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Author and Book Details

Pen Name: Nanoo

Book name: Another Shade Of Werewolf

Writer name: Vita Aristina Widyastuti

Country: Indonesia

Contract type (Exclusive or Non-Exclusive): Non-Exclusive

Genre: fantasy werewolf romance

Status (Completed or Ongoing): completed

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For completed books:

Word count: 80K

Chapters count: 70
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When you don't believe in the existence of werewolves, but you meet and you even have a
relationship with them. What are you doing?

First TEN Chapters (please paste the first 10 chapters of your book here)


"Mama?" Young Gray asks, resting her head against her mother's chest. Her hands run through
Gray's hair, soothing her to sleep. She's a single mother. She's young, she had Gray when she was
only seventeen.

Gray is seven now. Her hair is light and her eyes are a shade of green like a blade of grass. She
looks almost exactly like her mother. Her mother hums softly. She listens to the sounds around
them as they lay on a blanket looking up at the stars.

"Why do wolves howl?" She murmurs curiously. Her mother dwells on the question for a while
herself. She understood what the wolves were saying, but there's no way she can explain
something so disappointing to a seven year old.

"They tell stories to other wolves." Her mother says softly. Her voice is low, like if she were to
raise it any it would wake up nonexistent neighbors.

"This one sounds sad, what's it about?" Gray asks. Her mother blinks at the question and let's out a
soft breath.

"He's telling about how he feels, Gray honey. He lost someone very dear to him, and is mourning
her loss." Gray understood the word mourning. She knew that meant that someone had died. Her
bottom lip pokes out and tears well up in her eyes.

"It's okay, Gray. It's only a story." Her mother says softly, holding her daughter close to her chest.
Gray nods her head in response. She let's soft whimpers out, because it reminded her of how it felt
when she lost her dad.

I stand near the edge of the pack border line. Looking beyond the invisible line, marked off only
by the scents of pack members and land marks to help remember when the edges end. The terrain
visible to my eye has been used repeatedly over time. Only adult males, and training males are
allowed past the border. That's only with the permission of the alpha and sometimes the beta. It's a
law to make sure that no one in the pack gets hurt.

I see a deer a few yards up ahead across the border line. I blink and wonder why it would be this
close to civilization and not deeper in the woods. It's quiet but no where close to calm. The wind is
blowing my scent directly to the deer. As soon as it hits him, he runs. I'm not too sure if it's a male
or female deer, the males have started shedding their antlers for the year.

"What are you doing over here, Gray?" A voice takes me out of my trance, and a large body now
stands in front of me with their arms crossed. I look up and shrug my shoulders. It's Ren. He's my
step-father and has been since two summers ago. I like him, in a father sense. Sometimes he gets a
little too over protective of me and my mother, but usually he is a great guy.

He's a warrior, and is usually patrolling the borders when he's not away for pack business. "I just
wanted to look at what's out there. I've been everywhere in the pack and I'm just a little curious." It
was more like an obsession than anything to cross the border and see what's out there. I can only

"Curiosity kills the cat, ya know." Ren says giving me a soft grin. I roll my eyes at the old saying
but nod my head anyways. "You shouldn't be this close to the border, Gray. As strong as our pack
is a rouge can still sneak his way through the borders. I don't want you getting hurt." He says
softly, he presses a hand on my shoulder and begins to walk me away from the border. "You're
mom would hang me for that." He jokes. I give him a little laugh.

I guess he's right. Rouges are still a threat to the pack, and the pack doesn't have super powers to
keep them out. They can only try their best to. He makes a great point.

I pause, and turn back to look at the woods. It's quiet, and I feel as if something is coming. "What's
wrong?" Ren asks, looking back at the woods.

"Nothing, sorry. I just got this sudden pull to the woods. It might just be the fact I'm still interested
in them." I mumble. The pull fades away as we keep walking. I don't think much about it, because
it doesn't concern me.

"Go home, Gray. Your mom is cooking lasagna for dinner, and she's probably worried about you."
He says, I nod my head and he starts back towards the borders. My mom is a worry wart. She's
always afraid that something bad is going to happen to me. I head towards the direction of my

  When I get home, my mother greets me as I walk into the house. Her hair falls down to her
shoulders. Her stomach is swelled and she's going to pop any time soon. It's a little strange
knowing that my mom is going to be having a baby and I'm seventeen but I'm happy for her. Ever
since my dad passed away she hadn't even tried a blind date. Then she met Ren, and it was like he
was her second chance mate as she called it. They always look at each other with so much love. I
only dream of my mate looking at me the way Ren does my mom.

"Do you need any help?" I offer. I've taken a medical course in high school and learned a few
things about pregnant women. They're not only carrying their own weight but the baby's too. That
puts some pressure on your feet.

"Can you put the pan in the oven?" She asks. I nod my head and do what she says. If it's not
obvious that a belly is in the way of bending over, than I don't know what is.

I take in a deep breath and catch a smell so delicious it makes this lasagna seem like nothing.
"What's that smell?" I ask mom, wondering if she had bought some new ferbreeze or perfume.
Mom furrows her eyebrows. "The lasagna?" Confusion laces her words but she let's out a laugh as
if she were joking. "No," I smile and roll my eyes at my mother.

I breath in again. It's not as strong now, but it lingers in my senses. It's something that I can't really
get enough of. "What's it smell like?" Mom questions. I take in a deep breath and try to make out
what it smells like.

"I don't really know," I take in a deep breath, "peppermint mostly, but there's other stuff too. I just
can't think of what the smells related to." I explain to her. Mom nods her head and chews on her
bottom lip.

"I think my nose is stuffy from the cooler weather." Mom says. I nod my head. She's only half
werewolf. Yes, she has shifted but the bond between her and her wolf isn't as good as a full
blooded wolf's would be. My father was a pure blooded wolf, so the chances of me shifting are
very high. His ancestors were very picky about blood lines.
I check on the food and turn back to my mother. She's now sitting at the barstool sipping on a
glass of water. Even while she's pregnant she still moves faster than I can say peanut butter. Mom
let's out a exaggerated breath and runs her fingers through her hair.

"Looks like it's just you and me eating dinner together tonight." Mom mutters. I furrow my
eyebrows. "Why?" I'm appalled by that. Ren was excited to sit down and finally have a day off in
a long time.

"The king is here and is calling a meeting to see how the pack is running. He says he doesn't know
how long it will take, so to just eat without him." She explains it to me. I frown. Mom always
seemed so much happier and cheerful when he's around. I mean, he's around in the morning but
because he has night shift if means they never really get to go out and have fun which is
disappointing. I want mom to be happy. She's made me happy, she deserves it.

"We can catch up on American horror story?" I offer, giving mom a cheeky grin. Her expression
lifts into a happier one. I smile, turn to the over when it dings and pull the lasagna out. I guess that
there is always a plus side to Ren being gone. He hates American horror story. They're weird
sometimes, but they're good.

I wake up to the sounds of a conversation going on in the living room. A smell hits my nostrils and
wraps around my mind. I blink, roll to my side and look at the time. It's only two in the morning. I
roll out of bed. My mouth is dry anyways, so an it's an excuse to see who's here. I don't have the
ability to just know that kind of stuff yet. I don't have super powers.
The smell only seems to get stronger as I get closer to the two speaking. I know Ren's voice from
anywhere. I rub my eyes, and finally get to the living room to see who the other person was.

