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Make yourself at


Time: 50 minutes

● Lecture slide: K5,6,7,8 (III) LC3 (1) - Make yourself at home!
● Lesson link:
● There are 4 video(s) for this lesson:
1. Youtube link to play at slide
2. Youtube link to play at slide No.10:
3. Youtube link to play at slide No.12:
4. Youtube link to play at slide No.16:
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:
● Speed: For this level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on the
● student's age and level. The higher level, the faster speed. Speed will also depend on
the students’ characteristics.
● Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can ask guiding questions to help the S to
get to the answer.
● If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR to motivate the student.

For writing activities, please ask the student to TYPE the answers instead of WRITING
using the pen tool.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is
compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for
each class within 24 hours.


(2 mins)

Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

- T introduces his/her name, nationality

- T asks "What is your name?" and helps the student to reply.
- T exposes the student to How are you?
- T asks: How old are you?
University Tour

a. hall of residence

b. sports centre

c. cafeteria

d. library

(3 mins)

T asks S a question on the topic of previous unit: Which of the following topics did we learn
about in the previous lesson: life in high schools, life in universities or how to spend time in

T helps S reviews previous vocabulary: T gives St a scenario that St is the tourguide in a

University Tour and they are giving instructions to people on the tour. As a tourguide, St needs
to know the places in the university campus.
--> T challenges St to find the right names for the places (1-4) in the pictures.

T asks St to give their answer and give St support if needed.

Suggested answer:

1. library
2. sports centre
3. hall of residence
4. cafeteria
Look and watch a video!
Guess: Which rooms in his new
house will Sean show his friend?

(5 mins)

T introduces the lesson's topic: House

T introduces: Seans has recently moved into a new house and he is showing his friend his
new place.

T asks if St to look at the exercise: Guess which rooms in his new house Sean will show his

T gives S 30 seconds to guess.

T introduces: Let's watch the video and find the answer.

T grants St the tool to answer the task from the beginning.

T shows the answer and asks St follow-up questions to check if St know the words. T provide
St with definitions if needed.

*Suggested answer and explanation:

1st - living room -> What room is it? -> the room where you sleep
2nd - kitchen -> What room is it? -> the room where you cook and eat
3rd - bedroom -> What room is it? -> the room where you gather with your family or
welcome guests
4th - garden -> What room is it? -> the part of the house where you plant trees and
New vocabulary

a garage a sofa

a kitchen
a heating

(3 mins)

T points at the pictures and spellings, and asks St to guess how to pronounce the words. T
corrects S if needed.

Pay attention to the word stress and word endings.

New vocabulary

a tap a neighbour

a pen-pal a flat


T points at the pictures and spellings, and asks St to guess how to pronounce the words. T
corrects S if needed.

Pay attention to the word stress and word endings.

Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. This system helps to keep your house warm in cold

days. .....................
2. This is a bowl attached to the wall of a kitchen and is
used for washing things such as dishes, food, or our
hands. .....................
3. This is an object that has a back and two arms. Many
people can sit together on this. .....................
4. Someone who lives close to you, or next door to you.
5. Someone who you exchange letters with but usually
haven't met in person. .....................
6. This is another word for apartment. It has a set of
rooms for living which are often on one floor of a
building. .....................
7. This is a part of the sink - a device that controls the
flow of water. .....................
8. This is a place that is often built next to a house or a
part of it. People often keep their cars here. .....................

(3 mins)

T works with S to choose the correct word that best fits each blank.

1. the heating
2. a kitchen sink
3. a sofa
4. a neighbour
5. a pen-pal
6. a flat
7. a tap
8. a garage
Collocation focus!

to make yourself at home to rent a house

to install the heating to fix the tap to have a seat

(2 mins)

T introduces the task: Let's learn some common collocations about house & furniture
T points at each picture and says the word twice.
T gets St to repeat. T underlines the words in bold and explains the meaning of each phrase.

1. to make yourself at home = to relax and make yourself comfortable in someone's
2. to rent a house = to pay money every month, year or a period to live in a house
3. to install something = to put something into place so that it is ready to use -> install
the heating = to put the heating into place so that it is ready to use
4. to fix something = to make something work again -> fix the tap = to make the tap
work again
5. to have a seat = to ask someone to sit down
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

1. Has anyone come to ......... the shower yet, Mom?

2. ......... a seat, please! I'll bring out some cookies.
3. I am looking for a house to ...... Do you have any
4. Dad, the TV is not working. Can you ...... it?
5. Please go this way and ............. yourself at home!

