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College of Engineering

Electric and Electronic Engineering Department

Smart Elevator Design with SCADA System

A proposal submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor Science
Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Submitted By

Ali Sasi Aljoghmani Malik Abdullah Bin Zaid


Othman Ben Saud


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who helped me to complete this
Project. At First, I would like to thank our Supervisor. Othman A. Ben Saud for providing
me guidance, advice, courage, and support during the research. I would like to thank my
family for always being my inspiration. I would not be here without the love, care, and
support of my family.
Furthermore, I would like to thank our Supervising Committee for kindly accepting my
request to be in my supervising committee and oversee my Project despite of their busy
schedule. Also, I would like to thank Electrical Engineering Department, University of
Azzawiya , I would like to thank God for his kind blessings.

Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is modern technology used these
days widely in industrial world, which is capable of monitoring the process and controlling it
in real time.
This project is basically concerned with designing and implementing a SCADA system for
four floor elevator Control system (prototype).
As an indispensable means of transportation in modern buildings, elevators have become
increasingly demanding in terms of safety, reliability, comfort, efficiency and energy saving.
How to use the control method and the composition of the structure to be able to lift the
elevator to provide better service and to better meet people's needs has always been the core
of the field of elevator control research. This Project introduces an elevator control system
based on Siemens S7-300 PLC. The system takes PLC and inverter as the core control devices
to realize the speed control of the tractor and the optimization control of elevator group
control, and finally realizes the smooth running control function of Four-floor elevator. The
simulation results show that the system can make the elevator run smoothly, safely and
efficiently, and meet the design requirements.
In any multistory academic, administrative, athletic, or residential building, the vertical
transportation systems are typically composed of elevators and escalators. Because these units
represent a significant expense, their proper design, installation, and maintenance is essential
to building operations and public safety. As a result, effective asset management becomes an
important responsibility for all facilities managers. To assist in this responsibility, this section
will address the different types of elevators; basic elevator design parameters; elevator,
escalator, and building code requirements; maintenance and periodic safety inspection
requirements; remote monitoring capabilities; and modernization and upgrading of existing


Smart Elevator Design with SCADA System....................................................................................................i

1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Applications 3
1.4 Objectives 5
1.5 Organization in this project 5
Chapter 2: Elevators 5
Chapter 3: Modern Control Systems 5
CHAPTER 4: Control Methodology 6
CHAPTER 5: Design and implementation 6
CHAPTER 6: Practical results 6
Chapter 7: CONCLUSIONS 6
Chapter 8: References 6
Chapter 2: Elevators 7
2.1 Background 8
2.1.1 History of Elevator Technology 9
2.1.2 Energy usage in elevators 9
2.1.3 The original idea of elevators 10
2.1.4 Elevator’s major components 11
The Counterweight 12
Speed Governor 12
Safety System 13
How Does Elevator Works, Circuit Diagram & Types 13
Types of Elevators 14
How a Cable Driven or Traction Elevator Works? 16
Elevator Circuit Diagram 17
Chapter 3 Modern Control Systems 18
3.1 Overview 19
3.2 Modern control systems 19
3.3 Classical Control 20
3.4 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 21
Introduction 21
3.4.2 A Historical Background 22
3.4.3 Parts of a PLC 23 Fixed type..............................................................................................................................................24
............................................................................................................................................................................24 Modular type.........................................................................................................................................24
3.4.4 Principles of Operation 25 Structure of an S7-300..........................................................................................................................28
3.5 Programming Languages 29
3.5.1 Ladder Logic............................................................................................................................................29
3.5.2 Sequential Function Chart......................................................................................................................30
3.5.3 Function Block Diagram.........................................................................................................................31
3.5.4 Structured Text........................................................................................................................................32
3.5.5 Instruction List........................................................................................................................................32
3.6 Addressing the Signal Modules 32
3.6.1 Addresses of the Digital Modules...........................................................................................................32
3.6.2 Addresses of the Analog Modules..........................................................................................................34
3.7 Communication 35
3.8 Software 35
3.10 Advantages and Limitations 36
3.11 SCADA System 36
3.11.1 SCADA Systems Concepts 37
3.11.2 SCADA System Components 38 Supervisory Computers........................................................................................................................38 Remote Terminal Units........................................................................................................................38
iv Programmable Logic Controllers.........................................................................................................38 Communication Infrastructure..............................................................................................................38 Human-Machine Interface....................................................................................................................39
3.11.3 Application of SCADA...........................................................................................................................39
3.11.4 SCADA Software manufactures..............................................................................................................39
3.11.5 SCADA Software....................................................................................................................................40
The SCADA system inside TIA Portal..............................................................................................................40
Efficient analysis of process values (trends) 46
Efficient analysis of messages 47
Ready-to-use diagnostics 48
Efficient energy data management 49
4.2 general idea about project 52
4.3 Project Components 52
4.3.1 Hardware of the System..........................................................................................................................53

Figure 1:Relay logic board.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
With the exception of electronic control systems, the basic mechanism of traction elevators (ones that are pulled up and down by cables) like
shown in Figure 2 below hasn't changed all that much in over a century...................................................................................................................8
Figure 2 the basic structure of old elevators................................................................................................................................................................8
Greatly simplified, here's how it works as shown in Figure 4:............................................................................................................................10
Figure 4 the original idea of elevator.........................................................................................................................................................................11
Figure 15 Cable Driven or Traction Elevator............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Programmable logic controllers, also called programmable controllers or PLCs, are solid-state members of the computer family, using integrated
circuits instead of electromechanical devices to implement control functions. They are capable of storing instructions, such as sequencing, timing,
counting, arithmetic, data manipulation, and communication, to control industrial machines and processes. Illustrates a conceptual diagram of a
PLC application PLC conceptual application diagram as shown in Figure 16...........................................................................................................18
Figure 16 PLC conceptual application diagram.........................................................................................................................................................19
Figure 17 Fixed I/O................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 18 Modular I/O.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 19 Programmable controller block diagram...................................................................................................................................................23
Figure 20 Block diagram of major CPU components................................................................................................................................................24
Figure 21 Illustration of a scan.................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 22 Bush Button and Light Ladder Diagram...................................................................................................................................................28
Figure 23 Bush Button and Light Ladder Diagram...................................................................................................................................................28
Figure 25 Function Block Diagram........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 26 Byte Address and Bit Address................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 27 Addresses of the Inputs and Outputs of Digital Modules..........................................................................................................................31
Figure 28 Addresses of Inputs and Outputs of the Digital Module in Slot 4..............................................................................................................32
Figure 29 Addresses of Inputs and Outputs of the Analog Module in Slot 4.............................................................................................................33

