any question from the investigate a mystery
You have a dangerous drive that you pursue, sometimes
• Read a Bad Situation to the exclusion of your own safety. Decide if your Temp- move, or one of the following questions:
• What can I gain from this person/place/thing/creature?
tation drove you to learn magic, or if learning magic • Who has touched this person/place/thing/creature
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
drove you to it.
Whenever you give in to your Temptation and act
before me?
The Keeper will answer truthfully, with either a
accordingly, you mark experience. You need to act under
direct answer or how to find out more.
• Use Magic
pressure to resist giving in to your temptation, if a perfect b Force of Will: When you apply your will to dispelling
opportunity presents itself; if you fail this roll, you don’t a magical effect, blocking a spell, or suspending a Phe-
mark experience like you would have if you’d willingly nomenon, roll +Weird. On a hit, momentary magics
acted out your desires. are cancelled completely, and long-lasting spells and
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from
an injury. effects are suspended temporarily. On a 10+, you can
Choose one Temptation:
also spend Luck to instantly snuff out a powerful spell
b Vengeance: Use magic to inflict disproportionate
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed or strange effect. On a 7-9, you take 1-harm as the
retribution on someone who wronged you.
strain of dismissing magic unravels you.
Hex Special: When you spend Luck, until the end of the b Power: Use magic to exert your dominance over
b Luck of the Damned: After you use magic or cast a
mystery, backlash on your spells will be extra nasty. another.
rote, take +1 forward on the next roll you make.
b Addiction: Use magic to do what you could do
Harm without it.
b Sympathetic Token: As long as you carry a personal
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. object belonging to someone, such as a lock of hair,
b Callousness: Use magic without regard for the
a full set of toenails, or a treasured family heirloom,
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying safety of others.
you get +1 ongoing to use magic against them. You
b Carnage: Use magic to inflict gruesome violence.
can also use magic against them at a distance. If you
Unstable: b b Secrets: Use magic to discover forbidden, dangerous
try to use magic against them and miss, the token is
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) knowledge.
lost, destroyed, or loses its power.
b Glory: Use magic to steal someone’s thunder.
b This Might Sting: You can use magic to heal
Moves 3-harm, but the process is exceptionally painful. On
Experience: bbbbb You have three Hex moves. You have this one: a 7-9 it also leaves a gnarly scar.
B Bad Luck Charm: Whenever you use magic and b Wise Soul: Whenever you use magic, right before
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a miss, the backlash never affects you directly if there’s you roll, you can ask the Keeper what exactly would
move tells you to, mark an experience box. someone else around to hit. It’ll go for allies, other happen on a miss. If you dislike the risk, you can stop
hunters, and innocent bystanders. Sometimes, every at the last second, and let the spell fizzle harmlessly.
so often, it might even hit an enemy. All of the effort is wasted.
Getting Started History ADVANCED IMprovements
To make your Hex, first pick a name. Then follow the Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.

instructions below to decide your look, ratings, moves, for each of the other hunters: b Change this hunter to a new type.

Temptation, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick • You once cast a powerful spell or curse on them. Tell b Make up a second hunter to play as well as this one.

history. them why, and ask them how it ended.
 b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.

• They fear your power, or what you might do with it. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.

Ask them why.
 b Retire this hunter to safety.

Look, pick one from each list: • You’re madly in love with them. Ask them if they can b Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.

• Sharp eyes, angry eyes, glowing eyes, shifty eyes, tell.
 b Gain another two Rotes.

serene eyes, featureless eyes, __________ eyes.
 • They encourage you to indulge your temptation. Ask b Choose one advanced Hex move (see below).
• Retro clothes, hippy clothes, trendy clothes, too-for- them why.

mal clothes, ill-fitting clothes, anachronistic clothes,
Advanced Hex Moves
• They keep you grounded, and are unfazed by your
When you take the “Choose one advanced Hex move”
___________ clothes.
 displays of power.

improvement, choose one of these moves. You can never
Ratings, Pick one line: • You were part of the same cult, sect, or secret society.
have both:
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp=0, Tough–1, Weird+2
 Decide together what horrible things you did in the
b Apotheosis: You become a terrifying fount of mys-
b Charm+1, Cool–1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2
 name of power.

tical power. Once per mystery, after you suffer loss
b Charm–1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird+2
 • You learned through divination that they’re import-
or harm, you may enter a state where you have both
b Charm–1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird+2
 ant and you should help them. Decide whether
immense power and zero interest in the well-being
b Charm=0, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough–1, Weird+2

 you’ve told them or not.

of other people. While in this state, you can fly, use
• They helped you out when a spell went awry. Tell
Gear +Weird to kick some ass instead of +Tough (using
them what the spell was, and ask them how they
You have whatever magical items or amulets you use to innate magic as a 3-harm weapon with whatever
helped you.
perform magic, including whatever you need to cast your properties you choose), ignore the component costs
rotes. You also have two wizardly weapons. Leveling Up of your rotes, ignore one requirement of every spell
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level you cast with use magic, and you have +1 ongoing
Wizardly weapons, pick two: up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the to do everything. On the other hand, you outright
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
 list below. cannot use the protect someone move, you have
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud)
 all the Temptations, and you have to indulge them
b Athame (2-harm hand magic silver)
 whenever a good opportunity presents itself. When
b Get +1 Weird, max +3.

b Shillelagh (1-harm hand balanced)
 you try to resist a temptation, roll +Cool. On a 10+,
b Get +1 Cool, max +2.

b Crossbow (2-harm close slow)
 your apotheosis ends. On a 7-9, it ends with you
b Get +1 Charm, max +2.

b Staff (1-harm hand balanced large)
 doing something dangerous or cruel. On a miss, it
b Get +1 Sharp, max +2.

ends only after you harm someone (or something)
Introductions b Take another Rote.

you love.
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you b Take another Rote.

b Synthesis: You manage to conciliate your dark
can do your introductions together. b Take another Rote.
power with your moral impulses. You lose your
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your b Take another Hex move, or an additional Rote.

Temptation. Whenever you use magic to help out
Hex by name and look, and tell the group what they know b Take another Hex move, or an additional Rote.

or protect someone, you mark experience. Mark a
about you. b Take a Haven, like the Expert has, with two options.

second experience if you do it at the expense of your
b Take a move from another playbook.

own safety.
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
Rotes (The Hex)
Whenever you use magic, you can decide afterwards that
Requirements, pick two:
b Magic words, ritual gestures
Requirements, pick two:
b Magic words, ritual gestures
a particular spell is a rote that you know. Write down in
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
detail what the spell does, and what it requires. You know
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
how to cast it off the top of your head, and you choose
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
two requirements from this list:
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
• Magic words and ritual gestures.
• An object of power (wand, talisman, orb, staff, etc) Effect: Effect:
which must be wielded. On a 10+ On a 10+
• An expendable component such as sulfur, sage, or
incense, which must be burned, blown, or scat-
tered during the casting.
• Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface On a 7-9: On a 7-9:
(which must be prepared).
• A spilling of blood, which inflicts 1-harm upon
you or a willing participant.
Give your new rote a name, and decide specifically On a miss: On a miss:
what the requirements are (which words, gestures,
objects, symbols, and procedures are required). Unlike
regular use magic, a rote’s cost and the consequences for
failing it are known to you in advance. After you cast it
for the first time, treat each rote as a custom move—a
specialised version of use magic, which is built with the
Rote: Rote:
Keeper. Write down what it does on a 10+, a 7-9, and a Requirements, pick two: Requirements, pick two:
miss. Also, a rote is a bit more powerful than a basic use b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
magic spell: its glitches are less onerous and its effect b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
may be a little bigger. b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
Casting a rote requires you to have the needed items b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
at hand and the ability to physically use them. You roll b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
+Weird to cast it, as you would when using magic nor-
Effect: Effect:
On a 10+ On a 10+
How many rotes?
You start out knowing up to one rote, which you can
choose when creating your character or during play. You
can learn more by taking improvements—when you do, On a 7-9: On a 7-9:
you can choose the new rote right away or in play.