(2 mins)

T introduces the task: There is one word missing in each sentence below. Can you fill in the
blank with the suitable words.

T grants the tool for St to type and T asks for explanations.

T checks and gives feedback.

Answer key
1. install/fix
2. Have
3. rent
4. fix
5. make
Look and guess: What is it?

(1 min)

T introduces the guessing game: T shows a small corner of a picture and asks if St can guess
what it is.

If St can easily guess the first object, move on to the second one. Do only one object if St
takes a long time to guess

Answer: a tab, a sofa

Grammar Builder - Passive Forms

The shop is called Tiny Space.

It was painted by him as well.

(5 mins)

- T introduces grammar point no.1: Passive Forms

- Leading: T poses the questions:
+ Do you remember in the video in the beginning of the lesson, Sean said that "The shop is
called Tiny Space," and "It was painted by him as well."
+ What do these sentences have in common? ( both have "be + v3; one is passive voice in the
present, the other is passive voice in the past)
=> T introduces the video, saying that St can find the answers to this question in the video
Change the sentence in active voice into passive voice.

0. People call this a sofa. 4. People call my science teacher Mr.

-> This is called a sofa. Know-All.
1. My dad bought this flower vase at the local
shop. 5. The law requires all buildings to have
->.................................................................. emergency exits.
2. She put the key on top of the fridge by
accident. 6. Where did Nick buy the kitchen sink?
->.................................................................. ->..................................................................

3. They built a new apartment near the 7. My grandpa grew a lot of plants in the
school last month. back garden when he was young.
->.................................................................. ->..................................................................

(3 mins)

T repeats the steps to change active to passive voice:

1. Put the passive noun (object) before the verb.
2. Add "to be" in front of the main verb and change the verb to the past participle form.
3. (Optional) Put "by" after verb, followed by the active noun (subject)

T explains the task and the given example.

Suggested explanation:
- The given sentences are in active voice. St needs to change these sentences into passive
- In the example sentence, the tense is present simple. To change the sentence into passive
voice, we put "this" at the beginning and change the verb "call" to "is called."

T lets St answer orally and check.

T grants the tool for S to write the answer.

T checks and give feedback.

Answer key:
1. This flower vase was bought at the local shop.
2. The key was put on top of the fridge by accident.
3. A new apartment near the school was built last month.
4. My science teacher is called Mr. Know-All.
5. All buildings are required to have emergency exits.
6. Where was the kitchen bought?
7. A lot of plants were grown in the back garden when my grandpa was young.
Grammar Builder - Prepositional Phrases

a. behind b. on top of c. around d. between

e. among f. in front of g. along h. opposite

(4 mins)

- T introduces grammar point no.2: Prepositional Phrases

- T gives St a task to activate St's prior knowledge: Match the pictures with the prepositions
- T gives out the answer key and provide St with support if needed

Answer key:
1-h. opposite
2-f. in front of
3-a. behind
4-g. along
5-c. around
6-b. on top of
7-e. among
8-d. between

- T introduces there are new prepositions in the upcoming video

- T plays the video
Prepositional phrases
after, out, on, under, by, opposite, before, across

1. Don't go that way! That part of the house is still ................. construction.

2. ................. the party, it was nearly midnight, so James stayed at Nick's


3. A: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the central library?
B: Go straight and turn left then you'll see the library. It is just .................
the river.

4. My sister and I live on ................. sides of the city. It often takes us two
hours to get to each other's place.

5. I know why you couldn't find your car key this morning. It's ................. top
of the fridge.

(3 mins)

T gives St the task and explains it.

T grants the tool for St to type.
T checks and gives feedback. T explains if needed

Answer key
1. under
2. after
3. by
4. opposite
5. on
Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. The house is built in 1920.

2. Sorry to let you know that the gym is on repair now.
3. She broke her mum's favourite flower vase at accident.
4. The sofa bought two years ago.
5. Sorry for the inconvenience! The heating system will fix
by tomorrow morning.
6. She's standing on the other side in the street.

(3 mins)

T lets S look at the sentences and introduces the task: St's job is to correct the mistake in each
sentence and give explanations.

T guides St to find the mistake in each sentence. If St can't do it themselves, T might provide
some hints (underline the key words).

Key words:
1. 1920
2. repair
3. accident
4. bought
5. will fix
6. the street

T leaves St 2 minutes to do the task.

