Computer Networking Maintenance and Instalation at Meuict

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ID NO WU/0401/12


June 2023

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page I


At the beginning, I would like to thanks to the head department of

Information technology Mr Tashome who gave me his permission to
practicing in Mettu university.
Secondly I am indebted for my network and device instructor
Abduraman who’s teaches me the logical way and I would like to
express My special thanks to Mattu University College of Engineering
and Technology and my department of Information Technology for
giving chance of practical attachment during my study in our university
as well as our department gave me a good report writing guidelines and
I specially want to acknowledge Mr. Haile, Mr. Batigle: ICT Managing
Director office for their support, guidance and training me during
internship. My heart full thank to Mr. Fasika and Mr. Belete ICT center
senior network administrator. I am also like to thank Mettu university
ICT staff employee for their help and cooperation during our interview.
Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported
me in any respect during the completion of the apparent ship project

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page II

Acknowledge................................................................................................................................................ II
Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... iii
List figures .............................................................................................................................................. iv
List of abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... v
Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Background ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Activities............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Activities done during Practical attachment ...................................................................................... 5
2.1.1. LAN Infrastructure and Networking. ................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2. Network technical skill ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3. Organization-wide......................................................................................................................... 16
3.1. Identified/Observed in the Organization ......................................................................................... 17
4. Acquired Knowledge. ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.1. Implications to Organization/Company .......................................................................................... 17
4.2. Implications to University’s Internship Program ...................................................................... 18
5. Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................................ 19

5.1. Suggestions/Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 20

References .................................................................................................................................................. 20

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page iii

List figures

Figure 1: UTP cable crimping ...................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: Access point .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Image switch.................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4: Rack mount.................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5:RJ45 ................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 6: Cable arrangement ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7:jackcolor of the wall outlet color .................................................................................... 15
Figure 8:Punching panel color arrengment .................................................................................. 16
Figure 9: maintenance lab room ................................................................................................... 18

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page iv

List of abbreviations

ICT_________ Information Communication Technology

LAN________ Local Area Network
PC __________Personal Computer
MeU-ICTR _________Mettu University Information and communication
Technology room
RJ-45__________Register Jack 45
WAP__________ wireless access point

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page v


This report is prepared on the basis of my one-month practical experience at Mettu

University information communication technology (MeUICT). This internship
program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of information
communication development technology.

The main core purpose of internship to learn technical working in practical

environment and to apply the knowledge acquired during studies in a real world
scenario. In order to tackle the problems using the knowledge and skill learned
during the academic process. I have discussed about every major aspect of the
MeuICT, with the lab assistance which I observed and perceived during our
internship program.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page vi

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page vii
1. Introduction

I have performed during one month field practice at Mettu University ICT lab.
During this practice, I have learned and practiced numerous knowledge and skills
about basic hardware network installation that is distributing wired and wireless
network. For field practice explanation, I have used different figures for better
explanation of what I have done and what I get from that field practice. Next, I
have summarized my report at the conclusion part and finally I will finish my
report by listing the source documents that I have used as a reference during the
practice time.

1.1.Importance of Internship
The important of internship to learn by working in practical environment and
to apply the knowledge acquired during studies in a real world scenario. In
order to tackle the problems using the knowledge and skill learned during the
academic process.
Another important of internship is to obtain knowledge of practical work and
work ethics

1.2. Background

Mettu University is located in south-West Ethiopia and far from the capital city of Addis Ababa
600 kilometers Mettu University is one of the 3rd generation Universities which was established
in 1997 E.C by the federal democratic republic government of Ethiopian. Mettu University is
found in the south western part of the country at Mettu town. The University is located in the
Eastern part of the town approximately 4.3 kilometers from the central square. Mettu University
is responsible for providing relevant educational programs at undergraduate and graduate study
levels. The Mettu University Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC)
provide the primary management and support for computing and technology services within the
university. They manage the wired and wireless network infrastructure.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 1


ICT infrastructure development & services

MeU ICT directorate

Business application development & administration

Teaching and learning technologies

ICT maintenance and support team

Training & Consultancy

1.3.1. Core values of ICT directorate

 Provision of quality ICT services to the Mettu University.
 Management, control and maintenance of ICT in the University.
 Advising the University authorities on all ICT matters.
 Formulation of ICT policies for the University.
 Interpretation of ICT policies and related matters for the University.

