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Provisions (1 supply point each):

This can be bought at the resupply point, consumed on use.

Affects 3 scenarios:

1. The Doom of Eztli #2

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1 (after resupply point)
3. The Depths of Yoth #7 (after resupply point)

Number Required: Each investigator needs 1 provisions per scenario to avoid the ill effects

• Total of 3 per investigator for the whole campaign

Ill Effects: Each scenario you don’t have provisions; you start with 3 fewer resources.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0
Medicine (2 supply points each):
This can be bought at the resupply point, consumed on use

Appears 3 times:

1. After Untamed Wilds #1 (Restless Nights)

2. After the Boundary Beyond #4 (The Jungle Beckons) (after resupply point)
3. After the City of Archives #6 (Those Held Captive)(after resupply point)

Number Required: Each poisoned investigator needs one.

Ill Effects: If poisoned and there is no medicine, suffer 1 physical trauma. Various encounter cards
punish investigators for being poisoned.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: Up to 3 physical trauma per investigator.

Rope (3 supply points):
NOT available at resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 4 scenarios:

1. The Doom of Eztli #2

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 2
3. The Depths of Yoth #7
4. Turn Back Time #9 (if forging your own path)

Number Required: One 1 rope is needed in total (any investigator may take this).

Ill effects: None, investigators just get benefits for having this.

Experience Points: 1 per investigator (Helps you not place doom when investigating a Victory point

Trauma Risk: 1 physical (Test of Combat/Agility 5, trauma if failed)

The Doom of Eztli and Turn Back Time:

• Exploration Location Help: Secret Passage (5 shroud, 1 clues per investigator, Victory 1)
o When you enter this you have to take 1 damage and 1 horror, or place 1 doom on Secret
passage. If any investigator at Secret Passage has the rope, you ignore this.
o This location is the ONLY way to get to the chamber of time, so you WILL have to deal
with it.

Heart of the Elders Part 2:

• Exploration Location Help: Perilous Gulch (4 shroud, 1 clue per investigator, Victory 1)
o If you fail a skill test here without ANY one having rope here, place 1 doom on the
o In order to explore from this location, you MUST discover all clues. In some cases, you
might be able to skip this and investigate somewhere else, but this is worth Victory 1.

Depths of Yoth:

• Agenda 3b:
o Choose investigator to scout. If the scout does not have rope, he or she must test
Combat or Agility 5. If the performing investigator fails, he or she suffers 1 physical
o This agenda could be removed from the game if you have if you have 15 or more tally
marks on Yig’s Fury. Then you don’t have to deal with it.
• End Location/Game Help: Steps of Yoth (3 shroud, no clues)
o Allows you to skip a depth level with just a little bit more clues. This WILL consume the
rope however.
o When you get 5 depth level you win. Need 3 clues per investigator to move down a
depth level (start at 1). Need total of 5 clues per investigator to add 2 depth instead of 1
with rope.
Blanket (2 supply points):
This can be bought at the resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 2 scenarios:

1. After Untamed Wilds #1 (Restless Nights)

2. After City of Archives #6 (Those Held Captive) (after resupply)

Number Required: One per investigator

Ill Effects: Investigator suffers 1 physical or mental trauma each time they don’t have a blanket.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 2 physical or mental per investigator.

Canteen (2 supply points):
This can be bought at the resupply point, not consumed on use

Affects 3 scenarios:

1. The Untamed Wilds#1

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1 (after resupply point)
3. The Depths of Yoth #7 (after resupply point)

Number Required: Each investigator needs their own for max benefit.

Ill Effects: None, investigators just get benefits for having this.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0 (This could potentially help you from being defeated due to damage with a huge heal
bonus for 1 action)

The Untamed Wilds and Heart of the Elders Part 1:

• Exploration Location Help: River Canyon (shroud 4, 1 clue per investigator)

o Any investigator with the canteen can heal for 3 damage (instead of 1) for an action.
Once per game. With Arrows from the Trees and Poison, you take a lot of damage in this

Heart of the Elders Part 1:

• All investigators that have a canteen start this scenario with 1 clue (from bank)

The Depths of Yoth:

• Agenda 2b:
o If you have a canteen, you can remember that you have “collected a strange liquid.”
o This could be removed from the game if you have if you have 11 or more tally marks on
Yig’s Fury. Then you don’t have to deal with it.
o But… this doesn't appear to do anything though, except say to “remember”
Torches (3 supply points):
NOT available at resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 4 scenarios:

1. The Doom of Eztli #2

2. After The Depths of Yoth #7 (The Darkness)
3. Shattered Aeons #8
4. Turn Back Time #9 (if forging your own path)

Number Required: Only one investigator needs to take this.