T asks S to explain his/her answers & gives hints on the ones that S got wrong so that S can
Answer key
1. was (1920 is in the past, so the sentence must be in the past simple)
2. under (wrong collocation - under repair = being repaired)
3. by (wrong collocation - by accident = without intending to)
4. was bought (the sofa is a passive noun, so the sentence must be in passive voice)
5. will be fixed (the heating system is a passive noun, so the sentence must be in
passive voice)
6. of (wrong collocation - on the other side of something)
Reading Part 1 - For each question, choose the correct answer

Hi Katie,
I went to the mall to
buy the sink as you
You cannot go inside the building because asked me to, but it is
DO NOT A. they are still working on the basement. out of stock. We need
ENTER! to come back to the
B. they haven't finished building the place
The building is under store another time if
yet. you still want to buy it.
C. the building collapsed. Josh

A. No one understands why the Josh told Kate

heating system is broken. A. that the store was closed and he
The heating system is under B. The heating system will work needed to come back another day.
repair. It should be fixed by
again before tomorrow. B. if she wanted to buy the sink, she had
the end of the day. We hope
to have your understanding. C. Everyone hopes that the to go to the mall with him.
heating system will not be C. that the store no longer had the sink
broken again. she liked.

(4 mins)

T introduces the task: Practicing time! Let's do these exercise and review what we've learned
in the previous parts.

T asks St what St needs to do in this task. ( choose the correct answer to each question)

T grants the tool for lets St complete the email.

Answer key:
1. B
2. B
3. C

Suggested explanation:
1. Guide S to underline the keyword "under construction" (something is being built) ->
B. they haven't finished building the place = they are still building the place = under
A. wrong - they are still working on the place, not the basement.
C. wrong - collapse = fall down, which has different meaning with "under construction."
2. Guide S to underline the keyword "under repair" (something is being fixed)
B. It should be fixed by the end of the day.= It will work again before tomorrow.
A. T explains the meaning of the distractor "have your understanding" = to ask
someone to not become angry about an unexpected situation, which has different
meaning with "No one understands why"
C. T explains although the option contain "hope" as in the question but the question
doesn't mention that everyone hopes the heating system won't be broken again.

3. Guide S to underline the keyword "out of stock" (the store doesn't have it anymore)

C has the closest meaning with "out of stock."

A contains the distractor "come back to the store" but the question doesn't mention the store is
B contains the distractor "go to the mall" but the question doesn't mention Josh wants Katie to
go to the mall with him.
Listen and fill in the gap with one word or a number or a date or a time

You will hear a man introducing a flat on an open house day.

New World’s Open House

✔ Architecture style: Scandinavian

✔ Rooms: 2 (6)……………, 2 bathrooms, 1 (7)…………… and 1 balcony

✔ Facilities: 3 air-conditioners, 1 electric shower, 2 (8) ……………, 3

taps and 1 oven.

(4 mins)

T introduces the task: Practicing time! Let's do these exercise and review what we've learned
in the previous parts.
T tells St that
+ St can listen to the audio twice
+ St needs to listening to the key words that St underlined and pay extra attention when they
hear those key words.
T gives St 1 minute to underline keywords.
T plays the video, checks the answer for each question.
T lets St to listen for the 2nd time & explains the answers.

Answer key:
1 bedrooms
2 kitchen
3 fully

Bold: answer
Underline: distractor

Now look at Part Two.
Pause 05'
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a
number or a date or a time. Look at questions 6 – 10 now. You have 10 seconds.
Pause 10'
You will hear a man introducing a flat on an open house day.

M: Welcome to New World’s open house. Today, we’ll introduce to you how a 2-bedroom flat in
our project looks like.
Our flats are designed and decorated in a Scandinavian style which creates a modern yet cozy
space. Each of our flats has a main bedroom, a guest bedroom, two bathrooms, an open
kitchen, and a balcony. Furniture is fully provided along with other facilities which are 3
air-conditioners, 1 electric shower, 2 sinks, 3 taps, and 1 oven.
Our flats are ready for sale from June 2021. For more information, please find us at our official
website: or our hotline: 0212 313 4144

Pause 05'
Now listen again.
Pause 05'
That is the end of Part Two.
Pause 10'

By the end of this lesson,

☐ I can use vocabulary on the topic of house and furniture.

☐ I can use passive voice when I want to focus attention on

the person or things affected by the action.

☐ I can use prepositional phrases correctly.

I think I'll need more practice in .................................

(2 mins)

T says: It's time for self-reflection!

T signals S to look at the boxes and put a tick on the box if they think they can achieve it.

If S puts a tick, T should asks some follow-up questions to get S apply what they've learned
into practice.
- Can you describe your house?
- Can you use passive voice when you want to focus attention on the person or things affected
by the action?
- Can you use prepositional phrases correctly?