On a miss: On a miss:
Rote: Rote:
Requirements, pick two: Requirements, pick two:
b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
Effect: Effect:
On a 10+ On a 10+

On a 7-9: On a 7-9:

On a miss: On a miss:

Rote: Rote:
Requirements, pick two: Requirements, pick two:
b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
Effect: Effect:
On a 10+ On a 10+

On a 7-9: On a 7-9:

On a miss: On a miss:
, Moves
You get all of the basic moves, plus four Initiate moves. You
b Mentor: You have a mentor in the Sect: name
them. When you contact your mentor for info, roll

The Initiate get this one: +Sharp. On a 10+, you get an answer to your ques-
B When you are in good standing with your Sect, at tion, no problem. On a 7-9 you choose: they’re either
the beginning of each mystery, roll +Charm. On busy and can’t help, or they answer the question but
a 10+ they provide some useful info or help in the you owe a favour. On a miss, your question causes
Since the dawn of history, we have been the
field. On a 7-9 you get a mission associated with the trouble.
bulwark against Darkness. We know the Evils
mystery, and if you do it you’ll get some info or help b Apprentice: You have an apprentice: name them.
of the world, and we stand against them so that
too. On a miss, they ask you to do something bad. Your job is to teach them the Sect’s ways. They count
the mass of humanity need not fear. We are the
If you fail a mission or refuse an order, you’ll be in as an ally: subordinate (motivation: to follow your
Flame that cleanses the Shadows.
trouble with the Sect until you atone. instructions to the letter).
Then pick three of these: b Helping Hand: When you successfully help out
CHARM • Manipulate Someone
b Ancient Fighting Arts: When using an old-fash-
ioned hand weapon, you inflict +1 harm and get +1
another hunter, they get +2 instead of the usual +1.
b That Old Black Magic: When you use magic, you
• Act Under Pressure can ask a question from the investigate a mystery
COoL • Help Out
whenever you roll protect someone.
b Mystic: Every time you successfully use magic, take move as your effect.
• Investigate a Mystery +1 forward. Gear
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation b Fortunes: The Sect has ancient prophecies or div-
ination techniques to predict the future. Once per
If your Sect has fighting arts or obsolete gear (see next
page) then pick three old-fashioned weapons. If the Sect
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
mystery, you may use them. If you look at what the
future holds, roll +Weird. On a 10+ hold 3, and on
has modernised or nifty gadgets, you may pick two
modern weapons. Otherwise, pick two old-fashioned
a 7-9 hold 1. On a miss, you get bad information and weapons and one modern weapon.
WEIRD • Use Magic the Keeper decides how that affects you. Spend your
hold to: You also get old-fashioned armour (1-armour heavy).
Luck • have a useful object ready.
Old-fashioned weapons (pick either two or three, as
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm. • be somewhere you are needed, just in time.
• take +1 forward, or give +1 forward to another
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b Sword (2-harm hand messy)
b Axe (2-harm hand messy)
Initiate special: When you spend a point of Luck, some- • retroactively warn someone about an attack, so
b Big sword (3-harm hand messy heavy)
thing goes wrong for your Sect: an ill-advised project or a that it doesn’t happen.
b Big axe (3-harm hand messy slow heavy)
disastrous operation. b Sacred Oath: You may bind yourself to a single goal,
b Silver knife (1-harm hand silver)
forsaking something during your quest (e.g. speech,
Harm all sustenance but bread and water, alcohol, lying,
b Fighting sticks (1-harm hand quick)
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. b Spear (2-harm hand/close)
sex, etc). Get the Keeper’s agreement on this—it
b Mace (2-harm hand messy)
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying should match the goal in importance and difficulty.
b Crossbow (2-harm close slow)
While you keep your oath and work towards your
Unstable: b
goal, mark experience at the end of every session Modern weapons (pick either one or two, as above):
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)
and get +1 on any rolls that directly help achieve the b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
Experience goal. If you break the oath, take -1 ongoing until you b 9mm (2-harm close loud)
have atoned. b Sniper rifle (3-harm far)
Experience: bbbbb
b Magnum (3-harm close reload loud)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a b Shotgun (3-harm close messy)
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Initiate, first pick a name. Then follow the When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
moves, Sect, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
pick history. Initiate by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Weird, max +3
Look, pick one from each List: History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one for b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
• Hardened body, tattooed body, agile body, strong
each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Tough, max +2
body, thin body, angular body, hunched body,
• They are a lay member of your Sect. b Take another Initiate move
__________ body.
• You fought together when the tide of monsters seemed b Take another Initiate move
• Archaic clothes, unfashionable clothes, ceremonial
unstoppable. Ask them how it went. b Get command of your chapter of the Sect
clothes, mismatched clothes, formal clothes,
• Friends, but they first met you under your cover b Get a Sect team under your command
__________ clothes.
identity, and learned about the Sect later. Ask how b Take a move from another playbook
Ratings, pick one line: they feel about that. b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird+2 • They are your close relative, or partner/spouse.
b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough-1, Weird+2 Decide between you exactly what the relationship is. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm-1, Cool=0, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird+2 • Fellow ancient weapons/martial arts club members. advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 • They’re described in below.
b Charm=0, Cool=0, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird+2 the prophecies, but Advanced Improvements
Sect the role they will b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
You are part of an ancient, secret order that slays mon- play isn’t stated. b Change this hunter to a new type.
sters. Where are they from? How old are they? Are they • An ex-member of b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
religious? Why do they stay secret? How do they recruit? the Sect, but still b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
You also need to pick the Sect’s traditions (used by the friends. Ask them b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Keeper to determine the Sect’s methods and actions): why they left or got b Retire this hunter to safety.
thrown out b Become the leader, or effective leader, of the whole
Good Traditions (pick two): • You met researching Sect.
b Knowledgable b Flexible tactics mystical weirdness, b Get back one used Luck point.
b Ancient lore b Open hierarchy and you’ve been occult
b Magical lore b Integrated in society comrades ever since.
b Fighting arts b Rich
b Modernised b Nifty gadgets
b Chapters everywhere b Magical items
b Secular power
Bad Traditions (pick one):
b Dubious motives b Strict laws
b Tradition-bound b Mystical oaths
b Short-sighted b Total obedience
b Paranoid and b Tyrannical leaders
secretive b Obsolete gear
b Closed hierarchy b Poor
b Factionalised
, Monster Breed
You’re half-human, half-monster: decide if you were
You get all the basic moves, plus pick two Monstrous

The Monstrous always this way or if you you were originally human and
transformed somehow.
Now decide if you were always fighting to be good, or
if you were evil and changed sides.
b Immortal: You do not age or sicken, and whenever
you suffer harm you suffer 1-harm less.
b Unnatural Appeal: Roll +Weird instead of +Charm
I feel the hunger, the lust to destroy. But I fight
it: I never give in. I’m not human any more, not Define your monstrous breed by picking a curse, when you manipulate someone.
really, but I have to protect those who still are. moves, and natural attacks. b Unholy Strength: Roll +Weird instead of +Tough
That way I can tell myself I’m different to the Create the monster you want to be: whatever you when you kick some ass.
other monsters. Sometimes I can even believe it. choose defines your breed in the game. Some classic b Incorporeal: You may move freely through solid
monsters with suggestions for picks are listed on the back objects (but not people).
of this sheet. These are only suggestions: feel free to make b Preternatural Speed: You go much faster than
CHARM • Manipulate Someone a different version! normal people. When you chase, flee, or run take
+1 ongoing.
• Act Under Pressure
Curses, pick one:
COoL • Help Out
b Feed: You must subsist on living humans—it might
take the form of blood, brains, or spiritual essence
b Claws of the Beast: All your natural attacks get +1
• Investigate a Mystery b Mental Dominion: When you gaze into a normal
but it must be from people. You need to act under
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation pressure to resist feeding whenever a perfect oppor-
human’s eyes and exert your will over them, roll
+Charm. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. You
tunity presents itself.
• Kick Some Ass
may spend your hold to give them an order. Regular
b Vulnerability: Pick a substance. You suffer +1 harm
• Protect Someone people will follow your order, whatever it is. Hunters
when you suffer harm from it. If you are bound or
can choose whether they do it or not. If they do, they
surrounded by it, you must act under pressure to
WEIRD • Use Magic
use your powers.
mark experience.
b Unquenchable Vitality: When you have taken harm,
b Pure Drive: One emotion rules you. Pick from:
Luck you can heal yourself. Roll +Cool. On a 10+, heal
hunger, hate, anger, fear, jealousy, greed, joy, pride,
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm. 2-harm and stabilise your injuries. On a 7-9, heal
envy, lust, or cruelty. Whenever you have a chance
1-harm and stabilise your injuries. On a miss, your
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed to indulge that emotion, you must do so immediately,
injuries worsen.
or act under pressure to resist.
b Dark Negotiator: You can use the manipulate
Monstrous special: When you spend a point of Luck, b Dark Master: You have an evil lord who doesn’t
someone move on monsters as well as people, if
your monster side gains power: your Curse may become know you changed sides. They still give you orders,
they can reason and talk.
stronger, or another Breed disadvantage may manifest. and they do not tolerate refusal. Or failure.
b Flight: You can fly.
Harm Natural Attacks b Shapeshifter: You may change your form (usually
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. Pick a Base and add an extra to it, or two Bases. into an animal). Decide if you have just one alter-
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying b Base: teeth (3-harm intimate) nate form or several, and detail them. You gain +1
b Base: claws (2-harm hand) to investigate a mystery when using an alternate
Unstable: b b Base: magical force (1-harm magical close) form’s superior senses (e.g. smell for a wolf, sight for
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) b Base: life-drain (1-harm intimate life-drain) an eagle).
b Extra: Add +1 harm to a base b Something Borrowed: Take a move from a hunter
Experience b Extra: Add ignore-armour to a base playbook that is not currently in play.
Experience: bbbbb b Extra: Add an extra range to a base (add intimate,
hand, or close).
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Gear History Leveling Up
If you want, you can take one handy weapon: Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud) for each of the other hunters: up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
b 9mm (2-harm close loud) • You lost control one time, and almost killed them. following list:
b Magnum (3-harm close reload loud) Ask them how they stopped you.
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy) • They tried to slay you, but you proved you’re on the
b Get +1 Charm, max +2
b Big knife (1-harm hand) side of good. Ask them what convinced them.
b Get +1 Cool, max +2
b Brass knuckles (1-harm hand quiet small) • You are romantically obsessed with them. Ask them
b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
b Sword (2-harm hand messy) if they know, and if they reciprocate.
b Get +1 Tough, max +2
b Huge sword (3-harm hand heavy) • Close relations, or a distant descendant. Tell them
b Take another Monstrous move
Getting Started b Take another Monstrous move
• You saved them from another of your kind, and
To make your Monstrous, first pick a name. Then follow b Gain a haven, like the Expert has, with two options
prevented reprisals against that individual creature
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look, b Take a natural attacks pick
(maybe it’s another good one, or maybe it has a hold
ratings, breed, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce your- b Take a move from another playbook
over you).
self and pick history. b Take a move from another playbook
• They are tied to your curse or origin. Tell them how.
Pronouns: • You fought together against the odds, and prevailed. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
• They saved you from another hunter who was pre- advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
look, pick one from each List: pared to kill you. Ask them what happened. below.
• Almost human, half human, monstrous,
• Sinister aura, powerful aura, dark aura, unnerv- Monster Breed Suggestions Advanced Improvements
ing aura, energetic aura, evil aura, bestial aura, • Vampire: Curse: feed (blood or life-force). Natural b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
__________ aura. attacks: Base: life-drain or Base: teeth; add +1 harm b Change this hunter to a new type.
• Archaic clothes, casual clothes, ragged clothes, tai- to base attack. Moves: immortal or unquenchable b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
lored clothes, stylish clothes, street clothes, outdoor vitality; mental domination. b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
clothes, __________ clothes. • Werewolf: Curse: vulnerability (silver). Natural b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
attacks: Base: claws; Base: teeth. Moves: shapeshifter b Retire this hunter to safety.
Ratings, pick one line: (wolf and/or wolfman); claws of the beast or unholy b Free yourself from the curse of your kind. Your curse
b Charm-1, Cool-1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird+3 strength. no longer applies, but you lose 1 Weird.
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+3 • Ghost: Curse: vulnerability (rock salt). Natural b You turn evil (again). Retire this character, they
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp-1, Tough-1, Weird+3 attacks: Base: magical force; add hand range to become one of the Keeper’s threats.
b Charm-2, Cool+2, Sharp=0, Tough=0, Weird+3 magical force. Moves: incorporeal; immortal. b Get back one used Luck point.
b Charm=0, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+3 • Faerie: Curse: pure drive (joy). Natural attacks:
Introductions Base: magical force; add ignore-armour to magical
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you force. Moves: flight; preternatural speed.
can do your introductions together. • Demon: Curse: pure drive (cruelty). Natural attacks:
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Base: claws; +1 harm to claws. Moves: dark negotia-
Monstrous by name and look, and tell the group what tor; unquenchable vitality.
they know about you. • Orc: Curse: dark master (the orc overlord). Natural
attacks: Base: teeth; add ignore-armour to teeth.
Moves: Unholy strength; dark negotiator.
• Zombie: Curse: pure drive (hunger), feed (flesh or
brains). Natural attacks: Base: teeth; +1 harm to
teeth. Moves: immortal; unquenchable vitality.
, Moves Gear

