EJBMR - Aditia Abdurachman

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European Journal of Business and Management Research


Proposed Business Strategy for Small and Medium Food

Beverage Industry:
A Case Study of Ladangkita.id
Aditia Abdurachman and Alvanov Z. Mansoor

Indonesia government urges the public to increase their immune system to
prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus by increasing the consumption of Submitted: December 28, 2021
healthy food as well as massive vaccination and mobility restriction. The Published: October 26, 2022
issue creates opportunity for an enterprise named Ladangkita.id focusing in
ISSN: 2507-1076
selling healthy agricultural food especially fruits. This paper evaluates the
existing business of Ladangkita.id who often experiences problems during DOI: 10.24018/ejbmr.2022.7.5.1228
the process in order to create a better business strategy. Using two analytical
approaches, which are Business Process Analysis and Porter's Five Forces, A. Abdurachman*
the authors found that Ladangkita.id operational cost is bigger than its Cipasung University, Tasikmalaya, West Java,
revenue because of their business process and fruit retail business is highly Indonesia.
saturated. Blue Ocean Strategy is proposed by the authors for (e-mail: aditiaabdurachman@ uncip.ac.id)
Ladangkita.id. By eliminating activities that less contribute to revenue, A. Z. Mansoor*
reducing variance of fresh fruits but increasing the variance of processed Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung,
fruits as well as creating a new value of products may create a better and West Java, Indonesia.
(e-mail: alvanov.mansoor@ itb.ac.id)
sustainable business for Ladangkita.id.
*Corresponding Author

Keywords: Agricultural Business, Business Process Analysis, Blue Ocean

Strategy, Covid-19, Porter's Five Forces.

I. INTRODUCTION Meiza. As a newcomer in Food and Beverage Industry,

especially fresh fruit retailers, Ladangkita.id has to have a
Indonesian president decided to enforce the Regulations on
specific business strategy to develop a sustainable business.
Handling Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19), set from
However, various problems often occur during the process,
March 31, 2020, as stated in Government Regulation No. 21
such as unclear job desks on top management, non-
of 2020. This policy limits schools, offices, places of worship,
performance of financial disabilities, fluctuations in raw
public facilities, social culture, and even public
material prices from day to day, and the number of sales
transportation% (Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Di
continuing to decline. The majority of these problems are the
Brussel Merangkap Luksemburg & Uni Eropa Belgia, n.d.).
number of costs incurred by the company more than the total
Based on data from the Indonesian Central Statistics
revenue. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the existing
Agency. During the adaptation period to new habits, the
business ecosystem and find a suitable strategy in order to
survey results from 1 week that 90 thousand people with
sustain the enterprise. Ladangkita.id then will create a new
differences in gender, education, age, and occupation, found
business strategy based on business process analysis towards
38.75% said that they rarely left the house. Almost 20,08% o
existing operational activities and Porter Five Forces external
use the frequency of leaving the house for work, only 1,47%
analysis (see Fig. 1).
for social needs, and 3,08 for leisure (Badan Pusat Statistik,
In addition, the Indonesian Minister of Health for
Community Nutrition appealed to the Indonesian people to
maintain and improve their immune systems to prevent
contracting the Covid-19 virus by exercising regularly,
washing their hands, and eating balanced nutritious food,
including fruits (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia,


Ladangkita.id is a Small Medium Enterprise business that
sells fruit products door to door to the residence in the East of
Bandung, using a motorbike. It was founded in 2020 by
Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework.
Aditia Abdurachman, M Fahmi Siregar, and Novriesco

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejbmr.2022.7.5.1228 Vol 7 | Issue 5 | October 2022 238

European Journal of Business and Management Research


Stages Stakeholder Problems
Limited budget for purchasing several fruits because highly
Creating Product list Finance and Marketing manager fluctuated price from the suppliers.