1.3.2. Roles and Responsibilities:

 Accountable to the university president.
 Member of the university top management council.
 Provide leadership and management to the Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) Department.
 Be an ICT evangelist in the university and its many departments.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 2

1.3.3. Stakeholder
 Directorate of MeU ICT
 Supervisor’s
 Head of MeU ICT
 Junior Network Administration
 Senior Network Administration
 Students
 Guest
 Other Staff members

1.4. ICT Units

The Vision, Mission and role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Directorate
units shown below:

1.4.1. Infrastructure and Services Unit

 Create and manage the IP layer connectivity.
 Plan, implement and manage the internet connectivity.
 Creating acceptable use policy for the network and internet.
 Secure the network from internal and external threats.
 Log and audit network access.
 Create and manage application-ready local cloud infrastructure.
 Create and manage the physical layer connectivity of new and existing campuses,
buildings, classrooms, offices and laboratories.
 Monitor real time status of the physical and logical connections.
 Update and patch the operating-ready local cloud infrastructure.
 Plan, implement and manage internal communication and collaboration platforms
(email, portal, unified communications, etc.).

1.4.2. Business Application Administration and Development

 Automate and facilitate the student-instructor communications.
 Automate and facilitate the full life-cycle activities of students and staff (from
enrollment to graduation/resignation/retirement).
 Developing or customizing applications.
 Analyzing business processes of different sections of the university and come up with
automation solution.
 Verify the compatibility, scalability and integrality the different business automation
 Application going to be implementing in the university.

1.4.3. Teaching and Learning Technologies

 Plan, implement and manage E-learning infrastructure.
 Plan, implement and manage digital library infrastructure.
 Work with the academic departments for the course material preparation and uploading.
By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 3
1.4.4. Maintenance and support
 Single point of contact for ICT related issues, problems, requests…
 Track and report on service level performance that it achieves and ICT delivers.
 Provide quick services to its users; provide identification, support and resolution
functions to its customers.
 Record, monitor problems being reported to ICT, update users on status of problems,
and report on service level metrics for services provided.
 Compile a knowledge base of problems and solutions, for use by first level support
 Maintain failed office equipment (printer, ups, computer, laptops, phones, network

1.4.5. Training and Consultancy

 Arrange trainings for the ICT team.
 Plan Inter-ICT team knowledge and exchange sharing.
 Arrange training for campus users and staff about newly implement and developed

Objective of the organization

 To reduce negative business impact.

 To improve the management of ICT infrastructure and control.
 To manage operations and maintenance of ICT resources.
 To manage databases of information systems.
 To train end-users on computer literacy and offer end-user computing support.
 To offer technical advice and consultancy on acquisition of ICT resources.
 Planning, implementation and development of ICT infrastructure.
 MeU ICT had planned to improve the service that it had been given for the end users.
Although it is difficult to improve all the system at the same time, it had planned to
make some improvement on:
 Networking and system administration
 E-mail
 Internet service
 User support
 Maintenance and support
 Training
 Enterprise Applications development
 System development
 Website development

1.3. Objectives of the Internship

1.3.1. General objectives of Internship

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 4
The general objective of the Internship is to produce practically job-oriented related
competencies for the future and to get work experience.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives of the Internship

The main objectives of the Internship during practical attachment are:-

 To get experience in real life situation which learned in theoretical to practical

expected to work after graduate
 To develop understanding of work ethics and responsibilities.
 To get work experience
 To apply and appreciate the relevance of class room learning
 To enhance and strengthen linkages between Mettu University and stakeholders which
consumes services /products of University.
 To get an opportunity to interact with stake holders and potential employers.
2. Activities

2.1. Activities done during Practical attachment

As mentioned above during two month of the practice.

We have performed the following jobs.

2.1.1. LAN Infrastructure and Networking.

In this internship we have observed and worked on LAN infrastructure and Network

In LAN infrastructure and network we have identified Logical and Physical Topology of
the network.

