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Grammar Presenttense review! Present perfect simple review Vocabulary Book review| Things We read Challenge’ Review andtalksbouta book Interaction Recommending book Writing Abookreview READING 1 @@pWorkin pairs. Look at the covers of the books. Then 2 bRead the website quickly and note in which books discuss the questions. you can find the following characters: What can you see on the covers? Who wrote them? What do you think they are about? Have you read any of them in yourlanguage? Estella Holden Lily Phoebe Pip Rosaleen ETHAN'S BOOK PAGE My top coming-of-age novels ‘Coming-of-age novels explore that difficult journey all of us teenagers have to make to become an adult. These are some of my favourites: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Published in 1951, this is stil the greatest coming-of-age novel ever written, The main character is Holden Caulfield. Like most 17-year-olds (including me], he doesn't know ‘what to do with his life. But one thing is clear. He wants to avoid anything ‘phony’ or fake. He doesn't want to be like all the phony people he sees around him. The only person he really loves and can talk to is his younger sister Phoebe, Salinger didn'tallow a film of his novel to be made, Even so, The Catcher in the Rye has sold 65 million copies around the world! This book can change the way you look lene. at the world. gue. Mor ¢ The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd . This isn’t the kind of book | normally read (the narrator is a girl), but friend Sect recommended it. This 2002 novel is setin the USA in the 1960s and it tells the story te of Lily Owen, 2 white gil in the racially divided south, Her father treats her badly, hs but she's a survivor. With the family's black servant Rosaleen, Lily goes on a quest to - S discover the identity of her dead mother. On the journey, she meets three strange Bee beekeepers who help her to grow up and be at peace with her history. The Secret Life of Bees has sold 6 million copies and a flm wes made in 2008. 'm ee reading this book at the moment — and I'm loving it! Great Expectations by Charles Dickens This is an old book (published in 1860), but its brillant, At the beginning, the orphan boy Pip is ving with his bullying sister and her husband, But his life changes forever ‘when he meets a terrifying escaped convict called Magnitch, The plot is exciting and there are some unforgettable characters, such as the eccentric Miss Havisham and the beautiful Estella. Pipis given a fortune by an unknown donor and becomes a gentlemian, However, money can bring unhappiness ~ by the end cof the story, he is a wiser but sadder man, ‘There are at least nine fims of Great Expectations! _ So what are you reading? Let me know! 3 Read the website and write the names of the characters. Who. 1_.isliving with his sister and brother-in-law at the beginning of the story? leaves home with the family servant? doesn't have a clearidea of what he wants to do? isa man who has escaped from prison? is the only person her brother can talk to? loses happiness but gains wisdom? 4. Read the website again and answer the questions. 1 Which isthe oldest book? When was it published? 2 Which two novels are set in the USA? 3. Why hasn‘ta film been made of The Catcher in the Rye? 4 Why do you think Magwitch is terrifying’? 5 What does Lily want to find out? 6 Which novel has a happy ending? 5. Read Word Zone. Then write recommendations for these things. afest food restaurant afilm asong avideo game awebsite recommend this website it has very useful information init PT recommend roe We use recommend to tell someone that something is good and to suggest they try it. J recommended The Catcher in the Rye to my friend. J really recommend watching The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey. ‘My teacher recommended that join my local brary, 6 @@pAsk and answer the questions with your partner. © What isthe last novel you have read? Who are the main characters? Where isit set? Did you enjoy it? Why/ Why not? Would you recommend it? © Would you choose to read any of the books mentioned in Ethan's blog? Why / Why not? Whats the lst novel ‘youhave read? The ast novel have read has been The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas it was relly interesting pacman VOCABULARY _) Book review 7 Match the book covers with four ofthe genres. adventure story autobiography biography classicnovel crimenovel fantasynovel graphic novel historical novel horrorstory non-fiction book romance sciencefiction story 8 Write sentences about your favourite genres. ‘My favourite sort of books is thrillers. 9 @@p in groups, share your opinions about books. 