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October University for Modern Sciences & Arts Course Code: PHY 0104 Course name: Biophysics Final-Term Exam Faculty Physical Therapy ‘Semester ‘Spring 2022 Time Allowed 120 min Total Mark 50 Mark Distribution & Module Question 1 | marks | 20 Learning Outcomes Distribution _{ Question 2. | marks | 15 Question 3. | marks | 15 No. of Pages (including cover page) [7 Material provided None Equipment permitted Ball Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Calculator ‘Additional Instructions No books, paper or electronic devices are permitted to be brought into the examination room other than those specified above. Scanned with CamScanner Modern Sciences & Arts Faculty of Physical Therapy Final-Term Exam - Spring 2022 Time Allowed: 120 min. Answer the following questions: Question 1: Choose the correct Answer: (20 Marks) 1) There are different laws of thermodynamics; the one which defines temperature is . a) 0™ Law. b) I Law. ©) 2" Law. 4) 3" Law. . in Celsius scale. 2) The temperature at winter reached -4°F which is equivalent to . a)-20. b)-32. ©) 432. 4) 30, — 3) The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5 °C to 15.5°C is called 8) 1 kilo calories. ») Calorie. ©) both a &b. a) calorie. 4) The mechanical equivalent of heat is sis 7 a) Leal = 4.186. b) 1 Cal= 41861. both a &b. 4) 41.86) 5) The specitic heat varies with . 3 a) mass. by ype. o) both a &b. 4) cithera orb. 6) The unit of heat capacity is oe 8) Joule °C. ) Joule.*C. €) Joule?/C®. ) Joulelc*. 7) Water is persisting the climatic changes because it has a large se a) conductivity. b) density. ©) viscosity. 4) heat capacity. 8) The land breeze occurs during the . ) day time. ) night time. ©) both a &b. 4) either a orb. 9) The silver film in Dewar is found to minimize thermal energy losses by a) Conduction. b) Convection. ©) both a &b. 4) Radiation. 10) The amount of thermal energy (heat) required to change the phase of a given mass, m, of a pure substance from solid phase to liquid phase with no change in temperature is called: 2) latent heat of polarization. b) Latent of vaporization. c) Latent heat of fusion. ~@) Latent heat of sublimation. Page 1 of 6 ————— —_— Scanned with CamScanner October University for Modern Sciences & Arts Course Code: PHY 0104 Faculty of Physical Therapy Course name: Biophysics Final-Term Exam — Spring 2022 ‘Time Allowed: 120 min. 20) IR heating is an effective method for heat therapy because ... 4) itis penetrating deeper to the body. b) ithas no effect on skin surface. _SLitean penetrate up to 3 mm from the skin surface. 4) tis easy to use. 21) From the methods to transfer short wave deep to the tissue ce technique. ’) glowing wires technique. aca ©) conduction technique. 4) Resonant technique. 22) The microwaves are produced from special tubes called ........... 2) College tube. b) Magnetron. ) Cyclotron. 6 Microtone. = 23) A frequency closer to 900 MHz microwave would be more effective in therapy because ...- a) Ithas the sufficient high energy for treatment. b) Its energy is low and it will not harm the tissue. Zit will make uniform heat distribution around bony regions 4) It will make higher energy deposition for soft tissues. 24) It is the science of using cryogenic methods to cool the body into a state of “suspended animation” is called ..... a) Cryogenics. b) Cryobiology. ) Cryonics. 4) Conies. 25) It is very important to note that survivals after freezing is more dependent upon the ‘a) warming rate. _Dspoling rate. ; ¢) both cooling and warming rate. 4) either cooling or warming rate. 26) Blood can be stored for much longer time by ..... 1) Refrigerators at 4°C. b) Freezers at 0 °C. c) Freezers at -18 % “@ Freezers at -196° Page 3 of 6 ee Scanned with CamScanner for Modern Sciences & Arts Course Code: PHY 0104 Therapy Course name: Biophysics Final-Term E: pring 2022 ‘Time Allowed: 120 mi 11) The radiated power from any object is greatly affected more by which of the following .. a) object area, _/b) object density. ¢) object volume. _d) object temperature. = 12) The unit of tatent heat is «oes a) Joule, b) Joulerkg, ©) Joule/Sec. 4) Wak. 13) The liquid used in thermometers is characterized by changing .......---....1 88 function of temperature. 8) viscosity. ») density. ©) volume . &) conductivity. 14) The sensitivity of the thermometer will increase by .....--1 ) increasing the diameter ofthe capillary tubs. ‘by decreasing the diameter ofthe capillary tube, ©) increasing the length of the capillary tube. 4) decreasing the length of the capillary tube, 15) House thermometer cannot be used to measure body temperature because a) temperature varies rapidly. ') it contains alcohol. 6) it has a large scale. 4) it contains fluids not suitable for medical use, 1) is used to measure body temperature in the Intensive Care Units (ICU). a) Thermometer. °b) High sensitive thermometer. ¢) Thermocouple, _d) Thermistor. 