I've never seen this man in my life. He has dark hair, and a beautiful shade of brown eyes. It's not
a deep brown, but a creamy chocolate kind of brown. His eyes are on me, and they break from my
eyes and take me in fully. I'm quiet and take in a deep breath. I can finally make out what that
smell really smelt like. Pine cones. The woods.

His eyes break away from mine, and he turns back to Ren. I see that as a time to go get my water
and go back to bed. I'm still curious of who this man is, but I'm also exhausted from today. I
swivel around the two and get into the kitchen where I fill a glass with water and down it rather

"Im taking her home with me tomorrow." The man mutters as I head back to my room. Ren
sounds a little bit more than angry at that. I wonder what's happening. It can most likely wait until
morning, though. I climb the stairs back to my room and crawl back into bed. As soon as my head
hits the pillow my eyes go heavy. It's always been so easy for me to fall asleep. Sleep welcomes
me in like a warm hug in a matter of minutes, and I'm out like a light that had been switched off
for the day.

When I wake up only a few hours later at eight, I'm greeted by the smell of bacon frying. It smells
delicious. I think my mouth might have even been watering in my sleep, but I don't remember.
Bacon has always been one of my top five favorite foods.

"Good morning, mom." I grin when I get downstairs. Mom smiles and rests her chin in her hands
while sitting in the barstool. "Morning Ren." I say. As much as I like Ren, I can't bring myself to
call him my dad. He's a father figure, yes, but I cannot replace my father with someone else. He
was a good family man.

I take a seat next to my mom who is intently watching Ren cook. She never seems to have a filter
on what she says in front of me about him. Sometimes it's disgusting to hear that from your mom.
A smell hits me. It's better than the smell of bacon, which is hard to beat.

The man from last night walks into the kitchen he glances at me and grins. I smile back, because I
was raised to be polite and because I had a strange pull to do it back to him. I turn back to Ren and
wonder what they were talking about last night.

"Hi." I chirp. The man smiles, and doesn't take his eyes off of me. "Hi." He replies. His voice has a
hint of an Italian accent in it. Suddenly I feel a shiver down my spine. I notice that his hair is wet.

"what's your name?" I wonder. I need to at least know this stranger's name. Since my mother or
Ren has yet to tell me who this is and why he had stayed the night. I feel like he's a warrior, but I
also feel that there's a higher ranking than that. I can also sense a seriousness just by the depth of
his voice. He looks at my family and furrows his eyebrows.

"It's Calvin, dear." His lips curl into a smile when I think further about the name. I don't think I've
ever heard someone named that, other than the man who makes underwear for a living.

"I'm Gray." I introduce myself. Ren sits a plate full of bacon down on the counter and my attention
momentarily turns to him.

"I know," Calvin says, bringing my attention back to him. "Do you know who I am?" He asks a
question that I don't know the answer to. I've never seen this man in my life time. In history I
recall seeing someone that dates back to the 1900's that looks like him, but that was only just a
black and white picture.

"Calvin?" I guess. I don't know what other kind of answer there was that would be scientifically
correct. He rolls his eyes and looks toward my mother.
"Why doesn't she know?" His voice isn't as soft as it was when he was talking to me. I furrow my
eyebrows and give him a deadly look because of the tone he has used with my mother.

"She knows who you are. She just has never saw your face before, and she isn't good with taking
hints." Mom explains. She's right. Once I got asked to a school dance with a subtle hint and I
accidentally turned the guy down. I felt like a total jerk.

I chew on my bottom lip. He looks at me and adverts his eyes quickly. I don't understand why, but
I silently turn back towards the plate of fresh bacon and I snatch a piece up. The crunch is more
than satisfying and once I'm done with one piece I go for another. Mom slaps my hand away and

"Save some for when breakfast is ready." She mumbles. I blink. Usually she didn't care if that
happens. It's most likely her hormones and the fact that there's a guest in the house.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say, standing to my feet at stretching my arms over my head. My
shirt raises a little and I tug it down before walking back up to my bedroom.

I hum while I shower. It's something that I've always done sine I started showering by myself and
didn't need my mom'a help. Even then, back when I was eight I still sang. I don't have a nice
singing voice so humming is the next best thing. A song by Justin Bieber gets stuck in my head.
When I'm finished, I climb out of the shower and dress in a pair of light colored jeans and a red
hoodie. Since it wasn't warm outside the outfit was something I preferred all the time. I cannot
stand the winter time. I don't understand how some girls can wear crop tops and short skirts at this
time of year.

I throw my dark hair into a pony tail. It's natural color is blond, but I grew tired of all the jokes
and dyed it a deep brown color. Honestly, this color looks better than the blond I have.

"Gray, after breakfast I need you to pack your bags." Mom says softly. I furrow my eyebrows at
her request. "Why?" I wonder out loud.

"The king decided that he wanted you to come home with him. I mean it's only reasonable, you're
his mate after all." Mom says softly. I purse my lips. The king? Calvin is the alpha king?

"Oh." I say, in almost complete shock. How do I react to something like that? I mean, I've
dreamed of finding my mate but I didn't expect it to be a powerful one like him. No wonder he
held so much power in his voice.

"Are you okay with that?" I ask my mom. She's taken back by my question. "Am I okay with it? I
want you to be happy and you've always told me how you want your mate." She replies.

"Okay." I say. If she trusts Calvin then I can too. "What about the baby?" I ask. Mom blinks.

"I'm his mother, Gray. You're too cute." She laughs a little. I always act like the baby is mine and
sometimes I think it is. Just like I did a moment ago.

I fill a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon, and take a seat at the kitchen table. I didn't mean to
sit next to Calvin, it was just the only free chair open that wasn't next to Ren. My mom comes in
moments after and takes her seat. I take in a deep breath and dig into my food. I really hope Calvin
can cook as good as Ren, or even better. I can't cook to save my life.

       I say goodbye to my parents. It's a heart felt goodbye, but none of us get truly upset for
leaving. Every bird has got to leave the nest sometime and explore, but that doesn't mean they
won't come back and visit. Plus, Calvin promised that I could come back and see them in two
weeks. He had to come back anyways.

The car boards the turnpike. I lean my head against the window and try to think about where we're
going. Suddenly I feel Calvin's two arms wrap around my torso and pull me against his chest. I
breath out as a sensation of tingles runs through my body at the touch of him. I relax instantly.

I rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. "How old are you?" Calvin asks, he looks
down at my face and I have to tilt my head up.

"Seventeen, why?" Asking him why was a stupid question. Of course he has to know things about

"You know that I'm old enough to be your great great great grandfather, correct?" Calvin furrows
his eyebrows. I'm well educated on the Royal family. At least, about the past. Calvin is the only
Lycan left in the world. He's half human, half beast. He was created and not born, which gave him
the ability to remain the same age forever.

"You're not my great grandfather though, right?" I blink. Calvin rolls his eyes and shakes his head
against my idiotic question. I was only kidding. As far as anyone knows Calvin has no kids.

"I'm not your grandfather." Calvin chuckles. He runs his fingers through my hair and gently down
my neck. I close my eyes and let out a breath.

