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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Kelas : III (Tiga) Nomor :
Hari / Tanggal : Sabtu, 03 Juni 2023 MI :
1. Nanda : Good morning, Mila?
Mila : … Nanda
a. good afternoon b. good night c. good morning d. good bye
2. I am hungry. I need some .…
a. food b. drink c. rest d. sleep
3. Farida is sleepy. She needs to ….
a. food b. drink c. study d. sleep
4. Yoga : How are you Nisa?
Nisa : I am sick. I need to ….
a. drink some water b. study c. see a doctor d. eat some meal
5. I am tired. I need to ….
a. eat b. study c. drink d. rest
6. I am thirsty. I need ….
a. jacket b. some water c. some food d. medicine
7. I have got a cut in my hand. I need a ….
a. bandage b. food c. sleep d. drink
8. I have exams. I need to …. meal b. study c. drink some water d. take rest
9. Santi : How much do you weigh?
Irwan : I weigh … kilograms.
a. forty-two b. forty-three c. forty-four d. forty-five
10. My name is Maya. I weigh … kilograms.
a. twenty-six b. twenty-seven c. twenty-eight d. twenty-nine
11. My friend is fat. He weighs thirty-six kilograms. The underlined word means ….
a. tiga puluh enam b. tiga puluh lima c. empat puluh enam d. empat puluh
12. Risa : Do you …. Everyday? (berdo’a)
Vanessa : Yes, I do
a. pray b. play c. study d. wake up
13. Farida takes a bath in the ….
a. kitchen b. garden c. bathroom d. bedroom
14. Dona wakes up at 04.30 a.m. Wakes up in Bahasa Indonesia means ….
a. tidur b. sarapan c. mandi d. bangun tidur
15. How tall are you? I am … centimeters tall. (140 cm)
a. one hundred and ten c. one hundred and twenty

Bahasa Inggris/PAT/III/MI.NH/2022-2023 1
b. one hundred and thirty d. one hundred and forty

16. My brother’s tall is one hundred and sixty centimeters. The underlined word
means ….
a. 180 b. 170 c. 160 d. 150
17. It is … o’clock
a. six b. seven c. eight d. nine

18. What time do you go to school? I go to school at ….

a. 06.30 ` b. 07.30 c. 08.30 d. 09.30
19. Aminah: What time is it?
Ardi : It is ….
a. a quarter to eleven b. a quarter past eleven
b. a quarter to twelve d. a quarter past twelve
20. The students like to play football in the ….
a. toilet b. canteen c. library d. school yard

21. There are bicycles and motorcycles in the….

a. parking area b. classroom c. library d. canteen

22. We can borrow books in the….

a. toilet b. canteen c. library d. school yard

23. My classroom is large. Large in bahasa Indonesia means ….

a. indah b. bersih c. sempit d. luas

24. What room is that?

a. classroom b. canteen c. library d. toilet

25. We can buy drink and food in the ….

a. toilet b. canteen c. library d. school yard

II. Fill the blanks below with right answers!

26. I am hungry, I need some ….
27. Laila : Good afternoon, Rahma?
Rahma : … Beni, nice to meet you.
28. I have exams. I need to ….
29. I am tired I need to ….
30. A: What time is it?
B: … a quarter to ten.
31. I always . . . at school everyday. (belajar)
32. I weigh … kilograms. (28 Kg)
33. She is … centimeters tall. (110 cm)
34. Ida : What time is it?
Bahasa Inggris/PAT/III/MI.NH/2022-2023 2
Arga : It is ….
35. My classroom is tidy. Tidy in Bahasa Indonesia means ….


36. Mention the time!

a. It is …. b. It is ….
37. Mention 3 names of places/rooms in your school!
38. a-student-am-I. The best arranggement is ….
39. Translate into bahasa Indonesia!
a. This is my classroom: b. what time is it?:
40. Convert these numbers into words!
a. 42: b. 53:

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Answer Key PAT English Kelas 3


1. C 11. A 21. A

2. A 12. A 22. C

3. D 13. C 23. D

4. C 14. D 24. A

5. D 15. D 25. B

6. B 16. C

7. A 17. D

8. B 18. A

9. D 19. B

10. C 20. D

II. Isian

26. food study

27. Good morning Thirty-seven

28. study One hundred and twenty

29. Sleep/rest A quarter past nine

30. It is bersih

III. Uraian

36. a. Ten past ten b. seven o’clock

37. Classroom, canteen, school yard (KG)

38. I am a student

39. a. Ini ruang kelasku b. Pukul berapa sekarang?

40. a. Twenty-three b. forty-seven

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