Figure 30 Control Dichotomy................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 31 belt drive, motors, gears............................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 32 Car............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 33 proximity sensor....................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 34 The way the inductive sensor works.........................................................................................................................................................53
Figure 35 limit switchs.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 36 push button................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Figure 37 emergency board....................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 38 Dc motor................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 39 LEDs and alarms....................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 40 relay.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 41 computer................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 42 connection cable....................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 43 power supply............................................................................................................................................................................................. 59




1.1 Overview
Residential environment and the industrial environment depends on Elevators because
it’s the important medium of vertical transportation in large buildings. Now days, there is
tremendous development in structural and architectural engineering for multi storage
buildings. The main requirement of the multi storage buildings are elevators. Elevators
ease the work human being and keep him/her in the comfortable zone. Elevators are used
in almost all the multi storage buildings of the metropolitan cities, hence it is essential to
replace the traditional elevators with PLC(Programming Logic Controller ) technology
based elevators. Traditional elevator control systems are relay logic controlled systems.
These relay controlled systems have several limitations such as: high fault ratio, highly
complex circuits, difficult to replace the defected parts of the automated system. It is
difficult to provide fault tolerance using the relay logic. PLC is the replacement to relay
logic controller, one can make the better use of PLC in the designing of the elevator
control system.
With the overall rapid development taking place in all spheres, the living standard of
human being has tremendously increased as such the high rise buildings are constructed
for malls, and housing purposes. Thus, the installation of elevators in these high-rise
buildings becomes an integral part of the infrastructure for the movement of goods and
people. Therefore, the control system is essential in the smooth and safe operation of the
elevator. It guides the elevator in what order to stop at floors, when to open or close the
door, Over years, man has developed in somehow an elevator shape to use in his
everyday life to raise water, food and other objects to higher levels, the first reference to
an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported that
“Archimedes” built his first elevator probably in 236 BC.

1.2 Motivation
 Due to less popularity in elevator market in our country and high cost and less
elevator engineers, we wanted to study this project in electronic and electric side.
 Have advantages for using an elevator in multiple tests, and given that this
elevator combines many disciplines to build it.
 Make clear how elevator and SCADA system work.

1.3 Applications
Elevators or lifts, as they are commonly called, is a form of vertical transport used
primarily to mover between multiple floors found in high-rises and skyscrapers. These
are used to transport both people and goods from one floor to another. Elevators are also
seen in large ships with multiple decks. In fact today elevators have become a necessary
addition to high-rises and other large buildings to make it easier for people with mobility
issues to negotiate those using wheelchairs.
Basic principle
The basic principle behind the functioning of an elevator is the synchronised movement
of traction cables and a corresponding counterweight system in opposite directions. Thus
when the traction cables move up, the counterweights move in the opposite direction.
This whole system is generally powered by either electric motors or a hydraulic fluid

1.3.1 Differences between old elevator and

modern elevators

Elevator PLC System Quick and economical elevator controller upgrade

 Upgrade to microprocessor power

The Elevator PLC System adds the dependability of solid-state technology to relay-
controlled elevator systems immediately, without the time or expense of a major
modernization. For future flexibility, you can add features in phases.
 Add or enhance features easily

The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) system replaces existing relay switches and
multiple timers with electronic components, promoting more consistent and dependable
elevator performance. The fully enclosed PLC cabinet improves cleanliness and
reliability for the enclosed electronic components and encapsulated interface relays. With
the Elevator PLC system, you can:
– Comply with new code requirements by adding Firefighters’ Service immediately
– Meet future code changes with easy software updates instead of expensive, time-
consuming rewiring.
– Provide Emergency Power operation readily.
– Provide Inconspicuous Riser service more easily.
– Upgrade relay-type selectors so cars “remember” floor positions after power
 Adding new value to your elevators

The Elevator PLC System is designed for existing Schindler and Westinghouse relay-
controlled hydraulic and traction elevators. A trained Schindler technician can install the
efficient and reliable Elevator PLC upgrade in far less time, and at a fraction of the cost,
of a major modernization

Figure 1:Relay logic board

The quick and economical PLC upgrade replaces many existing relay switches and
multiple timers, and can be reprogrammed easily as future needs change.

1.4 Objectives
 Design and implementation of an elevator with SCADA System Based
on S7200 PLC.
 Developing a program using ladder logic to control the elevator.
 Moving the elevator forward and reverse, door opening and closing.
 Adding HMI screen in the project for visualization and a better
monitoring of the program.
 Detecting Elevator faults easily and Reducing waste time using

1.5 Organization in this project

It consists of seven chapters. First is the introduction of the project work.
The other 8 chapters are:

Chapter 2: Elevators

Chapter 3: Modern Control Systems

In this chapter Modern Control Systems is defined. The chapter also defines
Programmable Logic Controller and the Classic Controller and the SCADA System.