2.1.2. Network technical skill

 Technical Tool

 Crimper

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 5

 RJ45 Crimping Tool Ethernet Crimper for Cat6 Cat5 Cat5e RJ45
 Pass Through Connectors and RJ12 Ends Comes with 20PCS RJ45 Cat6
Connectors and Replacement Blade

 Puncher

 The panel punches are designed to create panel cut outs for OMEGA's
family of thermocouple connectors.
 Panel Punching offers a complete line of ALFRA panel punching tools
& machines

 UTP cable crimpling

Figure 1: UTP cable crimping

 Computer lab network expanding and troubleshooting Port

 Punching and punching cable on punch panel.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 6

2.1.4. Network device configuration
 Wireless device (Access point) configuration.
 Switch configuration.

2.1.5. Software installation

 Operating system
Window 7
Window 8
Window 10
 Linux OS
 Application software
MS office

We have taking one of the problems of the organization and getting the requirement and
analysis it and design it and implement and also worked and helped the workers by
performing different activities. Such as:-

 Punching an Ethernet Cable

 configuring access point
 Configuring switch

Procedure to punch an Ethernet Cable is: -

 Prepare cat6 cable

 Cut the cable by the cutter.

 Strip cable end
 Untwist wire ends
 Arrange wires
 Trim/arrange/ wires to size
 Attach connector
 Check
 Punch by using puncher
 Test by using tester

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 7

Access point

Procedure to configure access point is:

 First of all open any browser

 Press the reset button on the access point.
 In address bar type and hit enter
 In user name -admin
 Password –admin
 Click login
 On left side click on wireless -Wireless Basic First
 In this page check that wireless should be enabled
 In SSID you can change WIFI name -Your choice is there
 Then on apply
 Then again click on Wireless and Click on Wireless Security
 Select Security option WPA or WPA2
 Keep WPA encryption TKIP+AES
 In pre shared key type your WIFI password which you want to keep but they should be
minimum 8 characters
 Then click on apply

In this way WIFI access point/TP LINK IS configured.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 8

Figure 2: Access point

The steps to setup configuration procedure for a switch

1. Connecting to the Switch

2. Starting the Terminal-Emulation Software

3. Connecting to a Power Source

4. Entering the Initial Configuration Information

1. Connecting to the Switch

You must use the console port to perform the initial configuration. To connect the switch
console port to a PC, use an RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable.

Follow these steps to connect the PC or terminal to the switch:

Step 1 Using an RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable; insert the RJ-45 connector into the console port
that is located on the front of the switch.

Step 2 Attach the DB-9 female DTE of the adapter cable to a PC serial port, or attach an
appropriate adapter to the terminal.

2. Starting the Terminal-Emulation Software

By using soft ware’s like putty. Tera term, exe application and others.

3. Connecting to a Power Source

4. Entering the Initial Configuration Information

To set up the switch, you need to assign an IP address and other configuration information
necessary for the switch to communicate with the local routers and the Internet. The minimal
configuration provided here does not cover most of the features; it simply allows you to perform
other configuration tasks using a telnet connection from your management network. When
configuration done information contained as follows:

• Interface IP address
By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 9
• Subnet mask (IP net mask)

• Default gateway (router)

• Enable secret password

• Enable password

• Telnet password

Follow these steps to complete the initial configuration for the switch:

 Connect power with switch

 Connect with computer using console cable
 Give host name for the switch
 Assign console password
 Give an Ip address for remote access
 Enable secret password
 Create Vlan
 Give an Ip address for management
 Give an Ip range for each Vlan
 After finish we connect on network

Figure 3: Image switch

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 10


Switch#conf t/ configuration terminal

Switch(config)#hostname MUICT-Office

MUICT -Office(config)#line console 0

MUICT -Office(config-line)#exit

MUICT -Office(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

MUICT -Office(config-if)#ip address

MUICT -Office(config-if)#no shut

MUICT -Office(config-if)#exit

MIUICT –Office(config)#enable secret ict@ 123

MUICT -Office(config)#line vty 0 4

MUICT -Office(config-line)#password 123@ict

MUICT -Office(config-line)#exit

Create virtual Local Area Network (Vlan)