"Try and stay awake, sweetheart. We'll be getting home at nine and I want you to be able to sleep
when we get there." He says softly, pulling his hands away from me that we're soothing me to
sleep. A frown sets on my lips and I sit up completely.
"Don't do that." Calvin utters, he presses a finger under my chin an tilts my head towards him. The
simple action leaves my skin burning for his touch. No wonder my friends always told me that
they felt this sensation that made them want to jump their bones. He smiles and leans into my face,
giving me a gentle kiss I close my eyes as feelings I've never felt run through my body. His hands
dig into my sides roughly and he acts as if he has to force himself to stop kissing me. If we're to be
honest, I didn't mind kissing him.

Calvin looks at the gold watch on his wrist and let's out a breath. "Do you want to stop and get
some dinner? My house is only a mile from here." He offers. I nod my head. Of course I want
some food. He had bought some burgers for lunch earlier but that was a few hours ago.

I feel as if I'm always hungry. At least, that I'm always in the mood for some good tasting food.
That sounds pretty relevant. My mom always said that a wolf eats a lot, but I don't eat a lot, I just
eat less during every meal and have more snacks throughout the day.

"Do you like Chinese?" Calvin suggests a restaurant in the shopping centre. Chinese is probably
my favorite type of food. Orange chicken is my all time favorite. Calvin grins, "you're really easy
to buy for." Is that a good thing?

"Is that bad?" I ask out loud. I feel self conscious about myself now. I've never grown up asking
my mom for expensive things or being spoiled rotten. Hell, I've never done most things a teenager
my age has already done. Like sex. My mom let me go out with boys because she believed I
would do everything she said not to do if she told me to. Plus, she has a lot of trust in me. I mean,
she raised me to be a good person to others.

"Of course not, but I'll buy you anything your little heart desires, Gray." He smiles cupping my
cheeks and pulling my face closer to his. He plants a kiss on my lips and pulls away before I have
time to react. I smile at the way he was holding me so close to him. "Like if you told me you
wanted Belgium waffles for breakfast, we'd be on a plane heading to belgium." He smiles and I
smile back.
"I don't need anything fancy." I say, furrowing my eyebrows. "I just want some orange chicken." I
smile. Calvin smiles back at me.

"I'm totally going to spoil you." He says softly. I feel his fingers run through my hair and tugs at
the ends softly. When he tugs a little harder and pulls my head back my lips part lightly. "But for
right now, I just want to get home." He utters. I'm completely exhausted from today. I couldn't
agree more.

When we get to his home, our bellies are full of fried rice and chicken. This only makes me feel
more tired than before. I'm snuggled against Calvin's side, and I'm nearly asleep.

He lifts me up like a groom would do to his new bride. I sigh and keep my head against his chest.
He carries me into a room just down the hall from the front door and sets me on the bed.

A smell surrounds me as i sit in the room. It's Calvin's room. Along the walls are pictures, some
dating back as far as when the camera was invented. I looked at the pictures for awhile, until
Calvin's voice pulled me back to him.

"Do you want something to sleep in?" Calvin asks. He tugs his shirt over his head revealing his
toned body. I have to advert my eyes. He's been working on it for centuries, so obviously it's going
to be nice. I choke on my words.

"Yes or no?" He asks, holding out the shirt he had worn today in his hands. A smile is playing on
his lips.

I contemplate. I'm wearing a hoodie and some skinny jeans. Would a shirt be better than choking
to death on the hood of my top? Yes. "Yeah." I say softly. I'm wearing underwear, so it's not like
I'll be naked. Plus, he's a lot bigger than me. Calvin grins, and tosses he shirt my way. I sit frozen
when he unbuttons his jeans and kicks them off leaving him in his underwear.
"I don't think-" I start to tell him that this is a bad idea. Calvin rolls his eyes. "It's fine." He assures

"Okay." I mutter softly. "Just don't look." I say. Calvin furrows his eyebrows. Of course he's
confused. "Please." I beg. As happy as I am that I found my mate and I'm with him, I'm still not
comfortable with being naked in front of anyone. He let's out a breath but listened to my request
and turns away from me. I'm quick to tug the hoodie from my head and change it with the shirt.
The smell hits me like a brick. It's comforting. I shimmy out of my jeans and tug the shirt as far as
it can go down. I've always had a problem with my bottom being a little too big. I hate it.

"Okay," I mumble slipping underneath the blankets. Calvin turns and frowns because of the fact
I'm hiding myself from him. He shuts the light off and climbs into bed next to me. I face away
from him and snuggle into the blankets. I was almost asleep when he wraps an arm around my
lower stomach and pulls me against his chest. My shirt has risen up and I can feel his abdominal
muscles on my back. I sigh, "goodnight, little wolf." Calvin mumbles. Little wolf?

The smell of thick smoke fills my lungs. Ashes burn the back of my throat as I try to get a decent
breathe of oxygen. I can't breathe.

  My eyes fling open to a room full of flames. A room all too familiar to me. "Mom!" I yell out
through the roar of the fire. "Dad!" I scream- making my way to my bedroom door. The smoke
rolls in through the top of the door just as if a train would. I reach for the door knob but whence in
pain because the metal knob is burning hot.

   "Mom! Dad!" I scream, looking around in a panicked trying to figure out a way out of here.
Where are my parents? My breathing becomes more ragged as my eyes gaze out the window.
Even out there is covered in black smoke.

    The fire burns its way into the room. The red hot flames fill the room faster than anything I
have ever witnessed. I run to my window as quick as I can, but it won't open. What do I do? 
  I search the room and grab the first thing I see on my desk. An old trophy. With everything I have
in me I swing it at the window. Nothing.

  "Come on!" I yell, banging the trophy against the window over and over again and nothing ever
happens. The heat from the fire causes beads of sweat to form all over my body. It's angry breath
slowly creeps it way to me.

  What do I do? I'm stuck! The window will not break and I can't get through the door. I begin to
cough, because now all the oxygen is being burned away by the fire.  My blankets begin to burn. I
swing at the window again. A small crack forms.

    Outside the window, two figures appear through the smoke on the grass. Mom and dad. They
are out there, screaming at me to get out. I can't hear them- but I'm sure that's what they are
saying. I need help! I yell at the top of my lungs, hoping that they would be able to hear me.
However, it didn't work.

  The smoke consumes me. My coughing becomes uncontrollable and the fire only seems to be
getting hotter. I bang my hand on the window harder as the fire heads towards me.

  "Help me! Please!" I yell, heat spreading throughout my body. I look down at the flame, praying
that this isn't how my life ends. All too soon though, my prayers were unanswered.

The flames reach me. The hot waves eat away at my skin. I scream in agony. The unbearable pain
eats away any fight I had left in me.

   The fire eats away at my nerves, and continues to fight it's way up my body until there is nothing
left to take.

I wake up screaming in pain. My heart is racing and my body is on fire from where my dream had
gotten me. Calvin is gone, and the room is dark. I can't catch my breathe.

In a matter of seconds, a pair of strong arms pulls my from my curled position on the bed and I'm
under an ice cold shower. The pain continues, but the heat from it beings to cool down.
"I know little wolf, I know." The deep voice coos. I feel safe. I try my best to slow my breathing.
There's a pain in his voice, but he continues to hold me under the water. "Just breathe, honey." He
whispers. His voice is groggy, but when I peek my eyes open and look up at him; he looks wide

"It's okay." He assured me. I whimper as another hot wave washes over me. Even the water can't
cool it down. Carefully, he sits me down in the shower and lets out a heavy sigh. He reaches for
my shirt and I willingly raise my hands for it to come off easier. I'm too hot to worry about if I'm
naked or not at this point. I just want the overwhelming pain to go away.