Vehicle’s occasionally must be serviced and creates

Street peddling fleet and Supply Chain accidental costs. there is a gap between the quality and
Purchasing raw material (the fruit)
Manager quantity of the fruit written in the invoice and that received
from the supplier which results in re-sorting the fruit.
Sorting the fruit Finance and Marketing manager Many small size and rotten fruit that can't be sold.
Vehicle’s occasionally must be serviced and creates
accidental costs. customers are looking for fruit that is
Street peddler fleet and Marketing
Selling unavailable. Street peddlers raised the selling price above the
seller's average price to increase the day's revenue and
Fruit shrinkage due to ripening or customer’s fierce haggle.
Street peddler’s delay in reporting sales results causes delay
Financial Reporting Finance and Street peddler fleet
in sales recapitulation, next day purchase planning, and
purchasing team departure.

A. Business Process Analysis with supplied gasoline and installing the basket and fruit on
A business process is a set of business activities put the motorbikes. After everything is ready, the street peddlers
together to create added value for a specific customer or fleet doing fresh fruit selling to the designated residential area
market (Kaniski & Vincek, 2018). In addition, business and they have to come back around 04.30 PM to report and
processes should be based on the way business activity is return the unsold fruits.
conducted in a company, which has to generate revenue in On the last step, Ladangkita.id must create financial
order to survive (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002). reporting. All the sales data from the street peddler fleet are
The business process of Ladangkita.id covers all activities collected and calculated. The finance department records all
from purchasing raw materials to selling activities and sales data, stock, and cash flow reports. This data becomes
creating financial reporting. The following is the basic of the the basis for the fruit procurement team to decide which and
business process of Ladangkita.id that consists of five steps. how many fruits are needed for the next day. Activities are
The business process starts with creating a product list. the carried out on a daily basis because of the possibility of
list is seen based on the number of total sales, stock, and accelerated fruit ripening which results in the fruit being
durability of the fruit. Based on the list, the fruit purchasing unable to be sold due to rot or the cash availability for fruit
team can calculate the variety and quantity of the fruits. The purchases referred to the results of fruit sales on the previous
problem occurred when there was a delay in sales day.
recapitulation from previous sales. In summary, problems often occur in almost every stage of
In purchasing materials, Ladangkita.id uses its own the business analysis process (see table 1). However, the most
tricycle motor or boxcar when we buy raw materials in significant problem is it results creates a condition that
moderate or large quantities. the vehicles used are not in good expenses are greater than generated revenue.
condition so they often break down and cause delays in B. Porter’s Five forces
arriving at the warehouse for processing before being
Porter’s Five forces model of a competitive analysis
distributed to travel sellers. In addition, the breakdown of the
illustrates how the Five competitive forces can be used to
vehicle adds to the company's operational costs. Sometimes
explain low profitability and viable entries to an industry
the quantity and quality of fruit available at the supplier do
(David, 2019). The depicted forces may become a decisive
not match expectations, so the procurement team sometimes
benchmark for long-term strategy development competitive
improvises by going to another supplier or buying the
advantages (Herdyanti & Mansoor, 2020). A summary
available fruits but creates uncertainty about the availability
construct of Porter’s Five Forces is demonstrated below
of the type and quantity of fruit offered to buyers. After
(Haag & Cummings, 2012)
making a purchase and payment, the goods are transported to
Ladangkita.id’s storage to be sorted. 1) The threat of new entrants
The goods or fruit that comes is checked for conformity The threat of new entrance or a solid competitive force is
with the purchase receipt before being sorted, washed and generated by low barriers to market entry, nonproprietary
divided according to the number of members of the street products or raw materials, and little government regulation.
peddler fleet. The problem that often occurs is the mismatch Several factors affect how much a threat new entrants may
of fruit size and freshness which results in a reduced quantity pose, such as barriers to entry (patents, etc.), small capital
of fruit sold by the street peddler fleet. At the end of this step, cost (just need a bike and money just 300 thousand rupiahs)
the management set the base price for each and every fruit you can make a business, easy to get distribution channels
available. Unfortunately, the management did not set a fixed like a fruit farmer whose area is already centralized, easy to
price and created a loophole in the pricing strategy which imitate the product and sales system. So the level of new
results in the declining purchases in the long run. entrants into this industry is HIGH.
In the morning, street peddlers fleet come to
Ladangkita.id’s storage using their own motorbikes filled

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejbmr.2022.7.5.1228 Vol 7 | Issue 5 | October 2022 239

European Journal of Business and Management Research

Fig. 2. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of Ladangkita.id.