T asks how S feels towards today's lesson. S is expected to talk about areas S thinks they
might need work on more.
and remember to do Unit 8
Lesson 1: Vocabulary & Lesson 2:
Grammar Builder

(1 min)

T sums up and remind S of the homework


Slide 3:
M: Native Male
F: Vietnamese Female

M: So this is my living room. Have a seat!
F: Can I walk around first? Oh, this sofa looks nice and comfy. The cushions are eye-catching
as well. Where can I find those?
M: My mum got it from a furniture shop downtown. I think the shop is called Tiny Space.
F: Oh! I know that shop! I'll go there later then... Oh is that a gas heating system?
M: Yes, it is. I have just had it installed this morning. I really can't stand the cold weather here
in winter.
F: Really? I also think of installing one but it's a bit pricey. I think I'm better than you with cold
weather too.
M: That's true. For us it's really worth it.
F: Shall we come to the kitchen next?
M: Sure! Make yourself at home! Follow me this way. The kitchen is right over here.
F: Wow, it's a nice kitchen. (point to the left). Those vases look cool!
M: They are placed there for good luck. Also, they make the kitchen look greener.
F: (act like look around) the kitchen sink looks elegant. But where is the tap?
M: Oh. It's under repair. While I was washing the dish, the tap suddenly stopped working.
F: Oh dear.
M: No worries. It will be fixed soon. I've just asked my neighbour for help. He's a mechanic.
F: Are your neighbours nice and friendly?
M: Yes, they are. When we first moved here, the roof leaked and we were total newbies. They
saw that and offered to help!
F: It's so kind of them! And how many bedrooms do you have?
M: Three, one for my parents, one for me, and a square bedroom for guests. Wanna have a
look at the spare bedroom?
F: Sure! Which way should I go? This way? (point to the right)
M: Oh, don't go that way. That's the way to the garage. The bedroom is at the end of the hall.
"F: What a lovely bedroom! The picture on the wall is cool.
M: It was a present from Woo Bin, my pen-pal. It was painted by him as well.
F: Is he the Korean guy that you usually talk about? He really has a good sense of art. The
picture really matches the room's colour.
M: Thanks. Would you like to have a look at the garden as well? It's behind the kitchen. I think
you'd love it!
F: Why not? Let's go!"

Slide 10:

Let's take a look at the structure.

They all start with a subject - in this case the subjects are objects: the shop and the picture.

Next is the verb to-be, followed by a past participle.

Sounds familiar right? It's the structure of the passive voice.

These sentences are the two examples of passive present simple voice and passive past
simple voice.

The only main difference between them is the tense.

In the 1st sentence, it's the simple present, so the verb 'be' becomes 'is'.
In the 2nd sentence, it's something that happened in the past, so the verb 'be' becomes 'was'.

<pause 2s>"
Let's have a look at some other examples where I will change them into passive ones. 5s
"Let's look at No.1, the main verb is 'built'. Obviously, it's a past tense verb, so to change it into
passive voice, we need to
1) put 'this house' to the beginning,
2) add 'was' before the past participle of build (which is also built) and
3) keep the 'a long time ago' part.
So it will be 'This house was built a long time ago.'

As for No.2, 'always puts' signals us that it's the simple present tense. After we applied the
same rule, we've got 'The flower vases are always put next to the window.'. We need 'are' here
because flower vases are plural nouns.

"Similarly for No.3, 'divided' is a past tense verb, and when we change it into a passive
sentence, it should become 'The apartment was divided into four main rooms.'

Slide 12:

Beside those prepositions, we also have by, under, and out of.

Have you ever heard of by the river, after dinner, or out of stock?
These phrases both have prepositions at the front and a noun phrase to follow.

These phrases are called prepositional phrases. These phrases help us to locate the object
that is being referred to. For example, when saying 'by the river', we know that something is
the river, not somewhere else. <pause 2s>

Here are some common cases that people often use prepositional phrases.

First, it's when they talk about places. Some examples are: at a party, by the river, opposite the

Or here are some examples of using prepositional phrases to talk about time: after the party,
during the first semester, before the holidays

Finally is the special case where prepositional phrases have idiomatic meanings. Take the
phrase 'under construction' for example. It means 'being built'. However, if we separate it into
two words, the meaning of each word is quite far from 'being built'. Let's take a look at some
special prepositional phrases.

Out of stock means unavailable for immediate sale. On sale means available to buy. In/on time
means being done when it should and is not late. <pause 2s>

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