My stomach aches. My head pounds. I whimper in agony as I watch Calvin turn and walk out of
the shower without a word. Where is he going? What is happening to me? Why do I ache more
now that he's gone? I curl into a tighter ball. The pain is making me want to scream bloody
murder. The water feels like a bucket of ice, and my body feels as though I'm in a sauna.

My dream felt so real. It still feels real. What happened? What started that fire? Why didn't my
parents come save me? I was just...locked in. Trapped and no where to go. It was horrible.

The sound of the bathtub beginning to fill catches my attention. So many sounds are making me
anxious. I focus my attention back on the shower, and the gentle pitter patter of the water falling
onto me.

"Little wolf," I hear Calvin say as gently as he possibly could. I sense of urgency washes over me
at the same time his voice registers in my head. I painfully lift my head and make eye contact with
the giant man who is kneeled down to match my gaze. He reaches out and pushes hair from my
eyes. "Let's get you in the bath instead, I think it'll help." He finishes.

Carefully, he cradles me in his arms and pulls me from the cold water. The feeling of his skin on
mine is very comforting. Another wave of pain rolls over me, but this time it isn't as bad.  I was
fine. I felt fine when I fell asleep.I whimper. "What did you do to me?" Cal takes in a sharp breath
when he hears my question.
He takes another, deeper, slower breath before replying to me. Carefully- he sits me down in the
tub and kneels beside it. "I have been waiting a very long time for you, and your wolf has been
waiting for me." He says as softly as he can. "It's heat my dear, and as appetizing as you look right
now this is the best I can do. I'm so sorry." He brushes my cheek with his thumb and I tremble in
the cold water.

"Just relax, I will sit right here with you until you cool down. Everything will be alright." He
assures me, running his thumb over my shoulder now. My ragged breathing slows with his warm
touch. I'm in heat already? How is that possible? Why is all of this happening to me?

I gaze at the man before me. His eyes remain on mine. Painful huffs fill the room. He is shivering
cold. I feel bad. "Relax." He repeats, caressing my cheeks. "We can talk when this passes. Right
now I just want you to rest and cool off, okay?" He assures me. I nod my head and shut my eyes.
Make it stop.

    I wake up in bed, alone. I don't know exactly how I feel about that but I do know I feel so much
better than I did last night. Or the early hours of this morning. My hair is still wet, and the pillow
under my head is damp.

"Good morning," Calvin says walking into the bedroom. I pull the blankets up to my chest to
cover my exposed skin from him. His eyes move from mine to my neck then back at my eyes.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asks.

I push my fingers through my hair and nod my head yes. "Much." I let out a tired breath. I hold the
blanket against my body as he simply looks at me.

"Stop doing that." Calvin furrows his eyebrows. Stop doing what? I wonder what he's talking
about. "I'm going to see you naked anyways, so stop hiding yourself from me. I don't like that."
He breaths. I sigh and lay back in bed and roll to my side. I try to snuggle into the blankets but
because they're wet it isn't as great as I thought it'd be.

"That's different." I mutter. "Anyways, you won't really even see me naked." I add. Calvin let's out
a little chuckle.

"I'm going to see you naked." He says lowly. "I'll have each of your limbs tied to the bedpost and
maybe even watch you struggle around in the restraints for awhile. I'm going to learn how you
taste, how you feel. How you sound. Trust me," he gives me a cheeky grin, "everyone is going to
hear you yell my name." His eyes are darker now. I swallow. I feel somewhat threatened by what
he just said, and another part of me wants to jump his bones right now.

"What do you want for lunch? We could have brunch since we both just woke up but it's up to
you." He says, changing the conversation completely. I sit up in bed and rub my eyes tiredly. I
notice how under his eyes are dark from a lack of sleep.

"Can we just go back to sleep?" I ask. Calvin's lips curl into a smile. He glances away from me
towards the bathroom. The light is on in there.

"You, my dear don't want me to get into bed with you. That'd be a bad idea, especially while
you're dressed in the clothes you're wearing." He says. I let out a huff of air and exaggerate falling
back onto the bed and curling into a ball.

"You go eat and I'll be in here," I mutter. Calvin let's out a loud breath and silently shuffles around
the room. The bed sinks in next to me and a smile grows on my face. My head is buried in the
pillow so I don't know what he's doing.
"Get out of bed." Calvin utters into my ear. I shake my head against his request. My mom and Ren
always had a problem with trying to get me out of bed too. Even for food. Suddenly, his hand
takes hold of my butt and he pulls my hips dangerously close to his.

I shift and face him. "Don't make me." I pout out my bottom lip. "I'm cold, and I didn't sleep very
well last night." I try to make excuses. I get through to him after reminding him about last night.

"A few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt." Calvin says softly. He pulls me against him until my
head sits comfortably in the crook of his neck. I feel his lips against the top of my head for a brief

My eyes get heavy, and I lay there for awhile. I can't fall back to sleep, though. Too much is on my
mind and the fact that Calvin's words made me uncomfortable and needy in my lower part of me
was keeping me from sleep.

He's asleep. His heart rate is slower than it was before he had fallen asleep, plus his breathing had
slowed drastically. I lay there. Taking it all in.

My eyes slowly close, I press my lips against the base of his throat and linger there for a moment.
My fingers trace the lines of muscles on his stomach. They slowly trace down the V of his body
and his hand quickly stops me. I didn't notice that he was awake.

"Not yet." He says softly. His voice is filled with sleep. His hand travels back to my bottom and
rubs it softly. I kiss at his throat one more time then close my eyes.

"Go to sleep, little wolf." Calvin utters, the hand on my bum continues to move around massaging
the surface. I don't know what it is about it that's so relaxing, but eventually that's what I fall
asleep to.

  "When is the next full moon?" I ask, my fingers brush over the counter top. Calvin is slicing up
some carrots for some kind of soup he's making. He purses his lips while he concentrates on not
chopping his fingers up.

"I just don't want the..heat to happen-" I try to explain without embarrassing myself. Calvin raises
an eyebrow at my shyness.

"It only really hurts when you're still human." He says. I feel his eyes on my body before they're
ripped from me completely. "But you won't have to worry about that." Calvin adds, stirring the

"Why?" I ask. I've already confused myself. I take a seat at the nearest barstool and spin around to
ease the awkwardness.

"Trust me when I say I'll have all of you before then. Yeah?" His back is to me but I can almost
feel that he has a smile on his face. I go quiet.

"Why didn't you just do it last night?" I ask. Calvin looks at me after setting the flame to a lower
tempeture. He presses his hands against the edge of the bar and leans a little closer to me. I notice
the veins in his arms are sticking out.

"Tell me Little Wolf, would you have wanted that?" He asks. I can't tell what he's really asking. Is
it sarcasm or a rhetorical question? I chew on the inside of my cheek.
"Would you have wanted me to do that to you? To touch you where you've never been touched,
and kiss you where you haven't ever been kissed?"

"What if I said yes?" I ask. Calvin's hands grip the edge of the countertop tighter. I feel a fear
growing inside of me as I look him in the eyes.

"If you said yes, then I'd take you right here." His eyes grow darker, suddenly I gulp. He's being
serious. Calvin's wolf is coming to the surface and I don't know what to do.

"But we just met." I argue. Calvin rolls his eyes and releases the counter. He's gotten himself
under control.