2) Bargaining power of supplier eliminating and reducing an industry's factors. Buyer value is
lifted by raising and creating elements the industry has never
Suppliers generate strong supplier forces with necessary,
been offered. Over time, costs are further reduced as scale
unique products/services and a concentrated supplier market
economies kick in due to the high sales volumes generated by
The high level of this supplier is a farmer. We don’t have
superior value (Kim & Renee, 2005).
the option to get the product except for the farmer or
There are four key questions to challenge the industry’s
middleman. So the Bargaining power of the supplier is
strategic logic and business model.
1) Create
3) Bargaining power of the buyer
Creating value through shifting products from fresh fruit
A well-informed buyer generates customer forces, a price-
peddling toward processed fruit categories and their variants
sensitive buyer, and a similar product or service alternative.
e.g. frozen sliced fruits, smoothies, and rujak. Based on
The many choices of fruit sellers’ similar products and
Porter’s Five Forces depicts high rivalry among competitors
services make buyers more inclined to bargain the price. That
and shifts to become a substitute product competitor in
has been approved by market analysis from Ladangkita.id’s
exchange through creating or adding a new value of the
created. So the bargaining power of the buyer is HIGH.
products by making it processed. Sliced fruits become a more
4) The threat of substitute product attractive and preferable option for customers.
The threat of substitutes or a strong substitute is generated The concept of creating new value and shifting from fresh
by price-competitive product or service alternatives. fruits towards processed fruits is based on a cost-savings
There are many substitute products. Moreover, it has a framework because may still utilize existing equipment
more affordable price and service as Juice, Smoothies, Salad, resources and does not require human resources special skills
Soft drink with flavour fruit, etc. So, the threat of substitute to create those recipes. Processed fruits also have possibilities
products is HIGH. to be marketed through the online marketplace for wider B2C
The overall Porter’s Five Forces analysis is shown in Fig. targets and reach small retailers such as street kiosks that
2. offer fruit-based products or develop consignment systems
towards mini stores that have a high flux of customers who
consume various beverages such as near sports centers,
III. BUSINESS STRATEGY FORMULATION schools, food districts, and similars as B2B targets.
A. Blue Ocean Strategy 2) Reduce
Blue Ocean Strategy challenges companies to break out of Reduce by shifting towards processed fruits. Ladangkita.id
the red ocean of bloody competition by creating uncontested could reduce fruit selection in order to focus on a variety of
market space that makes the competition irrelevant. Blue processed fruits. Rather than creating a variety of available
ocean strategy is about growing demand and breaking away fresh fruit options, it is better to develop a wide variety of
from the competition. Value innovation is a stepping stone selected processed fruits as main or customized as well as
for blue oceans. Value innovation is created in the region seasonal products of Ladangkita.id. Developing a
where a company's actions favorably affect its cost structure consignment system with food and beverages kiosks or stalls
and value proposition to buyers. Cost savings are made by can reduce the option of having a place to sell.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejbmr.2022.7.5.1228 Vol 7 | Issue 5 | October 2022 240