CHAPTER 4: Control Methodology
To Construct the Structure of the Elevator we’re going to connect many complex
electronic devices. In this implementation, Such as Motors, PLC, Limit Switch, Power
Supply, Push Buttons, Buzzer, Seven Segment Display.
Also we’re going to discuss all of these electronic components and their behavior in this

CHAPTER 5: Design and implementation

Things get to complicated in this chapter so we don't want to get ourselves dizzy, we
decided to divide it into some parts

CHAPTER 6: Practical results

Chapter 8: References

Chapter 2: Elevators

2.1 Background
With the exception of electronic control systems, the basic mechanism
of traction elevators (ones that are pulled up and down by cables) like
shown in Figure 2 below hasn't changed all that much in over a

Figure 3 the basic structure of old elevators

The annoying thing about elevators (if you're trying to understand
them) is that their working parts are usually covered up. an elevator is
simply a metal box with doors that close on one floor and then open
again on another.

2.1.1 History of Elevator Technology

Elevator technology has evolved from dramatically lifting devices
driven by muscle power to complicated state-of-the-art machines that
offer “smart” controls. A modern elevator uses computer integration
to assess and compensate for traffic patterns, and many elevators are
furnished with touch screens, air conditioning, and highly artistic
designs in cabs and doors. What’s more the elevator industry has
changed our culture and the way we live. In the past, upper rooms of
hotels and rooming houses were considered undesirable due to the
need to climb stairs carrying heavy baggage. With the advent of the
passenger elevator, the penthouse suite and corner office with a
sweeping view became prime real estate. In a rush to build upward,
modern cities have grown into booming centers of commerce and
culture. Mankind has come a long way, in the never-ceasing endeavor
to accomplish a given task more efficiently.

2.1.2 Energy usage in elevators

Scientifically, elevators are all about energy. To get from the ground
to the high floor walking up stairs you have to move the weight of
your body against the downward-pulling force of gravity. The energy
you expend in the process is (mostly) converted into potential energy,
so climbing stairs gives an increase in your potential energy (going
up) or a decrease in your potential energy (going down). This is an
example of the law of conservation of energy in action. You really do
have more potential energy at the top of a building than at the bottom,
even if it doesn't feel any different.

To a scientist, an elevator is simply a device that increases or
decreases a person's potential energy without them needing to supply
that energy themselves: the elevator gives you potential energy when
you're going up and it takes potential energy from you when you're
coming down. In theory that sounds easy enough: the elevator won't
need to use much energy at all because it will always be getting back
as much (when it goes down) as it gives out (when it goes up).
Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple. If all the elevator had were a
simple hoist with a cage passing over a pulley, it would use
considerable amounts of energy lifting people up but it would have no
way of getting that energy back: the energy would simply be lost to
friction in the cables and brakes (disappearing into the air as
waste heat) when the people came back down.

2.1.3 The original idea of elevators

Greatly simplified, here's how it works as shown in Figure 4:

1. The elevator compartment (1, green) is raised and lowered by a

hoist and pulley system (2) and a moving counterweight (not
visible in this picture). You can see how the elevator is moving
smoothly between vertical guide bars: it doesn't just dangle
stupidly from the rope.
2. The cable that does all the lifting (3, red) wraps around several
pulleys and the main winding drum. Don't forget this elevator
was invented before anyone was really using electricity: it was
raised and lowered by hand.
3. At the top of the elevator car, there's a simple mechanism made
up of spring-loaded arms and pivots (4). If the main cable (3)
breaks, the springs push out two sturdy bars called "pawls" (5)
so they lock into vertical racks of upward-pointing teeth (6) on
either side. This ratchet-like device clamps the elevator safely
in place.

Figure 5 the original idea of elevator.

According to Otis, the key part of the invention was: "having the
pawls and the teeth of the racks hook formed, essentially as shown, so
that the weight of the platform will, in case of the breaking of the
rope, cause the pawls and teeth to lock together and prevent the
contingency of a separation of the same."

2.1.4 Elevator’s major components

The elevator consists of a lot of intertwined and crossed parts,
however the most popular/ important parts are: 
The Counterweight
The Car (metal box)
Pulley system with electric motor
The Cables
The pulley system is pulling up or down the car by metal cables which
enables the elevator to move through different floors

11 The Counterweight
Anyway how does this metal weight/hoist
called Counterweight contribute to this mechanism It simply
contributes Balance. 
The Counterweight is balancing the elevator’s movement, weighs
about half a fully-loaded car. When the counterweight goes up the
elevator moves down and vice versa as simple as that, however, it has
a great benefit. 
Let’s imagine the corresponding situation to have a better picture.
Without a counterweight, the whole load will be mainly on the pulley
system and the cables. That requires the motor to generate more
energy to lift the car. In spite of just requiring to say 500 KJ with the
existence of the counterweight, now it needs to double the energy to
lift the same load.
The counterweight has also its own role with the safety system in case
of cables and braking system, the strain on the cables will decrease
making the elevators a little bit safer.
While the braking system will have the same case with the
counterweight, the elevators now can use less amount of braking to
slow down the elevator’s speed.
 Imagine if there were no counterweight: a heavily loaded elevator car
would be really hard to pull upwards. But on the return journey, the
elevator would tend to race to the ground all by itself if there wasn’t
some sort of sturdy brake to stop it. The counterweight of elevator

Elevator Counterweight = 1/2 of Elevator Maximum Capacity + Cab Weigh

For example

Elevator Maximum Capacity = 3000 lbs.

Cab Weight = 2000 lbs.

1500 lbs + 2000 lbs

Elevator Counterweight = (3000 / 2) + 2000 = 3500 lbs

This is just to create an imbalance between Elevator cab and counterweight
in order to save power in the drive. Speed Governor

In order to control the speed of the elevator, there has to be a separate
speed-regulator machine which is called the Speed Governor. It is a
very complicated flywheel supported with massive mechanical arms.
The speed governor has the full control over the elevator’s speed. So
if there is a problem with the elevator that makes it move too fast, the
first mechanism inside the speed governor trips one or more of the
braking system. 
Moreover, it can cut off the power from the lift motor. If this fails in
making the elevators slow down; the other mechanism will allow the
arms inside the governor to fly up even further to stop the elevator
from moving.