"That's exactly why I didn't do you last night. Plus, would you really have wanted your first time
to be because you were in pain and wanted it to go away? I'm pretty sure you would have thrown a
fit this morning." He explains.

I open my mouth to speak but I don't say anything. Calvin grins, knowing that he's right. A huff of
breath escapes my lips and I can't bring myself to look at him any more.

"Helloooooo" a voice calls, walking through the front door. I let out a breath and look towards
Calvin. He smiles, and snorts before turning back to what he's doing.

"Hello, hot stuff." A man says. I turn and give him a once-over. He has dark hair, and dark eyes.
Calvin let's out a growl and pulls me closer to him.

"Enough, Ben. Don't hit on her." Calvin looks a little furious. I put my hand against his shoulder
and he relaxes slightly.

"I'm complementing her, sheesh." He snorts back at Calvin. "What are you making me for
breakfast?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"For you, nothing." Calvin makes sure to draw out his words. Ben frowns and looks at me for

"Then why'd you make me come over?" He whines. I smile a little because of how childish he
acts. Calvin pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I said to be here at seven tonight, Ben. Not noon. Do you ever listen?" Calvin groans. Ben shrugs
his shoulders.

"I thought you liked it when I was early?" Ben argues, taking a seat on the counter. I'm silent as
the two bicker at each other.

"When you're half an hour early, yes. Just...go and monitor the academy or something, yeah?"
Calvin groans. Ben rolls his eyes and stands to his feet.

"Okay," he mumbles. "Bye you sexy.." Ben utters as he walks out of the room. "ENOUGH BEN!"
Calvin yells. I flinch at how deep his voice had gotten.

"I was talking to you, but whatever." He says, walking out the door without another word. I purse
my lips and look towards Calvin in wonder.
"My beta, Benjamin. He's usually not that bad." Calvin says chuckling lightly. I only nod my head.

"Is he...?" I wonder. I don't want to ask about his sexuality. He might have just been joking. I don't

"He's bisexual, but don't worry Gray. You're the only one I want." I feel a sensation run through
me from the tone of his voice, and the context of his words.

"Oh." I squeak. Calvin's lips curl into a smile. It isn't a gentle smile either, it's one of those ones
that have something behind it. In his case, lust.

"You're too cute." He says with a soft smile. There's a sound of sizzling and I turn towards the pot.

"So, what are you cooking?" Calvin turns the flame on low and relaxes against the cabinet.

"Food." I roll my eyes at his smartelic comment. Instead of saying anything back to him, I shrug
my shoulders and walk out of the kitchen. I have yet to really have a chance and explore his
house. Now would be a good time, I guess.

"Where the hell are you going?" Calvin snaps. I instantly shoot my head towards him. He sounds
completely dangerous.

"I was just going to look around.." My voice is softer than ever before. Suddenly I want to run to
my mother's arms and be protected by her.

Calvin suddenly looks like he regrets what he has done. "I apologize." He let's out a sigh and rips
his eyes from me.

"You can go anywhere in the house, but do not open the red door." He warns. "That room is for
my eyes only." He adds for emphasis. I chew on the inside of my cheek.

"Okay." I shake my head cautiously. Hearing him yell is spine chilling. It's something that I don't
want to hear ever again.

When I return to the kitchen after exploring the house, Calvin isn't there. The stove fire is shut off,
and the chopped up carrots are still remaining where I had last saw them.

His house is quite large, especially when it's only two people arranging to stay here. One, before
me. At least, I think. His home is decorated modernly in black and red. It's extravagant to my eye-
but everything to me is intriguing.

I walked by the room he told me not to go into. I cannot help but wonder what's inside of it.
Everyone sometimes does what they're told not to do- and I almost did just that. Instead, I
remembered that curiosity kills the cat. Or at least in my case: Wolf.

"Calvin?" I call obliviously into the air. His house is nice and all, but it doesn't mean I like being
alone. I really enjoy other people's company- and exploring. I take in a deep breath when there is
no reply.
Once I catch his scent, I follow it to the front door. Hesitantly, I step out onto the porch. The light
is on and a wave of bugs buzz around it. I've always thought those bugs, or any bugs in general,
are completely disgusting.

"Don't worry," he chuckles lowly, "I didn't run off, baby." Baby. Considering how smooth his
voice is it sends a shiver down my spine. I scrunch my nose in disgust as I watch smoke being
exhaled from his nostrils.

"You smoke?" Stupid rhetorical question. He turns to me and holds the cigarette to his lips. The
cherry burns brighter as he inhales.

"Is that a problem?" He says calmly. So calm, I'm almost afraid to answer him. I pull my lip
between my teeth and shake my head no. I'm not a fan of it, but he is his own person and I cannot
tell him what to do.

"No" I shrug, "it's just a bad habit. That's all." I watch as he turns away from me to blow the
smoke out. By the way he did it, I'm almost positive he did it to keep the smoke from hitting me.

"So is picking your nose, or biting your nails." He shrugs. I nod my head in agreement. He tosses
the cigarette onto the ground and puts it out with his shoe.

"I don't do either of those things." I say scrunching up my nose. Calvin turns to me and grins. He
doesn't look like a man that would smoke. He doesn't even look as old as he really is.

"How long have you smoked?" I ask, knotting my eyebrows together. My fingers graze the top of
a bush beside the porch. I want to know everything about my alpha king. My mate.
"For awhile," he says casually. "Why do you ask?" He wonders. I don't know why he doesn't dare
come near me. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and think about it.

"You just don't look like you've smoked for very long." I say with a shrug. He has an amused
smile on his face now.

"You know nothing about Lycans, do you?" He shakes his head. Silently he glances towards the
moon then back at me.

I purse my lips but shake my head. I've heard about some before, but not into much depth. His
nostrils flare.

"Here, let's go back inside." He ushers me in in front of him. I want to ask him why we had to go
inside all of a sudden but decided against it.

"Lycans don't age, baby. They stay the same, forever." He explains. I nod my head understanding
what he's saying.

"Oh." I mumble, "so, would I stay the same when you mark me?" I ask knotting my eyebrows
together. Calvin gives me a gentle smile.

"Yes, but I'm not going to be marking you for awhile." He says lowly back. I bite my tongue from
saying anything back to him.

I tilt my head upwards to look at him. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why not?" I ask
curiously. I'm not offended by his choice of words, or the tone of his voice. It just leaves me in
Calvin blinks as he looks down at me. If we were buildings, he'd be a grand hotel and I'd be a tiny
shed. Stupid comparison. "You're young. Enjoy it." It's a short, simple answer. I pull my lip
between my teeth and choose to not argue back.

"Why did you bring me here then?" I ask, silently trailing behind him when he walks towards the
kitchen. Calvin let's out a sigh and continues to work on soup on the stove.

In only a few seconds he dumps some soup into a bowl and turns to me. Steam rises from the bowl
and I look at it. It smells absolutely delicious.

"Eat." He commands. I look at the soup for a moment and silently carry it to the kitchen table. I
push a spoonful into my mouth and wince at the heat.

The kitchen is silent as he takes a seat near me. I watch him in silence, wondering what is going
on inside of his mind. I clear my throat.

"You didn't answer my question." I say simply. He didnt. It wasn't a hard question.

"Hmm?" He hums, as if he didn't hear me. I let out a sigh and stir my spoon around in my soup.