10 Read the r ‘When was itwritten? Whereisitset? Whois the narrator? Whatis the plot about? jiew and answer these questions. Who isthe author? What does thetitle refer to? Whetis he like? Why does the reviewer like the book? What isthe reviewer's favourite part? Whois the main character? BOOK OF THE WEEK The Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time The Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is @ murder mystery novel, which was written by Mark Haddon and published in 2003. The novel i etn England in the 19805, but the title refers to a Sherlock Holmes story, The narrator is the ‘ain character, a 15-year-old autistic boy called Christopher. After he is blamed for the death of his neighbours dog, he decides to investigate the mystery. The plat follows Christopher's investigations and adventures. The reader has to understand the vents from Christopher's point of view. Because he is autistic, he doesn't understand basic emotions very well, but he is very ‘analytical lke the detective Sherlock Holmes. iy favourite partis ‘when Christopher goes on his own to London to find his mother ‘and gets lost there. Ths is avery funny but moving novel, whi recommend for older teens and adults. Hes PY We use the present simple to talk about regular actions, habits and routines, and to describe permanent situations and facts. ‘ive in Belgium. Kyle plays tennis once a week. ‘We use the present continuous to talk about activities in progress at the time of speaking, and about temporary situations. We often contrast it with the present simple. ‘i'm sitting onthe bus. Where are you? We're living in Berlin this year, but we usually live in London, Inspoken English, on the internet and in text ‘messages, ie and love are used with the present continuous. tis common but informal Fr foving it! _ 1 Complete the dialogue with the present simple orthe present continuous. Lucy: Hey,Josh.' .. want) to meetup later?Vd like you to meet my cousin Bella from America, Josh: Sure... she... (stay) with you at the moment? Lucy: Not quite yet. Her plane landed about three hours ‘ago. |2.. (wait) for herat the station. Josh: Whats. Bella. (do) now?®... she. (look for) ajob? Lucy: No, she's at college. She *...(study) Literature and Film, Well, she”... Say)"movies'! Josh: Cool, Hey, Lucy. Which station are you in atthe moment? Lucy: Paddington Josh: That's amazing! Because I'm here, too! ®..(stand)in a queue at the ticket office. |»... (need) a new travel card, Where’... you. (stand)? We can meetup. Lucy:|'m on Platform 4, What ".. YOU . (wear)? Josh: Um, |... (wear) a black leather jacket and a blue cap. You can't miss me! 2 @@ write questions to ask your partner. 1. What time /usually /get up? What time do you usually get up? How /go/toschool? What /study//this year? What /have//for lunch? How often /see friends /during the week? What /read/at the moment? What / usually /do /at the weekend? You / play /any sports/ these days? What films /like watching? a B= 3. GW interview your partner. Ask follow-up questions and note the answers. ‘What time do you usually get up? ‘Atquarter to seven. What about at the weekend? 4. Write about your partner. ‘Sara gets up at quarter to seven during the week. However, she ‘gets up after ten oclock on Sundays! FY We usually use the present simple to talk about books and film plots. Jn the middle of his 121° birthday part, Bilbo Baggins puts on his ring and disappears. ‘The historic presenti also used for newspaper headlines. | sur sinks in. Sydney harbour 5 Read the book review and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form. My reading | This week’ book is Te Kila | Mockingbird by Harper lee. 1. normally {not like historical books, but this novel is incredibly powerful. The story... (ake) place ‘ove! a tneey20" period in he 1980s in the USA. The main story 2... focus onthe tril ofa black tron, However, er me he real story is about the man who. (ry) io bring up tree chien on bis own ‘Aaius Finch iso lane wih hwo young chien. The sory told trough the innocent eyes of Scous, his doughter. The sory 5... be) dark and complicated, and Harper lee ®... (show) us a petiod of hisory th! was fl of racism ord inequality. However, ‘Scout ?... (bring) humour to the storytelling, so the book never 2... (gel depressing. My broter cod) is othe moment He has to teod # fr school. Unfornctsly, he. (hate il 6 Complete the sentences about yourself. occasionally. Atthe moment, |. Inever.. These days, | When Ican,1 Inthe evening, Look at the photo and discuss the questions. How do you keep in contact with old friends? Doyou ever use Skype? Why/ Why not? What are the differences between seeing the other person and talking overthe phone? Which do you prefer? Oruisten to the first part of the conversation between ‘Oscarand Daisy and answer the questions. 1 How did Oscarand Daisy get in contact again? 2 Where is Daisy living now? 3. When and why did she go there? OWuisten to the second part of the conversation. Read the questions and choose the correct answers. 