The Mundane
You get all the basic moves, plus pick three Mundane You get two Mundane weapons and a means of transport.
b Always The Victim: When another hunter uses Mundane weapons (pick two):
protect someone to protect you, they mark expe- b Golf club, baseball bat, cricket bat, or hockey stick
You heard about how monsters only pick on rience. Whenever a monster captures you, you mark (2-harm hand innocuous messy)
people with crazy powers who can fight back on experience. b Pocket knife or multitool (1-harm hand useful small)
even terms? Yeah, me neither. But, hell, I ended b Oops! If you want to stumble across something b Small handgun (2-harm close loud reload)
up in this monster-hunting team so I gotta do important, tell the Keeper. You will find something b Hunting rifle (3-harm far loud reload)
what I can, right? important and useful, although not necessarily b Sledge-hammer or fire axe (3-harm hand messy)
related to your immediate problems. b Nunchuks (2-harm hand area)

CHARM • Manipulate Someone b Let’s Get Out Of Here! If you can protect someone
Means of transport (pick one):
by telling them what to do, or by leading them out,
b Skateboard b Classic car in
roll +Charm instead of +Tough.
• Act Under Pressure
b Bicycle terrible condition
b Panic Button: When you need to escape, name the
• Help Out b Fairly new car in b Motorcycle
route you’ll try and roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you’re out
decent condition b Van
• Investigate a Mystery
of danger, no problem. On a 7-9 you can go or stay,
• Read a Bad Situation but if you go it’s going to cost you (you leave some- Getting Started
thing behind or something comes with you). On a To make your Mundane, first pick a name. Then follow
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
miss, you are caught halfway out.
b The Power of Heart: When fighting a monster, if
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look,
ratings, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and
you help someone, don’t roll +Cool. You automat- pick history.
WEIRD • Use Magic
ically help as though you’d rolled a 10. Pronouns:
b Trust Me: When you tell a normal person the
Luck truth in order to protect them from danger, roll Look, pick one from each List:
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm. +Charm. On a 10+ they’ll do what you say they • Kid, teen, adult, old, .
should, no questions asked. On a 7-9 they do it, but • Friendly face, alluring face, laughing face, trust-
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed the Keeper chooses one from: worthy face, average face, serious face, sensual face,
• They ask you a hard question first. __________ face.
Mundane special: When you spend a point of Luck, • Normal clothes, casual clothes, goth clothes, sporty
• They stall and dither a while.
you’ll find something weird—maybe even useful! clothes, work clothes, street clothes, nerdy clothes,
• They have a “better” idea.
Harm On a miss, they’re going to think you’re crazy and __________ clothes.
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. maybe dangerous too. Ratings, pick one line:
b What Could Go Wrong?: Whenever you charge b Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird-1
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
into immediate danger without hedging your bets, b Charm+2, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird=0
Unstable: b hold 2. You may spend your hold to: b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp-1, Tough+1, Weird+1
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) • Inflict +1 harm. b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird-1
• Reduce someone’s harm suffered by 1. b Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird-1
Experience • Take +2 forward on an act under pressure roll.
b Don’t Worry, I’ll Check It Out: Whenever you go
Experience: bbbbb off by yourself to check out somewhere (or some-
thing) scary, mark experience.
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Introductions Leveling Up
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
Mundane by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
b Get +1 Charm, max +3
History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
for each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Tough, max +2
• You are close relations. Tell them exactly how you’re b Take another Mundane move
related. b Take another Mundane move
• Initially rivals, you both now respect each others’ b Get back one used Luck point
talents. b Get back one used Luck point
• Romantically involved, or you just have a crush on b Take a move from another playbook
them. Ask them which they prefer. b Take a move from another playbook
• They’re your hero, exactly the kind of monster hunter
you aspire to be. Tell them why you worship them. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
• Good friends. Tell them if it’s from way back, or advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
recently. below.
• You’re a bit suspicious of them (maybe due to their Advanced Improvements
unnatural powers or something like that). b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
• They introduced you to the existence of monsters. b Change this hunter to a new type.
Tell them how you feel about that. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
• You saved their life from a monster due to an unlikely b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
chain of events. Tell them what. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Get back one used Luck point.
b Get back one used Luck point.
Moves b I Am Theirs And They Are Mine: Whenever you
, You get all of the basic moves, plus three Pararomantic are in danger, your Guide knows it. If your Guide is