"Why'd you bring me here, if you want to wait so long to mark me?" I ask, furrowing my
eyebrows. "You could have just waited until then, so you know...I would have to go through this
heat stuff all the time." I say softer now. I'm afraid that he might snap at me.

Calvin pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. I swallow. He looks like a man that would be
involved in some sort of gang. His power pretty much radiates around the room.
"I'm selfish." He mumbles, mixing up his soup. I scoop some into my mouth and let out a satisfied
breath at the taste. "besides, there are lots of different things other than....." He trails off as he
thinks of a word. "Penetration." I nearly choke on my food. That word is always so awkward to
even read. It doesn't sound right in any form of context.

My heart seems to have stopped in my chest. He stands to his feet and places his bowl in the sink.
"Finish eating, then come upstairs when you're done." He says abruptly, walking away before I
can even reply to him.

I sit in the silence of the kitchen. The only sound being made is of the spoon hitting the side of the
glass bowl every once in awhile. When the bowl is only slightly lower that it was when Calvin had
given it to me, I push it away and just sort of remain where I am.

I silently wonder if I should do the few dishes in the sink or not. Back home it was my job to do
so. I hesitantly place my bowl in the sink. Surely is Calvin wanted me to do them, he would have
at least hinted at it.

The spiral staircase is excessive. It's not out of place, but it's so grand compared to any other stairs
I've ever saw. There are exactly one hundred and three steps; I counted.

"Are there any specific requests if you go into heat again?" Calvin asks, rubbing a towel through
his thick curly hair. He's only on a pair of red plaid boxers. I look at his dark skin. He's mixed.
Why hadn't I noticed it before? It makes him even more attractive.

I shrug my shoulders and advert my eyes from him. Casually, I shrug my shoulders. Calvin let's
out a frustrated breath and picked me up over his shoulder.
I don't put up a fight as he walks over to the bed and sits me down. "Anything?" He asks, dipping
his head down and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I'm starting to think he might just be bipolar.

I look up at him and take in a deep breath. "Please don't take advantage of me-" I start to ask him
to not sleep with me even if I beg him to.

"Never." He replies, pushing hair from my face. "Now, bed time." He says, slapping a hand softly
against my thigh. I roll my eyes. I'm not a baby.

Calvin walks around the bed and climbs in on the other side. It falls quiet for a little while, and
suddenly I'm taken off guard when he pulls me against his chest.

I sigh and curl against him. I've only known him for less than three days and I'm already
comfortable with him. My eyes shut, and my fingers curl against his beautifully formed body.

"What were your parents like?" I ask, looking up at Calvin in confusion. Across the room is a
picture of a man. I can only assume it's of his father.

He thinks about the question briefly before decided that the question is safe to answer. His fingers
run over the bareness of my legs.

"I absolutely adored my parents. My father, he was wealthy. My mother, she wasn't. She was a
slave." He says slowly. "I was born in 1802. They weren't allowed to be together. Nor was I
supposed to even happen. But my parents love me non the less. I'm sure you would have loved
them." He says gently. I look up at him and smile.

He smiles back at me and leans down to press a kiss against my lips. I silently inhale his scent, and
take notice that he had scrubbed the smell of smoke from him before he even attempted to touch

I kiss him back, and don't stop until he pulls away. "Sleep, baby." He mumbles gently. I sigh out
loud and curl my head between his neck and the pillow. I press a kiss on his collar bone and he
groans silently.

I roll over in bed, and let out a frustrated sigh. I begin to get restless-more like my wolf- and I
climb out of bed. My shirt falls over my legs as I start my journey down the spiraling staircase.

I inhale. Nothing. I'm careful as I decend the staircase. Once I'm down stairs, I flick on the living
room light. Everything is still there- even the messed up blanket on the couch that I should have
folded back.

I run my fingers through my hair, glancing around at the dark rooms surrounding the living area. I
stare at the fireplace, and inhale. I don't need to get so worked up.

"Why the hell are you awake?" I jump when a voice comes from behind me. Fear washes over me
as I turn to face him.

I step back, afraid of what I see.

Calvin stands before me. His eyes are a bright shade of yellow- like a snake, staring me down.
There's a dirtiness to his facial features, mixed with it is the faintest hint of blood. His usual dark,
curly hair is shining with the red substance.

His upper half is bare. He's got a large scratch running down his chest, and dirt among that. His
hands are battered, and bloody. He looks like a serial killer caught in action.

My mouth gapes open as I try to form words. I continue to back away from, until
my back hits the wall. He continues after me, knotting his eyebrows in confusion as to why I'm
trying to get away from him.

"I asked you a question." He says lowly. I look up at him in shock and try desperately to get away
from him.

"I-I was looking for you." I whimper. I can't help but be afraid of him. He's covered in blood!

His lips curl into a smile, and he leans forward. His nose trails along the side of my cheek and his
warm breath leaves goosebumps on my skin. I shiver.

"You don't have to look for something that's already here." He mumbles. His voice is low, and not
like him. My bottom lip trembles as his hand reaches out and runs over my hip.

"Tell me, Gray." He says softly, staring into my eyes with a sick satisfaction. "Are you...scared?"
He gives me a soft grin. I whimper and nod my head to his question. Scared beyond my own life.

"P-please just let me go." I beg, trying to push him away from me. Tears begin to run down my
face from the fear of him inside of me. I don't like this side of Calvin.
"You are." He grins wickedly. A sense of fear washes over me as I look into his dark eyes. Who
knows what secrets they hold.

"P-please just let me go." I beg, trying to push him away from me. Tears begin to run down my
face from the fear of him inside of me. I don't like this side of Calvin.

     My bottom lip quivers in fear as I look at Calvin. His eyes are dark and I cannot tell what he
could be thinking. Anything could be running through this man's head. He's capable of anything.

My back is against the wall, "admit it." He says with a low growl. I whimper and shake my head.
I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I keep trying to talk myself into not being scared of

I swallow roughly when his hand grips my thigh with an unbearably painful grasp. I chew on my
cheek to remain quiet.

"Admit that you're afraid of me." He says lowly, dipping his head down closer to me. His breath
fans my face and I whimper. Liquor. I look him in the eyes and don't say a word. Instead, I hold
my ground.

"You know what I'm capable of, Gray. Just admit it." He seethes. My eyes fall to the ground. I do
know what he's capable of. I have a slight clue on what he has done in the past, and what he might
continue to do in his near future. I have no control of a man like him or anyone in general.
"Calvin." I whimper his name. The man standing before me isn't the one that I know. His wolf has
taken control. He doesn't acknowledge me.

"Admit it. I scare you." He growls. I don't know why he wants me to tell him I'm scaring him.
Maybe he likes to get a high out of scaring people. The smell of the blood on him makes me want
to get sick.

"Calvin, please-" I beg for him to come back to me. The grip on my thigh tightens. Although he's
right, I think he'll do anything to get me to agree with him.  I yelp and scrape my hand against the
one on my thigh.

"Calvin!" I cry out his name, my free hand goes to his chest to try and push him off of me.
"Please! Come back!" I whimper trying to tame his wolf myself. I want to run but I can't.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes and suddenly there is no more harsh grip on my thigh.
Instead, his thumb gently rubs over the area he had been squeezing so roughly.

"Calvin?" I sob his name but I don't dare to bring myself to look at him. His free hand strokes the
side of my face with his knuckles.