1 Daisy livesin Aanapartment B abungalow 2 Compared to school in the UK, Daisy. A findsthelessons B has more C ahouse C finds the lessons moredifficult homework longer 3 Her classmates thinkshe . Ahasaweird- B isdifficultto _C hasacute accent accent understand 4 Her brother is. Aworkingin ——B livingin onamerican TV Hollywood New York 5 Daisysmotheris Ateachingina B teachinginthe C teaching from primary school UK home 6 Daisy is reading lot of old A British novels B American novels C history books Ovtisten again and note your answers to the questions. 1. Why does Daisy like her new home? 2 What does Daisy say are the two main differences between school in the UK and the USA? 3. What is Daisy's brother doing? 4 Why does Oscar ask what Daisyis reading? 5. Read the expressions in Face 2 Face. Can you remember who said them? What were they talking about? GEG just a bit for ages The funny thing is 6 €¥Goto page 146 and put the expressions in Face 2 Face into the dialogues. Listen and check. YOUR TURN TO SPEAK T Look at Express yourself and answer the questions. Which expressions can you use to show you are: === ==> == Ovexpress yourself Responding ‘That's amazing! That's really great You're joking! You poor thing. That'sterrible! Noway! 8 @ Workin pairs. Read the instructions below. ‘Student A: You meet an old friend whoyou haven't seen for three years. You want to find out all about them: write some questions to find out what your friend is doing, ‘here he /she lives, what his/her family is doing, what has changed in his/her life, etc. Student 8: You moved away from your old town three ‘years ago. You naw meet an old schoo! friend. Think about. Where you live now, why you moved there, what you are doing. what the rest of your familys doing, what has changed in your life, etc, 9 @ Now role playa conversation. Student Astarts. Try to use expressions from Express yourself. Then swap roles and role play anew conversation. (2 i Ssseee READING 1 Read the text quickly. What isit about? ‘A How to publish your own book B Ayoung author and her first book € The reason behind the increase in e-book sales Publish it yourself With easier access to technology, more and more people are publishing their own books and ‘self-publishing’ is becoming populer with people of all ages, including teenagers. Mac Bowers lives in Pennsylvania with her father, her brother and sister and her two dogs. Like any other teenager, she goes to school during the day but at nights and in her spare time she writes books. Her dad suggested that Mac publish her book. He gave her some money to help her and he's very proud of her achievements, Published in 2012, Mac's first book is called Running Scared and critics of all ages have praised it. It tells the story of a sixteen-year-old American girl called Morgan Casey. Morgan moves from a big city in California to live in a very small community in Pennsylvania. Morgan knows she needs to make new friends but she is worried about something. Morgan has a secret that she doesn't want to share anyone. ‘On her first day at her new high school Morgan meets Charlie. Charlie is a lively, talkative and friendly boy and they soon become good friends. Charlie talks to Morgan a lot and eventually she tells, Charlie her secret in the hope that he can help her ‘escape her past. However, she regrets it immediately. Its. tense story that keeps you guessing to the very end, Are you feeling inspired? Do you think you can write @ good story? If so, we recommend that you try self- publishing, we can vouch for it! But remember ... you'll probably need some money! Read the text. Write the names of the people and characters, Who 1 isayoung author? 2 moves to Pennsylvania? 3 hasasecret? 4 ischatty and friendly? Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 According tothe text, why are more people publishing their own books? 2 When does Mac Bowers write? 3. Where did Morgan Casey usetto live? 4 When does Morgan meet Charlie? 5. How does Morgan feel when she tells Charlie her secret? ‘Answer the questions with your own opi 1 What doyou think Morgan's secret is? 2 Would you like to read this book? Why / Why not? 5. Search the text for three more words related with recommendations. recommend Write recommendations for these things. Use a verb from exercise 5. 1 abook 2 awebsite 3 agadget 4 apvo 7 WANTTO KNow MORE ? VOCABULARY / Book review ‘Words connected to books 7 Complete the types of novel. 10 Lookat the picture. Label the picture with the correct words from the box. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary. ‘author backcover blurb ebook front cover. hardback paperback publisher spine 8 Match the book genresin the box tothe correct definition. Available in the following formats adventurestory autobiography biography horrorstory eS non-fiction book romance science fiction story 815 . 1a book a person writes about himself or herself 2 a story thatissetin the future, sometimes in space oron another planet. 