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Q1. What is Mail Merge feature of MS-Word? Demonstrate the use of Mail
Merge feature with a suitable example of your choice.

Step 1: - From the “Mailings” tab select “Start Mail Merge” and select “Step by
step mail merge wizard”

Step 2: - Choose the type of document which is required.

Step 3: -

STEP 4: - Make a contact list as depicted below, customise it according to your

STEP 5: - Write your letter using the commands available

Start with the address using the “address block” prompt

STEP 6: - Mention the greetings using the “greeting line” prompt

You can also customize the default greetings by choosing other options from the
drop box.
STEP 7: - Write the body of the letter.


Q2. Create a table in MS Excel representing year wise sale figures (in rupees) of
different sales-men for 5 different years. Calculate the following using formula /
function / statement: -
(i) Total Sale Year Wise
(ii) Commission of each sales-man (if sale>10 Lakh Rupees then 5% else 2%)
(iii) Calculate maximum sales made by each sales-man.

Q.3. Creating a Power Point Presentation (on any topic of your choice from
your IT
syllabus) demonstrating some suitable features it. (any 3-4 features can be used
as per your choice)

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