2.1.5 Elevator types

Most people are generally surprised to find that there are several types of
elevators present in the market. But depending on the type of hoist
mechanism used, elevators can be classified into 5 typed which are generally
used to meet the requirements of the daily life. They are:
 Traction elevators: These elevators are generally used in high-rises
and other large establishments, both for transporting people and
freights. These can further be classified into:
o Geared traction elevators which use worm gears to facilitate and
control the mechanical movement of the elevators and
o Gearless traction elevators which use a drive sheave attached directly
to one end of the motor and are generally low speed elevators.
 Hydraulic elevators: These are less complex than the traction
elevators and are hence ideal for low traffic or low-rise buildings and
establishments. Using a hydraulic system, these elevators push the
elevator car upwards against the gravity while the car descends under
the pull of gravity. These are again classified into:

o Conventional ones using an underground hydraulic cylinder to ferry
passengers across 2 to 5 storey buildings,
o Hole-less ones which use cylinders placed above the ground and are
extremely suitable for cost or environmentally sensitive buildings.
o Roped ones which use both cylinders placed above the ground and
ropes thereby enabling the elevator to travel much farther than the
piston are able to move.
 Climbing elevators: These are self-ascending and use their own
propulsion to ascend. This propulsion can either be achieved by a
combustion or electric engine. These types of elevators are generally
used in towers.
 Pneumatic elevator: As the name suggests these elevators use a
vacuum and a valve to move the car upwards and air in place of the
vacuum to move it down. These are however, low capacity elevators
wherein only about 3 passengers with a combined weight of
525pounds can get on it at the same time.
 Electromagnetic propulsion elevators: These cable-free elevators use
electromagnetic propulsion to move the car which can mover both
horizontally and vertically. They are generally used in high-density

The discovery of the elevator was of great advantage to mankind since it

enabled movement of passengers and goods in between different levels of a
building without incurring any physical strain. It still remains an extremely
functional device till date.

2.1.6 The work principle of Traction Elevator

This is a typical and most popular type of elevator consisting of a few
numbers of hoisting ropes or steel cables which run over a pulley
connected to an electric motor. This elevator can be a geared or
gearless-traction elevator. In this type of elevator, five to eight wire
cables or hoisting cables are attached to the top of the elevator car by
wrapping around it on sheaves at one end, and the other end is
attached to a counter weight that moves up and down on its guiderails.

This counter weight is equal to the weight of the car plus half of the
maximum passenger load in that car. This means, during the lifting
operation, it needs power for the extra passengers in the car, and, the
rest of the weight is balanced by the counter weight.

Figure 6 Cable Driven or Traction Elevator

Whenever the control system attached to the elevator drives the motor
in the forward direction, the sheaves also turn around causing to move
the car elevator upwards, and then stopping in the desired floor
wherein the car is balanced by the counter weight. For the downward
movement of the car, reverse happens through a rotating motor via a
control mechanism. Some of the elevators use motors with four-
quadrant operation to save the energy in regenerative mode. Due to
high speeds and high-rise capabilities, these types of elevators are
found in many of the applications of lifts and escalators.

Chapter 3 Modern Control Systems

3.1 Overview
In this chapter Plc and classic controller is defined

3.2 Modern control systems

In general, there are two major division of control theory viz. classical
Theory and modern control theory [6]. In classical control theory the system
is analyzed in time domain using deferential equation or frequency domain
using Laplace
Transform. And systems are limited to single input singe output systems
(SISO) Most of the time. On the other hand, state space tools are used to
analyze systems in modern control theory and can deal with multiple input
multiple output systems (MIMO). Similarly, regarding of control signal
there are two common types viz. feedback control and sequence control.
Feedback control is the process of con- trolling the input parameters using a
controller which is actuated by a signal that compares the measured value
with desired value (which is a previous set point). Sequence control is a
process in which the system performs various actions based on axed
sequence or logic based on various system states. Also, there is a third type
of practice in automation field that is based on the concept of hysteresis. It
can be used for pressure switches, speed controls, and other areas where the
smooth operation is desired. The approach of industrial/process control and
automation was different few decades ago. Most of the control systems
before 1950s were analog types. They had switches, contractors, relays,
timers, and counters and the main purpose of such control circuit was to turn
on and off the machines/processes. The first digital control system put into
operation was in 1959 at Port Arthur (Texas). Then, some specialized
computers capable of offering direct digital control appeared in the late
1960s. However, they were very expensive and as a result could not
sustained in the market for long. The multipurpose, smaller sized, and cheap
microcomputers were introduced in the industry at early 1970s and they
rapidly overtook the existing market and are predominant still today.

3.3 Classical Control

Classical control has been widely adopted for building energy systems

control due to its simplicity in the design phase and low computational
complexity. HVAC subsystems are generally controlled using rule-based
controller (RBC), which is based on inferential logic (e.g., If… Then… Else
conditions). For example, On/Off or bang-bang controllers are very common
in old building systems without digital control, and proportional–integral–
derivative (PID) control loops are usually implemented in more modern
buildings where heating and cooling systems are equipped with digital
control and variable frequency drives. At supervisory level (whole building),
there is generally no optimization, and even though there are often highly
sophisticated local controllers, the opportunity to fully utilize the potential of
an upper control layer is, in general, not taken. This is due to the high
complexity that would be required to dynamically tune each RBC controller
and the fact that it is practically impossible to generalize their rules at a
building level.

3.4 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

Programmable logic controllers, also called programmable controllers or
PLCs, are solid-state members of the computer family, using integrated
circuits instead of electromechanical devices to implement control functions.
They are capable of storing instructions, such as sequencing, timing,
counting, arithmetic, data manipulation, and communication, to control
industrial machines and processes. Illustrates a conceptual diagram of a PLC
application PLC conceptual application diagram as shown in Figure 7

Figure 8 PLC conceptual application diagram

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial grade computer that

is capable of being programmed to perform control functions. The
programmable controller has eliminated much of the hardwiring associated
with conventional relay control circuits. Other benefits include easy
programming and installation, high control speed, network compatibility,
troubleshooting and testing convenience, and high reliability.
The programmable logic controller is designed for multiple input and output
arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise,
and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs for the control and
operation of manufacturing process equipment and machinery are typically
stored in battery-backed or nonvolatile memory .