There are two vlans management and Access

MUICT -Office(config)#vlan 2

MUICT -Office(config)#vlan 100

MUICT -Office(config)#int vlan 2

MUICT -Office(config-vlan)#ip address

MUICT -Office(config-vlan)#no shutdown

MUICT -Office(config-vlan)#exit

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 11

MUICT -Office(config)#default-gateway

MUICT -Office(config)#no domain ip look-up

MUICT -Office(config)#

MUICT -Office(config)#ip domain-name

MUICT -Office(config)# ip name-server

MUICT -Office(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

MUICT -Office(config-if)# switchport mode access

MUICT -Office(config-if)#switchport access vlan 100

MUICT -Office(config-if)#exit

MUICT -Office(config)# range interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

MUICT -Office(config-if)#switchport mode trunk

MUICT -Office(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan 2

MUICT -Office(config-if)#no shutdown

MUICT -Office(config)#exit

MUICT -Office(config)#

Punch down tool

To use the punch down tool, a wire is pre-positioned into a slotted post on a punch block, and
then the punch down tool is pressed down on top of the wire, over the post. Once the required
pressure is reached, an internal spring is triggered, and the blade pushes the wire into the slot,
simultaneously cutting the insulation and securing the wire.

 Rack (sinew cabinet)

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 12

A rack is a metal frame used to hold various hardware devices such as switches, fiber optics
patch panel, cable and other electronic equipment. A large compressed file can be spread over
several cabinet file.

Punching cable on punch panel

Figure 4: Rack mount

 RJ45

T-568A T-568B

White/Green White/Orange

Green Orange

White/Orange White/Green

Blue Blue

White/Blue White/Blue

Orange Green

White/Brown White/Brown

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 13

I describe RJ45 is a Brown Brown type of connector commonly used for
Ethernet networking. It used to contain male RJ45 and
female RJ45. RJ45 cables can be wired in two different
ways. And I used for punching panel the B side which is
standard of Mettu University. Mettu University has own
standard which is cross over B side One version is called
T-568A and the other is T-568B. These wiring standards are
listed below:

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 14

Figure 5:RJ45
Steps to punch RJ45 cables:

Step 1: Make sure the stripper is adjusted properly on a scrap piece of cable. The Stripper
should be adjusted to only score the jacket to make removing it easier and not nick the twisted

. Figure 6: Cable arrangement

Step 2: Straighten the pairs out completely and lay them over the top of the keystone jack
noting the color pattern for the 568b wiring. Note: Each keystone jack is slightly different in
how they are labeled and how the colors are arranged with the A standard on top and the B
standard on the bottom. The solid box represents the solid wire with the white stripe Wile the
box with the white diagonal stripe going through the middle, represents the white wire with the
colored stripe.

Figure 7: panel color of the wall outlet color

Step3: Keeping the pairs as twisted as possible press the wire into the correct groove with your
thumbs. If you completely straighten the wires to run them through the jack you will risk cross
talk between the pairs.

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 15

Figure 8:arrangement on the punching panel

Step 4: Using a punch down tool punch the wires down into the blades built into the keystone

Figure 8: Punching panel color arrangement

2.2. Work-Related.

In my internship I have developed skill of work on the practical working environment with ICT
Maintenance staff members on the following works:-

1. Operating system installations

Windows operating system
 Window 7
 Window 8
 Window 10
2. Application software and driver installation
 Network interface card
 Cisco packet tracer
 MS-office
3. Connecting to printer and hardware sharing on the local network
4. Maintenance and troubleshoot hardware parts of the computer
5. Maintenance of office machine such as printer and photocopy
2.3. Organization-wide

During my internship I have more emphasized on the following areas in the MeuICT:-

 Computer lab of ICT and network installation

 Faculty of the Engineering and Technology Departments computer labs.
 Data centers room and power house

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 16

3. Constraints/Challenges

During my stay in Mettu University i observed some problems or weaknesses of the networking
device and other working environment

3.1. Identified/Observed in the Organization

. These are the main problems what we have faced during internship in Mettu University ICT.

 Much Cable distribution for long distance.