The Pararomantic
moves. suffering harm (and it’s feasible), you can spend a
point of Luck to redirect the attack onto yourself as
You get this one: if you have rolled 10+ with protect someone. If you
B Supernatural Guide: You have a (most likely inti- are suffering harm, you can decide that your Guide
mate) connection to some supernatural being who has protected you and is suffering this harm instead.
CHARM • Manipulate Someone is your guide into the world beyond. Choose if your
relationship is secret or not.
If you choose this, roll for bond abuse.
b Monster Empathy: When you try to work out what
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out
Determine what kind of creature your Guide is
and how your relationship works. Say what kind of
a supernatural creature desires, roll +Charm. On a
10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold  1. Spend your hold to
• Investigate a Mystery power they possess. The Keeper will decide how it ask the following questions—the Keeper will answer
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation works and define your Guide as a threat.
If your Guide is another hunter, determine
• What does it most desire?
• Kick Some Ass • What would it accept as good enough for now?
TOUGH • Protect Someone
together how your relationship works.
Whenever you would roll +Weird you can roll
• What would distract it?
b Spirit Touched: Your experiences have made you
+Charm instead, by channeling the power of your
sensitive to the supernatural. When you sense magical
• Use Magic bond. When you do so and miss, in addition to the things, roll +Weird. On a 10+ you can sense them
usual consequences, you and your Guide suffer as fully. On a 7-9, choose: either sense them fully but
when you miss a roll for bond abuse. they notice you too, or you sense only impressions.
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from Then pick two of these: Bond Abuse
an injury. b Bonding Time: If you spend some quality time For details, see fate of your love on the reverse side.
with your Guide instead of working on the current
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed
mystery you can roll +Charm. On 10+, hold 2. On Bond Abuse: Whenever you do something to abuse the
Pararomantic Special: When you spend a point of Luck, 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold to: bond with your Guide, like acting against them, or not
• Erase one mark in your Relationship Status track. giving them enough attention, roll +Charm:
also mark off one of your relationship status boxes. The • Use a Pararomantic move you haven’t picked.
Keeper will bring fate of your love (see reverse) into play. • Receive a gift from your Guide. • On 10+, your action has no effect beyond the
• Take +1 forward. exchange of some angry words.
Relationship Status b Dark Desires: You may use the manipulate • On 7-9 choose one of the bond abuse options below.
someone move on monsters, as long as you are • On a miss, the Keeper may choose two of the bond
Loving bbbbbbb Broken
using emotional ties. abuse options below, or something worse.
Harm b The Power of Love: When you use help someone
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. Bond abuse options:
to help your Guide you don’t have to roll +Cool. You
• Mark off a box in your Relationship Status track.
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying automatically help as though you’d rolled a 10. If
• You may not channel the power of your bond for the
your Guide is another hunter, the same applies when
Unstable: b rest of the mystery.
they help you.
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) • You gain the unwelcome attention of others of your
b Do As The Supernatural Do: You can take an
Guide’s kind.
unnatural move from your Guide’s playbook (if they
Experience are a hunter). If they are a monster, choose a move
• Someone who shouldn’t know finds a clue about
Experience: bbbbb your relationship with your Guide.
from a suitable supernatural playbook. The Keeper
may offer you a custom move, instead.
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Leveling Up
To make your Pararomantic, first pick a name. Then follow the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you
instructions below to decide your look, ratings, fate, moves, level up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement
gear, and your relationship. Finally, introduce yourself and pick from the list below.
Pronouns: Fate Of Your Love b Get +1 Charm, max +3
There is a reason why your love with your Guide (the
b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Look, pick one from each list: supernatural being you have a connection with) is for-
b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
• Friendly face, alluring face, laughing face, trustworthy face, bidden or doomed. Invent this reason or leave it to
b Get +1 Weird, max +2
average face, serious face, sensual face, face, __________ face. the Keeper. Whenever you mark off a point of Luck,
b Take another Pararomantic move
• Normal clothes, casual clothes, goth clothes, sporty clothes, the truth of your love’s Fate slowly unfolds: mark off a
b Take another Pararomantic move
street clothes, nerdy clothes, __________ clothes. box in your Relationship Status track. When your last
b Gain an ally
Ratings, Pick one line: point of Luck is used it becomes clear you cannot be
b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough–1, Weird+1 together. Your Guide might even end up as an enemy,
b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm+2, Cool–1, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird=0 depending on how things go.
b Charm+2, Cool+2, Sharp=0, Tough=0, Weird–1 Whenever you put yourself or somebody else in After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm+2, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough–1, Weird=0 serious danger in order to conceal the truth about you advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough–1, Weird=0 and your Guide, mark experience. below.

Gear Introductions Advanced Improvements

Choose two of these normal things: When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
b Golf club, baseball bat, cricket bat, or hockey stick (2-harm you can do your introductions together. b Change this hunter to a new type.
hand innocuous messy) Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b Pocket knife or multitool (1-harm hand useful small) Pararomantic by name and look, and tell the group b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Small handgun (2-harm close loud reload) what they know about you. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Bicycle b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Fairly new car in decent condition b Take a second gift from your guide or add another
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick
b Motorcycle property to an existing gift.
one for each of the other hunters:
b Change your Guide, as you fall for another crea-
• Your best friend in the world. You trust them
And choose one gift from your Guide. Whatever gift you choose, ture.
it must be periodically recharged by interactions with your Guide. b Gain a second Guide. Track the relationship
• You are blood-kin. Decide your exact relation-
The gifts are: status tracks of both relationships separately.
ship together.
b Part of their body, e.g. a vial of blood, lock of hair, tears in a Both Guides initially hate each other, but this
• Your ex. Ask them why you aren’t together
phial, fairy dust. It either helps you heal, or counts as a weak- could change through play. All moves that
ness against a specific sort of monster. applied to your original Guide can now apply to
• Romantic entanglement, or fated to be romanti-
b Piece of jewelery, e.g. a golden ring, tribal pendant, silver either one.
cally entangled.
locket. It either provides 1-armour magic or protects you b Erase all the marks from the Relationship Status
• They know about some of your dark secrets, but
from the powers of a specific sort of monster. track.
they’ve agreed to keep quiet about them. Tell
b A memento of the time when they were human, e.g. a por-
them what they know.
trait/photo from life, diary, favourite hat, doll, or lighter.
• An old rivalry has turned into a tight friendship.
Provides +1 on bond abuse rolls.

Ask them what (or who) you once fought over.
b A strange or antique weapon, e.g. a family sword, ancient
• Mentor from another life. Ask them what they
staff, holy mace (2-harm hand messy). Additionally, add
taught you.
“magic,” “silver,” “holy,” or “iron” to the weapon.
, Moves
You get all the basic moves, plus four Professional moves. And you get this one:

The ProfesSional Pick three of these:

b Bottle It Up: If you want, you can take up to +3
bonus when you act under pressure. For each +1
B When you deal with the Agency, requesting help or
gear, or making excuses for a failure, roll +Sharp. On
a 10+, you’re good—your request for gear or person-
It’s kind of strange when your regular 9-to-5 job is nel is okayed, or your slip-up goes unnoticed. On a
you use, the Keeper holds 1. That hold can be spent
to hunt down monsters. Still, that’s the job I took 7-9, things aren’t so great. You might get chewed out
later—one for one—to give you -1 on any move
on when I joined this outfit. It pays well, and the by your superiors and there’ll be fallout, but you get
except act under pressure.
benefits are good. Like they say “You don’t have what you need for the job. On a miss, you screwed
b Unfazeable: Take +1 Cool (max +3).
to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps!” up: you might be suspended or under investigation,
b Battlefield Awareness: You always know what’s
or just in the doghouse. You certainly aren’t going to
happening around you, and what to watch out for.
get any help until you sort it all out.
CHARM • Manipulate Someone Take +1 armour (max 2-armour) on top of whatever
you get from your gear. Gear
• Act Under Pressure b Leave No One Behind: In combat, when you help Pick one serious weapon and two normal weapons.
COoL • Help Out someone escape, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you get
them out clean. On a 7-9, you can either get them out
You get either a flak vest (1-armour hidden) or combat
armour (2-armour heavy) for protection.
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
or suffer no harm, you choose. On a miss, you fail to
get them out and you’ve attracted hostile attention. Serious weapons (pick one):
b Tactical Genius: When you read a bad situation, b Assault rifle (3-harm far area loud reload)
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone you may roll +Cool instead of +Sharp
b Medic: You have a full first aid kit, and the training
b Grenade launcher (4-harm far area messy loud
b Sniper rifle (4-harm far)
WEIRD • Use Magic to heal people. When you do first aid, roll +Cool.
On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 2 b Grenades (4-harm close area messy loud)
harm. On a 7-9 choose one: heal 2 harm or stabi- b Submachine gun (3-harm close area loud reload)
Luck lize the injury. On a miss, you cause an extra 1 harm.
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm. Normal weapons (pick two):
This move takes the place of regular first aid.
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b Mobility: You have a truck, van, or car built for
b 9mm (2-harm close loud)
monster hunting. Choose two good things and one
Professional special: When you spend a point of Luck, b Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
bad thing about it.
your next mission from the Agency comes with lots of b Shotgun (3-harm close messy)
Good things: roomy; surveillance gear; fast;
Red Tape. Lots. b Big knife (1-harm hand)
stealthy; intimidating; classic; medical kit; sleep-
Harm ing space; toolkit; concealed weapons; anonymous;
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. armoured (+1 armour inside); tough; monster cage.
Bad things: loud; obvious; temperamental; beat-
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
en-up; gas-guzzler; uncomfortable; slow; old.
Unstable: b
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)

Experience: bbbbb

Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a

move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Professional, first pick a name. Then follow When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
ratings, Agency, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce your- Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
self and pick history. Professional by name and look, and tell the group what
they know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Cool, max +3
look, pick one from each List: History b Get +1 Charm, max +2
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one for b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
• Chiseled face, scarred face, unshaven face, soft face,
each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Tough, max +2
young face, old face, determined face, __________ face.
• Your relationship with them has romantic potential. b Take another Professional move
• Tailored suit, shabby suit, perfect suit, utility cov-
So far it hasn’t gone further. b Take another Professional move
eralls, battledress, paramilitary uniform, lab coat,
• They’re on the Agency’s watch list, and you’ve been b Add a new resource tag for your Agency or change
keeping an eye on them. a red tape tag
Ratings, pick one line: • You are related. Tell them how close. b Get command of an Agency team of monster hunters
b Charm=0, Cool+2, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird-1 • You met on a mission and worked together unoffi- b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird=0 cially. And successfully. b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm+1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough-1, Weird=0 • They’ve worked with the Agency before, and they’re
b Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+1 well regarded. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm=0, Cool+2, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird-1 • You were friends back in training, before the Agency advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
recruited you. This could be military, law enforce- below.
Decide who it is you work for. Are they a black-budget ment, or some weirder school: decide the details Advanced Improvements
government department, a secret military unit, a clan- between you. b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
destine police team, a private individual’s crusade, a • They pulled you (and maybe your team) out of a ter- b Change this hunter to a new type.
corporation, a scientific team, or what? rible FUBARed mission. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
Is the Agency’s goal to: destroy monsters, study the super- • You got sent to “deal with them” as a hazard to b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
natural, protect people, gain power, or something else? the Agency’s policies one time. Tell them how you b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Pick two resource tags for the Agency, and two red resolved this. b Retire this hunter to safety.
tape tags: b Get some or all of the other players’ hunters hired
by your agency. They get the deal with the agency
Resources (pick two): move, as well as salary and benefits.
b Well-armed b Offices all over b Get back one used Luck point.
b Well-financed b Good intel
b Rigorous training b Recognised authority
b Official pull b Weird tech gadgets
b Cover identities b Support teams