3.4.1 Historical Background

The product implementation to satisfy Hydramatic’s specifications was
underway in 1968; and by 1969, the programmable controller had its first
product off springs. These early controllers met the original specifications
and opened the door to the development of a new control technology.
The first PLCs offered relay functionality, thus replacing the original
hardwired relay logic, which used electrically operated devices to
mechanically switch electrical circuits.

They met the requirements of modularity, expandability, programmability,
and ease of use in an industrial environment. These controllers were easily
installed, used less space, and were reusable. The controller programming,
although a little tedious, had a recognizable plant standard: the ladder
diagram format.
In a short period, programmable controller use started to spread to other
industries. By 1971, PLCs were being used to provide relay replacement as
the first steps toward control automation in other industries, such as food
and beverage, metals, manufacturing, and pulp and paper.
The first programmable controllers were more or less just relay replacers.
Their primary function was to perform the sequential operations that were
previously implemented with relays. These operations included ON/OFF
control of machines and processes that required repetitive operations, such
as transfer lines and grinding and boring machines. However, these
programmable controllers were a vast improvement over relays. They were
easily installed, used considerably less space and energy, had diagnostic
indicators that aided troubleshooting, and unlike relays, were reusable if a
project was scrapped.
Programmable controllers can be considered newcomers when they are
compared to their elder predecessors in traditional control equipment
technology, such as old hardwired relay systems, analog instrumentation,
and other types of early solid-state logic. Although PLC functions, such as
speed of operation, types of interfaces, and data-processing capabilities,
have improved throughout the years, their specifications still hold to the
designers’ original intentions—they are simple to use and maintain.
Today's programmable controllers many technological advances in the
programmable controller industry continue today. These advances not only
affect programmable controller design, but also the philosophical approach
to control system architecture. Changes include both hardware (physical
components) and software (control program) upgrades. The following list
describes some recent PLC hardware enhancements:
1- Faster scan times are being achieved using new, advanced
microprocessor and electronic technology.

2- Small, low-cost PLCs, which can replace four to ten relays, now have
more power than their predecessor, the simple relay replacer.
3- High-density input/output (I/O) systems provide space-efficient
interfaces at low cost.
4- Mechanical design improvements have included rugged input/output
enclosures and input/output systems that have made the terminal an
integral unit.
5- Special interfaces have allowed certain devices to be connected
directly to the controller. Typical interfaces include thermocouples,
strain gauges, and fast-response inputs.
6- Peripheral equipment has improved operator interface techniques, and

system documentation is now a standard part of the system .

3.4.2 Parts of a PLC

A typical PLC can be divided into parts. These are the central processing
unit (CPU), the input/output (I/O) section, the power supply, and the
programming device.
There are two ways in which I/Os (Inputs/Outputs) are incorporated into the
PLC: fixed and modular. Fixed type
Fixed I/O is typical of small PLCs that come in one package with no
separate, removable units as shown in figure 17. The processor and I/O are
packaged together, and the I/O terminals will have a fixed number of
connections built in for inputs and outputs. The main advantage of this type
of packaging is lower cost. The number of available I/O points varies and
usually can be expanded by buying additional units of fixed I/O. One
disadvantage of fixed I/O is its lack of flexibility; you are limited in what
you can get in the quantities and types dictated by the packaging. Also, for
some models, if any part in the unit fails, the whole unit has to be replaced.

Figure 9 Fixed I/O Modular type

Modular I/O is divided by compartments into which separate modules can
be plugged. This feature greatly increases your options and the unit’s
flexibility. You can choose from the modules available from the
manufacturer and mix them any way you desire. As shown in figure(18)The
basic modular controller consists of a rack, power supply, processor module
(CPU), input/output (I/O modules), and an operator interface for
programming and monitoring. The modules plug into a rack. When a module
is slid into the rack, it makes an electrical connection with a series of
contacts called the backplane, located at the rear of the rack. The PLC
processor is also connected to the backplane and can communicate with all
the modules in the rack.

Figure 10 Modular I/O

3.4.3 Principles of Operation

A programmable controller, as illustrated in Figure, consists of two basic
sections as shown in figure (19):
• The central processing unit
• The input/output interface system

Figure 11 Programmable controller block diagram.

The central processing unit (CPU) governs all PLC activities. The following
three components, shown in Figure (20) form the CPU:

• The processor
• The memory system
• The system power supply

Figure 12 Block diagram of major CPU components

The operation of a programmable controller is relatively simple. The input/

output (I/O) system is physically connected to the field devices that are
encountered in the machine or that are used in the control of a process.
These field devices may be discrete or analog input/output devices, such as
limit switches, pressure transducers, push buttons, motor starters, solenoids,
The I/O interfaces provide the connection between the CPU and the
information providers (inputs) and controllable devices (outputs).
During its operation, the CPU completes three processes as shown in figure
(21) : (1) it reads, or accepts, the input data from the field devices via the
input interfaces, (2) it executes, or performs, the control program stored in
the memory system, and (3) it writes, or updates, the output devices via the
output interfaces. This process of sequentially reading the inputs, executing
the program in memory, and updating the outputs is known as scanning.
Figure illustrates a graphic representation of a scan.