Ill Effects: All investigators start with 2 fewer cards in hand during last scenario if no one takes.

Experience Points: 0 (but each investigator with a map will gain 2 because of having torches)

Trauma Risk: 0

The Doom of Eztli and Turn Back Time:

• Starting Location Help: Entryway (2 shroud, 1 clue per investigator)

o For an action anyone with the torches may look at the top 2 cards of the exploration
deck and discard any treacheries found.

Depths of Yoth:

• If you have torches, record that the braziers are lit, otherwise record that the braziers remain
o If braziers are lit, any investigator with a map gains 2 exp.
Shattered Aeons:

• If the braziers aren’t lit (you didn’t have torches), each investigator starts with 2 fewer cards in
opening hand.
• Treachery Help:
o Creeping Darkness (2 copies): Revelation – Attach to Nexus of N’kai.
 Place 1 doom on Creeping Darkness.
 Formless Spawn gets +1 health per investigator.
 For 2 actions: Test Willpower (3) or check your supplies. If you succeed, or if you
have torches, Discard Creeping Shadows.
o Helps remove the doom without having to test willpower.
o Helps remove scaling health, fight, and evade from Formless Spawn that sits in the
middle of the map.
o Formless Spawn Reference: Fight: 2, Health 10, Evade 2, Damage 3, Horror 3, Victory 2.
 Spawn – Nexus of N’kai.
 Massive. Formless Spawn cannot move or be moved.
 Formless Spawn gets +1 fight and +1 evade for each doom on each card in
Nexus of N’kai (including Nexus of N’kai).
Compass (2 supply points):
This can be bought at the resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 2 scenarios:

1. The Untamed Wilds#1

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1 (after resupply point)

Number Required: Only one investigator needs this.

Ill effects: None, investigators just get benefits for having this.

Experience Points: 1 per investigator (Helps you investigate a victory point location without having to
spend 3 resources each action)

Trauma Risk: 0

The Untamed Wilds and Heart of the Elders:

• Exploration Location Help: Circuitous Trail (1 shroud, 1 clue per investigator, Victory 1)
o Investigators at this location must spend 3 resources to investigate it, unless someone
there has a compass.
o Easy victory point with the compass.

Heart of the Elders:

• Starting Location Help: Mouth of K’n-yan (2 shroud, 0 clues)

o For an action if an investigator has a compass, look at the top 3 cards of the exploration
deck, place 1 on bottom, and the other 2 on top in any order.
Map (3 supply points):
NOT available at resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 5 scenarios:

1. The Untamed Wilds#1

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1
3. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 2
4. The Depths of Yoth#7
5. After The Depths of Yoth #7 (The Darkness)

Number Required: Only one investigator needs to take this.

Ill Effects: None, investigators just get benefits for having this.

Experience Points: 1 per investigator, + 2 for each map (if torches)

• 2 for each investigator with map, if anyone has torches.

• Makes it easier to clear all clues from 1 VP location.

Trauma Risk: 0

The Untamed Wilds:

• Starting Location Help: Expedition Camp (1 shroud, 0 clues)
o For an action, an investigator with the map may look at the top 3 cards of the
exploration deck, place 1 on bottom, and the other 2 on top in any order.
Heart of the Elders Part 1:
• Allows you to start with a Ruins location in play, so you don’t have to explore for it (usually
worth 2 victory points).
Heart of the Elders Part 2:
• Starting Location Help: Mouth of K’n-yan (2 shroud, 1 clue per investigator)
o For an action, may look at the top 2 cards of the exploration deck and discard any
treacheries looked at this way.
• Exploration Location Help: Dark Hollow (3 shroud, 1 clue per investigator, Victory 1)
o Gets an extra 1 clue per investigator if no investigator has a map.
o Must clear all clues to continue exploring from here, plus worth a victory point.
Depths of Yoth:

• Exploration Location Help: Forked Path (2 shroud, 2 clues per investigator)

o When you explore, you may draw until you find 2 connecting locations, then choose
which one you move too. Both enter play (dead ends can be avoided).
After Depths of Yoth (The Darkness):
• Gain extra 2 experience if another investigator had torches and lit the braziers. Only applies to
investigators with a map.
Binoculars (2 supply points):
This can be bought at the resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 4 scenarios:

1. After Untamed Wilds #1 (Restless Nights)

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1 (after resupply point)
3. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 2 (after resupply point)
4. Depths of Yoth (after resupply point)

Number Required: Only one investigator needs this.

Ill effects: One investigator will need to suffer 1 mental trauma if no one has this.

Experience Points: 2 for one investigator.

Trauma Risk: 1 mental for one investigator.