"Yeah." He says, confirming that it was him again. "are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asks,
examining the bruise that looks just like his hand on my leg. I cover it with my hand.

"Yeah, but I'll be okay-" I say. I don't want him to worry about it. I just want him away from me
and to be left alone. He gently wipes the tears from my eyes.

"It's not okay, I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." I mumble. I still refuse to look at him. As of right now, I'm absolutely terrified of him. I
want his hands off of me and I want to be a thousands miles or more away from him. Nothing in
my life has frightened me as much as this man has in only a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, tilting my chin up to make me look at him. I let out a sigh and wipe the
tears from my eyes. Calvin's eye color has changed back to normal. It's him.

He leans forward to give me a apology kiss, but I turn my head away from him. I push him
completely away from me and climb the stairs without another word. This man is just like
everyone said he was. A merciless monster.

I shut myself inside one of the many spare bedrooms inside of his home. It is beyond me why he
has to have so much space for such a small living capacity. I can understand two or three extra
rooms, but nothing this fancy.

My eyes burn as I crawl into the center of the bed. I don't want to be afraid of Calvin. I can't really
help the fact that I am whenever he has someone's blood on him and he pins me against the wall
with anger. I run my fingers through my hair.

  I silently study the hand bruise on my thigh. Each time I rub it, it seems to shoot a stinging pain
up my leg. Calvin had such...anger when he grabbed it.

I want to go back home to my mom. At least she won't grab me so forcefully. Tears run down my
cheeks from the amount of stress I've been under in only the past hour or two. I pull my legs to my
chest and rock back and forth. After an unwanted encounter like I just had, I don't want to fall
asleep. What if it's in my dreams as well?
   An hour passes of me just sitting in silence, telling myself how my days have gone with Calvin
so far. He's a strong leader. He's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. Calvin is used to
using force to get his message through. I don't do good with force. I feel the need to defy it. Using
force shouldn't even be an option.

Calvin has a temper. A werewolf strengthens temper. It's a bad trait to have, especially when he
has everyone looking up to him. He needs some patience, and a better way to handle situations.
Calvin needs control over such a powerful wolf.

There's a tap on the door, and then it creaks open. I glare at Calvin as he stands in the doorway
with a tray of food in his hands.

"I'm sleeping, go away." I lie. Although I'm sitting straight up and the covers are still made just
like they were when I got into the room. Calvin let's out a slow breath and ignores my demands.
Instead, he walks into the room and rests the tray on the edge of the bed. I chew on the inside of
my cheek because the smell is absolutely delicious. I love cinnamon.

I knot my eyebrows as I look at the food. It's star tipped sticks. They're freshly cooked, so I can
only assume Calvin had spent the last hour cooking them.

"I I'm sorry." Calvin says gently, taking a seat on the bed. I scoot away from him in fear that he
might grab me again. I look at him with worry in my eyes.

I don't say anything. "I made you some churros and chocolate milk I remember your mom saying
that you hate coffee and it's the middle of the night-" Calvin stops talking and he sighs.
"Churro?" I ask, knotting my eyebrows. I've heard of them once or twice but I don't know what
they are. Calvin flashes his teeth in a smile and shakes his head.

He reaches for a sugary stick and flinches because they're hot. "Yes, a churro. It's a Spanish
dessert." He explains. "It's pretty much a stick doughnut with cinnamon and sugar on it." I purse
my lips.


"I'm upset you've never had one." He says with a gentle smile. "Now you can't tell me if mine are
better than the others you've tried." I pull my lip between my teeth. He's trying to make

"Bringing me sweets isn't going to make me want to forgive you." I say lowly. Calvin hands me a
cup of milk and I hold it in my hands.

Calvin doesn't say anything. Instead, he grabs a churro and pops it takes a bite out of it. I don't
think he is the arguing type. He leans back on the bed and finishes his sweet in silence.

"You better try one because Brax will be over soon and he'll want the entire container." He says. I
let out a slow breath.

"He'll want you too." I mumble, bringing the cup to my lips. Every time I hear Brax's name I think
of the little comment he had made towards Calvin that made me laugh so hard. I haven't had a
proper meeting with him but I feel like he's a fun guy to hang out with.

Calvin smiles because I finally made conversation with him. He takes a bite out of a churro and
waves the other half near my face. I scrunch my nose in disgust.
"No, you bit off that. That's disgusting." I look at the way his wet hair falls over his face. There are
dark circles under his eyes from being up so long but it doesn't seem to bother him.

"So, I can have my tongue down your throat but you won't eat after me?" I chew on the inside of
me cheek as Calvin's lips curl into an amused smile. Even though were alone, I don't like how he's
so blunt about it; it bothers me.

"Fine." I grumble. I don't want him to be right but he is. A bite isn't any worse than having
someone's tongue down your throat. I open my mouth when he treats me like a child and moves
the churro around like an airplane.

My mouth has a mini orgasm when the dessert hits my taste buds. As much as I try and hide
myself from liking it so much, Calvin knows.

"Why is Brax coming over?" I knot my eyebrows in confusion, licking my lips clean of any sugar.

Calvin sucks the sugar off his thumb and shrugs his shoulders. "I wanted to take you out to see the
pack, Brax is going to take over the training today." He says as if it's happened a million times.

"Are you okay with that? I promise what happened earlier won't happen again. My wolf he's-" I
nod my head in agreement. I don't want him to bring up anything from earlier. I sip on my
chocolate milk hoping that he didn't drug it, and I remain quiet.

"Can I have another one?" I ask, looking at Calvin with puppy dog eyes. He smiles.
"Yeah, baby. As many as you like."


     "Gray." Calvin says. I knot my eyebrows and I look over my shoulder at him. I didn't sleep in
the same bed as him last night. I didn't even sleep on the same level of the house as he did.

I'm still afraid of him. Well, not of him. I'm afraid of what he is capable of doing. Calvin is a
strong and spoiled man. He didn't come this far giving everyone in his path a hug and a friendly

He is a dangerous man to test. His patience is a thin string and he doesn't like questions. It's like
defying his ruling over you to him. He doesn't like it.

"Hmm?" I hum tiredly. Because I was up most of the night dreading that he would come into my
room as angry as he was before, I didn't sleep very well. My back hurts from sleeping in a ball and
my eyes are heavy. The only good thing that came out of being here last night were the churros.

"I need you to get ready for the day." He mumbles, adjusting the shirt that's falling off of my
shoulder. I remain calm. After thinking things through last night after he had left me to sleep, his
touch doesn't seem as welcoming as it did before our hateful encounter. "We've got a lot to do

I shy away from him and twiddle my thumbs around. I lose eye contact with Calvin and focus on
my thighs. The bruise isn't there anymore, but the reminder of how hateful his touch can be still
lingers on my skin.
"You've got a lot to do today." I reply lowly, running my hands over my face. All I want to do
today is take the long trip back to my parents and sleep in my old bed. I feel out of place here.

Calvin let's out an heavy sigh and paces the room. "You're still mad." He states the obvious. I
glance over my shoulder at him and see that he's infuriated. "You said that it was fine." He huffs.
Suddenly, fear rises. I flinch at the tone of his voice and cower away from him.

"I just wanted you to leave me alone!" I reply, my voice trembling. I lied to him about it being
fine. I just wanted him to leave me be.

"You can't lie to me, Gray!" Calvin shouts into the tension filled air. I flinch at how hateful his
words are and cover my face with my hands.