Figure 13 Illustration of a scan

3.4.4 PLC Manufactures

 ABB, Swiss multinational company.
 Omron, an electronics company based in Kyoto, Japan
 Mitsubishi, group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies
 Alstom, French multinational company
 Rockwell Automation, an American company who also took over the
Allen-Bradley brand of PLCs
 Panasonic, Japanese multinational electronics corporation
manufacturing NAIS brand PLC
 Siemens, German multinational conglomerate company
 General Electric, American company
 Toshiba, Japanese company
 Fanuc, Japanese company
 Yokogawa, Japanese company

3.4.5 Siemens PLCs
Siemens makes several PLC products in the SIMATICS7 family. They are:
S7-200, S7- 300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500. S7-300 PLC Siemens is
used in this project. Structure of a S7-300
An S7-300 programmable controller is made up of the following
• Power supply (PS)
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• Signal modules (SM)
• Communication processor (CP). Power Supply (PS)

It converts the power system voltage (120/230 V AC) into 24 V DC for the
S7-300 and load power supply for 24 V DC load circuits Central Processing Unit (CPU)
This is the "brain" of the PLC system. It comprises the microprocessor and
the memory. The processor reads the input data, executes the stored
program, and sends commands to output modules. Signal Modules (SM)
Inputs receive data signals from external devices including push buttons,
limit switches, and electronic sensors. Outputs take commands from the
processor to activate/deactivate the devices connected to them. Input and
output ports can be discrete or analog. These modules are (digital input
modules, digital output modules, digital input/output modules) and (analog
input module, analog output module, analog input/output modules). Communication Processor (CP).
Communication processors are used for connecting S7-300 to the different
bus systems, communication networks as well for point-to- point link.

According to application case and module different protocols and different
bus systems are available like PROFIBUS DP or Industrial Ethernet.

3.5 Programming Languages

Today's PLCs provide a wide variety of programming tools to build simple
and efficient programs that fit almost any manufacturing applications. Most
PLC programming applications tend to follow the IEC 61131-3 standard that
defines five different languages and helps give uniformity to PLC
programming. Some of these languages are graphical (ladder logic, function
block diagram, and sequential function chart) while others are textual
(structured text and instruction list). The sections below explain their main
3.5.1 Ladder Logic
Ladder logic was initially developed to make PLC programming easier for
electricians. Ladder logic uses electrical symbols to represent the rules and
conditions in a program. A ladder diagram contains networks. Hence the
name: ladder diagram. The uprights (sometimes called power rails) provide
the power to the networks, each network, contains a series of electrical-
symbol operators. When all conditions on a network are true, power can
flow through that network. The conditions on a network are represented by
contacts such as normally open (NO) or normally closed contacts (NC).
When all contacts on a network are set so that current can flow, one or more
coils are turned on. Contacts are sometimes referred to as inputs and coils as

Look at the example to see how ladder logic works. For this, we will use the
circuit shown in figure (22) where a light is turned on when a normally open
push button is pressed. The ladder logic version of this circuit is shown in
Figure (23). In this example, the normally open push button becomes a
normally open contact (the input). The light is the output and is represented
by the coil at the right of the ladder diagram.

Figure 14 Bush Button and Light Ladder Diagram

Figure 15 Bush Button and Light Ladder Diagram

3.5.2 Sequential Function Chart

Sequential function chart programming is ideal for conditional dependent
processes, it is composed of steps and conditions. Steps are used to
accomplish an action while conditions determine if a step will be executed
or not. From the beginning of the chart, the steps depend on conditions to be
executed. When a condition is reached on the sequential function chart, the
controller does not proceed further with the evaluation of the chart, unless
this condition is true. To control complex processes, branches can be used
and processes can be run concurrently.

3.5.3 Function Block Diagram

Like ladder diagrams, function block diagram programming provides a

graphical programming interface inspired by electrical circuit blueprints.
Each block in the diagram is similar to an electronic device connected to
other devices with wires (connection lines), a block receives input signals,
treats those using different operators, and returns output signals. In turn,
these output signals can be used as input signals for other blocks in the
diagram Figure (24) below shows an example of a function block diagram.

Figure 164 Function Block Diagram

Structured Text 3.5.4

This high-level programming language can be used to create complex

programs. Structured text includes logical and arithmetic operators (not, and,
+, =, <=, etc.), conditional statements (if, then, else, case, etc.), loops
(repeat, for, do, while, etc.), and other instructions commonly found in high-
level programming languages. Its structure is similar to the C and to the old
Pascal programming language. Structured text is often used in the actions of
sequential function chart programs.
Instruction List 3.5.5

The instruction list is a low-level language that is similar to the assembly

3.6 Addressing the Signal Modules

This section shows you how signal modules are addressed. You need this
information in order to be able to address the channels of the signal modules
in your user program.
Addresses of the Digital Modules 3.6.1
The address of an input or output of a digital module consists of a byte
address and a bit address as shown (25).

Figure 25 Byte Address and Bit Address

The byte address depends on the module starts address. The bit address is
the number printed on the module. Figure (26) shows how the addresses of
the individual channels of a digital module are obtained.

Figure 26 Addresses of the Inputs and Outputs of Digital Modules

Figure (27) shows which default addresses are obtained if a digital module is
plugged into slot 4 (i.e. when the module start address is 0).
Slot number 3 has not been assigned since there is no interface module in the

Figure 27 Addresses of Inputs and Outputs of the Digital Module in Slot 4

Addresses of the Analog Modules 3.6.2

The address of an analog input or output channel is always a word address.
The channel address depends on the module starts address. If the first analog
module is plugged into slot 4, it has the default start address 256. The start
address of each further analog module increases by 16 per slot. Analog
input/output module has the same start addresses for its input and output
Figure shows you which default channel addresses are obtained for an
analog module plugged into slot 4. As you can see, the input and output
channels of an analog input/output module are addressed as of the same
address (the module start address). Slot number 3 has not been assigned
since there is no interface module in the example.

Figure 28 Addresses of Inputs and Outputs of the Analog Module in Slot 4

3.7 Communication
PLCs are often accessed directly, typically with a serial cable. But they can
also be part of a network and, as such, need to be configured to permit data
transfer with the other elements of the network. This arrangement allows
remote programming, control, and monitoring. Whereas, PLC programming
is accomplished with programming software such as SIMATIC Manager,
PLC control and monitoring is performed through a Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) program. SCADA programs can be installed
either on a computer or on a dedicated Human Machine Interface (HMI).