European Journal of Business and Management Research

3) Raise operation that burden the enterprise, especially the

Raise by selecting fruit types to be processed, street peddler fleet
Ladangkita.id could raise the quality of procured fruits and
focusing on other operational activities such as maintaining
the freshness of selected fresh fruits or processed fruits. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Ladangkita.id could improve the service quality through This research is funded by Big Data System Design and
technology-based interaction processes such as online Business Identity for the Development of Retail SMEs for
delivery and marketplaces as well as widening the scope of Agricultural and Plantation Products Ladangkita.id, ITB's
business as a retailer and also supplier for small shops and community service program, and economic recovery scheme
kiosks around the enterprise’s home base. for the fiscal year 2021.
4) Eliminate We are very grateful to Sonny Risdianto as the authors’
Eliminate through Business Process Analysis, street Creative Contextual Enterprise consultant and supervisor.
peddling fleet is obviously costly. Therefore, replacing the
street peddling fleet with technology-enabled distribution and
marketing channels will also eliminate operational burdens.
Badan Pusat Statistik. (2020, September 28). Perilaku Masyarakat di Masa
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processing and become a substitute products competitor as https://www.bps.go.id/publication/2020/09/28/f376dc33cfcdeec4a514
well as becomes a supplier for enterprises that needs sliced f09c/perilaku-masyarakat-di-masa-pandemi-covid-19.html.
fruits of other processed fruits. The selected fruits is based on Chesbrough, H. & Rosenbloom, R. S. (2002) The role of the business model
in capturing value from innovation: evidence from Xerox
the constant supply and non-fluctuated prices from Corporation’s technology spin-off companies, Semantic Scholar,
Ladangkita.id purchasing statistics. For example, dragonfruit 11(3), 529-555. DOI: 10.1093/icc/11.3.529.
is one of the best options for selected fruit because a dragon David, A. M. (2019) Porter’s competitive strategies influence on
performance of mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya.
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much as 300 tons (Wilianto, 2022). 1014-1022. DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v7i2.em05.
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IV. CONCLUSION Established Acne Focused Skincare Brand in Indonesian Beauty
Industry. European Journal of Business and Management Research,
In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, several 5(2). https://doi.org/10.24018/ejbmr.2020.5.2.272.
enterprises can be developed. In terms of conducting and Kaniski, I. & Vincek, I. (2018) Business Processes as Business Systems.
sustaining the business, there are still some actions that must Technical Journal, (12): 55-61. DOI: 10.31803/tg-20170808183458.
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Brussel merangkap Luksemburg &
be considered. In Ladangkita.id case study, the authors
Uni Eropa Belgia. (n.d.). Kementerian Luar Negeri Repulik Indonesia.
conclude that: Retrieved from: https://kemlu.go.id/brussels/id/news/6349/kebijakan-
a. That the Covid-19 virus infection can be prevented by pemerintah-republik-indonesia-terkait-wabah-covid-19.
increasing immunity through the consumption of Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (2020). Panduan Gizi Seimbang
pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Retrieved from:
high-nutrient foods, one of which is fruit. https://kemkas.kemkes.go.id/konten/105/0/061312-panduan-gizi-
Ladangkita.id wants to seize this opportunity but faces seimbang-pada-masa-pandemi-covid-19.
various operational challenges that lead to declining Kim, W. C. & Renee, M. (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create
Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant.
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b. The results of the Business Process Analysis shows Wilianto, A. (2022). Petani Buah Naga di Tasikmalaya Panen 4 Kali
that declining revenue is due to operational cost is Setahun, Ini Rahasianya! Harapan Rakyat Online. Retrieved from:
higher than the revenue tasikmalaya/.
c. The results of Porter’s Five Forces analysis conclude
that fresh fruit retail through street peddling does not Aditia Abdurachman was born on April 03, 1997
in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. Graduated from
have an advantage and needs to be changed Bussiness Management and Informatics Telkom
d. The proposed strategy is to change the value of this University in 2019. He continued her Master
business by applying the blue ocean strategy, through degree in Master of Business Administration
program at Bandung Institute of Technology and
creating, reducing, raising, and eliminating several
graduated in 2022. Currently as an entrepreneur
aspects in Ladangkita.id and Lecturer in Cipasung University.
e. By creating new value, Ladangkita.id shifts from high
rivalry to becoming a substitute products competitor
Alvanov Z. Mansoor was born on November 27,
as well as supplying others 1974 in Bandung, Indonesia. In 2012, he completed
f. Creating new value also reduce the needs to have a his doctoral program at Bandung Institute of
wide variety of fresh fruit available but shifts to Technology majoring in Art and Design studies. His
variance of processed fruit expertise in research is cultural studies, media
studies, visual storytelling, and creative business.
g. By reducing the fruit selection, Ladangkita.id could Dr. Mansoor currently works as a lecturer,
raise the quality control and also raise the marketing researcher, boardgame designer, and creative
scope and scale business and visual storytelling. Dr. Mansoor is
eager to contribute in the cross and multidiscipline
h. Through raising the scope and scale of marketing studies and various creative projects.
activities, Ladangkita.id can eliminate the cost

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejbmr.2022.7.5.1228 Vol 7 | Issue 5 | October 2022 241

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