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Directions: Identify the word being described in each item using the word/s inside the word pool.

Cultural identity Racial identity Ethnic identity

Gender roles Individual personalities Social change

Age identity Role identity

Cultural Identity 1. It is a set of beliefs and principles that affects communication.

Gender Roles 2. It talks about men and women.

Racial Identity 3. It means your root or race.

Ethnic Identity 4. It talks about the tribe where you belong.

Role Identity 5. It means your assigned task.

Directions: Explain culture the way you comprehend it.

For me, culture is a way of life and it serves as the identity of a place or country, it includes the
beliefs, behavior, and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion,
social habits, and etc. I also believe that culture is unique and flexible at the same time because it
can be changed anytime once we expose to different culture. For example, when we migrate to
other place, we will experience culture shock, we can easily judge their beliefs, their doings and all
because we actually don't know what they are used to, but once we experience it, and accept it. We
will understand them and it can bring changes to our views in life because we can actually adopt
the culture what they have. In conclusion, we can say that different culture can affect how we can
communicate to other people because we can easily judge them but at the same time we can
actually adjust enable for us to have a good communication to others.


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