3.8 Software
STEP 7 is the basic programming and configuration software for SIMATIC.
It is made up of a series of applications, each of which does a specific job
within the scope of programming an automation task, such as:
• Configuring and assigning parameters to the hardware
• Creating and debugging user programs
• Configuring networks and connections

3.9 Industrial applications
Depending on its size, a single PLC can be programmed to replace a
considerable number of control relays, timers, and counters, hence saving a
lot of hardwiring and troubleshooting time. Furthermore, PLCs offer more
flexibility than conventional wiring. Indeed, when a control process needs to
be changed, the program can simply be modified, which is much easier than
rewiring the entire process. This is another reason why PLCs are so often
preferred in today's world of manufacturing.

3.10 Advantages and Limitations

PLCs are versatile and used extensively in the industry. Their main
advantages are:
• Easily re configurable
• Easy to install
• Wide range of applications
• Robustness
• Network connectivity

However, some limitations are to be considered:

• Greater hardware cost per unit compared to a custom circuit
• Programs are not necessarily interchangeable between PLCs

3.11 SCADA System
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition but it is a term
often used for data collection and presentation. SCADA is normally a
software package designed to display information, log data and show alarms.
This can be graphical and tabular and can involve words and pictures (or
mimics). The software would normally be installed on a computer and all the
various signals would be wired back to the central point (CPU), or
marshaled and gathered using some form of bus system or direct wired.
SCADA can be used to monitor and control plant or equipment. The control
may be automatic, or initiated by operator commands. The data acquisition
is accomplished firstly by the RTU’s (Remote Terminal Units). The central
host will scan the RTU’s or the RTU’s will report in Data can be of three
main types. Analogue data (i.e. real numbers) will be trended (i.e. placed in
graphs). Digital data (on/off) may have alarms attached to one state or the
other. Pulse data (e.g. counting revolutions of a meter) is normally
accumulated or counted.
Supervisory control and data acquisition – SCADA refers to ICS (industrial
control systems) used to control infrastructure processes (Utilities, water
treatment, wastewater treatment, gas pipelines, wind farms, gas plants, etc),
facility-based processes (airports, space stations, ships, etc,) or industrial
processes (production, manufacturing, refining, power generation, etc).
Generally, a SCADA system does not control the processes in real time – it
usually refers to the system that coordinates the processes in real time.

3.11.1 SCADA Systems Concepts

SCADA refers to the centralized systems that control and monitor the entire
sites, or they are the complex systems spread out over large areas. Nearly all
the control actions are automatically performed by the remote terminal units
(RTUs) or by the programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The restrictions to
the host control functions are supervisory level intervention or basic
The SCADA system allows any changes related to the alarm conditions and
set points for the test separator to be recorded and displayed. Data
acquisition starts at the PLC or RTU level, which includes the equipment
status reports, and meter readings. Data is then formatted in such way that

the operator of the control room can make the supervisory decisions to
override or adjust normal PLC (RTU) controls

3.11.2 SCADA System Components Supervisory Computers
This is the core of the SCADA system, gathering data on the process and
sending control commands to the field connected devices. It refers to the
computer and software responsible for communicating with the field
connection controllers, which are RTUs and PLCs, and includes the HMI
software running on operator workstations. In smaller SCADA systems, the
supervisory computer may be composed of a single PC, in which case the
HMI is a part of this computer. In larger SCADA systems, the master station
may include several HMIs hosted on client computers, multiple servers for
data acquisition, distributed software applications, and disaster recovery
sites. To increase the integrity of the system the multiple servers will often
be configured in a dual-redundant or hot-standby formation providing
continuous control and monitoring in the event of a server malfunction or
breakdown Remote Terminal Units

Remote terminal units, also known as (RTUs), connect to sensors and
actuators in the process, and are networked to the supervisory computer
system. RTUs are "intelligent I/O" and often have embedded control
capabilities such as ladder logic in order to accomplish Boolean logic
operations Programmable Logic Controllers

Also known as PLCs, these are connected to sensors and actuators in the
process, and are networked to the supervisory system in the same way as
RTUs. PLCs have more sophisticated embedded control capabilities than
RTUs, and are programmed in one or more IEC 61131-3 programming
languages. PLCs are often used in place of RTUs as field devices because
they are more economical, versatile, flexible and configurable
36 Communication Infrastructure
This connects the supervisory computer system to the remote terminal units
(RTUs) and PLCs, and may use industry standard or manufacturer
proprietary protocols. Both RTUs and PLCs operate autonomously on the
near-real time control of the process, using the last command given from the
supervisory system. Failure of the communications network does not
necessarily stop the plant process controls, and on resumption of
communications, the operator can continue with monitoring and control.
Some critical systems will have dual redundant data highways, often cabled
via diverse routes Human-Machine Interface

The human-machine interface (HMI) is the operator window of the
supervisory system. It presents plant information to the operating personnel
graphically in the form of mimic diagrams, which are a schematic
representation of the plant being controlled, and alarm and event logging
pages A "historian", is a software service within the HMI which accumulates
time-stamped data, events, and alarms in a database which can be queried or
used to populate graphic trends in the HMI. The historian is a client that
requests data from a data acquisition server

3.11.3 Application of SCADA

• Power plants.
• Oil and gas stations.
• pipe lines.
• The transfer of energy.
• Irrigation systems.
• Factories

3.11.4 SCADA Software manufactures

• Honeywell --- Experience HS
• Trihedral --- VTScada
• IDS --- SCADA high lighting

• Ecava --- IntegraXor (IGX)
• Cuba --- zenOn data
• Afcon --- P-CIM
• Alan Bradley --- RSView
• Ordinal --- MESbox SCADA
• Yokogawa --- fast / tools
• Siemens --- WINCC Semat
• TA-Engineering Products --- Aimax

SIMATIC uses WINCC Flexible 2008.