Tears leave my eyes no matter how hard I fight to keep them from coming out. My knees tremble
in fear and my bottom lip quivers like it's below freezing outside. I need time to deal with all of
this. It's hard to swallow your fears when they keep coming back- stronger.

The room falls silent. I cry softly, trying to contain the sounds coming from my mouth. "Gray.." I
hear Calvin call out to me. I momentarily lift my eyes to meet his. He looks like he regrets
everything he has just done. He swallows as he looks at my puffy eyes.

"Just leave me alone." I whimper, burying my head in my knees and try my best to stop crying.   It
isn't going to happen any time soon.

"I can't." He replies softly.

"Why the hell not?" I snap, looking up at him.

"because you don't really want me to." He says softly. I blow out a slow breath. He's right and
wrong at the same time. I want to be as far as the moon away from Calvin, but at the same time I
want him to smash me between him and the bed.

"Do you want to go?" He asks. "It's your choice. I won't force you into anything you're not
comfortable with."

"Yeah." I whisper. "I'll go." A wave of fear washes over me as I agree to go and meet the pack. I've
only met Brax and it shouldn't even count as a meeting.

"I have to warn you, Gray, you have to earn your title there." He explains. I knot my eyebrows and
look up at him in confusion but I don't beg for an answer. Instead, I agree with him by nodding my
head and getting up to get ready for the day.  

We arrive at the pack house after an hour of getting ready and Calvin forcing me to order
something from a fast food restaurant to eat. He didn't really force me, but he did annoy me until I
finally told him what I wanted.

The house is absolutely breathtaking. I glance over at Calvin who has his full concentration on
driving safely. His home isn't as far as I had expected it to be from the pack house, but it's still a
ways away.

A man at the end of the driveway gives Calvin a mysterious look and nods his head, letting Calvin
"You don't have to be so nervous." Calvin says, resting his large hand on my thigh. I blankly look
at him and sigh.

"I have a legitimate reason to be nervous." I sigh, "you told me before we left that I have to earn
my title. These people have had years of training that I've

never even thought of." I run my hands over my face.

"Trust me, Gray. You have already earned your spot in my heart. They will too." I look over at him
and let out a soft breath. His words are somewhat soothing, because I knot Calvin will back me up
if anyone tries to mess with me.

As soon as Calvin parks the car I'm unbuckled and out of it. I haven't been so excited to go inside
of a new place in such a long time. I mean, I've only ever read about this place in the books.

My mouth gapes open at the breathtaking sight just in front of me. I have to tilt my head up just to
see the entire place.

"The outside needs a few repairs." Calvin points to a corner of the house. I roll my eyes at the
minority of it. "This was originally the pack house." He explains.

"But, my pack has doubled in size the past centuries and so this is now the academy." He points
out. I nod my head. Oh.

"I thought you said we were going to the pack house?" I knot my eyebrows and look up at Calvin.
He gives me a gentle smile.

"I just have to pick up some paperwork, and then we'll go." I nod my head and follow behind him
as he starts towards the grand entrance.

There's a few people hanging out in the hallways as we walk through. I silently reach for Calvin's
hand and continue behind him in silence.

I swallow because there's so many looks from so many people at me. I glance at a girl, not much
older than me and her eyes are filled with fury. I swallow and quickly look down at the ground. I
know how to defend myself but the people here are intimidating.

We stop in front of a large red door and I bump into his back. I suck in a deep breath as he unlocks
the door and steps inside.

"Are those the guy dorms?" I point to the row of rooms starting on the next wall over from us.
Calvin pokes his head out and then continues towards his desk.

"They're the dorms, yes." He confirms my assumptions. "But, we don't separate the dorms. I mean,
the girls and guys live in the same hallway, not the same rooms." He rolls his eyes and unlocks his

"Why not?" I knot my eyebrows and roam around his office. My fingers graze over his bookshelf
and I let out a sigh. What a great collection.

"Separating them won't keep them from sleeping together." He shakes his head. "I've tried in the
past." I nod my head, mindlessly listening.

"Oh." I mumble. Suddenly the topic is more embarrassing now. I look down at my hands and try
to figure out something different to talk about.
"What are you getting?" I perk up because I've changed the topic. Calvin glances up at me and

"Papers, do you have to ask so many questions?" He rolls his eyes and doesn't sound the least bit
happy about it.

"One more question." I say. Calvin glances up at me and raises an eyebrow. I take that as
permission to ask away.

"Absolutely, babydoll." I grin, and take a seat with my new book on a little couch in the room. I
settle in and silently begin to read. Picking up a few papers has turned into having to wait to get
them from Calvin's intern for awhile.

"Calvin" I groan, shutting my book and looking at the clock on the wall. I let out an aggravated

"I know, I know baby. I'm sorry." He rubs his temples. We have been here for nearly an hour and a
half now. Apparently the papers he needed were lost somewhere on the way up to his office.

I shift continuously on the couch and try to find something to do. I've been reading the entire time
and I've gotten bored with it.

"Come here and we'll watch a movie on my computer."  He offers, patting his lap. I hesitantly take
up his offer. I'm not too fond of my weight.

I stand by him and he rolls his eyes and pulls me against him. I let out a sigh and curl up against
him without any argument. Although I'm still terrified because of what happened last night, I sort
of still trust him. At least, enough to watch a movie.

  He chooses a old looney tunes movie and shifts in his place. Not too far into it, Calvin's mind

"I want to apologize again for last night.." He starts. I let out a sigh and focus on the movie.

"Don't apologize." I mumble, "it's alright." I try my best to convince him.

"No, it's not okay. Baby, I didn't mean to do or say any of what I said." He says gently. I let out a
frustrated breath and straddle his waist to face him completely.

"It wasn't you that said any of that. I know, Calvin. Don't apologize for what your wolf did." I
mumble, and to assure him I lean forward and give him a gentle kiss.

The kiss turns more aggressive. A burning sensation for him pools inside me. Calvin forces his
tongue into my mouth and I don't do anything about it. He's good at what he does.

His large hand slides against my butt and holds me against him. My fingers knot into his hair as
I'm swept away my the intensity of the kiss.

Calvin's lips part from mine only to trail hot open mouth kisses to my neck. I crane my neck for
him, selfishly enjoying his touch.

  Calvin's teeth gently graze my spot where he is to mark me. I involuntarily buck my hips at the
pleasurable feeling.  A approving growl rumbles from deep within his chest and I can't help but
feel myself craving him.

He nips at my skin again, but this time his teeth are longer and sharper. My heart pounds inside
my chest because I know that Calvin is about to mark me. His tongue grazes the spot again and I
let out a cry when his grip tightens on me.

The office door opens, "Mr. Harri- oh, am I inturrpting?" A woman's voice calls. Calvin let's out a
sigh as I bury my head into the crook of his neck.

"No, we're just watching a movie. Did you find my papers?" He doesn't sound as nice as he is to
me. I silently leave kisses on his neck and feel him struggle underneath me.

As soon as the door shuts behind her, I nibble on his ear. The wolf in me has awoken and she's not
letting up.

"Stop it baby," he groans, craning his neck for me. I continue my assault on his skin like he has
done to me. "I can concentrate of what I'm reading." He shifts and I can feel his friend in his pants.
I playfully giggle and nibble at where his mark will be before I pull away completely.

"Can we go now? I think I just missed seven of my birthdays."

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