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611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, You have 1 free member-only story left this month. Sign up for Medium and get an extra one. + Member-only story 10 Exciting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Portfolio Learn how to build apps and showcase your skills with large language models (LLMs). Get started today! Leonie Monigatti - Follow Published in Towards Data Science timin read » May 15 © Listen (Share using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOBTabéct9= vat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, Openinapp 7 >) Sign in ow 3 iotoazoi010101011110112000 ‘011010101010002000001000109 '910002000001000100020001009 4100011120011102111000001113 101000001121100010110121001] 1110000/1010010100010001000) ‘oo1d00n10r0102011101201113 ooierero101102010101071119 311000101101010101000100000 1190010020002000001000100010] (001000100011310011101111000, A data science portfolio is a way to create public evidence of your skills. O ne common piece of advice I often hear for job applicants is to have a portfolio showcasing your work. This doesn't only apply to artists or models but also to software developers and data scientists. A portfolio of your projects acts as public evidence of your skills. This public evidence can be anything from a blog to open-source contributions to an active engagement on forums such as StackOverflow. But these types of public evidence take a long time to build. Another type of evidence showcasing your skills is with smaller end-to-end projects. Another type of evidence showcasing your skills is with smaller end-to-end projects. For data scientists, these can be projects such as exploratory data analysis and data visualization, classical Machine Learning on tabular data, or Deep Learning to classify images. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zit 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, With the advent of laroe lanonage models (11 Ms) in the form of nre-trained foundation models, suc LLMs are 3 getting 0:24 Thus, now is a great time to add a new LLM-powered project to your portfolio! This article will share 10 side project ideas that utilize LLMs for downstream tas. Wherever you are in your career, I hope these will inspire you to build something fun while learning about this new technology. 1. Cover letter generator 2. Chatbot with a personality 3. YouT! mmarizer 4, Information extraction from job postings 5. Custom web scraper 6. Searchable database of your documents 7. Question answering over documents 9. Classify business inquiries from e-mails 10. Where is Waldo? Projects Based on Text Generation LLMs are most widely known for their generative capabilities. In this section, we will first discuss some project ideas based on use cases related to them: 1, Generative: cover letter generator 2. Conversational: chatbot with a personality 3, Summarization: YouTube summarizer using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= iat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 4, Extraction: Information extraction fram ioh nastines 5. Rewritin Project Idea 1. wower wescer ener acer LLMs’ main superpower is their ability to generate coherent bodies of text. Whi °°?" e is a lot of discussion in the media of how people are exploiting this technology I creating fully AL-generated blogs to students cheating on homework, this techn. _ 5 ig or programming to increase productivity. already being widely adapted in copywriti Did you say you were looking for a new job opportunity? Then this project might be right up your alley: A cover letter generator. Creating a Cover Letter Generator Using Python and GPT-3 Can we use NLP to help job seekers find jobs that are a better fit? While you could technically build this only by engineering the perfect prompt and filling it with the relevant information about the role, this will become repetitive work if you want to apply for multiple roles. Thus, this is a great small project to practice prompt engineering and using prompt templates. prompt_template = """ Write a cover letter to {contact_person} from {your_name} for a {role} job at {company_name}. I have experience in {personal_exp}. I am excited about the job because {job_desc}. I am passionate about {passion}. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= ait 611223, 1242AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLM) for Your Porta | by Leonie Monigat | May, 2023 | Towatés Da If you are feeling ready for a challence van conld also try to extract the relevant information 0:24 Cover Letter Generator Generate a cover letter for any job posting you see. CONCEPT REMARK ~~ es “a uM & Foundation model O Conversational O Embedding F ing From Text a Data loading & processing) From video or audio. Prompt engineering & Prompt templates O Conversational memory O Vector database O Other Project Idea 2: Customized Chatbot You've heard of ChatGPT. I don't need to go into detail here. It’s conversational capabilities are pretty impressive. But it lacks personality and has limited information. What if you could give it access to specific knowledge or even a full personality? The first example is not only a cute and whimsical idea, but it also serves a therapeutic purpose. Michelle Huang built a chatbot based on her diaries to chat with her childhood self. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= sat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 0:24 What's especially cool about this project is that Michelle used this chathot for her inner child work. Ina “Black Mirror” episode called “Be Right Back” from 2013, the grieving protagonist reconnects with her late boyfriend after learning about a service that lets people stay in touch with the deceased. Ten years later, you could technically build this on your laptop as a weekend project... Although this example is a bit morbid, who's to say we won't see this technology help us grieve in the future? Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize a project like these: 1. Collect data from your old diaries or chat history and load into documents using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= eat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 2. Feed an 11M the contertial information in the nromnt 3. Add con 0:24 Personalized Chatbot Give your chatbot some personality by imitating anybody. CONCEPT REMARK ~ — “OuM & Foundation model ® Conversational O Embedding , f From Text Data loading & processing 5 FO io Prompt engineering Few-shot learning w/ examples C Prompt templates i & Conversational memory O Vector database O Other Project Idea 3: YouTube or Podcast Summarizer Summarization is another great use case of LLMs — especially with the vast amount of (Al-)generated content (see generator). But we don't only have information in the form of text but also from audio (c.g., podcasts) or video that need summarization. Content creators often reference older episodes you might have missed. Because most of us don't consume every episode a content creator produces, it might be difficult to get the reference. For this case, I have often thought that it would be awesome to search for the relevant episode and either listen to the full episode or get the relevant key points from that using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= a1 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, episode. Here is an Create Your Own YouTube Video Summarizer App in Just 3 Easy 0:24 Steps Build GPT-3 powered video summarizer to identify the important glimpse of your favorite video. pubtowardsainet If you want to extend this idea, you could make the episodes searchable (see search). This would enable you to ask a content creator's database questions like “In which episode did [content creator] talk about [topic]? Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize this project: 1, Download the video or podcast transcript and load into documents 2. Split long documents into chunks 3. Summarize the transcript with an LLM 4. Optional: Wrap it all in a user-friendly command line interface or even a web application. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= at 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 0:24 Summarize video or podcast episodes from transcripts. CONCEPT REMARK LLM ® Foundation model OD Conversational ee al UI O From Text Data loading & processing = FO TOM aig i © Prompt engineering & Prompt templates O Conversational memory O Vector database O Other Project Idea 4: Information Extraction Another useful use case of LLMs is information extraction. For example, you can provide an LLM with a few examples that contain text and the information you want it to extract. Rember the cover letter generator from earlier? You could extend it with a component to extract the relevant information from a job posting directly: prompt = """ This program will extract relevant information from a job posting. Here are some examples: Job posting: Lead engineer for software integration (remote possible) At XYZ Co. we are making the world a better place.éct9= 9731 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigatt | May, 2023 | Towares Da. To do so we are looking for a lead engineer with experience in Python and STRA. Extracte Role: Le Company: xvZ Co. Requirements: Python, JIRA 0:24 Job posting: Senior software engineer - Autonomous Mobility ABC Inc. is a great company. We are looking for someone with great ability to write complex C code. Extracted Text: Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize this project: 1, Load job description from job posting into a document 2. Extract the relevant information with the LLM by prompt engineering a prompt using examples using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= tot 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, 0:24 Extract information from a piece of text or source code. CONCEPT REMARK & LLM Foundation model O Conversational 1 Embedding From Text Data loading & ata Toaging & Processi [From video or audio Prompt engineering Prompt templates O Conversational memory 0 Vector database O Other Project Idea 5: Web Scraper LLMs are exceptional at rewriting (transforming) texts, such as « rewriting text in a specific style (e.g., the style of “The Economist” or “New Yorker”) rewriting text in a specific reading level (e.g., level grade 6 for easier readability) reformatting information from any format to any other format text correction (e.g., spelling and grammar) translations It is very common to use LLMs to convert text from one form to another. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= nat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigatt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, A creative idea to anniv this rewriting canahility is to nse it for wah seraning, If you have ever w: uld use LLMs to bui sbsites? This is exactly what mangotree has done: 0:24 Ibuilt an LLM-powered tool that can comprehend any website structure and extract the desired data... | got frustrated with the time and effort required to code and maintain custom web scrapers, so | built a more generic. Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize this project: 1. Scrape the website's source code and load into a document 2. Split long documents into chunks 3. Extract the relevant data from the source code using the LLM (see extraction) 4. Reformat the extracted data into the desired format with the LLM by prompt engineering a prompt using examples using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= vat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, 0:24 Format extracted information from one format to another CONCEPT REMARK LLM & Foundation model O Conversational 1 Embedding From Text Data loading & ene fogeling ® process!" C1 From video or audio Prompt engineering Prompt templates O Conversational memory O Vector database O Other Projects Based on Text Representation The project ideas so far were based on the idea of generating new text. But another use case of LLMs is based on the idea of text representations. You can input the text to an embeddings model and extract the numerical representation of this text — the “text embeddings”. ‘These text embeddings enable you to perform mathematical operations, including similarity calculations, or apply Machine Learning algorithms. In this section, we will discuss some project ideas based on use cases related to them: 1, Search and similarity: searchable database of your documents 2. Question answering: question answering over documents or code base 3. Clusterin; clustering social media posts and podcast episodes into topics using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= sa 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 4, Classification: classify hisiness inamiries fram e-mails Project Idea ¢ Embedding: to keyword-based search engines, we can calculate the similarity of adocument's 0:24 embeddings to the embeddings of a search query. For example, you could turn your personal documents into a searchable databa. _ How | Turned My Company’s Docs into a Searchable Database with OpenAl And how you can do the same with your docs Another neat project is Andrej Karpathy’s weekend hack that enables you to search for a specific movie: Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize a project like these: using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= vast 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 1. Load the 2, Split lon 3. Generate and store the embeddings from the documents with an embeddin, °'** model 4, Define the index query to retrieve the relevant files Searchable Database Turn your documents into a searchable database CONCEPT REMARK LLM & Foundation model O Conversational Embedding From Text Data loading & processing of From video or audio & Prompt engineering C Prompt templates 1D Conversational memory 8 Vector database O Other Project Idea 7: Question Answering over Documents Question answering can be viewed as a combination of search (see search) and summarization (see summarization). It can help work through any document in a more intuitive way. You can use it to chat with your documents or any code base: using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= ts 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 0:24 Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize this project: 1. Load source code into documents 2. Split long documents into chunks 3. Generate and store the embeddings from the documents with an embeddings model 4. Define the index query to retrieve context and prompt the LLM on it using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= 601 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Petals | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 0:24 Interact with a document or codebase intuitively with question answering. CONCEPT REMARK CO uM © Foundation model ® Conversational & Embedding From Text Data loading & processing’ From video or audio, & Prompt engineering C Prompt templates Conversational memory Vector database O Other Project Idea 8: lustering Documents into To Aside from querying documents or information from said documents, you can also use embeddings to put documents into categories by using clustering (unsupervised learning). For example, you can use clustering to find topics in a podcast episode. using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= wrist 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 0:24 Or you can cluster posts on an online forum into topics. Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize a project like these: 1. Load content into documents 2. Split long documents into chunks 3. Generate and store the embeddings from the documents with an embeddings model 4, Use the embeddings as the input for a clustering algorithm using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= vat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Petals | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, 0:24 Cluster social media posts or podcast episodes into topics. CONCEPT REMARK LLM Foundation model 1 Conversational Embedding From Text Data loading & processing (| FO TOR Prompt engineering 0 Prompt templates O Conversational memory Vector database Other Clustering algorithm Project Idea 9: Classifying Inquiries Similarly to clustering, you can put documents into categories in a supervised fashion with classification. For example, you could classify eCommerce inquiries into categories, such as e.g., shipping, returns, and tracking. Here are the rough steps you would follow to realize this project: 1. Load e-mails into documents 2. Generate and store the embeddings from the documents with an embeddings model using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= sa 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 3. Use the emheddine ta train a classifier 0:24 Inquiry Classifier Classify business inquiries from e-mails. CONCEPT REMARK LLM Foundation model O Conversational Embedding Data loading & processing [, Hd oo ee Prompt engineering 0 Prompt templates O Conversational memory Vector database Other Classification algorithm Advanced Projects (Project Idea 10: Where is Waldo) If the above projects sound too easy for you, how about combining an LLM with the recently released Segment Anything model (SAM) from Meta Al to find Waldo? using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= ora 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, 0:24 Summary Now is your turn to get crackin’! While most of the above examples are using OpenAl’s GPT-3 or higher, you need to know that you need to have a paid subscription to use the OpenAl API. For small experimentation, the OpenAl API is affordable but keep in mind that there will be inference costs if you decide to deploy your project to a web server. If you want a more cost-efficient solution, you can use open-source foundation models hosted on HuggingFace. However, you