Red Tape (pick two):

b Dubious motives b Inter-depart-
b Bureaucratic mental rivalry
b Secretive hierarchy b Budget cuts
b Cryptic missions b Take no prisoners
b Hostile superiors policy
b Live capture policy
Moves Then pick two of these:
, You get all of the basic moves, plus three Searcher moves. b Prepared to Defend: Even truth seekers need to

The Searcher
You get this one: fight some times. Whenever you suffer harm when
B First Encounter: One strange event started you you kick some ass or protect someone, you suffer
down this path, sparking your need to discover the 1-harm less.
truth behind the unexplained. Decide what that b Fellow Believer: People understand you’ve also
known strangeness. Bystanders will talk to you about
event was: pick a category below and take the associ-
• Manipulate Someone weird things they would not trust another hunter (or
ated move. Then tell everyone what happened to you
(or someone close to you). a mundane official) to believe.
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out b Cryptid Sighting: You take note of any reports
of strange creatures. Whenever you first see a
b Guardian: You have a mystical ally (perhaps a spirit,
alien, or cryptid) who helps and defends you. Define
• Investigate a Mystery them, and their powers, with the Keeper’s agree-
new type of creature, you may immediately ask
• Read a Bad Situation one of the investigate a mystery questions. ment. Their look is one of: invisible, an intangible
b Zone of Strangeness: Things are not fixed. You spirit thing, a weird creature, disguised as an animal,
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
never need act under pressure when super-
natural forces alter the environment around
or disguised as a person.
b Just Another Day: When you have to act under
pressure due to a monster, phenomenon, or mysti-
you, and you get 2-armour against harm from
• Use Magic cal effect, you may roll +Weird instead of +Cool.
sudden changes to the laws of physics.
b Psychic Event: Your mind is awakened. You may b Network: You may gain an ally group of others who
act under pressure to use the sensitive weird had experiences similar to your first encounter—
Luck perhaps they’re a support group or hobbyist club.
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from move, or—if sensitive is your weird move—
empath. See page 21 of Tome of Mysteries. Detail up to five members with useful skills related
an injury. to what happened to them (none are up for fighting
b Higher power: Something looks out for you.
You start with an extra Luck. monsters).
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed
b Strange Dangers: You are always watching for b Ockham’s Broadsword: When you first encounter
Searcher Special: When you spend a point of Luck, your hazards. When you have no armour, you still something strange, you may ask the Keeper what sort
first encounter comes up in play. It could be a flashback, count as having 1-armour. of thing it is. They will tell you if it (or the cause) is:
new occurrence, or related event. b Abduction: They taught you hidden knowledge. natural, an unnatural creature, a weird phenomenon,
or a person. You gain +1 forward dealing with it.
Harm Gain +1 to any move when you research strange
b The Things I’ve Seen: When you encounter a crea-
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. or ancient secrets to do it.
b Cosmic Insight: You have encompassed the ture or phenomenon, you may declare that you have
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying soul of the universe. You never need to act seen it before. The Keeper may ask you some ques-
under pressure due to feelings of fear, despair, tions about that encounter, and will then tell you one
Unstable: b or isolation. useful fact you learned and one danger you need to
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) watch out for (maybe right now).

Experience: bbbbb

Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a

move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Searcher, first pick a name. Then follow When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
the instructions below to decide your look, ratings, first can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
encounter, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your list below.
and pick history. Searcher by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Sharp, b Gain an ally.
Look, pick one from each list: History max +3 b Take a second
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 Weird, first encounter
• Friendly face, haunted face, thoughtful face, lined
for each of the other hunters: max +3 move, based on a
face, curious face, __________ face.
• In your researches, you found accounts (and pic- b Get +1 Charm, recent mystery.
• Normal clothes, casual clothes, nerdy clothes,
tures) of someone matching their description max +2 b Take a move from
tweedy clothes, outdoor wear, __________ clothes.

perfectly, but long before they were born. Tell them b Get +1 Cool, max +2 another playbook
Ratings, Pick one line: if you have mentioned this. b Take another b Take a move from
b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough–1, Weird+2 • A relative. Decide between you how close. Searcher move another playbook.
b Charm+1, Cool–1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 • They were involved in a supernatural event similar to b Take another
b Charm=0, Cool–1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+2 your first encounter. Perhaps it was the same event, Searcher move
b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough–1, Weird+1 or perhaps you investigated their event later. Ask
b Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough–1, Weird+1 them how the event affected them. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
• You figured out a supernatural or weird secret they advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
Gear below.
You get a laptop, a car or motorcycle, a camera, binocu- keep. Ask them what it is.
lars, two sets of investigation tools, and one self-defence • You met when you were each investigating seperate Advanced Improvements
weapon. mysteries. Tell them what trick you used to protect b Get +1 to any b Mark another two
them from weirdness and ask them how they saved rating, max +3. of the basic moves
Investigation tools, pick two: you from a danger. b Change this hunter as advanced.
b A bag of cameras b Historical • You’re both veterans of a therapy or support group or to a new type. b Erase a used
& microphones. documents and a treatment program. Work out the details between b Create a second Luck mark from
b Forensic tools. witness reports of you. hunter to play as your playbook.
b Ghost hunting tools. strange events. • Some creature or force is stalking them. Ask them well as this one. b Erase a used
b Scientific b Maps, blueprints, what it is. Then decide if you’ve told them about it or b Retire this hunter Luck mark from
measuring tools. and building reports if they are still happily unaware. to safety. your playbook.
b Cryptid hunting gear. for significant places. • You found their pet when it went missing. Where b Mark two of the
had it gone? basic moves as
Self-defence weapons, pick one:
b Walking stick (1-harm hand innocuous).
“There’s still so much b Resolve your first encounter. The Keeper makes the
b Small handgun (2-harm close reload loud).
to be discovered and next mystery about this event, and should try to
b Small knife (1-harm hand messy).
explained, even now. answer all remaining questions about it during the
b Martial arts training (1-harm hand innocuous).
Perhaps only one mystery (although there are sure to be new threads
b Incapacitating spray (0-harm hand irritating).
event in a thousand to investigate after...)
b Heavy flashlight (1-harm hand innocuous).
is true weirdness—
but I’ll investigate
them all to find it.”
Moves Gear
, You get all the basic moves, plus three Snoop moves. Pick You get a laptop, three recording devices, two detectors

The SnOop
three: and one subtle weapon.
b “What Does That Feel Like?”: When you put your
camera or microphone right in a person’s face, they Recording devices (pick three):
Cryptids have kept out of sight, but I’m going break off whatever they are doing. They might go b Video camera b Camera drone
right back to it after they deal with you, but you’ll b Tiny digital camera b Starlight camera
to find them and record them. The evidence will
create enough time for the other hunters to act in b Film camera b Steadicam rig
be incontrovertible, and I’ll be the one who did it. the meantime.
I’m going to be a superstar one day, you mark my b Digital recorder b Laser microphone
b Minor Celebrity: At the beginning of each mystery,
words! Hey... did you just feel a chill? b Tape recorder b SLR camera
roll +Weird. On a 10+ hold 2 and on a 7-9 hold
b Infrared camera b Nice smartphone
1. Spend your hold during the mystery to have
CHARM • Manipulate Someone someone you meet know of you in a positive light
(maybe they read your blog, listen to your podcast,
b Pro sound gear

Detectors (pick two):

b ___________________

• Act Under Pressure or watch your Internet/TV show, etc). You may end
COoL • Help Out up getting asked for autographs or given “hot” leads,
b Electromagnetic
field detector
b Metal detector
b Compass
• Investigate a Mystery b We’ll Fix It In Post: You can use anything you could b Temperature fluc- b GPS receiver
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation conceivably have recorded as evidence for inves-
tigate a mystery, allowing you to check previous
tuation detector
b Ouija board
b Laser rangefinder
b Pendulum
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
interviews, attack sites, and so on from the comfort
of your laptop.
b Press Accreditation: When you investigate a
b Humidity meter
b Dowsing rods
b Tarot deck
b ___________________
b Chemistry test kit
WEIRD • Use Magic mystery by talking to witnesses, interviewing locals,
or anything else requiring interpersonal skills, roll Subtle weapons (pick one):
+Charm instead of +Sharp. b Multitool/pocket knife (1-harm hand hidden useful)
Luck b Truthiness: Whatever you tell a normal person,
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from b Stun gun (1-harm hand stun)
they’ll accept that you think it’s true. If it’s far out,
an injury. they might think you’re deluded, but they won’t b Baseball/cricket bat (2-harm hand innocuous messy)
think you’re lying. b Handgun (2-harm close loud)
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b Knife (1-harm hand hidden)
b The Mojo Wire: When you spend a while reading
Snoop special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, you’re all the latest news feeds looking for the weird stuff,
take +1 forward.
going to have technical difficulties. Breakdowns, commu-
b Relaxed Producer: You’re employed, with a regular
nication problems, weird noises in the recordings, etc. pay check and little or no oversight. As long as you
send in a story every few days, no matter how bizarre,
Harm you’re set. Every now and again they’ll send you
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. somewhere in particular, and when that happens it
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying usually involves supernatural activity. Unless they
need human interest, in which case it will be a kitten
Unstable: b show or agricultural fair or something.