3.11.5 SCADA Software

SIMATIC WINCC flexible is the SCADA software for future-proof

machine-oriented automation concepts with comfortable and highly efficient
engineering. WINCC flexible combines the following benefits:

• Straightforward handling
• Transparency
• Flexibility

3.12 Difference between PLC & SCADA

The primary difference between a PLC and SCADA is the technology. For
example, a PLC is a physical hardware, whereas SCADA is software. This
means that a PLC can be picked up and physically inspected, whereas
SCADA works on a computer system, and is comparable to that of an
operating system, like Windows for example.
SCADA is designed to operate on a much broader scale since it can monitor
and collect information from every output of a system. A PLC, on the other
hand, will only focus on monitoring only one element within the system
Because these technologies are so different, it’s easy to think that PLC and
SCADA aren’t connected. However, the association between the two
technologies are crucial. Both PLCs and SCADA are used within the same
industrial context.
This means that the two work together to support safe and effective
operation within a plant. SCADA can be looked upon as the broad software
structure that supports the overall system. Whereas PLCs operate within the
system that SCADA oversees.
The PLCs require SCADA to control their operation, whereas the SCADA
needs the data collected by the PLCs to do this job effectively.
For instance, if the system is monitoring a piece of machinery, the PLC may
retrieve data that suggests there too much vibration. The PLC will send this
data to the SCADA software, which will then inspect the readout data and
decide whether adjustments must be made to the operation of the system. If
change is needed, SCADA will send the instruction back to the PLCs, which
will then enable the change

Chapter 4 Control Methodology

4.1 Control Methodology

This chapter discusses the practical side of the project. Firstly, the control
method used secondly, hardware and software for SCADA system design
and finally the operation of the process.

Control systems apply artificial means to change the behavior of a system.
The type of control problem often determines the type of control system that
can be used. Each controller will be designed to meet a specific objective.
The major types of control are shown in Figure(30) below.

Figure 17 Control Dichotomy

In continuous control the variables and parameters are continuous and

analogue; in discrete control the variables and parameters are discrete—
mostly in binary format.

4.2 general idea about project

In this project, a prototype illustrating the Elevator process. The process is
completely monitored using (GUI) user graphic interface and it may be
stopped or controlled through SCADA.

4.3 Project Components

The components of the project are divided into two main divisions and they
are as follow:

4.3.1 The body of our elevator

The body consists of: allmunimum rods, the cabin, cables, power supply, dc
motor, speed govern and.

The Body
The Body consists of aluminum rods

Figure 18 aluminum rods

First of all we start assembling our body with these rods like shown in figure
(19) below

Figure 19 assembling the body

Where the body contains several components as follows:
 The cabin :
It’s the main point of the elevator
Firstly we assembled the cabin with the aluminum rods and then
And it have 4 motors to open up the door. Four of these motors connected with 2
tiny gears with belt drive two above the door and two below the door First we
tried to open the door with 2 motors as shown in figure (22) but we failed so we
tried with 4 motors and it worked perfectly.

Figure 20 assembling the cabin

Figure 21 belt drive, motors, and gears

As shown in figure (21) above we connected the 2 motors

Figure 22 assembling the door in the cabin

In figure (22) where we noticed that 2 motors above the door isn’t enough so we had to
think our way out of this problem we added 2 more motors under the door as shown in
figure (23) below to make the door opening and closing mechanism more smother .

Figure 23 adding motors under the cabin

Making railway as shown in figure (24) in the body with the another aluminum rods to
make the cabin run easier up and down

Figure 24 railway with aluminum rods

Also we thought about the buttons inside the cabin and how is the cabin is small and cant
fit 4 push buttons inside so we made simulated buttons like shown in figure (25) below

Figure 25 the inside of cabin push buttons

 Sensors
 Proximity sensor

Proximity sensor sense the car when it reach the wanted floor to stop by it, the
sensing distance from 0 to 0.4 mm.

Figure 26 proximity sensor

Figure 27 The way the inductive sensor works

 Limit switches
Limit switches are used to help stop the car at the destined floor as well

Figure 28 limit switches

 Push buttons

Six switches used to choose the floor, wither it goes up or down.

Figure 29 push buttons

 MOTOR and speed governor
A DC motor used to move the conveyor belt through which juice bottles running
The motor has the following characteristics:
SPEED: 50 RPM (Revolution per minute)

Figure 30 Dc motor

Figure 31 dc motor and speed governor

 LED Lamps and Alarm

Two LED lamps were used to determine the state of the system. If the system is on or
off, in case of alarm the integrated LED Buzzer is generated. These lamps and the
LED buzzer operate at 24 volts DC. They are controlled by the programmed logic

Figure 32 LEDs and alarms

Control Board
It contains the controller (PLC) and relays, it is responsible for controlling the entire
process, and the CPU used is (Sematic step 7-300) (CPU315 2-DP) the specifications of
the device is shown below:
- CPU 315-2DP

The device is powered by a source of 220 VAC

 Relays

A relay is an electrically operated switch, Relays are used where it is necessary to control
a circuit by a separate low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by
one signal, and a relay is used to switch on a high-powered circuit with a low current.
This project used four relays, two of them were used to open and close the door of the
car, two relays for switching direction of the DC motor, note that the voltage of the coil is
24 volts DC to be controlled by the PLC.

Figure 33 relay

 Connection Cable (MPI)

The cable is used to transfer data from the computer to the console after writing the
program and the cable that was used:
MPI (MULTI POINT INTERFACE) This type of cable is characterized by the amount of
data transfer from the computer to the controller because of a medium that translates the
data to be prepared for reading by the computer on the program in which programming
the following figure shows a picture of the cable:

Figure 34 connection cable

Power supply

The unit responsible for supplying the system with electric power, two types of voltage
were used, 3.3v and 12v that were produced from a 12 volt DC source, the first supplies
the mixer, and the other supplies the motor and the pumps because they are working on
12 volt DC.

Figure 35 power supply

Wiring and connecting

Wiring and connecting every part of the elevator with and wires and cables motors,
sensors, limit switches, relays and power suppl.

Figure 36 connecting cables

Figure 37 wiring the body

Part 2: code & software


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