3 abook about places or events that are real 4 astoryaboutlove 5. ascary or frightening story that can be true or invented Product details 6 abook about a persor’s life that another person writes, ieee eecin 122. —— ’ (February 6, 2012) 7 astory thathas dangerous, exciting, unusual and ; Nan Banlay ineestngevents a a 178-1462089824 9 Choose two book genres from exercises 7 and and write sentences about those genres. Use the words Ul Circle the correct words. below or your own ideas. 1 The design ofthat front cover /spine doesn't make me J enjoy / like /love / don't like / hate... want to read the book. My favourite... books. 2 | always read the blurb / publisher on the back of a book | like / don’t like... because. before | buy a book. |would/ wouldn't recommend... toa friend because 3 | prefer reading back cover / paperback books. 4 Mygrandmother'sgot an ebook/an author. Her eyesight isn'tvery good, so she can read more easily with it. 5 Myfavourite author /blurbis |. Rowling. think she's amazing. 6 KidPub Press isa publisher /an author that publishes books by children and young writers. 7. Front cover / Hardback versions of books are ustally published before any other version and cost more. 8 Thisisa new book. Who isthe ebook publisher? reek Glu fara SCE 9 Thespine/ blurb ofa book usually has the title the author and the publisher. 12 Write sentences using three of the words in exercise 10. Present tense review 1 Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs. Jody: Hi Leon. It’s jody. How are you? Leon: Hi Jody! Good, thanks. Jody: What! you (do) just now? Leon: I?_ (tall) to yout Jody: Ha,ha,veryfunny!s_____ you (study)? Leon: No.1 (do) exercise, believe it or not! Jody: Leon exercising, no way! Leon: Yes, it's true, honest! Anyway, what : you (want)? Jody: 'mso bored! 16 (sit)in my room. 17. (not revise), but my parents think | am. you (fancy) coming into town? Leon: Yeah, sure, Jody: Great! Let's meet at Café Spuntini in about an hour! Leon: Cool. Jody: See you there! 2 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. dofchat getupfleave listen/try notbuy/borrow not like/love notstudy/watch 1 atyam every morning, and | always for school atz4sam. 2 Mysister: to some very loud music at themoment. And! to revise! 31 horror stores, but adventure books. 4 They forthe exam—they DVD. 8 What you just now? you to your fiends? 6 Mybest friend books. Healways them from the library. 3. Look at the pictures. Write sentences with the verbs in the boxin the present simple and the present continuous. gle play read work Y ina € & Sy USUALLY Topay -222° 1 MrStevens usually worksin an office, but today, USUALLY 2 jimandssal Fok USUALLY 7 3 kyle. g = hy Beak TODAY 4 Diana 4 Complete the blog with the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. iia cca iia cca cot the moment? = (watch) TV, surfing the inerel | hating fo your friends on Facebook? 9 IG (not do) ony of those things.1«______—__ (write) g ‘a.graphic novel. Its (take) place in an American school ondits_______(el) he sry ofa group offriends.|»= i (not reveal) ony more details about the characters or the © plot nowt (rou) al she illustrations [ nysoll ond s_ _ (bublsh it nyse foo! 2 Weich his space @ e = i LISTENING Neal 1 Match the words with their definitions. Use the dictionary you need to. housing estate being obsessed with creativity protagonist Cor Publication date course along way off when book comes out the main characterin a book or film far inthe future the art of being innovative and original thinking about something al the time the number ofbooks printed H lessons yau take regularly oO umone> erauaene 2. G@iListen to five speakers. Answerthe questions. 1 What does Gregar do every summer? 2 Whatis Matt passionate about? 3 What genres Scarlets favourite novel? A. What is Sean's ideal job? 5 What does Erin find difficult? ‘a group of houses builtin the same place atthe same time Gisten again and match the five speakers to statements A-F. There is one extra statement you do not need to use. Gregor Matt Scarlett Sean erin lesa really good read. Itwaswaritten by an trish author called john Boyne in 2006, Ididn't really enjoy it meet other young people from all over Scotland ‘The film didn’t disappoint. I suspect that's long wey offthough! ammooe> TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4 Answerthe questions. 1 What kind of books does lan McLaren write? 2 Where are lan McLaren's books set? 3 What does Matt learn about Robin van Persie's parents? . 4 Who isthe main characterin Scarlett’s favourite book? 5. Whatis Sean doing outside school to help him wi future career? his 6 How does Erin describe the book and film she mentions? Write these sentences in your language. 1 According to my friends, 'm justa bit obsessed with football! 2 haven't seen you for ages! 3 The funny thingis, | don’tthink ma very good writer.

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