The Untamed Wilds (Restless Nights):

• Any one investigator with binoculars gains 2 experience, if no investigator has binoculars, any
one investigator suffers 1 mental trauma.

Heart of the Elders Part 1:

• Agenda 1b: If no investigator has binoculars a random enemy will spawn at an investigators

Heart of the Elders Part 2:

• Exploration Location Help: Vast Passages (2 shroud, 1 clue per investigator)

o If no one has binoculars here investigators must spend an additional action to
investigate here (can’t continue exploring unless all clues are discovered).

Depths of Yoth:

• Exploration Location Help: Bright Canyon (2 shroud, 2 clues per investigator)

o As an action an investigator with the binoculars can discover 2 clues here (Group limit
once per Depth Level).
Chalk (2 supply points):
This can be bought at the resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 3 scenarios:

1. The Doom of Eztli #2

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 2 (after resupply point)
3. Depths of Yoth (after resupply point)

Number Required: Only one investigator needs this.

Ill effects:

• Vengeance 1 if no chalk
• Lose mulligan

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0

The Doom of Eztli:

• Act1b: If no one has chalk, gain 1 vengeance.

Heart of the Elders:

• Act 1b: If no one has chalk, add an extra clue to each location and shuffle one investigators
location back into the explore deck (can’t explore from locations with clues).

Depths of Yoth:

• If no one has chalk, all investigators can’t mulligan for this scenario.
Pendant (1 supply point):
NOT available at resupply point, not consumed on use

Affects 1 scenario:

1. City of Archives# 6

Number Required: One per investigator

Ill effects: None, only provides benefits.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0 (This does help you beat a scenario that if you lose, you lose the entire campaign)

City of Archives:

• Agenda 2B: Each investigator with a Pendant draw 2 cards and their max hand size CANNOT be
reduced for the rest of the scenario.
o Must get 10 or more cards in hand to win, last agenda reduces hand size by 4 for all
other investigators. If you fail to win this scenario, you lose the campaign.
Gasoline (1 supply points each):
ONLY available at resupply point, consumed on use

Affects 2 scenarios:

1. The Boundary Beyond #4

2. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1

Number Required: 2 (one per scenario)

Ill effects: Cannot mulligan during the listed scenarios if don’t have gasoline.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0
Pocketknife (2 supply points):
ONLY available at resupply point, not consumed on use.

Affects 3 scenarios:

1. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 1

2. Depths of Yoth #7
3. Shattered Aeons #8

Number Required: Only one investigator needs this, preferably the fighter.

Ill effects: Lose Relic of Ages if Ichtaca betrays you, which causes you to reshuffle treacheries back into
the exploration deck (when you find the relic again) in the last scenario.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0

Heart of the Elders:

• Enemy Help: Apex Strangleweed (Fight: 3 Health: 6 Evade: 3) (Damage: 1 Horror: 1) (Victory: 1)
(Alert. Retaliate)
o Lose all remaining actions and end your turn if this enemy makes an attack of
opportunity against you don’t have a pocketknife.

Depths of Yoth:

• Ichtaca will try to steal the relic from you:

o The only way to prevent her from stealing the relic is to be Forging your Own Path, have
Ichtaca Faith Restored, or to have a pocket knife.

Shattered Aeons:

• If you DON’T have the relic in your deck (which the pocket knife helps you keep):
o You will have to find the artifact again. By discovering 1 clue per investigator on a 5
shroud location. Then spending another action to pick it up.
 If the relic is still in your deck, you can spend an action find it in your deck and
add it to your hand.
o The “used” relic that you find for investigating has this text:
 Forced – After you resolve a treachery while exploring: Shuffle that treachery
back into the exploration deck instead of discarding it.
Pickaxe (2 supply points):
ONLY available at resupply point, not consumed on use

Affects 2 scenarios:

1. Heart of the Elders #5 Part 2

2. Depths of Yoth

Number Required: Any number of investigators can own this (preferably the ones who will be

Ill effects: Provides benefits.

Experience Points: 0

Trauma Risk: 0

Heart of the Elders:

• Treachery Help:
o No Turning Back (3 copies): Revelation – Attach No Turning Back to your location or a
connecting location. Limit 1 per location. Investigators cannot enter or leave attached
location. As an action: Test [Combat] (3) or check your supplies. If you succeed, or if you
have a pickaxe, discard No Turning Back. Any investigator at a connecting location may
activate this ability.
o Can trap with you poison spores (which will poison investigators), or block off escape
from the scenario.

Depths of Yoth:

• Exploration Location Help: Broken Passage (3 shroud, 0 clues)

o If you explore this location, have to place a Doom on it unless you have a pickaxe.

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