Experience: bbbbb

Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a

move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Snoop, first pick a name. Then follow the When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
crew, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your list below.
pick history. Snoop by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Charm, max +3
Look, pick one from each List: History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 Weird, max +2
• Slender body, hefty body, trim body, jittery body, tall
for each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
body, short body, ________________ body.
• You’re best friends from school/university (film class, b Take another Snoop move
• Student clothes, arty clothes, old suit, stylish
maybe?) b Take another Snoop move
suit, safari wear, hat & trenchcoat, utility wear,
• You met this hunter when they killed a monster you b Gain an ally: one of your existing crew members or
_________________ clothes.
were doing a story on. Ask them what it was. the whole crew as an ally team
Ratings, pick one line: • This hunter almost defeated a monster but you b Get a haven, like the Expert has, with one option
b Charm +2, Cool -1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird +1 did something to prevent that. Ask them what the plus a film lab and editing suite
b Charm +2, Cool 0, Sharp +1, Tough -1, Weird +1 monster was, then tell them what you did. Was it an b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird -1 accident or on purpose? b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm +2, Cool -1, Sharp +2, Tough -1, Weird 0 • This hunter was in danger of some having unhelpful
b Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp 0, Tough -1, Weird +1 publicity, but you got the story killed. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
Crew • You have a crush on this hunter. Ask them if they’ve
list below.
Decide if your crew is the other hunters, or if you have noticed.
an entourage. • This hunter saved your ass when you did something Advanced Improvements
If they are not the hunters, there are up to three of stupid. Ask them what you did. b Get +1 to any rating, max +3
them. Pick a name and job for each. Tell the Keeper–your • This hunter is a huge fan of your work. Ask them if b Change this hunter to a new type
crew are bystanders. they keep quiet about it or if everyone knows? b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one
If it’s the other hunters, decide together who gets • This hunter is a relation, close or distant. Decide b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced
which job. between you exactly what. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced
Crew jobs: camera, sound, editing, dogsbody, b Retire this hunter to safety
researcher, driver, director, producer, bodyguard. b Get back one used Luck point
b Make it big. You’re a superstar now!
Team Concept: Monster Revelations
This is a quick example series setup based around the
The team has an Internet video channel, Monster Rev-
elations,” that covers their monster hunts and teaches
viewers about the monsters that are really out there.
A Snoop is required to run things; a Flake or Expert
makes a good researcher; a Mundane can make the
coffee; everyone else can hold a camera or microphone
or carry things.
Combat Magic Plus pick three of these:
, You have a few attack spells you can use as weapons. b Advanced Arcane Training: If you have two of your
When you use these spells to kick some ass, roll +Weird three Tools and Techniques at the ready, you may

The SpeLl-Slinger instead of +Tough. Sometimes the situation may require

you to act under pressure to cast your spell without
ignore the third one.
b Arcane Reputation: Pick three big organizations or
groups in the supernatural community, which can
include some of the more sociable types of monsters.
Fight fire with fire magic. Your combat spells can combine any of your base spells
with any of your effects. They’ve heard of you and respect your power. With
affected humans, take +1 forward when you manip-
Combat magic, pick three (with at least one base):
ulate them. You may manipulate affected monsters
CHARM • Manipulate Someone Bases:
b Blast: 2-harm magic close obvious loud
as if they were human, with no bonus.
b Could’ve Been Worse: When you miss a use magic
• Act Under Pressure b Ball: 1-harm magic area close obvious loud
roll you can choose one of the following options
b Missile: 1-harm magic far obvious loud
• Help Out instead of losing control of the magic:
b Wall: 1-harm magic barrier close 1-armour obvious loud
• Fizzle: The preparations and materials for the
• Investigate a Mystery Effects:
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation b Fire: Add “+2 harm fire” to a base. If you get a 10+ on
a combat magic roll, the fire won’t spread.
spell are ruined. You’ll have to start over from
scratch with the prep time doubled.
• Kick Some Ass • This Is Gonna Suck: The effect happens, but
TOUGH • Protect Someone
b Force or Wind: Add “+1 harm forceful” to a base, or
“+1 armour” to a wall.
you trigger all of the listed glitches but one. You
pick the one you avoid.
b Lightning or Entropy: Add “+1 harm messy” to a
b Enchanted Clothing: Pick an article of every-day
WEIRD • Use Magic base.
b Frost or Ice: Adds “-1 harm +2 armour” to a wall, or
clothing–it’s enchanted without any change in
appearance. Take -1 harm from any source that tries
“+1 harm restraining” to other bases.
to get at you through the garment.
Luck b Earth: Add “forceful restraining” to a base.
b Forensic Divination: When you successfully inves-
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from b Necromantic: Add “life-drain” to a base.
tigate a mystery, you may ask “What magic was
an injury. Moves done here?” as a free extra question.
You get all the basic moves and four Spell-slinger moves. b Go Big or Go Home: When you must use magic
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed
You have this one: as a requirement for Big Magic, take +1 ongoing to
Spell-slinger special: When you spend a point of Luck, B Tools and Techniques: To use your combat magic those use magic rolls.
the official council of wizards is going to poke their nose effectively, you rely on a collection of tools and tech- b Not My Fault: +1 to act under pressure when you
into your business.. niques. Cross off one; you’ll need the rest. are dealing with the consequences of your own spell-
• Consumables: You need certain supplies— powders, casting.
Harm oils, etc—on hand, some will be used up each cast. b Practitioner: Choose two effects available to you
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. If you don’t have them, take 1-harm ignore-armour under use magic. Take +1 to use magic whenever
when you cast. you choose one of those effects.
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying b Shield Spell: When you protect someone, gain
• Foci: You need wands, staves, and other obvious
props to focus. If you don’t have what you need, your 2-armour against any harm that is transferred to you.
Unstable: b
combat magic does 1 less harm. This doesn’t stack with your other armour, if any.
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) b Third Eye: When you read a bad situation, you can
• Gestures: You need to wave your hands around
to use combat magic. If you’re restrained, take -1 open up your third eye for a moment to take in
Experience extra information. Take +1 hold on any result of 7
ongoing for combat magic.
Experience: bbbbb • Incantations: You must speak in an arcane language or more, plus you can see invisible things. On a miss,
to control your magic. If you use combat magic you may still get 1 hold, but you’re exposed to super-
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a without speaking, act under pressure to avoid natural danger. Unfiltered hidden reality is rough on
move tells you to, mark an experience box. scrambling your thoughts. the mind!
Gear Introductions Leveling Up
You don’t need much—aside from any foci or consum- When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
ables to power your magic. Still, it’s good to carry some can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
backup. Pick one: Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
b Old revolver (2-harm close reload loud) Spell-slinger by name and look, and tell the group what
b Ritual knife (1-harm hand) they know about you.
b Get +1 Weird, max +3
b Heirloom sword (2-harm hand messy)
History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Getting Started Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one for b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
To make your Spell-slinger, first pick a name. Then follow each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Tough, max +2
the instructions below to decide your look, ratings, • They act as your conscience when the power goes b Take another Spell-Slinger move.
Combat Magic, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce your- to your head. Ask them about the last time this hap- b Take another Spell-Slinger move.
self and pick history. pened. b Take a move from another playbook.
• Blood relation, though you were out of contact for b Take a move from another playbook.
years. Ask them how they reconnected with you. b Take another Combat Magic pick.
Look, pick one from each List: • Mentor from another life. Ask them what they
• Rumpled clothes, stylish clothes, goth clothes, old taught you. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
fashioned clothes, __________ clothes. • Your magic-fueled rescue of them introduced them advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
• Shadowed eyes, fierce eyes, weary eyes, sparkling to the supernatural. Tell them what creature was below.
eyes, __________ eyes. after them. Advanced Improvements
Ratings, pick one line: • An old rivalry has turned into a tight friendship. Tell b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 them what you once fought over. b Change this hunter to a new type.
b Charm=0, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird+2 • You thought they were dead, and now they’re back. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b Charm-1, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+2 What “killed” them? b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough-1, Weird+2 • They’re an on-again/off-again love interest. Ask b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Charm=0, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 them what keeps you apart. Tell them what keeps b Retire this hunter to safety.
you together. b Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.
• A comrade-in-arms. You’ve faced the biggest threats b Take another Combat Magic pick.
together. b You may cross off another option from your Tools
and Techniques.
The SHOW Moves
, You spent a long time with You get all of the basic moves, and two Spooktacular moves.