will most likely notice some performance loss. Once you have decided on a foundation model, you can start by digging deeper into the following concepts: * loading documents and processing them, + prompt engineering and prompt templates (including few-shot prompt templates), * conversational memory, * embeddings, and vector databases using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= 2a 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, depending on the nraiect ven chase Many differ: wered applications < introduction to LangChain to get started building your first LLM-powered appli 0:24 Getting Started with LangChain: A Beginner's Guide to Bu Powered Ap) ALangChain tutorial to build anything with large language models in Python jing LLM I hope this list of LLM-powered applications has inspired you to build your own. I'd love to hear what creative ideas you come up with! Your Project Now, it's your turn! CONCEPT REMARK Oo uM Foundation model CO Conversational : 0 Embedding - 1 O From Text 0 Data load ata loading & Processing From video or audio. 0 Prompt engineering 0 Prompt templates O Conversational memory O Vector database O other using “arge-language-models-Imsoryour-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zara 571228, 1242AM 10 Exctng Projet leas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Porto by Leonie Monigat| May, 202 Towards Do. Enjoyed Thic Starv> Subscribe for Want to read 5$/month. You can support me by using my referral link when you sign up. I'll receive a commiss 0:24 no extra cost to you. Join Medium with my referral link — Leonie Monigatti Read every story from Leonie Monigatti (and thousands of other writers on Medium). Your membership fee directly. Find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Kaggle! Data Science Machine Learning Programming Artificial Intelligence Editors Pick vA® Cae) OC) Written by Leonie Monigatti 3.4K Followers - Writer for Towards Data Science Professional software dev & data science hobbyist. Follow for practical data science guides - whether you're a data scientist or not. linkedin,com/in/804250ab More from Leonie Monigatti and Towards Data Science using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zara 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Pesto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, 0:24 Leonie Monigatt in Towards Data Science Getting Started with LangChain: A Beginner’s Guide to Building LLM- Powered Applications A LangChain tutorial to build anything with large language models in Python + + 12minread » Apr 25 Hoek Qe it using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zara 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towards Da, @ sacob Marks, Ph.D. In Towards Data Science How! Turned My Company’s Docs into a Searchable Database with OpenAl And how you can do the same with your docs 1S minread » Apr25 3m QQ 48 aw Replace this Cas using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= aera 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, @ Khuyen Tan in Towels Mate Seen Stop Hard tead And Howto E + + 6minread » May 26 0:24 ou Q6 Q Leonie Monigatti Understanding LLMOps: Large Language Model Operations How LLMs are changing the way we build Al-powered products and the landscape of MLOps + + 12minread » May2 Se Os ct ¢ See al rom Leonie Monigati ) \ / using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= erat 611223, 12:42AM 10 Excting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Petals | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towares Da, pours o:2a Leonie Monigatti in Towards Data Science Getting Started with LangChain: A Beginner’s Guide to Building LLM- Powered Applications A LangChain tutorial to build anything with large language models in Python + + 12minread « Apr25 am = Q19 using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= arias 6112723, 12:82 AM 10 Excting Project ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Portfolio | by Leonie Monigat | May, 2023 | Towards Ds. ab UR To make Medium work, we log user data. By using Medium, y our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. GS Gabe Araujo, M.Sc. © in Level Up Coding Ss Introducing PandasAI: The Generative Al Python Library 6) Pandas Alis an additional Python library that enhances Pandas, the widely-used data analysis and manipulation tool, by incorporatin: + + 9minread - May 16 Spo Qu a What is ChatGPT? Qstories - 93 saves Stories to Help You Grow as a Software Developer WWstories + HO saves, Leadership 0stories « 54 saves Staff Picks 342stories - 102 saves using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zara 611223, 12:82 AM 410 Excting Project ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Potala | by Leonie Monigatt| May, 2028 | Towards Da, ee 2 aaa @... VW & sonn Adeojo in Towards Data Science Building Al Strategies for Businesses The art of crafting an Al strategy through Wardley Maps + 13min read + Sdaysago &) 646 QQ 10 aw using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= zara 611223, 12:42AM 10 Exctng Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs fr Your Peto | by Leonie Monigtt | May, 2023 | Towareés Da, @ The jasper ANWhicrner in The 31Al Prom Ditch “rewrite + + 9minread » May 24 0:24 194k Qa7 i @® Mate chapman in Towards Data Science How | Stay Up to Date With the Latest Al Trends as a Full-Time Data Scientist No, I don't just ask ChatGPT to tell me + + 8minread - May1 Bro Qos tt using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= 2003 611223, 12:82 AM 410 Excting Project ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Portal | by Leonie Monigatt| May, 2028 | Towards Da, @ Wei-Meng Lee © in Level Up Coding Training Your Own LLM using privateGPT Learn how to train your own language model without exposing your private data to the provider + + 8minread - May 19 ox C ‘See more recommendations LJ using arge-language-models-Ims or your-portfolo-STOTabéct9= avat

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