17) The measurement ofthe temperature change between inspired cool air and expired warm airis called es a) Thermograph. b) Pnumograph. ©) Monograph, 4) Bronco graph. 18) a.» €an be made small enough to measure the temperature of individual cells. a) Thermometer. b) High sensitive thermometer. c) Thermocouple.) Thermistor. 19) Clothing must be removed before thermography because a) it affects skin temperature by preventing heat emission, ») this will enhance temperature difference and contrast. _2) this will make the body more comfortable during examination. <¢) this will enhance heat absorption from the surrounding to increase body temperature. Page 2 of 6 —S_ ————_—_——————— Scanned with CamScanner October University for Modern Sciences & Arts Course Code: PHY 0104 Faculty of Physical Therapy Course name: Biophysics Final-Term Exam ~ Spring 2022 Time Allowed: 120 min. 27) The most care is required when liquid Oxygen is used because .. a) It is reactive gas and can form free radicals. ) Itis toxic for cells in its pure state, ©) Its inert gas that can be converted to other harmful compounds. 9) Its greatly enhances combustion. 28) A positive charge experiences a force ... .of the electric field, E. 4) in the opposite direction. Dyin the same direction, ¢) in the normal direction, 4) cithera or b 29) .. is the orientation of the insulator molecules where the negative charges on the | ‘molecules will be directed towards the excess approaching positive charge. a) Polarization. b) Repolarization, ¢) Depolarization. 4) Ionization. 30) The unit of electric flux © is? 4 a) NIC, b) Vim? ) Nm/C, d) N.Cim’, 31) The unit of capacitance, C is m 2) Farad. b) Coulombs .Volt. ©) both a & b. d)N. Coulombs. 32) One of the ways to increase the capacitance of a capacitor is to... _nid decrease the separation distance between the plates. ») insert an insulating material between the plates. ©) both a & b. 4) decrease the area of the plate. 33) The neurons which carry the impulses to the muscles are called .........-2+---- a) sensory. b) afferent. ©) both a & b. ¢) efferent. 34) Qualitatively, the resting potential of a nerve exists because the membrane is impermeable to a)K*. b) Na’. cr. 4) proteins (A). 35)” When the axon is recovered after stimulation, the membrane walls become porous t ..-- a) Na’. b)K’. ocr. d) proteins (A). Page 4 of 6 a Scanned with CamScanner ‘October University for Modern Sciences & Arts Course Code: PHY 0104 Faculty of Physical Therapy ‘Course name: Biophysics Final-Term E3 pring 2022 Time Allowed: 120 min, microelectrode. b) concentric needle electrode, eh ©) surface electrode. 4) both a &b. ‘e electrode used to measure the electrical activity from many motor units is called 37) In reflex action studies, when the stimulus is very large... is seen. H . nse. a) H response. b) M response. ©)Mand H response. _d) Qrespo 38) The record of the potentials from muscles during muscle activity is called ... age. AE G. ©) BEG. ___ 2 EMG. 39) The record of the potentials due to eye movement is called .... a) ERG. b) BOG, ©) BEG. 4) EMG. Jee, 40) The 2 a) P-wave. 'b) unlabeled signal. ©) QRS-Wave. 4) T-wave. SSS ‘Question 2: Answer the following questions: (15 Marks) 1) What are the different applications of electric field? 2) Why preservation of large organs is extremely difficult? 3) What are the different applications of cryosurgery? 4) What are the different applications of D.C. RC circuit? 5) What are the factors affecting the speed of propagation of action potential in neurons? 6) What is meant by the word LASER? 7) What are the disadvantages of Xenon arc with respect to LASER for photocoagulation? Page 5 of 6 SS Scanned with CamScanner << university for Modern Sciences & Arts (feaiiy of Physical Therapy fmal-Term Exam ~ Spring 2022 ‘Time Allowed: 120 min, Question 3: Solve the following Problems: (15 Marks) 1) During walking, you give off 1.5*10* J of heat and your internal energy decreases by 2.5%10°F. Calculate the work you have done while walking? is 3P5 vb 2) Ienergy obtained during an activity by the metabolism of body fat is 10° J, how ‘much fat is used? Knowing that the energy equivalent of fat is 38.9 KJ/g? 3) A uniform electric field has a magnitude of 4.610" N’/C falling with an angle 20° on a square surface of 2 cm’. Find the magnitude of the electric flux. 4) The membrane of a living cell can be approximated by a parallel plate capacitor with plates of area 3.75 x10” m?, a plate separation of 8.5 «10° m. If the potential difference across it is 0.0725 V and a dielectric with a dielectric constant of 4.5, What is the charge (Q) and the Energy (U) stored in such a cell membrane? Knowing that ¢, = 8.85 x10" C?/ Nm? 5) An ac generator with a frequency of 60 Hz and a voltage of 120 V is connected in series with a 175.Q resistor, a 90 mH inductor, and a 15 pF capacitor. Calculate the current I flowing in the circuit and the phase angle, ©, Good Luck Dr. Said A. AR Taha Page 6 of 6 —— Scanned with CamScanner

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