The SpoOktacular
a traveling show and get an Pick two of these:
ability based on its style. b Put On A Show: You can entertain people so they
Are you still with them? If so, feel joy and forget their troubles. Say what you do
how do you balance work and and roll +Charm if it’s pure performance or +Weird
I’ve traveled all over, pretty much everywhere monster hunting? If you left, if you add a pinch of magic. On a 10+ the audience
you can make a dollar. I’ve made people happy, why was that? is transported and happy. Troubles and trauma are
and I guess annoyed a few. But everywhere you Pick your show’s specialty: eased in their minds, for a good while. On a 7-9 pick
go has monsters–this show included. b An Infernal Power: A Big Bad operated the one: the effect just lasts a little while, or the regular
Show for evil purposes. You signed the contract– time but there’s a ruckus when you’re done.

CHARM • Manipulate Someone take a three-box infernal favour track. Spend

these as if they were Luck points. The Big Bad
b A Negligible Price: You can make a magical deal to
fulfill a desire for someone else. The price is that they
• Act Under Pressure may restore these points when they wish, but reveal to you a secret, the world then arranges itself
COoL • Help Out first you must do something unforgivably ter-
rible. What sin have you already committed?
to fulfill their desire, fitting the scale of the secret.
b Easygoin’: You have the gift of being friendly and
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
Infernal Favour: b b b.
b Magic & Illusions: You can cast confounding spells.
easy to chat to. When you try to make a good
impression on someone you just met, roll +Charm.
• Kick Some Ass When you weave an illusion, roll +Weird. On a 10+ On a 10+ they treat you as a trustworthy and friendly
TOUGH • Protect Someone everyone is fooled, they are either led in a direction
of your choice or you and those you choose escape
acquaintance. On a 7-9 they open up more than
usual but still regard you as a stranger. On a 6 or less,

WEIRD • Use Magic undetected. On a 7-9, it doesn’t quite work: misdi-

rect or escape as a 10+ result, but the Keeper chooses
they think you’re playing them, and they’ll not trust
you or your companions.
one: someone isn’t fooled, or you gain unwelcome b Pay It Backward: Give yourself or someone else an
Luck attention. On a miss, it goes badly as magic always advantage on any roll: roll 3 dice and select the best
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from does. 2 for your result. Whenever you do this, the Keeper
an injury. b Making Money: You’ve got a lot of practice bam- gains 1 hold. That hold may be spent to give any
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed boozling folks. When you mess with someone, roll hunter (but usually you) a disadvantage: roll 3 dice
+Charm. On a 10+, they don’t know what’s going on and select the worst 2 instead.
Spooktacular special: When you spend a point of Luck, and overlook something of your choice. On a 7-9 b The Old Crew: You have an ally team of Show folks
you’re going to run into someone you met at the Show. they still overlook something but they’re more angry you worked with. They are great at setting up a scene,
Could be good, could be bad, who knows?. than baffled. On a miss, you better run. creating a distraction, or even intimidating folks.
b Problem Solvers: The Show rolls into town, people b The Game Is Fixed: When you use magic in a
visit and reveal their difficulties. The crew arrange crowded and chaotic place (like a fairground), take
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable.
to make things better, leaving each town a little +1 forward. You may also choose the following
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying happier than when you arrived. Well, when things effects whenever you use magic:
Unstable: b go smoothly anyhow. When you chat to someone, • Someone fails a skilled task
or observe them for a few minutes, the Keeper will • You disappear unnoticed and untraceable in a
Experience tell you what their biggest problem is right now. crowded and chaotic scene
Experience: bbbbb b Supernatural Creatures: You’re not entirely human • Instantly set up or pack away a carnival stall or
yourself. Pick a single supernatural move from any camp site
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a hunter playbook (the Monstrous is a good place to • Track someone
move tells you to, mark an experience box. start). How does your inhuman nature show? • Get a bunch of cash.
Gear Look, pick one from each List: Leveling Up
You get one camp tool, one vehicle, one mystical item, • Human, slightly inhuman, fate-marked, __________. When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
and all the paraphernalia. • Friendly face, guarded face, observant face, open face, up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
weathered face, young face, _____________ face. following list:
Camp tools, pick one: • Fancy clothes, old clothes, stage costume, working
b Pocket knife or multi-tool (1-harm hand useful Improvements
clothes, _______________.
small) b Get +1 Charm, b Take another
b Mallet (1-harm hand useful blunt) Ratings, pick one line: max +3 Spooktacular move
b Crowbar (2-harm hand useful messy) b Charm +2, Cool -1, Sharp +1, Tough 0, Weird +1 b Get +1 Cool, max +2 b Gain an ally
b Baseball bat or similar (2-harm hand) b Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp 0, Tough -1, Weird +1 b Get +1 Sharp, b Take another
b Hatchet (2-harm hand messy) b Charm +2, Cool 0, Sharp -1, Tough -1, Weird +2 max +2 Show option.
b Sock full of coins (1-harm hand stun) b Charm +1, Cool 0, Sharp -1, Tough +1, Weird +2 b Get +1 Weird, b Take a move from
b Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp 0, Tough -1, Weird +2 max +3 another playbook.
Vehicles, pick one: b Take another b Take a move from
b Pickup b Truck Spooktacular move another playbook
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
b Van b Motorcycle & sidecar
can do your introductions together. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Mystical item, pick one: Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Ghost Shades. Sunglasses that can see into the spirit Spooktacular by name and look, and tell the group what below.
world (it seems darker than usual, obviously) they know about you.
Advanced Improvements
b Really Big Plush Dog (Animated). Somehow this History b Get +1 to any rating, max +3
came to life. It’s kind of like a regular dog? Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of b Change this hunter to a new type
b Returning 100. Spend this hundred dollar bill, and these for each other hunter: b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one
it will come back in a day or so • This hunter worked the Show with you. Ask them for b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced
b Scamulet. Heats up whenever someone’s running a how long–it was at least a few months, time enough b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced
scam on you to become friends. b Retire this hunter to safety
b Wizard Tent. Worn and crappy on the outside, big • This hunter knew you as a kid. Ask what town you b Get back one used Luck point
and luxurious on the inside both hail from. Did you run away to join the Show? b Get your own traveling show. Maybe you take over
• “No, I certainly did not rip you off in that town a few your old one, maybe you start anew
Paraphernalia. You have all of this crap.
years back. Must have been a different show, mate.”
B Tickets to a show, Snack vouchers, Decks of cards, • This hunter was chasing a monster when the Show
Pairs of dice, Magic trick props, Camping gear, was in town, and thought it might be one of the crew.
Makeup, Costume accessories. Was it? How did you resolve things?
• This hunter is an estranged family member. Decide
Getting Started the exact relationship together.
To make your Spooktacular, first pick a name. Then
• Something got loose from the Show, a few years back,
follow the instructions in this playbook to decide your
and this hunter ended up helping you secure it again.
look, ratings, Show, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce
Tell them what got loose, then ask how they ended
yourself and pick history.
up hunting it too.
Pronouns: • A fortune teller told you this hunter is part of your
destiny. Ask what the rest of the fortune said.
• This weird old person pointed this hunter out to you
when you were in a bad spot. Ask them why they
helped you get back on track.
, You get all the basic moves, plus pick three Spooky moves:

