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What Does It Mean When My

Employer Is Not Putting Me On

If you’ve noticed a drop in your

scheduled work hours, you’re probably
wondering, “Why is my employer not
putting me on schedule?” The situation
can be particularly alarming and
confusing if you’re a full-time employee.
This article will discuss all the common
reasons your employer might take you
off the schedule and what you can do
about it if it concerns you.

Why Is My Employer
Not Putting Me on
Before you stress out and assume the
worst, consider a legitimately positive
reason your employer might not be
putting you on the schedule. One reason
your employer might take you off the
schedule is if you are experiencing a
crisis of some sort.

If your job has a computer-generated

points system, your manager may have
taken you off the schedule so that you
wouldn’t get attendance points and
ultimately get Gred. Perhaps they did it
on your behalf because they knew you
were having hardships and might not
show up.

The lack of your name on the schedule

could be a system glitch as well.
Something like that is likely to happen if
you just returned from medical leave or
leave of absence.

That said, there are other not-so-nice

reasons your employer might not be
putting you on the schedule. Here are a
handful of the most common negative
reasons they may have axed your

Unofficial Layoff

Your employer may have decided to lay

you off without notifying you and use a
roundabout tactic to initiate it. They may
do this during slow seasons. First, check
your employment status to see whether
you are classiGed as a temporary or
permanent employee.

Your employer may have laid you off if

you are only temporary, and they may
intend to put you back on the schedule
next season. You should be eligible for
unemployment if that’s the case.


Cutting you from the schedule could be

a form of retaliation, which is prohibited
by the Equal Opportunity
Commission’s guidelines. It occurs when
employers take adverse actions against
workers who Gle a complaint against
harassment and discrimination.

No employer is allowed to retaliate when

an employee exercises his or her rights.
However, many of them do, and schedule
cutting is a stealth method certain
leaders use to circumvent accountability.

Not Enough Hours

The organization you work for may not

have enough hours to go around. Thus,
cutting your hours down might be a way
of balancing things so that they can get
through a rough patch. You are highly
susceptible to something like this if you
are a part-time worker.

Constructive Discharge

Constructive discharge is a subtle way of

getting rid of a worker and preventing
the company from having to pay
unemployment beneGts. Its nature is
similar to retaliation, but it’s worse
because the victims usually have no
indication of what they did to deserve
the treatment.

You may be a victim of constructive

dismissal if you suddenly notice your
hours reduced or eliminated for no
apparent reason. Unfortunately, the
employer may be covertly trying to get
you to resign from your position.

Does Taken Off the

Schedule Mean Fired?
Many people assume they are Gred
because their employer removes them
from the schedule. However, you are not
terminated unless you receive an ofGcial
notice of termination and are no longer
in the employer’s system. Please be
aware that some workplaces keep
employees in their systems to make it
more difGcult for them to collect
unemployment beneGts.

What if My Job Only

Scheduled Me One
Day a Week?
Most workplaces have at-will
arrangements with their workers. That
means they have a lot of leeway
regarding termination, scheduling, job
tasks, etc. There isn’t much you can do if
you are a part-time employee, and your
boss decides to give you one day of

The employer will have a more difGcult

time explaining why they did that to a
full-time employee, but you will still have
to take action if you want to bring the
employer into question.

If I’m Not Scheduled

To Work, Do I Have To
Come In?
You do not have to report to work if you
are not on the employer’s schedule.
Some systems will even prevent you
from clocking in if you are not on the
employer’s digital scheduling program
for the week.

However, you may still be able to clock in

and work at your job if you have an
arrangement with them to do so despite
being removed from the schedule. This
scenario is more likely if you’ve been
taken off the schedule due to a hardship
or crisis, but you still Gnd your way into
work somehow.

Can an Employer Take

You Off the Schedule
Without Notice?
An employer retains the right to
schedule you according to the needs of
the business. That right includes
reducing your hours if they need to.
They can even refuse to schedule you
for any hours if the situation calls for it.

Each state has different laws about the

notice employers must give their
workers before making scheduling
changes. New York employers have to
give their workers 72 hours of notice, for

How Long Can an

Employer Not
Schedule You?
An employer can keep you off the
schedule indeGnitely if they choose to.
However, you have some resources if you
Gnd that you have not received any
hours for more than two consecutive

What Should I Do
About My Employer
Not Putting Me on
The Grst thing to do if your employer is
not putting you on the schedule is to talk
to the employer. Talk to the manager
who makes the schedule in person and
ask them why they removed you from it.
Your boss should respond by notifying
you of the reason.

He or she should let you know if the

company has terminated you from your
position, and you should receive the
paperwork. Likewise, your boss should
explain it to you if they cut or eliminated
your hours for another reason.

You can apply for unemployment

compensation if you’ve lost a signiGcant
number of hours or have been
terminated. The most important factor is
to get proof of your termination. You
may qualify for monetary payments if
you’ve accumulated enough hours in the
last quarter to warrant them.

The EEOC is an organization you can go

to if you feel that your hours have been
cut or removed because of
discrimination or a retaliatory campaign.
The last step is to consult with an
experienced employment lawyer about
your situation.

Some attorneys offer free consultations

to assess cases such as yours. You may
Gnd that the attorney will help you on a
contingency basis if he or she feels your
case is strong enough.

Now you know the answer to the

question, “What if I’m not 2red but no
hours have been given to me?” and,
“Why is my employer not putting me on
the schedule?” Speak to your employer
Grst for clariGcation and then take the
necessary steps to get assistance.

Read More:

5 Things To Do When Your Boss

Makes You Feel Incompetent

13 Signs Of Bosses Who Lie And

Manipulate (And How To Handle)

Boss Keeps Delaying Promotion:

How To Professionally Handle This?

How To Tell Your Boss You Are Not

Working Weekends

How To Identify A False or Unfair

Performance Improvement Plan
(and How To Respond)

What To Do When You’re Broke

And Unemployed: 13 Ways To Get
Out Of It Quickly

Am I Getting Fired After a

Performance Improvement Plan?

" # $ % &


12 Reasons People May Believe

that “I Suck at My Job”

New Employee Promoted Before

Me: How To Deal With It In
Professional Way

Here’s What Happens When Firing

an Employee Without Warning






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