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Drawing List

If you look at your syllabus/ the checklist that Ms. Stewart sent to you all, you will notice that there are
certain topics that indicate that you should know the STRUCTURE of something. This is a tell-tale sign
that you should be able to either draw or label whatever the point is referring to. I created this list based
on the syllabus in that I would recommend that you know how to at least label everything that asks for


Module 1: Molecular and Cellular Biology

1. Aspects of Biochemistry
a) Water: You need to know the chemical and physical structure and properties of water.
Figure 1.1 and 1.2 in the CAPE book.
b) Glucose: You should be able to draw from memory the exact molecular ring structure of
alpha and beta glucose (Figure 1.8 CAPE book). I would also learn the structure of
maltose just in case they decide to ask you to draw it (Figure 1.10 CAPE Book).
c) Sucrose (and therefore fructose): You are expected to be able to draw the exact
molecular structure of Sucrose, Figure 1.11 CAPE book. It is implied that you will know
the structure of fructose as well, Figure 1.9 CAPE book.
d) Polysaccharides: You are not expected to be able to draw full polysaccharides however it
is extremely important that you note the shape and structure of each of the
polysaccharides (Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose) from page 11-14 in the CAPE book.
e) Triglycerides: You should be able to draw triglycerides (both saturated and unsaturated)
Figure 1.25-1.27 in the CAPE book.
f) Phospholipids: You should be able to draw and label phospholipids. Figure 1.28 in the
CAPE Book.
g) Amino Acids: You should be able to draw the basic structure of an amino acid. Figure
1.17 and 1.16 in the CAPE book.
h) Protein Structure: Similar to Polysaccharides in that you wont be asked to draw a
haemoglobin molecule for example but you should note the shapes of each level of
protein structure. Primary to Quaternary.

2. Cell Structure and Function

a) Animal Cell: You should be able to draw/label an animal cell in full. Figure 2.10 CAPE
book and 5.10 BioSci.
b) Plant Cell: You should be able to draw/label a plant cell. Figure 2.11 CAPE book and 5.11
c) Prokaryotic Cell: You should be able to draw/label a prokaryotic cell. Figure 2.30 Cape
book and 2.5 BioSci.
3. Membrane Structure and Function
a) Fluid Mosaic Model: You may not necessarily be asked to draw an example of a fluid
mosaic model, but you may be asked to label one. I recommend you make a simple
diagram with all the likely components of a typical plasma membrane and label/
annotate it to help solidify the functions of each part. Page 57-60 CAPE book.
b) Don’t forget to study water potential!

2. Enzymes
a) This section of the syllabus doesn’t have any biological drawings per-se but there are a
ton of graphs.
b) Enzyme Substrate Complex and Reaction
c) Activation Energy graphs: with and without enzymes
d) Course of Reaction graphs: Page 82 and 83 CAPE book
e) Rate of Reaction Graphs: effect of substrate concentration, temperature, and pH on rate
of reaction. Page 84 to 86 Cape book.
f) Inhibitors: Difference between competitive and non-competitive inhibitors. Page 87- 88
CAPE book.

Module 2: Genetics, Variation and Natural Selection.

1. Structure and Role of Nucleic Acids

a. Structure of DNA and RNA: You should be able to draw (with shapes) the following and
RECOGNISE the structural formulae of full nucleotides and their components; ribose,
deoxyribose, pyrimidines vs purines, hydrogen bonds between base pairs. Pages 95-98
CAPE book.
b. DNA Replication: I would study this by making a diagram, make sure you note the
semiconservative nature of replication. Page 98-100 CAPE book.

2. Cell Division and Variation

a. Mitosis: You should be able to describe mitosis with diagrams, remember to include
interphase! Page 117-118 CAPE book.
b. Meiosis: You should be able to describe meiosis with diagrams, remember to include
crossing over, pairing of homologous chromosomes and random segregation at
anaphase! Page 123-124 CAPE book.

3. Patterns of Inheritance
a. Study your patterns of inheritance and your chi squared tests! Make sure you are able to
interpret the results of a chi squared test and determine whether or not a chi squared
value denotes significance of difference between the observed and expected ratios.

4. Aspects of Genetic Engineering

a. No drawings here but I like using diagrams to study series with steps like the basic steps
of recombinant DNA technology. This is the first thing I taught you :)
5. Natural Selection
a. Again, mostly theory BUT do not forget the graphs that show the different types of

Module 3: Reproductive Biology

1. Reproduction in Plants
a. Describe the structure of the anther and the formation of pollen grains. You should be
able to make a labeled and annotated diagram of this. Pages 213-214 CAPE book.
b. Describe the structure of the ovule and formation of the embryo sac. You should be able
to make a labeled and annotated diagram of this. Pages 215-216 CAPE book.
c. You should be able to describe with labeled diagrams the events of pollination and then
double fertilisation. Pages 216- 218 CAPE book.
d. Describe and discuss the development of the seed from the ovule and embryo sac post-
fertilisation. I would use diagrams to study this process.

2. Asexual Reproduction
a. For asexual reproduction I would use diagrams to study the steps of tissue culture and a
table to compare the differences between the different types of asexual reproduction.

3. Sexual Reproduction in Humans

a. Structure of the Male and Female Reproductive Anatomy: You should be able to draw
and annotate diagrams of the ovary, testes, full female urogenital system, and the full
male urogenital system.
b. Gametogenesis: Describe the differences in gametogenesis in both males and females. I
would use diagrams to help study the hormonal control of these processes. (They’re on
the PowerPoint :)
c. Developed Gametes: You should be able to draw, label and annotate a sperm cell
(spermatozoon), and a secondary oocyte (post ovulation). You should also be able to
discuss how their structures facilitate their functions.
d. Placenta: You should be able to describe the process of implantation and then formation
of the placenta. An annotated diagram of the structure of the placenta will be helpful in
studying this topic. Figure 12.8 CAPE book
e. Amnion: This is more focused on the function of the amnion and is not really associated
with a drawing. Page 240 CAPE book.


I hope this guide is helpful, I know it may seem like a lot, but I know that you all have this locked down!
You are all brilliant students, and I am so glad to have met and taught every single one of you! If you
have any questions don’t hesitate to email me.

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