The SpOoky
b Telepathy: You can read people’s thoughts and put b Tune In: You can attune your mind to a monster
words in their mind. This can allow you to inves- or minion. Roll +Weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9,
tigate a mystery or read a bad situation without hold 1. On a miss, the monster becomes aware of
needing to actually talk. You can also manipulate you. Spend one hold to ask the Keeper one of the fol-
I can do things, things that normal people can’t. someone without speaking. You still roll moves as lowing questions, and gain +1 ongoing while acting
But there’s a price—I haven’t paid it in full, yet, normal, except people will not expect the weirdness on the answers:
but the bill’s gonna come due soon. It’s best I don’t of your mental communication. • Where is the creature right now?
tell you any more. You get too close, you’ll get hurt. b Hex: When you cast a spell (with use magic), as well • What is it planning to do right now?
as the normal effects, you may pick from the follow- • Who is it going to attack next?
CHARM • Manipulate Someone ing:
• The target contracts a disease.
• Who does it regard as the biggest threat?
• How can I attract its attention?
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out
• The target immediately suffers harm (2-harm
magic ignore-armour).
b The Big Whammy: You can use your powers to kick
some ass: roll +Weird instead of +Tough. The attack
• Investigate a Mystery • The target breaks something precious or has 2-harm close obvious ignore-armour. On a miss,
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation important.
b The Sight: You can see the invisible, especially spirits
you’ll get a magical backlash.
b Jinx: You can encourage coincidences to occur, the
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
and magical influences. You may communicate with
(maybe even make deals with) the spirits you see,
way you want. When you jinx a target, roll +Weird.
On a 10+ hold 2 and on a 7-9 hold 1. On a miss, the
and they give you more opportunities to spot clues Keeper holds 2 over you to be used in the same way.
WEIRD • Use Magic when you investigate a mystery.
b Premonitions: At the start of each mystery, roll
Spend your hold to:
• Interfere with a hunter, giving them -1 forward.
Luck +Weird. On a 10+, you get a detailed vision of some- • Help a hunter, giving them +1 forward, by inter-
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from thing bad that is yet to happen. You take +1 forward fering with their enemy.
an injury. to prevent it coming true, and mark experience if you • Interfere with what a monster, minion, or
stop it. On a 7-9+ you get clouded images of some- bystander is trying to do.
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed
thing bad that is yet to happen: mark experience if • Inflict 1-harm on the target due to an accident.
Spooky special: As you mark off Luck boxes, your dark you stop it. On a miss, you get a vision of something • The target finds something you left for them.
side’s needs will get nastier. bad happening to you and the Keeper holds 3, to be • The target loses something that you will soon
spent one-for-one as penalties to rolls you make. find.
Harm b Hunches: When something bad is happening (or
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. Gear
just about to happen) somewhere that you aren’t,
You get two normal weapons and any magical items or
roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you knew where you needed
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying amulets that you use to invoke your powers.
to go, just in time to get there. On a 7-9, you get
Unstable: b there late—in time to intervene, but not prevent it Normal weapons (pick two):
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) altogether. On a miss, you get there just in time to be b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
in trouble yourself. b 9mm (2-harm close loud)
Experience b Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy)
Experience: bbbbb
b Big knife (1-harm hand)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Spooky, first pick a name. Then follow the When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
moves, dark side and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
pick history. Spooky by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Weird, max +3
Look, pick one from each List: History b Get +1 Charm, max +2
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of b Get +1 Cool, max +2
• Kid, teen, adult, old, .
these for each hunter: b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
• Burning eyes, dark eyes, pained eyes, blank eyes,
• They taught you to control your powers, to the extent b Take another Spooky move
unblinking eyes, piercing eyes, shadowed eyes,
that you can control them at all. b Take another Spooky move
creepy eyes, __________ eyes.
• You are blood-kin. Decide together exactly what. b Change some, or all, your dark side tags
• Ratty clothes, casual clothes, goth clothes, neat
• You are married, or romantically involved. Decide b Get a mystical library, like the Expert’s haven option
clothes, nerdy clothes, __________ clothes.
between you the exact relationship. b Take a move from another playbook
Ratings, pick one line: • You’re old friends, and trust each other completely. b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough-1, Weird+2 • You used your powers on them one time. Decide if
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird+2 it was for selfish reasons or not, and tell them if they After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp-1, Tough-1, Weird+2 found out about it. advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Charm=0, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird+2 • You’ve known each other some time, but since your below.
b Charm-1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+2 powers manifested, you keep them at a distance Advanced Improvements
The Dark Side emotionally. b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Your powers have an unsavory source, and sometimes • You hope they can help you control your powers. b Change this hunter to a new type.
you get tempted to do things you shouldn’t. These could • They saw you use your powers for selfish or vindic- b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
be orders from whatever granted your power, or urges tive reasons. Ask them who the victim was, and then b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
that bubble up from your subconscious. Something like tell them what you did. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
that. Whatever it is, it’s unsettling. b Retire this hunter to safety.
b You discover how to use your powers at a lower price.
Pick three tags for your dark side: Delete one dark side tag permanently.
b Violence b Mood swings b Get back one used Luck point.
b Depression b Rage
b Secrets b Self-destruction
b Lust b Greed for power
b Dark bargain b Poor impulse control
b Guilt b Hallucinations
b Soulless b Pain
b Addiction b Paranoia

The Keeper can ask you to do nasty things (in accordance

with the tags), when your powers need you to. If you
do whatever is asked, mark experience. If you don’t do
it, then your powers are unavailable until the end of the
mystery (or until you cave). As you mark off Luck boxes,
these requests will get bigger and nastier.
, Moves Gear

The Wronged
You get all the basic moves plus three Wronged moves. You Pick one signature weapon and two practical weapons.
get this one: You have protective wear, suited to your look, worth
B I Know My Prey: You get +1 ongoing when know- 1-armour.
ingly investigating, pursuing or fighting the breed of If you want, you may take a classic car, classic motorcy-
They took my loved ones. Back then I wasn’t monster that caused your loss. cle, plain pickup, or plain van.
strong enough to fight, but I studied, trained, and
now I’m ready to cleanse the world of their taint. Then pick two of these: Signature Weapons, pick one:
I’ll kill them all. That’s all I have left. b Berserk: No matter how much harm you take, you b Sawn-off shotgun (3-harm hand/close messy loud
can always keep going until the current fight is over. reload)
During a fight, the Keeper may not use harm moves b Hand cannon (3-harm close loud)
CHARM • Manipulate Someone
on you and you cannot die. When the fight ends, all b Fighting knife (2-harm hand quiet)
b Huge sword or huge axe (3-harm hand messy heavy)
harm takes effect as normal.
• Act Under Pressure
COoL • Help Out
b NEVER AGAIN: In combat, you may choose to
protect someone without rolling, as if you had
b Specialist weapons for destroying your foes (e.g.
wooden stakes and mallet for vampires, silver dagger
• Investigate a Mystery rolled a 10+, but you may not choose to “suffer little for werewolves, etc.). 4-harm against the specific
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation harm.”
b What Does Not Kill Me...: If you have suffered harm
creatures it targets, 1-harm otherwise, and other
tags by agreement with the Keeper.
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
in a fight, you gain +1 ongoing until the fight is over.
b Fervor: When you manipulate someone, roll
b Enchanted dagger (2-harm hand magic)
b Chainsaw (3-harm hand messy unreliable loud
+Tough instead of +Charm. heavy)
WEIRD • Use Magic b Safety First: You have jury-rigged extra protection
into your gear, giving you +1 armour (maximum
Practical weapons, pick two:
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
Luck 2-armour).
b 9mm (2-harm close loud)
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from b DIY Surgery: When you do quick and dirty first
b Hunting rifle (2-harm far loud)
an injury. aid on someone (including yourself ), roll +Cool.
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud)
On a 10+ it’s all good, it counts as normal first aid,
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed b Big knife (1-harm hand)
plus stabilize the injury and heal 1 harm. On a 7-9
b Brass knuckles (1-harm hand stealthy)
it counts as normal first aid, plus one of these, your
Wronged special: When you spend a point of Luck, you b Assault rifle (3-harm close area loud reload)
find a dangerous lead on your prey.
• Stabilise the injury but the patient takes -1
Harm forward.
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. • Heal 1-harm and stabilise for now, but it will
return as 2-harm and become unstable again
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
Unstable: b • Heal 1-harm and stabilise but the patient takes
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) -1 ongoing until it’s fixed properly.
b Tools Matter: With your signature weapon (see
Experience your gear, below), you get +1 to kick some ass.

Experience: bbbbb

Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a

move tells you to, mark an experience box.
Getting Started Introductions Leveling Up
To make your Wronged, first pick a name. Then follow When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look, can do your introductions together. up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
ratings, who you lost, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your following list:
yourself and pick history. Wronged by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Pronouns: b Get +1 Tough, max +3
Look, pick one from each List: History b Get +1 Cool, max +2
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
• Sad eyes, icy eyes, angry eyes, untouchable
for each of the other hunters: b Get +1 Weird, max +2
eyes, emotionless eyes, hurt eyes, harrowed eyes,
• They helped you at a critical point in your quest for b Take another Wronged move
__________ eyes.
revenge. Tell them what you needed help with. b Take another Wronged move
• Nondescript clothes, ragged clothes, casual clothes,
• They stood between you and what you needed to b Gain a haven, like the Expert has, with two options
hunting gear, army surplus gear, old clothes,
find out. Ask them why. b Add one more option to your haven
__________ clothes.
• They also lost a friend or relative to these monsters. b Take a move from another playbook
Ratings, pick one line: Ask them who it was. b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm=0, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird+1 • Relations, close or distant. Tell them exactly what.
b Charm=0, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird=0 • You saved their life, back when they were a pathetic After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird-1 newbie hunter. Ask them what you saved them from. advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Charm-1, Cool-1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird+2 • You respect their hard-earned knowledge, and often below.
b Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird+1 come to them for advice. Advanced Improvements
Who You Lost • They showed you the ropes when you were learning b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Who did you lose? Pick one or more of: how to fight. b Change this hunter to a new type.
• They saw you absolutely lose it and go berserk. Tell b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b Your parent(s):                                                them what the situation was, b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
b Your sibling(s):                                                and ask them how much col- b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
lateral damage you caused. b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Your spouse/partner:                                                                  
b You track down the specific monster(s) responsi-
b Your child(ren):                                                       
ble for your loss. The Keeper must make the next
b Your best friend(s):                                                          mystery about them.
b Change the target of your vengeful rage. Pick a new
What did it?
monster breed: I know my prey now applies to them
With the Keeper’s agreement, pick the monster breed.
My prey:                                    b Get back one used Luck point.

Why couldn’t you save them? You were (pick one or

b at fault b slow
b selfish b scared
b injured b in denial
b weak b complicit

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