 Power failure.
 Connection weakness.
 Less man power.
 There was material scarcity like switch, RJ-45, cable tester etc.
 Network professional workers are busy.

3.2. Academic Preparation challenges

Challenges we have encountered during this internship are the followings:-

1. We have no sufficiency time

2. Due to alongside with weekend class, it challenged us to use our time as needed.
3. The Electric power is sometimes off for short or almost for a long time.
4. Some financial problem was challenged us.
4. Acquired Knowledge.

During this industrial course practice at Mettu University ICT directorate, we have learned and
practiced numerous knowledge regarding the followings:

 skills about basic hardware network installation that is distributing wired and wireless
 UTP cable arrangement (strait through and cross over arrangement)
 basic device configuration like switch configuration and access point
 hardware maintenance and troubleshooting like computers and office machines
 Operating systems installation windows (window7,8 and 10) and Linux like Ubuntu
 Application software installation
4.1. Implications to Organization/Company

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 17

Information communication technology (ICT) Directorate was established in the year 2003
and restructured in July 2013 following BPR and new structure from ministry of education.
The ICT directorate is meant to support the core mandates of the University.

Figure 9: maintenance lab class


To effectively conceive, develop, implement, utilize, and manage appropriate information

systems in order to provide integrated, coordinated and customer-focused quality ICT services
to Mettu University in line with its vision, mission and objectives.

To build deploy and support innovative, quality and sustainable ICT infrastructure and services
that meet the changing ICT needs of the university.


To be a center of innovation in the provision of quality ICT services to Mettu University.

Building adequate and reliable ICT infrastructure and services.

4.2. Implications to University’s Internship Program

Internship program in MeU is organized to realize the higher education capacity building
program which is part of the country strategy of capacity building and economic development.
The university at present focuses on the mainly expanding and strengthening its training
By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 18
capacity so that it would be able to produce in adequate number well trained ad competent
citizens. To this effect students will be given community oriented practical education that
orients them actual job they will take in the future and equips them with the required practiced
knowledge, skill and attitudes.

4.3. Other relevant activities

In our practical attachment we have visited and observed regarding system development, web
development and data center. We have seen system deployed and development in the university
ICT which are functional:

1. Registrar system(student Registration System)

3. Help desk management system

In addition we have observed server computer and layer 3 devices. These are

1. Proxy server: which used to manage bandwidth of the network and surf to Internet every
users of network.

2. Core switch: device which used to connect each vlan to communicate and work as
DHCP server to assign ip address for each node.

3. Router: layer 3 device which used for routing

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

During this training, we have learned and practiced numerous knowledge and skills about basic
hardware network installation that is distributing wired and wireless network. For field practice

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 19

explanation, we have used different figures for better explanation of what we have done and
what we get from that field practice
The main purpose of internship to learn by working in practical environment and to apply the
knowledge acquired during studies in a real world scenario. In order to tackle the problems
using the knowledge and skill learned during the academic process.
We have discussed about every major aspect of the MeuICT, which I observed and perceived
during our internship program. In addition in our practical attachment we have visited and
observed regarding system development, web development and data center

5.1. Suggestions/Recommendation

We suggest that the best solutions to the Mettu University ICT and IT Department are:-

 Underground UTP cable

 Connection weakness can be solved by updating bandwidth size and to use network
device like router.
 To use Network management tool software to control failures of network
 Increasing their man power can help the University to be improve service of ICT
 ICT staff collaboration with IT department to make change ICT environment.
 Improve the efficiency on administrating the computers in the Labs. We suggest that the
Lab using software for the unity of computers management. The staff or student
assistant can easily open, shutdown, and monitor all computers in the Lab.


By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 20


[4].PavelVultice:-Network Management Architecture proposal for GEANT NREN environment
[5].StevenT:-Networks Design and Management ISBN 0-974423-2-0
[6].Jeffery Zeldman:-Designing with web standards with Ethan Marcoffe3

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 21

ICT: -Information Communication Technology
LAN: -Local Area Network
PC: -Personal Computer
MeU-ICTR: -Mettu University Information and communication Technology room
RJ-45-------Register Jack 45
WAP-------wireless access point

By Genet Asefa @MeU Internship report Page 1

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