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MCQ on Disaster Risk Management OE II

Q No. Statement
1 Disaster is
A a natural phenomena
B a human induced conflict
C both of the mentioned
D None of the mentioned

2 Risk is the
A combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences.
B the exposure or the chance of loss due to a particular Hazard for a given area and time
or period.
C both of the mentioned
D None of the mentioned

3 Identify the odd feature with respect to a Disaster

A Predictable
B Threatening
C Urgent
D Uncertain

4 India’s total cyclone-prone area is ……….

A 5%
B 8%
C 10%
D 12%

5 How many distinct types of actions are defined as part of disaster management?
A 4
B 5
C 6
D 7

6 The Prime Minister, who released the first Disaster Management Plan of India is
A Atal Bihari Vajpayee
B Dr. Manmohan Singh
C Narendra Modi
D Rajiv Gandhi

7 Which one of the following is not a Natural Disaster?

A Earth quake
B Flood
C Blow-out
D Tsunami

8 Intensity of the earth quake is most commonly measured on

A Seismograph
B Richter Scale
C Mercalli Scale
D None of the above

9 Disaster management act was enacted in year

A 2001
B 2005
C 2008
D 2012

10 States like Andhra Pradesh & Odisha commonly face the following disaster
A Earth quake
B Cyclone
C Flood
D Drought

11 Tsunami occurs due to

A Wave Upwelling
B Wind Impact
C Earthquake generated in subduction zone
D Tidal force

12 Which of the following state very often affected by Flood disaster

A Maharashtra
B Assam
C Bihar
D West Bengal

13 Vulnerability analysis come in which part of Disaster management cycle?

A Preparedness
B Mitigation
C Response
D Recovery

14 National Disaster Management authority is headed by

A Minister of Disaster Management
B Home Minister
C Health Minister
D Prime Minister

15 Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred in 1984 was due to leakage of

A Sulphur Dioxide gas
B Nitrogen Dioxide gas
C Methyl Isocyanate gas
D Carbon Monoxide gas
16 A hazard is a situation where there is
A Threat of natural calamity
B Threat to property and lives from calamities
C Threat of consequences of disaster
D All of the above

17 The typical examples of man-made disasters are

A Chemical explosion
B Leakage of toxic waste
C War and civil strike
D All of the above

18 The role of which agency is important in disaster prevention.

A Media
B Police
C Government officials
D Public

19 What type of disaster is most prominent in India?

A Flood
B Draught
C Cyclone
D Earthquake

20 Disaster management is aimed at

A Resettling people in the closest unaffected urban area
B Collection of valuable data for future management objectives
C Strengthening sewage and drinking water treatment facilities to resist the impact of
future disaster
D Restoring a community’s services, facilities and residences to pre-disaster levels

21 The human factors which cause floods are

A Deforestation
B Pollution
C Heavy rainfall
D Encroachment in catchment area

22 National Institute of Disaster Management is at

A Mumbai
B New Delhi
C Chennai
D Pune

23 Pandemic is a biological disaster that spreads across

A Regions
B States
C a nation
D continents

24 Natural causes of Urban Flooding

A Meteorological phenomena
B Excessive rain fall
C All the mentioned
D None of the mentioned

25 Man-Made causes of Urban Flooding

A Inadequate drainage infrastructure
B Flood plain encroachment
C All the mentioned
D None of the mentioned

26 With respect to disaster, NDMA means

A National Disaster Mitigation Authority
B National Disaster Management Agency
C National Disaster Management Authority
D National Disaster Minimization Authority

27 With respect to disaster NDRF means

A National Disaster Rescue Force
B National Disaster Response Force
C National Disaster Reduction Force
D None of the mentioned

28 The Chairperson of National Executive Committee (NEC) is

A Prime Minister
B Union Home Minister
C Union Home Secretary
D Union Defence Minister

29 State Disaster Management Authority SDMA, headed by the

A State Home Secretary
B Chief Minister
C Home Minister
D Finance Minister

30 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) headed by

A District Collector
B District Police Commissioner
C Chief Executive Officer
D None of the mentioned

31 Bhopal Gas tragedy is a kind of

A Natural disaster
B Manmade disaster
C Both of the mentioned
D None of the mentioned

32 Disaster Management includes

A Mitigation
B Reconstruction
C Rehabilitation
D All of the mentioned

33 In India National Institute of Disaster Management is located at

A Mumbai
B Bengaluru
C Hyderabad
D New Delhi

34 Effective management of hazard largely rely on

A Govt. agencies
B Emergency responses
C Pre-disaster planning
D Media

35 The instrument which records earthquake wave is called

A Climograph
B Seismograph
C Hythergraph
D Vibrograph

36 Developing and practicing an emergency plan occurs during which phase of disaster
A Mitigation
B Preparedness
C Response
D Recovery

37 In which phase of disaster management would you stabilize the situation and assess
the immediate damage?
A Mitigation
B Preparedness
C Response
D Recovery

38 The primary goal of a disaster preparedness plan is

A To protect the people
B To protect valuable resources
C To keep awareness
D To prevent loss of properties

39 International Tsunami information centre is located at

A Honolulu
B Jakartha
C Geneva
D New York

40 The Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC) is located at

A Chennai
B Hyderabad
C Vishakha pattanam
D Bhuvaneshwar

41 What percentage of the landmass of India is vulnerable to earthquakes of moderate to

very high intensity?
A 45.66 %
B 51.87 %
C 55.81 %
D 58.60 %

42 What percent of the landmass of India is prone to flood related disasters ?

A 08 %
B 12 %
C 18 %
D 20 %

43 What percentage of the Country’s areas are vulnerable to cyclone related disasters
A 08 %
B 12 %
C 18 %
D 20 %

44 The main aim of Disaster Risk Reduction is to

A prevent new and reduce existing disaster risk and managing residual risk
B evaluate the losses of life and property
C do research in methods and techniques
D none of the mentioned

45 Which is day is celebrated as the National Day for disaster reduction?

A 13th January
B 13th June
C 13th August
D 13th October

46 The satellites meant for Disaster Management applications in India are

D All the mentioned

47 Geo-informatics constituting Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS are very effective tools for
A forecasting the disasters
B monitoring the disasters
C assessment of losses due to disasters
D all the mentioned

48 The main role of the NGOs in disaster management is

A to decide policies for disaster management
B fund raising and financial management during disaster

C providing relief materials, involvement in rescue operations, arranging temporary

shelters etc
D to create awareness, communication and media publicity

49 The most common form of natural disasters in India is

A Flood
B Cyclone
C Earth quake
D Drought

50 “Reducing vulnerability is one of the most effective way to reduce disaster risk”
A The statement is absolutely true
B The statement is partially true
C The statement is false
D The statement is invalid

51 The role of incident commander in the incident command system is to

A make preparedness plan as pre disaster activity
B structure, organise and manage an emergency during disaster
C coordinate the reconstruction and rehabilitation as a post disaster activity
D None of the mentioned

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